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In this paper, we summarize data on terrigenous sediment supply in the Kara Sea and its accumulation and spatial and temporal variability during Holocene times. Sedimentological, organic-geochemical, and micropaleontological proxies determined in surface sediments allow to characterize the modern (riverine) terrigenous sediment input. AMS-14C dated sediment cores from the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and the adjacent inner Kara Sea were investigated to determine the terrigenous sediment fluxes and their relationship to paleoenvironmental changes. The variability of sediment fluxes during Holocene times is related to the post-glacial sea-level rise and changes in river discharge and coastal erosion input. Whereas during the late/middle Holocene most of the terrigenous sediments were deposited in the estuaries and the areas directly off the estuaries, huge amounts of sediments accumulated on the Kara Sea shelf farther north during the early Holocene before about 9 cal kyr BP. The maximum accumulation at that time is related to the lowered sea level, increased coastal erosion, and increased river discharge. Based on sediment thickness charts, echograph profiles and sediment core data, we estimate an average Holocene (0-11 cal kyr BP) annual accumulation of 194,106 t/yr of total sediment for the whole Kara Sea. Based on late Holocene (modern) sediment accumulation in the estuaries, probably 12,106 t/yr of riverine suspended matter (i.e. about 30% of the input) may escape the marginal filter on a geological time scale and is transported onto the open Kara Sea shelf. The high-resolution magnetic susceptibility record of a Yenisei core suggests a short-term variability in Siberian climate and river discharge on a frequency of 300-700 yr. This variability may reflect natural cyclic climate variations to be seen in context with the interannual and interdecadal environmental changes recorded in the High Northern Latitudes over the last decades, such as the NAO/AO pattern. A major decrease in MS values starting near 2.5 cal kyr BP, being more pronounced during the last about 2 cal kyr BP, correlates with a cooling trend over Greenland as indicated in the GISP-2 Ice Core, extended sea-ice cover in the North Atlantic, and advances of glaciers in western Norway. Our still preliminary interpretation of the MS variability has to be proven by further MS records from additional cores as well as other high-resolution multi-proxy Arctic climate records.
We analyzed sediment from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1144 in the northern South China Sea to examine the weathering response of SE Asia to the strengthening of the East Asian Monsoon (EAM) since 14 ka. Our high-resolution record highlights the decoupling between continental chemical weathering, physical erosion and summer monsoon intensity. Mass accumulation rates, Ti/Ca, K/Rb, hematite/goethite and 87Sr/86Sr show sharp excursions from 11 to 8 ka, peaking at 10 ka. Clay minerals show a shorter-lived response with a higher kaolinite/(illite + chlorite) ratio at 10.7-9.5 ka. However, not all proxies show a clear response to environmental changes. Magnetic susceptibility rises sharply between 12 and 11 ka. Grain-size becomes finer from 14 to 10 ka and then coarsens until ~7 ka, but is probably controlled by bottom current flow and sealevel. Sr and Nd isotopes show that material is dominantly eroded from Taiwan with a lesser flux from Luzon, while clay mineralogy suggests that the primary sources during the Early Holocene were reworked via the shelf in the Taiwan Strait, rather than directly from Taiwan. Erosion was enhanced during monsoon strengthening and caused reworking of chemically weathered Pleistocene sediment largely from the now flooded Taiwan Strait, which was transgressed by ~8 ka, cutting off supply to the deep-water slope. None of the proxies shows an erosional response lasting until ~6 ka, when speleothem oxygen isotope records indicate the start of monsoon weakening. Although more weathered sediments were deposited from 11 to 8 ka when the monsoon was strong these are reworked and represent more weathering during the last glacial maximum (LGM) when the summer monsoon was weaker but the shelves were exposed.
The Nares Strait controversy concerns the debate about whether or not a major sinistral transcurrent fault (the Wegener Fault) separates northern Greenland and Canada. To date no firm evidence has been found for the proposed 200 km sinistral offset, and to the contrary, geological correlations, mainly involving Paleozoic rocks across the Nares Strait, suggest that total left-lateral motion is no more than 70 km. The E-W trending Thule (Greenland) and Devon Island (Canada) dyke swarms lie on opposite sides of Baffin Bay and are offset sinistrally about 200 km, suggesting that if their correlation is established a convincing case for the Wegener Fault can be made. Paleomagnetic, geochemical and petrographic data allow, but do not yet establish, the correlation. Paleomagnetic results for Canadian sites (VGP = 6.9°N, 181.8 °E, A95 = 12.7°, N = 5) and Greenland sites (VGP = 11.5 °N, 178.3 °E, A95 = 13.8°, N = 4) are not significantly different at the 95 % confidence level. These levels are too large to resolve whether or not the Thule and Devon Island swarms have been offset. Geochemical data reveal a distinct and identical pattern in incompatible elements, while petrographically, the dykes are indistinguishable. U-Pb geochronological results for a Canadian dyke (720.2 ±2.0 Ma) and a Thule dyke (720.4 ±2.7 Ma) are identical within error and clearly identify the two sets of dykes as being parts of the same magmatic episode.
The shoaling and final closure of the Central American Seaway (CAS) resulted in a major change of the global ocean circulation and has been suggested as an essential driver for strengthening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The exact timing of CAS closure is key to interpreting its importance. Here we present a reconstruction of deep and intermediate water Nd and Pb isotope compositions obtained from fossil fish teeth and the authigenic coatings of planktonic foraminifera in the eastern equatorial Pacific (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1241) and the Caribbean (ODP Sites 998, 999, and 1000) covering the final stages of CAS closure between 5.6 and 2.2 Ma. The data for the Pacific site indicate no significant Atlantic/Caribbean influence over this entire period. The Caribbean sites show a continuous trend to less radiogenic Nd isotope compositions during the Pliocene, consistent with an enhancement of Upper North Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW) inflow and a strengthening of the AMOC. Superimposed onto this long-term trend, shorter-term changes of intermediate Caribbean Nd isotope signatures approached more UNADW-like values during intervals when published reconstructions of seawater salinity suggested complete closure of the CAS. The data imply that significant deep water exchange with the Pacific essentially stopped by 7 Ma and that shallow exchange, which still occurred at least periodically until approximately 2.5 Ma, may have been linked to the strength of the AMOC but did not have any direct effect on the intermediate and deep Caribbean Nd isotope signatures through mixing with Pacific waters.
Paired analyses of Os isotope composition and concentration of bulk sediment and leachable Os in a metalliferous pelagic clay sequence from the North Pacific, ODP Site 886C, are used to reconstruct the marine Os isotope record and the particulate meteoritic Os flux between 65.5 and 78 Ma. Measured 187Os/188Os of bulk sediments ranges from approximately 0.64 to 0.32 and those of leach analyses are very similar to bulk analyses. Hydrogenous Os dominates the sedimentary Os inventory throughout most of the studied interval. As a result the measured 187Os/188Os of leachable Os approximates that of contemporaneous seawater. The ODP 886C record shows rising 187Os/188Os in the deepest portion of the core, with a local maximum of 0.66 close to 74 Ma. The 67-72 Ma portion of the record is characterized by nearly constant 187Os/188Os ratios close to 0.6. The structure of the marine Os isotope record from ODP 886C differs markedly from the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve, which rises monotonically throughout the time interval studied here. Calculated particulate meteoritic Os fluxes are between 0.5 and 2 pg/cm**2/kyr throughout most of the studied interval. Two discrete intervals of the core (one of which is within Cretaceous Tertiary, boundary KTB interval) are characterized by higher fluxes of meteoritic Os. Excluding these two intervals, the average background flux of particulate meteoritic Os is roughly half of that estimated from analyses of Cenozoic marine sediments. These are the first Os isotope data to provide evidence of resolvable temporal variations in the background flux of particulate meteoritic material to the Earth.
The climatic deterioration related to the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciations (circa 2.52 Ma BP) must have lead to reorganization and relocation of species associations and may have enhanced species turnover. The present study investigates how this deterioration affects the dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch assemblages from two locations, DSDP Site 607 (North Atlantic) and the Singa section (southern Italy). The records from these locations cover the interval from 2.8 to 2.2 Ma with at least a 5 ka resolution and they have been correlated to the Milankovitch periodicities on a cycle to cycle basis by means of integrated high resolution stable isotope, calcium carbonate, foraminiferal, palynological and magnetostratigraphical datasets. In the present study this high resolution stratigraphic framework is used for a detailed correlation of events occurring in each of the depositional sequences. It also enables further assessment of the palaeoenvironmental preferences of some dinoflagellate cyst forms. Comparison of the two palynological records reveals a close correspondence in the timing of major assemblage changes and extinction events, confirming their Milankovitch cycle based correlation. A close link between periods of Northern Hemisphere cooling (at oxygen isotope stages 110, 104 and 100-96) and increased dinoflagellate cyst turnover appears to be present for both DSDP Site 607 and the Singa section. The turnover events can also be recognized in the records of planktic foraminifera and calcamous nannoplankton. Comparison of the Singa section with Site 607 and with other time equivalent marine palynological data sets, shows that some oceanic taxa respond similarly over a large area. The biostratigraphical implications are discussed. Notably the last occurrence of Invertocystu lucrymosa appears to be a valuable marker for isotope stage 110 in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic.
Concerns about the regional impact of global climate change in a warming scenario have highlighted the gaps in our understanding of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM, also referred to as the Indian Ocean summer monsoon) and the absence of long term palaeoclimate data from the central Indian core monsoon zone (CMZ). Here we present the first high resolution, well-dated, multiproxy reconstruction of Holocene palaeoclimate from a 10 m long sediment core raised from the Lonar Lake in central India. We show that while the early Holocene onset of intensified monsoon in the CMZ is similar to that reported from other ISM records, the Lonar data shows two prolonged droughts (PD, multidecadal to centennial periods of weaker monsoon) between 4.6-3.9 and 2-0.6 cal?ka. A comparison of our record with available data from other ISM influenced sites shows that the impact of these PD was observed in varying degrees throughout the ISM realm and coincides with intervals of higher solar irradiance. We demonstrate that (i) the regional warming in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) plays an important role in causing ISM PD through changes in meridional overturning circulation and position of the anomalous Walker cell; (ii) the long term influence of conditions like El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the ISM began only ca. 2 cal?ka BP and is coincident with the warming of the southern IPWP; (iii) the first settlements in central India coincided with the onset of the first PD and agricultural populations flourished between the two PD, highlighting the significance of natural climate variability and PD as major environmental factors affecting human settlements.
We use quantitative X-ray diffraction to determine the mineralogy of late Quaternary marine sediments from the West and East Greenland shelves offshore from early Tertiary basalt outcrops. Despite the similar basalt outcrop area (60 000-70 000 km**2), there are significant differences between East and West Greenland sediments in the fraction of minerals (e.g. pyroxene) sourced from the basalt outcrops. We demonstrate the differences in the mineralogy between East and West Greenland marine sediments on three scales: (1) modern day, (2) late Quaternary inputs and (3) detailed down-core variations in 10 cores from the two margins. On the East Greenland Shelf (EGS), late Quaternary samples have an average quartz weight per cent of 6.2 ± 2.3 versus 12.8 ± 3.9 from the West Greenland Shelf (WGS), and 12.02 ± 4.8 versus 1.9 ± 2.3 wt% for pyroxene. K-means clustering indicated only 9% of the samples did not fit a simple EGS vs. WGS dichotomy. Sediments from the EGS and WGS are also isotopically distinct, with the EGS having higher eNd (-18 to 4) than those from the WGS (eNd = -25 to -35). We attribute the striking dichotomy in sediment composition to fundamentally different long-term Quaternary styles of glaciation on the two basalt outcrops.
Information processing speed, as measured by elementary cognitive tasks, is correlated with higher order cognitive ability so that increased speed relates to improved cognitive performance. The question of whether the genetic variation in Inspection Time (IT) and Choice Reaction Time (CRT) is associated with IQ through a unitary factor was addressed in this multivariate genetic study of IT, CRT, and IQ subtest scores. The sample included 184 MZ and 206 DZ twin pairs with a mean age of 16.2 years (range 15-18 years). They were administered a visual (pi-figure) IT task, a two-choice RT task, five computerized subtests of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery, and the digit symbol substitution subtest from the WAIS-R. The data supported a factor model comprising a general, three group (verbal ability, visuospatial ability, broad speediness), and specific genetic factor structure, a shared environmental factor influencing all tests but IT, plus unique environmental factors that were largely specific to individual measures. The general genetic factor displayed factor loadings ranging between 0.35 and 0.66 for the IQ subtests, with IT and CRT loadings of -0.47 and -0.24, respectively. Results indicate that a unitary factor is insufficient to describe the entire relationship between cognitive speed measures and all IQ subtests, with independent genetic effects explaining further covariation between processing speed (especially CRT) and Digit Symbol.
South China Sea (SCS) is a major moisture source region, providing summer monsoon rainfall throughout Mainland China, which accounts for more than 80% total precipitation in the region. We report seasonal to monthly resolution Sr/Ca and delta(18)O data for five Holocene and one modem Porites corals, each covering a growth history of 9-13 years. The results reveal a general decreasing trend in sea surface temperature (SST) in the SCS from similar to 6800 to 1500 years ago, despite shorter climatic cycles. Compared with the mean Sr/Ca-SST in the 1990s (24.8 degrees C), 10-year mean Sr/Ca-SSTs were 0.9-0.5 degrees C higher between 6.8 and 5.0 thousand years before present (ky BP), dropped to the present level by similar to 2.5 ky BP, and reached a low of 22.6 degrees C (2.2 degrees C lower) by similar to 1.5 ky BP. The summer Sr/Ca-SST maxima, which are more reliable due to faster summer-time growth rates and higher sampling resolution, follow the same trend, i.e. being 1-2 degrees C higher between 6.8 and 5.0 ky BP, dropping to the present level by -2.5 ky BP, and reaching a low of 28.7 degrees C (0.7 degrees C lower) by similar to 1.5 ky BP. Such a decline in SST is accompanied by a similar decrease in the amount of monsoon moisture transported out of South China Sea, resulting in a general decrease in the seawater delta(18)O values, reflected by offsets of mean 6 180 relative to that in the 1990s. This observation is consistent with general weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon since early Holocene, in response to a continuous decline in solar radiation, which was also found in pollen, lake-level and loess/paleosol records throughout Mainland China. The climatic conditions similar to 2.5 and similar to 1.5 ky ago were also recorded in Chinese history. In contrast with the general cooling trend of the monsoon climate in East Asia, SST increased dramatically in recent time, with that in the 1990s being 2.2 degrees C warmer than that similar to 1.5 ky ago. This clearly indicates that the increase in the concentration of anthropogenic greenhouse gases played a dominant role in recent global warming, which reversed the natural climatic trend in East Asian monsoon regime. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To re-examine interhospital variation in 30 day survival after acute myocardial infarction ( AMI) 10 years on to see whether the appointment of new cardiologists and their involvement in emergency care has improved outcome after AMI. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: Acute hospitals in Scotland. Participants: 61 484 patients with a first AMI over two time periods: 1988 - 1991; and 1998 - 2001. Main outcome measures: 30 day survival. Results: Between 1988 and 1991, median 30 day survival was 79.2% ( interhospital range 72.1 - 85.1%). The difference between highest and lowest was 13.0 percentage points ( age and sex adjusted, 12.1 percentage points). Between 1998 and 2001, median survival rose to 81.6% ( and range decreased to 78.0 - 85.6%) with a difference of 7.6 ( adjusted 8.8) percentage points. Admission hospital was an independent predictor of outcome at 30 days during the two time periods ( p< 0.001). Over the period 1988 - 1991, the odds ratio for death ranged, between hospitals, from 0.71 ( 95% confidence interval ( CI) 0.58 to 0.88) to 1.50 ( 95% CI 1.19 to 1.89) and for the period 1998 - 2001 from 0.82 ( 95% CI 0.60 to 1.13) to 1.46 ( 95% CI 1.07 to 1.99). The adjusted risk of death was significantly higher than average in nine of 26 hospitals between 1988 and 1991 but in only two hospitals between 1998 and 2001. Conclusions: The average 30 day case fatality rate after admission with an AMI has fallen substantially over the past 10 years in Scotland. Between-hospital variation is also considerably less notable because of better survival in the previously poorly performing hospitals. This suggests that the greater involvement of cardiologists in the management of AMI has paid dividends.
Objective: To report on the use of the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index (PTSD-RI) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in identifying children and adolescents who may require psychological interventions following exposure to a wildfire disaster. Method: Six months after a wildfire disaster, we conducted a school-based program to screen for wildfire-related events, such as exposure to and perception of threat, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and general psychopathology. Results: The screening battery was completed by 222 children (mean age 12.5 years, SD 2.48; range 8 to 18 years). Severe or very severe PTSD was reported by 9.0% of students, while 22.6% scored in the abnormal range on the Emotional Symptoms subscale of the SDQ. Younger children and individuals with greater exposure to and perception of threat experienced higher levels of PTSD and general psychopathology. Female students reported a greater perception of threat but did not report higher levels of PTSD or other symptoms. Conclusions: Screening was well received by students, parents, and staff and proved feasible in the postdisaster environment. The PTSD-RI and SDQ demonstrated different individual risk associations and functioned as complementary measures within the screening battery. The identification of children at greatest risk of mental health morbidity enabled service providers to selectively target limited mental health resources.
The XPS peaks of Fe 3p for Fe2+ and Fe3+ in FeO and Fe2O3, respectively, have been measured and the effects of curve fitting parameters on interpretation of the data have been analysed. Firstly, the peak fit parameters, i.e. (1) the number of peaks to be deconvoluted, (2) the range of the peak for back ground subtraction, (3) straight line (Li) or the Shirley (Sh) background subtraction method, (4) GL ratio (the ratio of Gaussian and Lorentzian contribution to the peak shape) and (5) asymmetry factor (AS), are manually selected. Secondly, the standard peak fit parameters were systematically investigated. The peak shape was fitted to a Voigt function by changing the peak position, the peak height and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) to minimize the chi(2). The recommended peak positions and peak parameters for Fe2+ and Fe3+ in iron oxides have been determined. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Smoke inhalation injuries are the leading cause of mortality from burn injury. Airway obstruction due to mucus plugging and bronchoconstriction can cause severe ventilation inhomogeneity and worsen hypoxia. Studies describing changes of viscoelastic characteristics of the lung after smoke inhalation are missing. We present results of a new smoke inhalation device in sheep and describe pathophysiological changes after smoke exposure. Fifteen female Merino ewes were anesthetized and intubated. Baseline data using electrical impedance tomography and multiple-breath inert-gas washout were obtained by measuring ventilation distribution, functional residual capacity, lung clearance index, dynamic compliance, and stress index. Ten sheep were exposed to standardized cotton smoke insufflations and five sheep to sham smoke insufflations. Measured carboxyhemoglobin before inhalation was 3.87 +/- 0.28% and 5 min after smoke was 61.5 +/- 2.1%, range 50-69.4% ( P < 0.001). Two hours after smoke functional residual capacity decreased from 1,773 +/- 226 to 1,006 +/- 129 ml and lung clearance index increased from 10.4 +/- 0.4 to 14.2 +/- 0.9. Dynamic compliance decreased from 56.6 +/- 5.5 to 32.8 +/- 3.2 ml/ cmH(2)O. Stress index increased from 0.994 +/- 0.009 to 1.081 +/- 0.011 ( P < 0.01) ( all means +/- SE, P < 0.05). Electrical impedance tomography showed a shift of ventilation from the dependent to the independent lung after smoke exposure. No significant change was seen in the sham group. Smoke inhalation caused immediate onset in pulmonary dysfunction and significant ventilation inhomogeneity. The smoke inhalation device as presented may be useful for interventional studies.
Purpose: To describe the surgical technique and results of en bloc excision in a series of patients with extensive malignant tumors of the lacrimal drainage apparatus (LDA). Methods: This was a noncomparative, retrospective chart review of the clinical and pathologic findings of 11 patients presenting with a malignant tumor affecting the LDA who underwent en bloc excision of the lacrimal system. Results: Of the 11 patients, 7 were male. The mean age at presentation was 58 years (range, 39 to 81 years), and all cases were unilateral. Histopathology revealed 4 squamous cell carcinomas, 3 transitional cell carcinomas, 2 mucoepidermoid carcinomas, and 2 melanomas. Epiphora and a mass were the most common presentations. An external lesion could be identified in 4 cases. Irrigation of the lacrimal system revealed nasolacrimal duct obstruction in 2 cases and common canaliculus obstruction in another 2 patients. The entire LDA and surrounding bony tissues were excised through a lateral rhinotomy approach. Adjuvant radiotherapy was given in 4 cases. Nine patients remain alive and well after a mean follow-up of 2 years (range, 6 months to 7 years). Three cases showed distant disease and 2 patients died of metastatic melanoma involvement. Conclusions: The use of en bloc excision as a radical treatment to remove the complete LDA and surrounding bony structures affords good local tumor control and may provide the best opportunity for enhanced patient survival.