969 resultados para >250 µm, 11-18 specimens
对15具不同年龄组的藏酋猴长骨的形态功能进行统计学处理和与猕猴比较分 析表明, 藏酋猴具有较长的躯干骨, 相对较短的前后肢和桡骨, 较高的肢间指 数(94.7)和低的臂指数(94.1)。在发育过程中, 其肢骨、体重和躯干骨的增长 速率均大于猕猴, 前后肢增长率相近。猕猴后肢的增长明显大于前肢, 具相对较 短的前肢。藏酋猴更适应于地栖生活。图3表5参15
将杜仲、当归、黄芪、枸杞等10味中草药均匀粉碎后配制成复方制剂,按质量分数为0(对照组)、1%(A组)、3%(B组)、6%(C组)添加到饲料中投喂罗非鱼Oreochromis niloticus,分别在饲养试验的第4、11、18、25、32天采样,检测其血清溶菌酶活性、头肾巨噬细胞吞噬活性、血清杀菌活性、红细胞比容等免疫指标的变化,并在最后一次采样中检测其脾脏脏器系数。用嗜水气单胞菌Aeromonas hydrophila对试验鱼进行人工感染试验,分析中草药对鱼体免疫功能及免疫保护率的增强作用。饲养结果表
东方鲀属的红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)是后基因组时代的一种重要模式生物。本研究中,利用东方鲀属11种鱼类(18尾)的D-loop基因序列,对东方鲀属鱼类的系统发育关系进行研究。经序列比对排定后,分析中D-loop序列有841个位点,其中395个位点为可变位点,267个位点为系统发育信息位点。分别采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)、最大似然法(ML)和贝叶斯方法构建了分子系统树。研究结果表明:(1)东方鲀属鱼类为一单系类群;(2)由横纹东方鲀(T. oblongus)和铅点东方鲀(T
There is strong evidence that the transport processes in the buffer region of wall-bounded turbulence are common across various flow configurations, even in the embryonic turbulence in transition (Park et al., Phys. Fl. 24). We use this premise to develop off-wall boundary conditions for turbulent simulations. Boundary conditions are constructed from DNS databases using periodic minimal flow units and reduced order modeling. The DNS data was taken from a channel at Reτ=400 and a zero-pressure gradient transitional boundary layer (Sayadi et al., submitted to J. Fluid Mech.). Both types of boundary conditions were first tested on a DNS of the core of the channel flow with the aim of extending their application to LES and to spatially evolving flows.
Superhydrophobic surfaces are shown to be effective for surface drag reduction under laminar regime by both experiments and simulations (see for example, Ou and Rothstein, Phys. Fluids 17:103606, 2005). However, such drag reduction for fully developed turbulent flow maintaining the Cassie-Baxter state remains an open problem due to high shear rates and flow unsteadiness of turbulent boundary layer. Our work aims to develop an understanding of mechanisms leading to interface breaking and loss of gas pockets due to interactions with turbulent boundary layers. We take advantage of direct numerical simulation of turbulence with slip and no-slip patterned boundary conditions mimicking the superhydrophobic surface. In addition, we capture the dynamics of gas-water interface, by deriving a proper linearized boundary condition taking into account the surface tension of the interface and kinematic matching of interface deformation and normal velocity conditions on the wall. We will show results from our simulations predicting the dynamical behavior of gas pocket interfaces over a wide range of dimensionless surface tensions.
MIMO DSP is employed to improve the performance of degenerate mode-group division multiplexing in 8 km of conventional GI-MMF. Compensation of the mode coupling, induced by the launch and propagation, between and inside each degenerate mode-group is investigated in order to reduce the DSP complexity. © 2013 IEEE.
A hybrid crosspoint switch combining MZI and SOA components is proposed, which for a 2×2 port switch primitive implementation e×hibits crosstalk of -46dB. This architecture makes port count up to 64×64 feasible. © OSA 2013.
We demonstrate a Raman-soliton continuum extending from 2 to 3 μm, in a highly germanium-doped silica-clad fiber, pumped by a nanotube mode-locked thulium-doped fiber system delivering 12 kW sub-picosecond pulses at 1.95 μm. © OSA 2013.
We passively modelock an optically pumped VECSEL by using a single-layer graphene saturable absorber mirror, resulting in pulses as short as 473 fs. A broad wavelength tuning range of 46 nm is achieved with three different VECSEL chips, with a single chip 21 nm are covered. © OSA 2013.