973 resultados para épuration extra-rénale
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Reichsverfassungskampagne in Sachsen
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Reichsverfassungskampagne in Sachsen
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Rede Erzherzog Johanns anläßlich der Eröffnung des österreichischen Reichstages: Bestätigung der erworbenen Freiheiten, Gleichberechtigung aller Nationalitäten, Rechtfertigung des Krieges in Italien. Samt Antwort des Reichstagspräsidenten
Minimal invasive extracorporeal circulation (MiECC) systems have initiated important efforts within science and technology to further improve the biocompatibility of cardiopulmonary bypass components to minimize the adverse effects and improve end-organ protection. The Minimal invasive Extra-Corporeal Technologies international Society was founded to create an international forum for the exchange of ideas on clinical application and research of minimal invasive extracorporeal circulation technology. The present work is a consensus document developed to standardize the terminology and the definition of minimal invasive extracorporeal circulation technology as well as to provide recommendations for the clinical practice. The goal of this manuscript is to promote the use of MiECC systems into clinical practice as a multidisciplinary strategy involving cardiac surgeons, anaesthesiologists and perfusionists.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Satire auf reißerische Sensationsmeldungen, die sich in der Folge als unwahr herausstellen
BACKGROUND Trans-olecranon chevron osteotomies (COs) remain the gold standard surgical approach to type C fractures of the distal humerus. This technique is associated with a high complication rate and development of an extra-articular olecranon osteotomy may be advantageous. The aim of this study was to compare the load to failure of COs with extra-articular oblique osteotomies (OOs) as well as modified, extra-articular step osteotomies (SOs). METHODS These three osteotomies and their subsequent fixation utilizing a standardized tension band wiring technique were tested in 42 composite analog ulnae models at 20° and 70° of flexion. Triceps loading was simulated with a servo hydraulic testing machine. All specimens were isometrically loaded until failure. Kinematic and force data, as well as interfragmentary motion were recorded. RESULTS At 70°, CO failed at a mean load of 963N (SD 104N), the OO at 1512N (SD 208N) and the SO at 1484N (SD 153N), (P<0.001). At 20°, CO failed at a mean load of 707N (SD 104N) and OO at 1009N (SD 85N) (P=0.006). The highest load to failure was observed for the SO, which was 1277N (SD 172N). The load to failure of the SO was significantly higher than the CO as well as the OO. CONCLUSION Extra-articular osteotomies showed a significantly higher load to failure in comparison to traditional CO. At near full extension (20° of flexion), this biomechanical advantage was further enhanced by a step-cut modification of the extra-articular oblique osteotomy.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Forderung nach Einführung des Standrechts in Breslau nach dem dortigen Ausbruch blutiger Unruhen seitens "200 Personen des niedrigsten Gesindels" (17. April 1848). Bis auf den Erscheinungsvermerk mit Sf 16/35 identisch
We present a video of an ultrasound-guided laparoscopic surgical management of a large uterine scar isthmocele connected with the extra-amniotic space in early pregnancy. A case of a pregnant patient who was diagnosed with a large isthmocele connected with the extra-amniotic space on routine ultrasound at 8 weeks of gestational age is presented. The uterine defect was successfully sutured laparoscopically under ultrasound guidance. The pregnancy continued uneventfully, and a healthy baby was delivered via cesarean section at 38 weeks gestational age.
We describe radial-velocity time series obtained by HARPS on the 3.60 m telescope in La Silla (ESO, Chile) over ten years and report the discovery of five new giant exoplanets in distant orbits; these new planets orbit the stars HD 564, HD 30669, HD 108341, and BD -114672. Their periods range from 492 to 1684 days, semi-major axes range from 1.2 to 2.69 AU, and eccentricities range from 0 to 0.85. Their minimum mass ranges from 0.33 to 3.5 MJup. We also refine the parameters of two planets announced previously around HD 113538, based on a longer series of measurements. The planets have a period of 663 ± 8 and 1818 ± 25 days, orbital eccentricities of 0.14 ± 0.08 and 0.20 ± 0.04, and minimum masses of 0.36 ± 0.04 and 0.93 ± 0.06 MJup. Finally, we report the discovery of a new hot-Jupiter planet around an active star, HD 103720; the planet has a period of 4.5557 ± 0.0001 days and a minimum mass of 0.62 ± 0.025 MJup. We discuss the fundamental parameters of these systems and limitations due to stellar activity in quiet stars with typical 2 m s-1 radial velocity precision.
Per egrediu[m] doctorem. Thoma[m] murner ex hebreo in latinu[m] traducta eloquium
La teoría del discurso de Ernesto Laclau ha relegado notablemente el análisis y la reflexividad acerca del componente extra-lingüístico del discurso, en desmedro de los factores lingüísticos. Sin embargo, existe una pluralidad de fragmentos de los textos laclonianos que destacan su importancia en los procesos políticos. El presente trabajo toma como base estas contribuciones para analizar esta dimensión central de los procesos de construcción de hegemonías. Integrando la perspectiva de Laclau con una serie de categorías provenientes del psicoanálisis lacaniano y la teoría social contemporánea de Giddens y Habermas, se busca aportar algunas herramientas teórico-metodológicas que permitan examinar de forma rigurosa las relaciones entre el plano lingüístico y extra-lingüístico del discurso, desde el análisis político del discurso. Cuatro son las tesis que guían este trabajo. En primer lugar, que lo discursivo extra-lingüístico, pese a que adquiere significación desde y a través del orden simbólico, debe ser distinguido analíticamente del orden lingüístico. En segundo término, que existen diferentes ejes de análisis dentro del plano no lingüístico del discurso. Tercero, que entre el plano de lo lingüístico y el plano de lo extra-lingüístico se establece una compleja relación dialéctica, en los procesos políticos, que incluye tanto factores racionales como irracionales. Finalmente, que esta relación dialéctica permite relegitimar y fortalecer, o bien deslegitimar y poner en cuestión, determinado orden hegemónico, o con pretensiones de hegemonizar el espacio social. De este modo, el análisis político de estas relaciones permite examinar el grado de eficacia interpelativa de determinada hegemonía
Este trabalho é orientado pela vertente funcionalista da linguagem, que estuda a estrutura linguística associada a fatores comunicativos. Nosso objetivo é identificar e analisar a multifuncionalidade do marcador pragmático extra-cláusula tá na comunidade de fala do município de Santarém, localizado a oeste do estado do Pará (PA). Considerando o processo de gramaticalizaçao, compreendido como o processo de mudança linguística pelo qual um item e/ou construçao lexical torna se gramatical ou um item e/ou construçao gramatical torna-se ainda mais gramatical (Hopper & Traugott,1993), apresentamos os diferentes usos do verbo estar, isto é, a coocorrência de seus usos como verbo lexical (estar, como em Ele está em casa), verbo funcional (como em Ele está cansado), verbo auxiliar (estar + Vndo, como em Ele está escrevendo) e como marcador pragmático (tá, como em vou descrever agora a sala, tá?). Etimologicamente, o verbo estar resulta da forma latina stare, cujo significado indicava localizaçao física no espaço era empregada com sentido locativo. Após investigaçao preliminar dos usos dessa forma, levantamos a hipótese de que o verbo ESTAR sofre o processo de gramaticalizaçao o que explica os diferentes usos do verbo e a migraçao do item TA para a categoria dos marcadores pragmáticos extra cláusulas (Dik, 1997; Hengeveld E Mackenzie,2008). Entendemos por marcadores pragmáticos extra cláusulas expressoes que nao podem ser analisadas nem como cláusulas nem como fragmentos de cláusula. Os resultados confirmam nossa hipótese e apontam que o marcador TA desempenha as seguintes funçoes: de afirmaçao, de iniciador de tópico, de finalizador, de sequenciador e de checador. Como nossa abordagem é funcionalista, valemo-nos de dados reais da língua, constituímos um corpus de ocorrência do item em causa, extraído de textos do tipo Narrativa de Experiência Pessoal e Descriçao de Local que constituem o Corpus de Textos Orais do Português Santareno - CTOPS organizado por Pena-Ferreira e Lima-Gomes (2010)