1000 resultados para ABT-510


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The mechanisms sustaining high blood pressure in conscious one-kidney, one-clip Goldblatt rats were evaluated with the use of SK&F 64139, a phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase inhibitor capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and of captopril, an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. The rats were studied 3 weeks after left renal artery clipping and contralateral nephrectomy. During the developmental phase of hypertension, two groups of rats were maintained on a regular salt (RNa) intake, whereas two other groups were given a low salt (LNa) diet. On the day of the experiment, the base-line mean blood pressure measured in the LNa rats (177.4 +/- 5.2 mm Hg, mean +/- S.E., n = 15) was similar to that measured in the RNa rats (178.7 +/- 5.4 mm Hg, n = 16). SK&F 64139 (12.5 mg p.o.) induced a significantly more pronounced (P less than .001) blood pressure decrease in the RNa rats (-25.6 +/- 3.6 mm Hg, n = 8) than in the LNa rats (-4.3 +/- 3.3 mm Hg, n = 7) during a 90-min observation period. On the other hand, captopril (10 mg p.o.) normalized blood pressure in LNa rats (n = 8), but produced only a 13.4 mm Hg blood pressure drop in RNa rats (n = 8). RNa rats treated with SK&F 64139 were found to have decreased phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase activity by an average 80% in selected brain stem nuclei when compared with nontreated rats. No significant difference in plasma catecholamine levels was found between the RNa and LNa rats. These results suggest that, in this experimental model of hypertension, the sodium ion might increase the model of hypertension, the sodium ion might increase the vasoconstrictor contribution of the sympathetic system via a centrally mediated neurogenic mechanism while at the same time it decreases the renin-dependency of the high blood pressure.


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The Jurassic (approximately 145 Ma) Nambija oxidized gold skarns are hosted by the Triassic volcanosedimentary Piuntza unit in the sub-Andean zone of southeastern Ecuador. The skarns consist dominantly of granditic garnet (Ad(20-98)) with subordinate pyroxene (Di(46-92)Hd(17-42)Jo(0-19)) and epidote and are spatially associated with porphyritic quartz-diorite to granodiorite intrusions. Endoskarn is developed at the intrusion margins and grades inwards into a potassic alteration zone. Exoskarn has an outer K- and Na-enriched zone in the volcanosedimentary unit. Gold mineralization is associated with the weakly developed retrograde alteration of the exoskarn and occurs mainly in sulfide-poor vugs and milky quartz veins and veinlets in association with hematite. Fluid inclusion data for the main part of the prograde stage indicate the coexistence of high-temperature (500A degrees C to > 600A degrees C), high-salinity (up to 65 wt.% eq. NaCl), and moderate- to low-salinity aqueous-carbonic fluids interpreted to have been trapped at pressures around 100-120 MPa, corresponding to about 4-km depth. Lower-temperature (510-300A degrees C) and moderate- to low-salinity (23-2 wt.% eq. NaCl) aqueous fluids are recorded in garnet and epidote of the end of the prograde stage. The microthermometric data (Th from 513A degrees C to 318A degrees C and salinity from 1.0 to 23 wt.% eq. NaCl) and delta(18)O values between 6.2aEuro degrees and 11.5aEuro degrees for gold-bearing milky quartz from the retrograde stage suggest that the ore-forming fluid was dominantly magmatic. Pressures during the early retrograde stage were in the range of 50-100 MPa, in line with the evidence for CO(2) effervescence and probable local boiling. The dominance of magmatic low-saline to moderately saline oxidizing fluids during the retrograde stage is consistent with the depth of the skarn system, which could have delayed the ingression of external fluids until relatively low temperatures were reached. The resulting low water-to-rock ratios explain the weak retrograde alteration and the compositional variability of chlorite, essentially controlled by host rock compositions. Gold was precipitated at this stage as a result of cooling and pH increase related to CO(2) effervescence, which both result in destabilization of gold-bearing chloride complexes. Significant ingression of external fluids took place after gold deposition only, as recorded by delta(18)O values of 0.4aEuro degrees to 6.2aEuro degrees for fluids depositing quartz (below 350A degrees C) in sulfide-rich barren veins. Low-temperature (< 300A degrees C) meteoric fluids (delta(18)O(water) between -10.0aEuro degrees and -2.0aEuro degrees) are responsible for the precipitation of late comb quartz and calcite in cavities and veins and indicate mixing with cooler fluids of higher salinities (about 100A degrees C and 25 wt.% eq. NaCl). The latter are similar to low-temperature fluids (202-74.5A degrees C) with delta(18)O values of -0.5aEuro degrees to 3.1aEuro degrees and salinities in the range of 21.1 to 17.3 wt.% eq. CaCl(2), trapped in calcite of late veins and interpreted as basinal brines. Nambija represents a deep equivalent of the oxidized gold skarn class, the presence of CO(2) in the fluids being partly a consequence of the relatively deep setting at about 4-km depth. As in other Au-bearing skarn deposits, not only the prograde stage but also the gold-precipitating retrograde stage is dominated by fluids of magmatic origin.


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Comprend : Lettres du roy et de la reine-mère au parlement de Paris, au sujet du tumulte arrivé à la porte Sainct-Anthoine de cette Ville, et arrests donnez par cette cour par rapport à ce tumulte et à celui arrivé à Sainct-Médard ; Arret du parlement de Paris, portant qu'il sera fait une procession générale pour l'expiation des sacrilèges commis par les Huguenots dans l'église de Sainct-Médard ; Discours faits dans le parlement de Paris par le duc de Guise et le connétable de Montmorency, sur l'enregistrement de la déclaration du 11 d'avril 1562, sur le tumulte de Vassy, et sur ce qui est arrivé depuis ; Lettre de Catherine de Médicis au cardinal de Chastillon ; Lettre du seigneur baron des Adretz à la Roine-Mère, touchant la mort de La Motte-Gondrin ; Discours des premiers troubles advenus à Lyon, avec l'Apologie pour la ville de Lyon, contre le libelle faucement intitulé : "La Juste et saincte défence de la ville de Lyon", par M. Gabriel de Saconay,... ; Discours sur le saccagement des églises catholiques, par les hérétiques anciens et nouveaux calvinistes, en l'an 1562... par F. Claude de Sainctes,... ; Discours des guerres de la comté de Venayscin et de la Provence, ensemble quelques incidentz... / par le seigneur Loys de Perussiis,...


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BACKGROUND AND METHODS: The objectives of this article were to systematically describe and examine the novel roles and responsibilities assumed by nurses in a forensic consultation for victims of violence at a University Hospital in French-speaking Switzerland. Utilizing a case study methodology, information was collected from two main sources: (a) discussion groups with nurses and forensic pathologists and (b) a review of procedures and protocols. Following a critical content analysis, the roles and responsibilities of the forensic nurses were described and compared with the seven core competencies of advanced nursing practice as outlined by Hamric, Spross, and Hanson (2009). RESULTS: Advanced nursing practice competencies noted in the analysis included "direct clinical practice," "coaching and guidance," and "collaboration." The role of the nurse in terms of "consultation," "leadership," "ethics," and "research" was less evident in the analysis. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: New forms of nursing are indeed practiced in the forensic clinical setting, and our findings suggest that nursing practice in this domain is following the footprints of an advanced nursing practice model. Further reflections are required to determine whether the role of the forensic nurse in Switzerland should be developed as a clinical nurse specialist or that of a nurse practitioner.


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Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 510


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Vinte e cinco cultivares de milho (Zea mays L.) foram avaliadas, em 1994, em doze ambientes, na Região Nordeste do Brasil, em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, objetivando conhecer sua adaptabilidade e estabilidade de produção, em diferentes condições ambientais. Foram detectados efeitos significativos quanto a ambientes, cultivares e interação cultivares x ambientes, na análise de variância conjunta, e foram evidenciadas diferenças marcantes entre os ambientes, as cultivares e respostas das cultivares com relação às variações ambientais. Os híbridos mostraram melhor desempenho produtivo que as variedades, produzindo, em média, 22,5% mais em relação à média das variedades. Apenas os híbridos Cargill 505 e AG 510 mostraram baixa adaptabilidade a ambientes desfavoráveis, com respostas positivas à melhoria do ambiente. Considerando a média das variedades, a CMS 39 ajustou-se mais ao genótipo ideal proposto pelo modelo. Nenhum dos materiais estudados mostrou coeficiente de determinação (R²) inferior a 80%, o que confere a todos eles uma boa estabilidade de produção.


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Dezesseis cultivares de milho foram avaliadas em treze ambientes dos tabuleiros costeiros do Nordeste brasileiro, no período de 1994/95, em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, visando conhecer o potencial dessa região para a produção do milho e a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade desses materiais para recomendação. As produtividades médias alcançadas, especialmente com os híbridos, mostraram o grande potencial dessa faixa costeira do Nordeste para a produção do milho, sobressaindo os tabuleiros costeiros do Piauí, Sergipe e Bahia, onde o milho poderá se tornar uma grande alternativa para os produtores. A análise de variância conjunta mostrou diferenças entre os locais e as cultivares, e a inconsistência das cultivares em face das variações ambientais. Usou-se o método de Cruz et al. para atenuar o efeito da interação cultivares x ambientes, de modo a permitir uma recomendação com mais segurança. Os híbridos mostraram melhor adaptação que as variedades e populações, e são recomendados para exploração em ambientes mais tecnificados. O AG 510, por mostrar adaptação em ambiente desfavorável, é também recomendado para esta condição. As variedades BR 5011, BR 5028, BR 106 e BR 5033, de bons rendimentos, constituem alternativas importantes para pequenos e médios produtores de milho.


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O principal problema da cajucultura no Brasil é a baixa produtividade dos pomares, atualmente menos de 220 kg ha-1,de castanha, razão pela qual a prioridade é a obtenção de novas cultivares. Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados da avaliação de 30 clones de cajueiro (incluindo quatro testemunhas), em regime de sequeiro, efetuada entre abril de 1990 e fevereiro de 1997, na Estação Experimental de Pacajus, CE, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e quatro plantas/parcela, com espaços de 7 x 7 m. Os resultados mostraram que os clones CAP 01, CAP 05 e CAP 12, com altura mais de 70% superior aos 2,4 m médios das testemunhas, são de porte intermediário entre os tipos comum e anãoprecoce. O diâmetro da copa dos clones CAP 10, CAP 06 e CAP 26 foi superior em mais de 63% aos 4,8 m médios das testemunhas; os clones CAP 02, CAP 07, CAP 24 e CAP 25 foram os de menor envergadura. A produção dos clones CAP 12, CAP 18 e CAP 26 foi, respectivamente, de 1.510, 1.281 e 1.262 kg ha-1 de castanhas, no quinto ano, ou seja, 175% maior do que a testemunha mais produtiva, e o CAP 12 e o CAP 18 foram os mais regulares quanto a este caráter. O peso da amêndoa variou de 1,9 a 3,2 g, com 16 clones apresentando amêndoas superiores a 2,5 g (as de maior preço no mercado internacional de nozes). Quatro clones apresentaram rendimento de amêndoa acima dos 28% da melhor testemunha (são obtidos 22% na indústria brasileira), e os clones CAP 11, CAP 06 e CAP 05 apresentaram menos de 2% de amêndoas quebradas. Os resultados apontaram os clones CAP 26 e CAP 06 como os mais promissores.


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Primary roots of intact maize seedlings (cv. LG11) were pretreated when kept vertically (1 or 2 in the dark) with a droplet of buffer solution containing ABA (at different concentrations) applied to the root tip. Then, apical root segments were prepared and placed horizontally in both light and darkness. The downward curvature was measured. In the light, curvature was greater than in darkness and ABA (5×10−5 mol·dm−3) significantly enhanced the curvature in both darkness and light. The amplitude of the increase in the gravireaction was found to be dependent on the ABA concentration and the duration of the pretreatment.