1000 resultados para 142-864A


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Objective: To study the influence of prolonged wearing of unstable shoes on standing postural control in prolonged standing workers. Methods: The participants were divided into two groups: one wore unstable shoes while the other wore conventional shoes for 8 weeks. Stabilometry parameters related to centre of pressure (CoP), rambling (RM) and trembling (TR) as well as the total agonist/antagonist muscle activity, antagonist co-activation and reciprocal activation were evaluated during upright standing, before and after the 8 week period. In both moments, the subjects were evaluated wearing the unstable shoes and in barefoot. Results: The unstable shoe condition presented increased CoP displacement related variables and decreased co-activation command compared to barefoot before and after the intervention. The prolonged wearing of unstable shoes led to: (1) reduction of medial-lateral CoP root mean square and area; (2) decreased anteroposterior RM displacement; (3) increased anteroposterior RM mean velocity and mediolateral RM displacement; (4) decreased anteroposterior TR RMS; and (5) increased thigh antagonist co-activation in the unstable shoe condition. Conclusion: The unstable shoe condition is associated to a higher destabilizing effect that leads to a selection of more efficient and accurate postural commands compared to barefoot. Prolonged wearing of unstable shoes provides increased effectiveness and performance of the postural control system, while wearing of unstable shoes in upright standing, that are reflected by changes in CoP related variables and by a reorganization of postural control commands.


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O consenso atual para o tratamento do pé equino-varo congénito é o tratamento conservador pelo método de Ponseti. A transposição do tendão tibial anterior para a terceira cunha é uma cirurgia que pode ser usada no tratamento da recidiva dinâmica do pé equino-varo congénito que se caracteriza pelo reaparecimento do varosupinação. Foram revistos 37 casos de pé equino-varo, idiopático (33) e não idiopático (4) de 29 crianças de ambos os sexos com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 8 anos que apresentavam recidiva de pé equino-varo com reaparecimento do varo-supinação de 2005 a 2008. Os doentes foram submetidos a correção cirúrgica com transposição do tendão tibial anterior para a terceira cunha. A avaliação clínica dos resultados foi feita com um follow-up mínimo de 6 meses. A avaliação pós operatória revelou bons resultados em 31 pés intervencionados. Quanto aos outros casos, 3 mantiveram uma supinação ligeira do pé sem dor ou limitação funcional e em 3 casos o resultado final foi mau. A transferência do tendão tibial anterior para a terceira cunha apresenta bons resultados na recidiva do pé equino-varo congénito.


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OBJECTIVE: Long-term follow-up after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is very scarce, and doubt remains regarding the durability of these procedures. We designed a retrospective cohort study to assess long-term clinical outcome and morphologic changes in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) treated by EVAR using the Excluder endoprosthesis (W. L. Gore and Associates, Flagstaff, Ariz). METHODS: From 2000 to 2007, 179 patients underwent EVAR in a tertiary institution. Clinical data were retrieved from a prospective database. All patients treated with the Excluder endoprosthesis were included. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) scans were retrospectively analyzed preoperatively, at 30 days, and at the last follow-up using dedicated tridimensional reconstruction software. For patients with complications, all remaining CTAs were also analyzed. The primary end point was clinical success. Secondary end points were freedom from reintervention, sac growth, types I and III endoleak, migration, conversion to open repair, and AAA-related death or rupture. Neck dilatation, renal function, and overall survival were also analyzed. RESULTS: Included were 144 patients (88.2% men; mean age, 71.6 years). Aneurysms were ruptured in 4.9%. American Society of Anesthesiologists classification was III/IV in 61.8%. No patients were lost during a median follow-up of 5.0 years (interquartile range, 3.1-6.4; maximum, 11.2 years). Two patients died of medical complications ≤ 30 days after EVAR. The estimated primary clinical success rates at 5 and 10 years were 63.5% and 41.1%, and secondary clinical success rates were 78.3% and 58.3%, respectively. Sac growth was observed in 37 of 142 patients (26.1%). Cox regression showed type I endoleak during follow-up (hazard ratio, 3.74; P = .008), original design model (hazard ratio, 3.85; P = .001), and preoperative neck diameter (1.27 per mm increase, P = .006) were determinants of sac growth. Secondary interventions were required in 32 patients (22.5%). The estimated 10-year rate of AAA-related death or rupture was 2.1%. Overall life expectancy after AAA repair was 6.8 years. CONCLUSIONS: EVAR using the Excluder endoprosthesis provides a safe and lasting treatment for AAA, despite the need for maintained surveillance and secondary interventions. At up to 11 years, the risk of AAA-related death or postimplantation rupture is remarkably low. The incidences of postimplantation sac growth and secondary intervention were greatly reduced after the introduction of the low-permeability design in 2004.


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RESUMO: Este estudo foi realizado com o objectivo de conhecer os efeitos da desinstitucionalização dos doentes psiquiátricos crónicos durante o processo de encerramento do Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Este processo incluiu a fusão, em 2008, dos dois principais hospitais psiquiátricos de Lisboa- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) e Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), no Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). Foi criado um grupo controlo de pacientes ainda hospitalizados no CHPL (n=166) para comparação com o grupo de casos desinstitucionalizados (n=146). Desta amostra inicial (n=312) apenas 142 (76 casos e 66 controlos) foram incluídos, sendo as principais causas de exclusão: diagnóstico (patologia orgânica, demência ou debilidade mental, como diagnóstico primário) e transferência entre hospitais. A desinstitucionalização foi principalmente avaliada em termos de psicopatologia, utilização de serviços, satisfação, crime, condição de “sem abrigo” ou morte. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos doentes crónicos pode sair do hospital psiquiátrico para a comunidade sem agravamento da psicopatologia, aumento do crime ou da condição de “sem abrigo”. A satisfação parece estar aumentada na população desinstitucionalizada. A mortalidade, por outro lado, revelou-se uma questão problemática: apesar de não ter sido possível estabelecer uma comparação entre casos e controlos, a Taxa de Mortalidade Standard encontrada neste estudo foi muito superior ao esperado, de acordo com os resultados encontrados na literatura. Um estudo longitudinal da mesma população poderá ser objecto de futura investigação, possivelmente comparada com outra população similar de um programa de desinstitucionalização noutro país.--------- RÉSUMÉ: Cette étude a été menée afin de déterminer les effets de la désinstitutionnalisation des patients chroniques lors de la fermeture de l'hôpital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). Ce processus comprenait la fusion en 2008 de deux grands hôpitaux psychiatriques de Lisbonne: À savoir, Hôpital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) et Hôpital Julio de Matos (HJM), maintenant Centre de l'Hôpital Psychiatrique de Lisbonne (CHPL). Il a été créé un groupe contrôle des patients toujours hospitalisés à CHPL (n = 166) pour comparer avec les cas désinstitutionnalisés (n = 146). De cet échantillon initial (n= 312) à peine 142 (76 cas et 66 contrôles) ont été inclus, les principales raisons d'exclusion: diagnostique (maladie organique, démence ou d'arriération mentale comme diagnostic primaire) et les transferts entre hôpitaux. La désinstitutionnalisation a été principalement évaluée en termes de psychopathologie, de l'utilisation des services, la satisfaction, la criminalité, les “sans abri” et de la mort. Les résultats ont montré que la majorité des malades chroniques peuvent quitter l'hôpital psychiatrique et s´intégrer dans la communauté sans aggravation de la psychopathologie, augmentation de la criminalité ou du nombre de “sans-abri”. La satisfaction semble être en hausse dans la population désinstitutionnalisée. Toutefois, la mortalité s'est avéré être une question problématique, même si il n´a pas été possible d'établir une comparaison entre les cas et les contrôles, le Taux de Mortalité Standard estimé dans cette étude fut beaucoup plus élevé que prévu, en tenant compte des résultats établis dans la littérature. Une étude longitudinale de la même population pourra faire l'objet de futures recherches, peut-être comparé à une population similaire d'un programme de désinstitutionnalisation dans un autre pays. ----------- ABSTRACT:This study was conducted to assess the effects of deinstitutionalization of “long-stay” patients during the process of closing Hospital Miguel Bombarda (2007-2011). This process included the fusion, in 2008, of the two main psychiatric hospitals in Lisbon- Hospital Miguel Bombarda (HMB) and Hospital Júlio de Matos (HJM), into Centro Psiquiátrico Hospitalar de Lisboa (CHPL). A control group of still institutionalized patients in CHPL (n=166) was used as a comparison with the deinstitutionalized population (n=146). Of this 312 initial sample only 142 (76 cases and 66 controls) were included, the main causes of exclusion being diagnoses (organic disease, dementia and mental retardation- as first diagnoses) and transference between hospitals. Deinstitutionalization is mainly evaluated in terms of psychopathology, use of services, satisfaction, crime, vagrancy and deaths. The results show that most long-stay patients can successfully leave psychiatric hospitals and be relocated in the community without an increase in psychopathology, crime or vagrancy. Satisfaction seems to be improved in those patients. On the other hand, mortality remains an issue of concern: Although there was no possibility of comparing it between cases and controls, the Standard Mortality Rate (SMR) in our study was found to be much higher than expected judging by other studies results. A longitudinal further study of this same population will be the matter for a future investigation, possibily compared with another similar population from a desinstitutionalization programme in another country.


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Os AA avaliaram dois grupos de crianças oriundas de diferentes estratos socio-familiares, procurando variantes do normal, que confirmem a importância do jardim de infância como factor atenuante de ambiente familiar menos estimulante. Material Métodos: Foram seleccionados aleatoriamente pelo Serviço Social do Hospital, dois jardins de infância, em Lisboa. A avaliação incidiu num grupo de crianças dos dois aos quatro anos, sem patologia. Na caracterização social e familiar foi utilizada a escala de Graffar. A avaliação de desenvolvimento psicomotor foi efectuada por observado único; o teste utilizado foi o "Schedule of Growing Skills in Practice" e a análise estatística foi efectuada pelo teste The Student (significância p=<0,05). Resultados: A população estudad foi constituída por 34 crianças, 14 das quais frequentava Jardim de Infância particular (JIP) e as restantes 20, Insitutição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS), com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 4 anos. Na subescala da Locomoção, a pontuação obtida foi de 12,8 e 12,9 respectivamente no IPSS e JIP (=0,824) e na Manipulação foi de 19,3 (IPSS) e 20,7 (JIP) (p=0,006). Os resultados obtidos na área da Visão foram de 16,1 e 17,3 respectivamente na IPSS e JIP (p=0,005). A avaliação da Audição/Linguagem revelou resultados de 13,1 (IPSS) e 15,5 (JIP) (p=0,002) e na subescala da Fala/Linguagem, foram obtidos resultados de 14,5 (IPSS)e 17,3 (JIP) (p=0,008). As áreas de interacção social e autonomia, revelaram ambas pontuações de 18,3 (IPSS) e 19,8 (JIP), (respectivamente p=0,001 e p=0,017). Conclusões: Na avaliação efectuada, não encontrámos diferenças estatísticamente significativas nas subescalas de Locomoção e da Manipulação. Nas áreas da Autonomia, Audição/Linguagem e Fala/linguagem, os resultados foram estatísticamente superioes no grupo de crianças que frequentavam o JIP (oriundas de classes socio-familiares mais favorecidas e de famílias menos numerosas), comparativamente às que frequentavam a IPSS.


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Dengue virus (DENV) is the most frequent arbovirus worldwide. In this study, we report a large outbreak in Mato Grosso State (MT). Serum samples from 604 patients with acute febrile illness for less than five days were inoculated in C6/36 cells, then infected cells were subjected to an indirect immunofluorescence test for DENV serotypes and yellow fever virus. Serum samples were submitted to a multiplex-semi-nested-RT-PCR for 11 flaviviruses. DENV-4 was isolated in 150/604 (24.8%) and DENV-1 in 19/604 (3.1%) specimens. By RT-PCR, 331 (54.8%) samples tested positive for DENV; 321 had single infections (DENV-4 n = 305; DENV-1 n = 15; DENV-3 n = 1), nine had co-infections of DENV-1/DENV-4, and one of DENV-2/DENV-4. DENV-4 was detected in 315/331 (95.2%) positive patients from 17 municipalities, and DENV-1 in 24/331 (7.2%) patients from five cities in north-central MT and the city of Cuiaba. The incidence of infection was higher in patients aged 20-39 (142/331; 42.9%). The NS5 partial nucleotide sequence of DENV-1 was most similar to that of genotype V, DENV-2 to Southeast Asian/American, DENV-3 to genotype III, and DENV-4 to genotype II strains, considered the most frequent strains in Brazil. This outbreak coincided with the introduction of DENV-4 in the state. Cuiaba was hyperendemic for the four DENV serotypes, highlighting the necessity for arbovirus surveillance in MT.


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Neurological complications of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) are infrequent and include various clinical pictures. The reactivation of VZV in patients with AIDS is generally associated with an acute and severe meningoencephalitis. We report the epidemiological, clinical and virological data from 11 consecutive patients with diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and central nervous system (CNS) involvement due to VZV. All patients were male and seropositive for HIV. The primary risk factor for HIV infection was unprotected sexual contact. The median of CD4 T cell count was 142 cells/µL. All of them presented signs and symptoms of meningoencephalitis. Six patients (54.5%) presented pleocytosis; they all showed high CSF protein concentrations with a median of 2.1 g/dL. Polymerase chain reaction of cerebrospinal fluid specimen was positive for VZV in all of them and they were treated with intravenous acyclovir at doses of 30/mg/kg/day for 21 days. Overall survival was 63% (7 of 11 patients). The four dead patients had low cellular counts in CSF, below the median of this parameter. VZV should be included among the opportunistic pathogens that can involve CNS with a diffuse and severe meningoencephalitis in patients with advanced HIV/AIDS disease.


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Os Autores submeteram 142 amostras de soros de casos agudos e crônicos de Doença de Chagas, já examinados com o Reagente Chagas-Latex, ao exame de Imunofluorescência, obtendo correspondência de resultados em 139 (97,9%). O alto índice de fidelidade, provavelmente devido à ausência na zona de doenças que possam proporcionar resultados falsamente positivos, fez do Reagente Chagas-Latex um método simples e fácil para a triagem sorológica nos casos suspeitos em zona endêmica.


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BACKGROUND: Aneurysm shrinkage has been proposed as a marker of successful endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Patients with early postoperative shrinkage may experience fewer subsequent complications, and consequently require less intensive surveillance. METHODS: Patients undergoing EVAR from 2000 to 2011 at three vascular centres (in 2 countries), who had two imaging examinations (postoperative and after 6-18 months), were included. Maximum diameter, complications and secondary interventions during follow-up were registered. Patients were categorized according to early sac dynamics. The primary endpoint was freedom from late complications. Secondary endpoints were freedom from secondary intervention, postimplant rupture and direct (type I/III) endoleaks. RESULTS: Some 597 EVARs (71.1 per cent of all EVARs) were included. No shrinkage was observed in 284 patients (47.6 per cent), moderate shrinkage (5-9 mm) in 142 (23.8 per cent) and major shrinkage (at least 10 mm) in 171 patients (28.6 per cent). Four years after the index imaging, the rate of freedom from complications was 84.3 (95 per cent confidence interval 78.7 to 89.8), 88.1 (80.6 to 95.5) and 94.4 (90.1 to 98.7) per cent respectively. No shrinkage was an independent risk factor for late complications compared with major shrinkage (hazard ratio (HR) 3.11; P < 0.001). Moderate compared with major shrinkage (HR 2.10; P = 0.022), early postoperative complications (HR 3.34; P < 0.001) and increasing abdominal aortic aneurysm baseline diameter (HR 1.02; P = 0.001) were also risk factors for late complications. Freedom from secondary interventions and direct endoleaks was greater for patients with major sac shrinkage. CONCLUSION: Early change in aneurysm sac diameter is a strong predictor of late complications after EVAR. Patients with major sac shrinkage have a very low risk of complications for up to 5 years. This parameter may be used to tailor postoperative surveillance.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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Benznidazole is recommended in Brazil for the treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in acute and early chronic phases of Chagas' disease. Observations by others have indicated a higher incidence of neoplasias in immunosuppressed patients, presenting Chagas' disease reactivation, submitted to treatment with benznidazole. In the present study, we investigated whether there is a potentiation in the generation of lymphomas in chronically infected mice, treated with immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole. For this, 142 Swiss mice chronically infected with the 21 SF strain of T. cruzi and 72 normal Swiss mice were used. Both infected and normal mice were divided into experimental groups and submitted to one of the following treatment regimens: benznidazole alone; immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine, betamethasone and cyclosporin); a combination of immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole; and untreated controls. In the infected group treated with benznidazole, one mouse developed a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This finding has been interpreted as a spontaneous tumor of mice. The study of the chronically infected mice treated with the combination of immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole demonstrated an absence of lymphomas or other neoplasias. These findings support the indication of benznidazole, as the drug of choice, for immunosuppressed patients that develop a reactivation of Chagas' disease.


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Os principais responsáveis pelo ensino em Portugal na chamada Aula da Esfera no Colégio de Santo Antão, em Lisboa, dedicaram-se à investigação das teorias da perspectiva, reunindo os seus estudos em pequenos tratados e manuais. O ensino da Companhia de Jesus associava a arte com a religião e a ciência, procurando levar até aos fiéis uma composição ordenada do universo, num amplo movimento onde a perspectiva se torna num método valioso para alcançar e difundir a manifestação de imagens e de pensamentos. Lente de Matemática, o Padre Inácio Vieira deixou influentes estudos sobre esta disciplina, sendo O Tractado de Prospectiva o manuscrito mais importante, primeiro tratado português onde se define e reconhece toda a importância do estudo e entendimento da perspectiva. É a arquitectura de uma ordem cristã do universo conseguida graças a uma origem geométrica e sistematizada do infinito. Este jesuíta preocupou-se não apenas com a argumentação teórica, bem fundamentada nos melhores autores do seu tempo, como ainda na aplicação prática da perspectiva à pintura e cenografia. O seu papel como docente em Santo Antão, desde 1701, influenciando uma geração de pintores e cenógrafos, vai transformá-lo assim numa figura de grande relevo da cultura portuguesa setecentista..


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Via antiga da cidade, fazendo-a comunicar com o seu termo, a Rua das Portas de Santo Antão tornou-se, nos finais do século XIX e primeiras décadas do século XX, um espaço aurático da vida cosmopolita de Lisboa onde se instalaram importantes equipamentos como o Coliseu dos Recreios, o Ateneu Comercial, a Sede da Sociedade de Geografia ou o Teatro Politeama. “Traseiras” da Avenida da Liberdade, sem a modernidade e amplidão do seu desenho urbano, a velha Rua das Portas de Santo Antão foi, na verdade, o palco não exposto da Lisboa moderna.