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Pour être performant au plus haut niveau, les athlètes doivent posséder une capacité perceptivo-cognitive supérieure à la moyenne. Cette faculté, reflétée sur le terrain par la vision et l’intelligence de jeu des sportifs, permet d’extraire l’information clé de la scène visuelle. La science du sport a depuis longtemps observé l’expertise perceptivo-cognitive au sein de l’environnement sportif propre aux athlètes. Récemment, des études ont rapporté que l’expertise pouvait également se refléter hors de ce contexte, lors d’activités du quotidien par exemple. De plus, les récentes théories entourant la capacité plastique du cerveau ont amené les chercheurs à développer des outils pour entraîner les capacités perceptivo-cognitives des athlètes afin de les rendre plus performants sur le terrain. Ces méthodes sont la plupart du temps contextuelles à la discipline visée. Cependant, un nouvel outil d’entraînement perceptivo-cognitif, nommé 3-Dimensional Multiple Object Tracking (3D-MOT) et dénué de contexte sportif, a récemment vu le jour et a fait l’objet de nos recherches. Un de nos objectifs visait à mettre en évidence l’expertise perceptivo-cognitive spécifique et non-spécifique chez des athlètes lors d’une même étude. Nous avons évalué la perception du mouvement biologique chez des joueurs de soccer et des non-athlètes dans une salle de réalité virtuelle. Les sportifs étaient systématiquement plus performants en termes d’efficacité et de temps de réaction que les novices pour discriminer la direction du mouvement biologique lors d’un exercice spécifique de soccer (tir) mais également lors d’une action issue du quotidien (marche). Ces résultats signifient que les athlètes possèdent une meilleure capacité à percevoir les mouvements biologiques humains effectués par les autres. La pratique du soccer semble donc conférer un avantage fondamental qui va au-delà des fonctions spécifiques à la pratique d’un sport. Ces découvertes sont à mettre en parallèle avec la performance exceptionnelle des athlètes dans le traitement de scènes visuelles dynamiques et également dénuées de contexte sportif. Des joueurs de soccer ont surpassé des novices dans le test de 3D-MOT qui consiste à suivre des cibles en mouvement et stimule les capacités perceptivo-cognitives. Leur vitesse de suivi visuel ainsi que leur faculté d’apprentissage étaient supérieures. Ces résultats confirmaient des données obtenues précédemment chez des sportifs. Le 3D-MOT est un test de poursuite attentionnelle qui stimule le traitement actif de l’information visuelle dynamique. En particulier, l’attention sélective, dynamique et soutenue ainsi que la mémoire de travail. Cet outil peut être utilisé pour entraîner les fonctions perceptivo-cognitives des athlètes. Des joueurs de soccer entraînés au 3D-MOT durant 30 sessions ont montré une amélioration de la prise de décision dans les passes de 15% sur le terrain comparés à des joueurs de groupes contrôles. Ces données démontrent pour la première fois un transfert perceptivo-cognitif du laboratoire au terrain suivant un entraînement perceptivo-cognitif non-contextuel au sport de l’athlète ciblé. Nos recherches aident à comprendre l’expertise des athlètes par l’approche spécifique et non-spécifique et présentent également les outils d’entraînements perceptivo-cognitifs, en particulier le 3D-MOT, pour améliorer la performance dans le sport de haut-niveau.


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The purpose of this investigation was to identify differences in end range of motion (ROM) kinetic and kinematic strategies between highly resistance and vertical jump-trained athletes and controls. Weightlifters (WL: n 4), short track speed skaters (STSS: n 5), and nonresistance-trained controls (C: n 6) performed 6 standing vertical squat jumps (SJ) and countermovement jumps (CMJ) without external resistance. Jump testing was performed using 3-dimensional marker trajectories captured with a 15-camera motion analysis system synchronized with 2 in-ground force plates. During SJ, there were large effects for the difference in time before toe off of peak vertical velocity between WL to STSS and C (ES: -1.43; ES: -1.73, respectively) and for the decrease between peak and toe off vertical velocity (ES: -1.28; ES: -1.71, respectively). During CMJ, there were large effects for the difference in time before toe off of peak vertical velocity between WL to STSS and C (ES: -1.28; ES: -1.53, respectively) and for decrease between peak and toe off vertical velocity (ES: -1.03; ES: -1.59, respectively). Accompanying these differences for both jump types were large effects for time of joint deceleration before toe off for all lower body joints between WL compared with C with large effects between WL and STSS at the hip and between STSS and C at the ankle. These findings suggest that the end ROM kinetic and kinematic strategy used during jumping is group-specific in power-trained athletes, with WL exhibiting superior strategies as compared with resistance- and jump-trained STSS.


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A fundamental premise in cloud computing is trying to provide a more sophisticated computing resource sharing capability. In order to provide better allocation, the Dominant Resource Fairness (DRF) approach has been developed to address the "fair resource allocation problem" at the application layer for multi-tenant cloud applications. Nevertheless conventional DRF only considers the interplay of CPU and memory, which may result in over allocation of resources to one tenant's application to the detriment of others. In this paper, we propose an improved DRF algorithm with 3-dimensional demand vector to support disk resources as the third dominant shared resource, enhancing fairer resource sharing. Our technique is integrated with LINUX 'group' controls resource utilisation and realises data isolation to avoid undesirable interactions between co-located tasks. Our method ensures all tenants receive system resources fairly, which improves overall utilisation and throughput as well as reducing traffic in an over-crowded system. We evaluate the performance of different types of workload using different algorithms and compare ours to the default algorithm. Results show an increase of 15% resource utilisation and a reduction of 59% completion time on average, indicating that our DRF algorithm provides a better, smoother, fairer high-performance resource allocation scheme for both continuous workloads and batch jobs.


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In this study, the photocatalytic decolorization and mineralization of Remazol Black B (RBB), an azo reactive dye, in aqueous solutions was investigated using UV/H2O2/ZnO, UV/H2O2/TiO2 and UV/H2O2/ZnO:TiO2 systems. ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles were loaded on 3-dimensional polyethylene terephthalate fabrics (spacer fabrics). Morphology of the spacer fabrics and the presence of the nanoparticles were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), respectively. Furthermore, the effects of key operational parameters on the efficiency of the decolorization were investigated. These parameters included initial pH value, initial hydrogen peroxide concentration, initial dye concentration, the loaded nanoparticle ratio and the presence of anions (sulfate, chloride and bicarbonate). Zero-, first- and second-order reaction kinetics were evaluated. Complete decolorization and high efficient mineralization with 90% total organic carbon (TOC) reduction were achieved at 120min treatment in the case of ZnO:TiO2 under optimum condition. The results proved that the novel heterogeneous photocatalytic process is capable of decolorizing and mineralizing azo reactive dyes in textile wastewater.


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 This thesis directly validated methods of estimating energetic gain and energetic expenditure in diving seals and sea lions. Results showed that head-mounted accelerometers and dive behaviour can predict foraging behaviour and energetic gain. In contrast, 3-dimensional body movement was unable to reliably predict energetic expenditure of diving pinnipeds.


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A camera maps 3-dimensional (3D) world space to a 2-dimensional (2D) image space. In the process it loses the depth information, i.e., the distance from the camera focal point to the imaged objects. It is impossible to recover this information from a single image. However, by using two or more images from different viewing angles this information can be recovered, which in turn can be used to obtain the pose (position and orientation) of the camera. Using this pose, a 3D reconstruction of imaged objects in the world can be computed. Numerous algorithms have been proposed and implemented to solve the above problem; these algorithms are commonly called Structure from Motion (SfM). State-of-the-art SfM techniques have been shown to give promising results. However, unlike a Global Positioning System (GPS) or an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) which directly give the position and orientation respectively, the camera system estimates it after implementing SfM as mentioned above. This makes the pose obtained from a camera highly sensitive to the images captured and other effects, such as low lighting conditions, poor focus or improper viewing angles. In some applications, for example, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) inspecting a bridge or a robot mapping an environment using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), it is often difficult to capture images with ideal conditions. This report examines the use of SfM methods in such applications and the role of combining multiple sensors, viz., sensor fusion, to achieve more accurate and usable position and reconstruction information. This project investigates the role of sensor fusion in accurately estimating the pose of a camera for the application of 3D reconstruction of a scene. The first set of experiments is conducted in a motion capture room. These results are assumed as ground truth in order to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each sensor and to map their coordinate systems. Then a number of scenarios are targeted where SfM fails. The pose estimates obtained from SfM are replaced by those obtained from other sensors and the 3D reconstruction is completed. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons are made between the 3D reconstruction obtained by using only a camera versus that obtained by using the camera along with a LIDAR and/or an IMU. Additionally, the project also works towards the performance issue faced while handling large data sets of high-resolution images by implementing the system on the Superior high performance computing cluster at Michigan Technological University.


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A research program focused on understanding the intergranular corrosion (IGC) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior of AA6005A aluminum extrusions is presented in this dissertation. The relationship between IGC and SCC susceptibility and the mechanisms of SCC in AA6005A extrusions were studied by examining two primary hypotheses. IGC susceptibility of the elongated grain structure in AA6005A exposed to low pH saltwater was found to depend primarily on the morphology of Cu-containing precipitates adjacent to the grain boundaries in the elongated grain structure. IGC susceptibility was observed when a continuous (or semi-continuous) film of Cu-containing phase was present along the grain boundaries. When this film coarsened to form discrete Cu-rich precipitates, no IGC was observed. The morphology of the Cu-rich phase depended on post-extrusion heat treatment. The rate of IGC penetration in the elongated grain structure of AA6005A-T4 and AA6005A-T6 extrusions was found to be anisotropic with IGC propagating most rapidly along the extrusion direction, and least rapidly along the through thickness direction. A simple 3-dimensional geometric model of the elongated grain structure was accurately described the observed IGC anisotropy, therefore it was concluded that the anisotropic IGC susceptibility in the elongated grain structure was primarily due to geometric elongation of the grains. The velocity of IGC penetration along all directions in AA6005A-T6 decreased with exposure time. Characterization of the local environment within simulated corrosion paths revealed that a pH gradient existed between the tip of the IGC path and the external environment. Knowledge of the local environment within an IGC path allowed development of a simple model based on Fick's first law that considered diffusion of Al3+ away from the tip of the IGC path. The predicted IGC velocity agreed well with the observed IGC velocity, therefore it was determined that diffusion of Al3+ was the primary factor in determining the velocity of IGC penetration. The velocity of crack growth in compact tensile (CT) specimens of AA6005A-T6 extrusion exposed to 3.5% NaCl at pH = 1.5 was nearly constant over a range of applied stress intensities, exposure times, and crack lengths. The crack growth behavior of CT specimens of AA6005A-T6 extrusion exposed to a solution of 3.5% NaCl at pH = 2.0 exhibited similar behavior, but the crack velocity was ~10.5X smaller than that those exposed to a solution at pH =1.5. Analysis of the local stress state and polarization behavior at the crack tip predicted that increasing the pH of the bulk solution from 1.5 to 2.0 would decrease the corrosion current density at the crack tip by approximately 11.8X. This predicted decrease in corrosion current density was in reasonable agreement with the observed decrease in SCC velocity associated with increasing the solution pH from 1.5 to 2.0. The agreement between the predicted and observed SCC velocities suggested that the electrochemical reactions controlling SCC in AA6005A-T6 extrusions are ultimately controlled by the pH gradient that exists between the crack tip and external environment.


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Des interventions ciblant l’amélioration cognitive sont de plus en plus à l’intérêt dans nombreux domaines, y compris la neuropsychologie. Bien qu'il existe de nombreuses méthodes pour maximiser le potentiel cognitif de quelqu’un, ils sont rarement appuyé par la recherche scientifique. D’abord, ce mémoire examine brièvement l'état des interventions d'amélioration cognitives. Il décrit premièrement les faiblesses observées dans ces pratiques et par conséquent il établit un modèle standard contre lequel on pourrait et devrait évaluer les diverses techniques ciblant l'amélioration cognitive. Une étude de recherche est ensuite présenté qui considère un nouvel outil de l'amélioration cognitive, une tâche d’entrainement perceptivo-cognitive : 3-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT). Il examine les preuves actuelles pour le 3D-MOT auprès du modèle standard proposé. Les résultats de ce projet démontrent de l’augmentation dans les capacités d’attention, de mémoire de travail visuel et de vitesse de traitement d’information. Cette étude représente la première étape dans la démarche vers l’établissement du 3D-MOT comme un outil d’amélioration cognitive.


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Des interventions ciblant l’amélioration cognitive sont de plus en plus à l’intérêt dans nombreux domaines, y compris la neuropsychologie. Bien qu'il existe de nombreuses méthodes pour maximiser le potentiel cognitif de quelqu’un, ils sont rarement appuyé par la recherche scientifique. D’abord, ce mémoire examine brièvement l'état des interventions d'amélioration cognitives. Il décrit premièrement les faiblesses observées dans ces pratiques et par conséquent il établit un modèle standard contre lequel on pourrait et devrait évaluer les diverses techniques ciblant l'amélioration cognitive. Une étude de recherche est ensuite présenté qui considère un nouvel outil de l'amélioration cognitive, une tâche d’entrainement perceptivo-cognitive : 3-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT). Il examine les preuves actuelles pour le 3D-MOT auprès du modèle standard proposé. Les résultats de ce projet démontrent de l’augmentation dans les capacités d’attention, de mémoire de travail visuel et de vitesse de traitement d’information. Cette étude représente la première étape dans la démarche vers l’établissement du 3D-MOT comme un outil d’amélioration cognitive.


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The 1:1 proton-transfer compounds of L-tartaric acid with 3-aminopyridine [3-aminopyridinium hydrogen (2R,3R)-tartrate dihydrate, C5H7N2+·C4H5O6-·2H2O, (I)], pyridine-3-carboxylic acid (nicotinic acid) [anhydrous 3-carboxypyridinium hydrogen (2R,3R)-tartrate, C6H6NO2+·C4H5O6-, (II)] and pyridine-2-carboxylic acid [2-carboxypyridinium hydrogen (2R,3R)-tartrate monohydrate, C6H6NO2+·C4H5O6-·H2O, (III)] have been determined. In (I) and (II), there is a direct pyridinium-carboxyl N+-HO hydrogen-bonding interaction, four-centred in (II), giving conjoint cyclic R12(5) associations. In contrast, the N-HO association in (III) is with a water O-atom acceptor, which provides links to separate tartrate anions through Ohydroxy acceptors. All three compounds have the head-to-tail C(7) hydrogen-bonded chain substructures commonly associated with 1:1 proton-transfer hydrogen tartrate salts. These chains are extended into two-dimensional sheets which, in hydrates (I) and (III) additionally involve the solvent water molecules. Three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded structures are generated via crosslinking through the associative functional groups of the substituted pyridinium cations. In the sheet struture of (I), both water molecules act as donors and acceptors in interactions with separate carboxyl and hydroxy O-atom acceptors of the primary tartrate chains, closing conjoint cyclic R44(8), R34(11) and R33(12) associations. Also, in (II) and (III) there are strong cation carboxyl-carboxyl O-HO hydrogen bonds [OO = 2.5387 (17) Å in (II) and 2.441 (3) Å in (III)], which in (II) form part of a cyclic R22(6) inter-sheet association. This series of heteroaromatic Lewis base-hydrogen L-tartrate salts provides further examples of molecular assembly facilitated by the presence of the classical two-dimensional hydrogen-bonded hydrogen tartrate or hydrogen tartrate-water sheet substructures which are expanded into three-dimensional frameworks via peripheral cation bifunctional substituent-group crosslinking interactions.


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The crystal structure of the 2:1 proton-transfer compound of brucine with biphenyl-4,4’-disulfonate, bis(2,3-dimethoxy-10-oxostrychnidinium) biphenyl-4,4'-disulfonate hexahydrate (1) has been determined at 173 K. Crystals are monoclinic, space group P21 with Z = 2 in a cell with a = 8.0314(2), b = 29.3062(9), c = 12.2625(3) Å, β = 101.331(2)o. The crystallographic asymmetric unit comprises two brucinium cations, a biphenyl-4,4'-disulfonate dianion and six water molecules of solvation. The brucinium cations form a variant of the common undulating and overlapping head-to-tail sheet sub-structure. The sulfonate dianions are also linked head-to-tail by hydrogen bonds into parallel zig-zag chains through clusters of six water molecules of which five are inter-associated, featuring conjoint cyclic eight-membered hydrogen-bonded rings [graph sets R33(8) and R34(8)], comprising four of the water molecules and closed by sulfonate O-acceptors. These chain structures occupy the cavities between the brucinium cation sheets and are linked to them peripherally through both brucine N+-H...Osulfonate and Ocarbonyl…H-Owater to sulfonate O bridging hydrogen bonds, forming an overall three-dimensional framework structure. This structure determination confirms the importance of water in the stabilization of certain brucine compounds which have inherent crystal instability.


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The structures of the ammonium salts of 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid, NH4+ C7H3N2O6- (I), 4-nitrobenzoic acid, NH4+ C7H4N2O4- . 2H2O (II) and 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid, NH4+ C7H3Cl2O2- . 0.5H2O (III), have been determined and their hydrogen-bonded structures are described. All salts form hydrogen-bonded polymeric structures, three-dimensional in (I) and two-dimensional in (II) and (III). With (I), a primary cation-anion cyclic association is formed [graph set R3/4(10)] through N-H...O hydrogen bonds, involving a carboxyl O,O' group on one side and a single carboxyl O-atom on the other. Structure extension involves both N-H...O hydrogen bonds to both carboxyl and nitro O-atom acceptors. With structure (II), the primary inter-species interactions and structure extension into layers lying parallel to (0 0 1) are through conjoined cyclic hydrogen-bonding motifs: R3/4(10) [one cation, a carboxyl (O,O') group and two water molecules] and centrosymmetric R2/4(8) [two cations and two water molecules]. The structure of (III) also has conjoined R3/4(10) and centrosymmetric R2/4(8) motifs in the layered structure but these differ in that he first involves one cation, a carboxyl (O,O') as well as a carboxyl (O) group and one water molecule, the second, two cations and two carboxyl O-groups. The layers lie parallel to (1 0 0). The structures of the salt hydrates (II) and (III) reported in this work, giving two-dimensional layered arrays through conjoined hydrogen-bonded nets provide further illustrations of a previously indicated trend among ammonium salts of carboxylic acids, but the anhydrous three-dimensional structure of (I) is inconsistent.


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Two coordination polymers [Ni(ipt)(dap)(2)](n) (1) and [Cu(ipt)(dap)H2O](n) center dot nH(2)O (2) with an overall one-dimensional arrangement and having isophthalate (ipt) as bridging moieties and chelating 1,3-diaminopropane (dap) as structure modulating units have been prepared and characterized by crystallographic, spectroscopic and thermo-analytical studies. Both have an overall one-dimensional zig-zag nature but with a distorted octahedral NiN4O2 chromophore for 1 and a distorted square pyramidal CuN2O3 chromophore for 2. Even though the ipt units are acting as bridging units through mono-dentatively coordinating carboxylate functions in both polymers, compound 1 has the carboxylate oxygen linkages at the trans positions, while in 2 the oxygen linkages occur at the cis positions leading to a different type of zig-zag arrangement. Relevant spectral and bonding parameters also could be evaluated for the compounds using UV-Vis and EPR spectra. Thermal stability and possible structural modifications on thermal treatment of the compounds were also investigated and the relevant thermodynamic and kinetic parameters evaluated from the thermal data. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two new vanadium-tungsten oxide hydrates of the formulas, H0.125V0.125W0.875O3.1.5H2O (I) and Ho.33V0.33W0.67O3.1/3H2O (II), have been synthesized by acid-leaching of LiVWO6 with aqueous HNO3/HCl. While phase I obtained by treatment of LiVWO6 with dilute HNO3/HCl possesses an orthorhombic structure (a = 7.77(3), b = 13.87(6), c = 7.44(3) angstrom) related to WO3.2H2O, phase II, prepared by refluxing LiVWO6 with concentrated HNO3, is isostructural with WO3.1/3H2O. Dehydration of II around 330-degrees-C yields a hexagonal phase (III, a = 7.25(4), c = 7.74(3) angstrom) isotypic with hexagonal WO3. Both land III exhibit redox and acid-base intercalation reactivity characteristic of layered and tunnel structures.