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O presente estudo visa investigar a psicodinâmica de profissionais executivos e as suas relações com o trabalho, segundo a teoria da adaptação de Ryad Simon. Os objetivos foram: 1. avaliar a eficácia adaptativa de uma amostra de executivos; 2. verificar a influência do setor Produtividade na eficácia adaptativa; 3. identificar os micro-fatores internos e externos, positivos ou negativos determinantes dessa adaptação; 4. relacionar os micro-fatores à situação profissional desses executivos. O método utilizado foi o clínico e a técnica, a entrevista preventiva e não diretiva. Foram entrevistados 19 executivos de média gerência que trabalham em empresas industriais. Os dados de entrevista foram avaliados clinicamente e operacionalizados por meio da Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada EDAO. Os diagnósticos encontrados foram: Grupo 1, Adaptação Eficaz, 04 executivos; em Crise Adaptativa, 01; Grupo 2, Adaptação Ineficaz Leve, 03; Grupo 3, Adaptação Ineficaz Moderada, 08; Grupo 4, Adaptação Ineficaz Severa, 01; e Grupo 5, Adaptação Ineficaz Grave, 02. O setor Produtividade mostrou ter uma importância central e atual na vida desses homens influenciando todos os setores adaptativos, de forma positiva ou negativa. Pela análise dos micro-fatores internos e externos avaliamos que o setor Afetivo-Relacional também influi na adaptação através de sentimentos internalizados e projetados e na forma deles encararem o mundo e as relações com o trabalho; observamos que os sujeitos mostram uma dependência psicológica forte com as organizações as quais pertencem, e sentimentos de amor e ódio, prazer e sofrimento em relação ao trabalho. Concluímos que para esta amostra de executivos, o trabalho tem um significado central nas suas vidas e, os sentimentos internalizados, advindos do próprio trabalho, podem aumentar ou diminuir a disposição, afetar relações e, conseqüentemente, provocar mudanças graduais ou súbitas em sua eficácia adaptativa.
The literature relating to evaporation from single droplets of pure liquids and the drying of solution and slurry droplets, and of droplet sprays has been reviewed. The heat and mass transfer rates for individual droplets suspended in free-flight, were investigated using a specially-designed vertical wind tunnel, to simulate conditions in a spray drier. The technique represented a unique alternative method for investigating evaporation from unrestrained single droplets with variable residence times. The experiments covered droplets of pure liquid allowbreak (water, isopropanol) allowbreak and of significantly different solutions (sucrose, potassium sulphate) over a range of temperatures of 37oC to 97oC, initial concentrations of 5 to 40wt/wt% , and initial drop sizes of 2.8 to 4.6mm. Drop behaviour was recorded photographically and dried particles were examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Correlations were developed for mass transfer coefficients for pure water droplets in free-flight; (i) experiencing oscillations, rotation and deformation, Sh = -105 + 3.9 [Ta - Td/Tamb]0.18Re0.5Sc033 for Re approx. > 1380 (ii) when these movements had ceased or diminished, Sh = 2.0 + 0.71 [Ta - Td/Tamb]0.18Re0.5Sc033 for Re approx. < 1060. Data for isopropanol drops were correlated resonably well by these equations. The heat transfer data showed a similar transition range. The drying rate curves for drops of sucrose and potassium sulphate solution exhibited three distinct stages; an initial increase in the drying rate as drop temperature reduced to the wet-bulb temperature, a short constant-rate period and a falling-rate period characterised by formation of a crust which controlled the mass transfer rate. Due to drop perturbation the rates in the high Re number region were up to 5 times greater than predicted from theory for spherical droplets. In the case of sucrose solution a `skin' formed over the drop surface prior to crust formation. This provided an additional resistance to mass transfer and resulted in extended drying times and a smooth crust of low porosity. The relevance of the results to practical spray drying operations is discussed.
SNX-BAR proteins are a sub-family of sorting nexins implicated in endosomal sorting. Here, we establish that through its phox homology (PX) and Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs (BAR) domains, sorting nexin-4 (SNX4) is associated with tubular and vesicular elements of a compartment that overlaps with peripheral early endosomes and the juxtanuclear endocytic recycling compartment (ERC). Suppression of SNX4 perturbs transport between these compartments and causes lysosomal degradation of the transferrin receptor (TfnR). Through an interaction with KIBRA, a protein previously shown to bind dynein light chain 1, we establish that SNX4 associates with the minus end-directed microtubule motor dynein. Although suppression of KIBRA and dynein perturbs early endosome-to-ERC transport, TfnR sorting is maintained. We propose that by driving membrane tubulation, SNX4 coordinates iterative, geometric-based sorting of the TfnR with the long-range transport of carriers from early endosomes to the ERC. Finally, these data suggest that by associating with molecular motors, SNX-BAR proteins may coordinate sorting with carrier transport between donor and recipient membranes.
Case: Beardsley Theobalds Retirement Benefit Scheme Trustees v Yardley [2011] EWHC 1380 (QB) (QBD). The recent case of Beardsley Theobalds Retirement Benefit Scheme Trustees v Yardley, nicely illustrates, inter alia, the impact of the contractual defences of undue influence and the plea of non est factum in the context of avoiding liability under leasehold guarantees, within the setting of the landlord and tenant relationship. Additionally, the case also gives us an insight into the possible application of other technical defences relating to the law of formalities for leases. Judgment in this case was handed down on September 30, 2011.
The modulation instability (MI) is one of the main factors responsible for the degradation of beam quality in high-power laser systems. The so-called B-integral restriction is commonly used as the criteria for MI control in passive optics devices. For amplifiers the adiabatic model, assuming locally the Bespalov-Talanov expression for MI growth, is commonly used to estimate the destructive impact of the instability. We present here the exact solution of MI development in amplifiers. We determine the parameters which control the effect of MI in amplifiers and calculate the MI growth rate as a function of those parameters. The safety range of operational parameters is presented. The results of the exact calculations are compared with the adiabatic model, and the range of validity of the latest is determined. We demonstrate that for practical situations the adiabatic approximation noticeably overestimates MI. The additional margin of laser system design is quantified. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Доклад по покана, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2010 г.
A szerző a pénzügyi válság kapcsán a pénzügyi matematikát ért kritikai észrevételekre próbál válaszolni. Megítélése szerint a pénzügyi matematika negatív hatása a magyarországi pénzügyi problémák esetében nem mutatható ki, ugyanis Magyarországon a pénzügyi döntések mindenfajta kvantitatív megalapozás nélkül, nagyrészt politikai alapon történtek, így a felelősséget is a politikát körülvevő gazdaságpolitikusoknak kell viselniük. A matematikai modellek legfőbb felhasználási területe nem a konkrét pénzügyi döntések megalapozásában, hanem sokkal inkább az oktatásban található. _____ The author discusses some critical observations about financial mathematics in connection with the financial crisis. In his view no negative effect of financial mathematics on Hungary's financial problems can be observed, since the financial decisions in Hungary were made without any kind of serious quantitative basis. The decisions were made mainly on political ground, so that the blame must go to economic politicians involved in that policy. The main area of application of mathematical models is not its application in specific financial decisions, but far more in the field of education.
In 2002, 2003 and 2004, we took macoinvertebrate samples on a total of 36 occasions at the Badacsony bay of Lake Balaton. Our sampling site was characterised by areas of open water (in 2003 and 2004 full of reed-grass) as well as by areas covered by common reed (Phragmites australis) and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia). Samples were taken both from water body and benthic ooze by use of a stiff hand net. We have gained our data from processing 208 individual samples. We took samples frequently from early spring until late autumn for a deeper understanding of the processes of seasonal dynamics. The main seasonal patterns and temporal changes of diversity were described. We constructed a weather-dependent simulation model of the processes of seasonal dynamics in the interest of a possible further utilization of our data in climate change research. We described the total number of individuals, biovolume and diversity of all macroinvertebrate species with a single index and used the temporal trends of this index for simulation modelling. Our discrete deterministic model includes only the impact of temperature, other interactions might only appear concealed. Running the model for different climate change scenarios it became possible to estimate conditions for the 2070-2100 period. The results, however, should be treated very prudently not only because our model is very simple but also because the scenarios are the results of different models.
Agency problems that helped cause the banking crisis in the United States in the 1980s impacted hotel appraisals competed for the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC). Lower appraised values would help make more bids acceptable, helping to sell more assets quickly. The results indicate appraised hotel values were much lower than sales prices in states with a high number of bank failures.
Vol. 22, Issue 47, 12 pages
Aluminum oxide (A1203, or alumina) is a conventional ceramic known for applications such as wear resistant coatings, thermal liners, heaters, crucibles, dielectric systems, etc. However applications of A1203 are limited owing to its inherent brittleness. Due to its excellent mechanical properties and bending strength, carbon nanotubes (CNT) is an ideal reinforcement for A1203 matrix to improve its fracture toughness. The role of CNT dispersion in the fracture toughening of the plasma sprayed A1203-CNT nanocomposite coating is discussed in the current work. Pretreatment of powder feedstock is required for dispersing CNTs in the matrix. Four coatings namely spray dried A1203 (A-SD), A1203 blended with 4wt.% CNT (A4C-B), composite spray dried A1203-4wt.% CNT (A4C-SD) and composite spray dried A1203-8wt.% CNT (A8CSD), are synthesized by plasma spraying. Owing to extreme temperatures and velocities involved in the plasma spraying of ceramics, retention of CNTs in the resulting coatings necessitates optimizing plasma processing parameters using an inflight particle diagnostic sensor. A bimodal microstructure was obtained in the matrix that consists of fully melted and resolidified structure and solid state sintered structure. CNTs are retained both in the fully melted region and solid-state sintered regions of processed coatings. Fracture toughness of A-SD, A4C-B, A4C-SD and A8C-SD coatings was 3.22, 3.86, 4.60 and 5.04 MPa m1/2 respectively. This affirms the improvement of fracture toughness from 20 % (in A4C-B coating) to 43% (in A4C-SD coating) when compared to the A-SD coating because of the CNT dispersion. Fracture toughness improvement from 43 % (in A4C-SD) to 57% (in A8C-SD) coating is evinced because of the CNT content. Reinforcement by CNTs is described by its bridging, anchoring, hook formation, impact alignment, fusion with splat, and mesh formation. The A1203/CNT interface is critical in assisting the stress transfer and utilizing excellent mechanical properties of CNTs. Mathematical and computational modeling using ab-initio principle is applied to understand the wetting behavior at the A1203/CNTinterface. Contrasting storage modulus was obtained by nanoindentation (~ 210, 250, 250-350 and 325-420 GPa in A-SD, A4C-B, A4C-SD, and A8C-SD coatings respectively) depicting the toughening associated with CNT content and dispersion.
The community metabolism of a shallow infralittoral ecosystem dominated by the calcareous macroalgae Corallina elongata was investigated in Marseilles (NW Mediterranean), by monitoring hourly changes of seawater pH and total alkalinity over 6 d in February 2000. Fair weather conditions prevailed over the study period as indicated by oceanographic (temperature, salinity, and current velocity and direction) and meteorological variables, which validated the standing water hypothesis. This temperate ecosystem exhibited high community gross primary production (GPP = 519 ± 106 mmol C m-2 d-1, n = 6) and also supported high rates of community respiration (R). As a result, the system was slightly autotrophic (net community production, NCP = 20 mmol C m-2 d-1), with a GPP/R ratio of 1.06. NCP exhibited circadian variations with 2- to 3-fold changes in community respiration, both in the light and in the dark. Rates of net community calcification also exhibited circadian variations, with positive rates (up to 24 mmol CaCO3 m-2 h-1) for irradiance values >300 W m-2 (about 1380 µmol photon m-2 s-1). Below this irradiance threshold, net community dissolution prevailed. Daily net calcification (G) was on average 8 mmol CaCO3 m-2 d-1. CO2 fluxes generated by primary production, respiration, and calcification suggest that the study site was a potential atmospheric CO2 sink of 15 mmol CO2 m-2 d-1 at the time of measurement.