963 resultados para yield of maize


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There is evidence that high-tillering, small-panicled pearl millet landraces are better adapted to the severe, unpredictable drought stress of the and zones of NW India than are low-tillering, large-panicled modern varieties, which significantly outyield the landraces under favourable conditions. In this paper, we analyse the relationship of and zone adaptation with the expression, under optimum conditions, of yield components that determine either the potential sink size or the ability to realise this potential. The objective is to test whether selection under optimal conditions for yield components can identify germplasm with adaptation to and zones in NW India, as this could potentially improve the efficiency of pearl millet improvement programs targeting and zones. We use data from an evaluation of over 100 landraces from NW India, conducted for two seasons under both severely drought-stressed and favourable conditions in northwest and south India. Trial average grain yields ranged from 14 g m(-2) to 182 g m(-2). The landraces were grouped into clusters, based on their phenology and yield components as measured under well-watered conditions in south India. In environments without pre-flowering drought stress, tillering type had no effect on potential sink size, but low-tillering, large-panicled landraces yielded significantly more grain, as they were better able to realise their potential sink size. By contrast, in two low-yielding and zone environments which experienced pre-anthesis drought stress, low-fillering, large-panicled landraces yielded significantly less grain than high-tillering ones with comparable phenology, because of both a reduced potential sink size and a reduced ability to realise this potential. The results indicate that the high grain yield of low-tillering, large-panicled landraces under favourable conditions is due to improved partitioning, rather than resource capture. However, under severe stress with restricted assimilate supply, high-tillering, small-panicled landraces are better able to produce a reproductive sink than are large-panicled ones. Selection under optimum conditions for yield components representing a resource allocation pattern favouring high yield under severe drought stress, combined with a capability to increase grain yield if assimilates are available, was more effective than direct selection for grain yield in identifying germplasm adapted to and zones. Incorporating such selection in early generations of variety testing could reduce the reliance on random stress environments. This should improve the efficiency of millet breeding programs targeting and zones. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Each year growers are faced with the decision of when to harvest individual blocks of sugarcane throughout the harvest season. This decision influences the yield of the current crop and can affect the yield in the following season. Growers must therefore decide which blocks to harvest early and which to harvest later in the harvest season. Usually, the latest harvested cane is the lowest yielding the following year (the �late harvest� effect). Block productivity data from Tully were used to determine the effects of harvest timing on cane yield of the current and subsequent crop. The results are tabulated to provide a ready reference to these time of harvest effects on the current and future crop in either a single year or over the full crop cycle for the Tully district.


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The initial aim of this project was to improve the performance of a chromatographic bioreactor-separator (CBRS). In such a system, a dilute enzyme solution is pumped continuously through a preparative chromatographic column, while pulses of substrate are periodically injected on to the column. Enzymic reaction and separation are therefore performed in a single unit operation. The chromatographic columns used were jacketed glass columns ranging from 1 to 2 metres long with an internal diameter of 1.5 cm. Linking these columns allowed 1, 2, 3 and 4 metre long CBRS systems to be constructed. The hydrolysis of lactose in the presence of β~galactosidase was the reaction of study. From previous work at Aston University, there appeared to be no difficulties in achieving complete lactose hydrolysis in a CBRS. There did, however, appear to be scope for improving the separative performance, so this was adopted as an initial goal. Reducing the particle size of the stationary phase was identified as a way of achieving this improvement. A cation exchange resin was selected which had an average particle size of around half that previously used when studying this reaction. A CBRS system was developed which overcame the operational problems (such as high pressure drop development) associated with use of such a particle size. A significant improvement in separative power was achieved. This was shown by an increase in the number of theoretical plates (N) from about 500 to about 3000 for a 2 metre long CBRS, coupled with higher resolution. A simple experiment with the 1 metre column showed that combined bioreaction and separation was achievable in this system. Having improved the separative performance of the system, the factors affecting enzymic reaction in a CBRS were investigated; including pulse volume and the degree of mixing between enzyme and substrate. The progress of reaction in a CBRS was then studied. This information was related to the interaction of reaction and separation over the reaction zone. The effect of injecting a pulse over a length of time as in CBRS operation was simulated by fed batch experiments. These experiments were performed in parallel with normal batch experiments where the substrate is mixed almost instantly with the enzyme. The batch experiments enabled samples to be taken every minute and revealed that reaction is very rapid. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the two injector configurations used in CBRS construction were studied using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, combined with hydrodynamic calculations. During the optimisation studies, galactooligosaccharides (GOS) were detected as intermediates in the hydrolysis process. GOS are valuable products with potential and existing applications in food manufacture (as nutraceuticals), medicine and drug targeting. The focus of the research was therefore turned to GOS production. A means of controlling reaction to arrest break down of GOS was required. Raising temperature was identified as a possible means of achieving this within a CBRS. Studies were undertaken to optimise the yield of oligosaccharides, culminating in the design, construction and evaluation of a Dithermal Chromatographic Bioreactor-separator.


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BACKGROUND: Recombinant protein production is universally employed as a solution to obtain the milligram to gram quantities of a given protein required for applications as diverse as structural genomics and biopharmaceutical manufacture. Yeast is a well-established recombinant host cell for these purposes. In this study we wanted to investigate whether our respiratory Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, TM6*, could be used to enhance the productivity of recombinant proteins over that obtained from corresponding wild type, respiro-fermentative strains when cultured under the same laboratory conditions. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate at least a doubling in productivity over wild-type strains for three recombinant membrane proteins and one recombinant soluble protein produced in TM6* cells. In all cases, this was attributed to the improved biomass properties of the strain. The yield profile across the growth curve was also more stable than in a wild-type strain, and was not further improved by lowering culture temperatures. This has the added benefit that improved yields can be attained rapidly at the yeast's optimal growth conditions. Importantly, improved productivity could not be reproduced in wild-type strains by culturing them under glucose fed-batch conditions: despite having achieved very similar biomass yields to those achieved by TM6* cultures, the total volumetric yields were not concomitantly increased. Furthermore, the productivity of TM6* was unaffected by growing cultures in the presence of ethanol. These findings support the unique properties of TM6* as a microbial cell factory. CONCLUSIONS: The accumulation of biomass in yeast cell factories is not necessarily correlated with a proportional increase in the functional yield of the recombinant protein being produced. The respiratory S. cerevisiae strain reported here is therefore a useful addition to the matrix of production hosts currently available as its improved biomass properties do lead to increased volumetric yields without the need to resort to complex control or cultivation schemes. This is anticipated to be of particular value in the production of challenging targets such as membrane proteins.


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A review of ultrafiltration (UF) theory and equipment has been made. Dextran is fractionated industrially by ethanol precipitation, which is a high energy intensive process. The aims of this work were to investigate the fractionation of dextran using UF and to compare the efficiency and costs of UF fractionation with ethanol fractionation. This work is the continuation of research conducted at Aston, which was concerned with the fractionation of dextran using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and hollow fibre UF membranes supplied by Amicon Ltd. Initial laboratory work centred on determining the most efficient make and configuration of membrane. UF membranes of the Millipore cassette configuration, and the DDS flat-sheet configuration, were examined for the fracationation of low molecular weight (MW) dextran. When compared to Amicon membranes, these membranes were found to be inferior. DDS membranes of 25 000 and 50 000 MW cut-offs were shown to be capable of fractionating high MW dextran with the same efficiency as GPC. The Amicon membranes had an efficiency comparable to that of ethanol fractionation. To increase this efficiency a theoretical UF membrane cascade was adopted to utilize favourable characteristics encountered in batch mode membrane experiments. The four stage cascade used recycled permeates in a counter- current direction to retentate flow, and was operated 24 hours per day controlled by a computer. Using 5 000 MW cut-off membranes the cascade improved the batch efficiency by at least 10% for a fractionation at 6 000 MW. Economic comparisons of ethanol fractionation, combined GPC and UF fractionation, and UF fractionation of dextran were undertaken. On an economic basis GPC was the best method for high MW dextran fractionation. When compared with a plant producing 100 tonnes pa of clinical dextran, by ethanol fractionation, a combined GPC and UF cascade fractionation could produce savings on operating costs and an increased dextran yield of 5%.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H12, 62P99


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Using ecological data compiled from scientific literature on pest, pathogen and weed species characteristic in maize cultures in Hungary, we defined monthly climate profile indicators and applied them to complete a comparative analysis of the historical and modelled climate change scenario meteorological data of the city of Debrecen. Our results call attention to a drastic decline of the competitive ability of maize as compared to several C4 and especially C3 plants. According to the stricter scenarios, the frequency of potential pest and pathogen damage emergency situations will grow significantly by the end of the century.


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Rootstock has profound effects on traits such as yield and tree size in various horticultural industries, however relatively little is known about rootstock effects for macadamia. In this study, 12 cultivars were propagated as open-pollinated seedling and clonal rootstocks, and own-rooted cuttings. The same cultivars were also used as scions, and grafted to a subset of rootstocks, then planted at four trial locations. In this preliminary analysis, rootstock accounted for 19% of the variance in yield compared with 72% for scion, and 23% in height compared with 72% for scion. There was no interaction between rootstock and scion for yield, and only a small effect for height. The interaction between rootstock and propagation method (seedling, clonal, own roots) was not significant for height. A small effect was observed for yield, with the own roots treatment producing significantly lower yield than grafted trees for all rootstock cultivars except 'HAES 849'. 'H2' seedling rootstock produced a cumulative yield to age 10 years of 11.1 kg tree -1 compared to the highest yield of 13.6 kg tree -1 for 'Beaumont' clonal rootstocks. 'H2' seedling rootstock produced 4.8 m trees at age 11 years, compared to the smallest grafted tree which was 'HAES 849' seedling at 4.7 m.


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In the semi-arid zones of Uganda, pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is mainly grown for food and income; but rust (Puccinia substriata var indica (L.) R. Br.) is the main foliar constraint lowering yield. The objective of the study was to genetically improve grain yield and rust resistance of two locally adapted populations (Lam and Omoda), through two cycles of modified phenotypic S1 progeny recurrent selection. Treatments included three cycles of two locally adapted pearl millet populations, evaluated at three locations. Significant net genetic gain for grain yield (72 and 36%) were achieved in Lam and Omoda populations, respectively. This led to grain yield of 1,047 from 611 kg ha-1 in Lam population and 943 from 693 kg ha-1 in Omoda population. Significant improvement in rust resistance was achieved in the two populations, with a net genetic gain of -55 and -71% in Lam and Omoda populations, respectively. Rust severity reduced from 30 to 14% in Lam population and from 57 to 17% in Omoda population. Net positive genetic gains of 68 and 8% were also achieved for 1000-grain weight in Lam and Omoda, respectively. Traits with a net negative genetic gain in both populations were days to 50% flowering, days to 50% anthesis, days to 50% physiological maturity, flower-anthesis interval, plant height and leaf area.


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Monoclonal antibodies are a class of therapeutic that is an expanding area of the lucrative biopharmaceutical industry. These complex proteins are predominantly produced from large cultures of mammalian cells; the industry standard cell line being Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. A number of optimisation strategies have led to antibody titres from CHO cells increasing by a hundred-fold, and it has been proposed that a further bottleneck in biosynthesis is in protein folding and assembly within the secretory pathway. To alleviate this bottleneck, a CHO-derived host cell line was generated by researchers at the pharmaceutical company UCB that stably overexpressed two critical genes: XBP1, a transcription factor capable of expanding the endoplasmic reticulum and upregulating protein chaperones; and Ero1α, an oxidase that replenishes the machinery of disulphide bond formation. This host cell line, named CHO-S XE, was confirmed to have a high yield of secreted antibody. The work presented in this thesis further characterises CHO-S XE, with the aim of using the information gained to lead the generation of novel host cell lines with more optimal characteristics than CHO-S XE. In addition to antibodies, it was found that CHO-S XE had improved production of two other secreted proteins: one with a simple tertiary structure and one complex multi-domain protein; and higher levels of a number of endogenous protein chaperones. As a more controlled system of gene expression to unravel the specific roles of XBP1 and Ero1α in the secretory properties of CHO-S XE, CHO cells with inducible overexpression of XBP1, Ero1α, or a third gene involved in the Unfolded Protein Response, GADD34, were generated. From these cell lines, it was shown that more antibody was secreted by cells with induced overexpression of XBP1; however, Ero1α and GADD34 overexpression did not improve antibody yield. Further investigation revealed that endogenous XBP1 splicing was downregulated in the presence of an abundance of the active form of XBP1. This result indicated a novel aspect of the regulation of the activity of IRE1, the stress-induced endoribonuclease responsible for XBP1 splicing. Overall, the work described in this thesis confirms that the overexpression of XBP1 has an enhancing effect on the secretory properties of CHO cells; information which could contribute to the development of host cells with a greater capacity for antibody production.


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The high cost of maize in Kenya is basically driven by East African regional commodity demand forces and agricultural drought. The production of maize, which is a common staple food in Kenya, is greatly affected by agricultural drought. However, calculations of drought risk and impact on maize production in Kenya is limited by the scarcity of reliable rainfall data. The objective of this study was to apply a novel hyperspectral remote sensing method to modelling temporal fluctuations of maize production and prices in five markets in Kenya. SPOT-VEGETATION NDVI time series were corrected for seasonal effects by computing the standardized NDVI anomalies. The maize residual price time series was further related to the NDVI seasonal anomalies using a multiple linear regression modelling approach. The result shows a moderately strong positive relationship (0.67) between residual price series and global maize prices. Maize prices were high during drought periods (i.e. negative NDVI anomalies) and low during wet seasons (i.e. positive NDVI anomalies). This study concludes that NDVI is a good index for monitoring the evolution of maize prices and food security emergency planning in Kenya. To obtain a very strong correlation for the relationship between the wholesale maize price and the global maize price, future research could consider adding other price-driving factors into the regression models.


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The impact of different irrigation scheduling regimes on the water use, yield and water productivity from a high-density olive grove cv. Cobrançosa in southern Portugal was assessed during the irrigation seasons of 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. The experiments were conducted in a commercial olive orchard at the Herdade Álamo de Cima, near Évora (38o 29' 49.44'' N, 7o 45' 8.83'' W; alt. 75 m) in southern Alentejo, Portugal. The orchard was established with 10-year old Cobrançosa trees in grids of 8.0 x 4.2 m (300 trees ha-1) in the E-W direction, and experiments conducted on a shallow sandy loam Regosoil Haplic soil. From mid-May to the end of September the orchard was irrigated and three plots were subjected to one of two irrigation treatments: a control treatment A, irrigated to replace 100% ETc, a moderate deficit irrigation treatment B irrigated to 70% of ETc, and a more severe deficit irrigation treatment C that provided for approximately 50% of ETc. Daily tree transpiration rates were obtained by continuously monitoring of sap flow in representative trees per treatment. Among the irrigated treatments, water use efficiency (WUE, ratio of water used to irrigation- water applied) of treatment C was the highest, with a value of 0.89, being treatment B slightly lower, with a WUE of 0.76. Olive harvest for 2012 was an exceptional “on year”. Bearing yields showed contrasting differences within years where an “on year” was followed by an “off year”. In 2011 and 2012 treatment B yields were 41 and 50% higher than treatment C, respectively. In 2013 treatment B yield was 45% higher than yield of the fully irrigated treatment A, and treatment C showed practically the same yield than treatment A. In the “on year” of 2014 treatment B averaged 48% higher yield than treatment C. Treatment B farm irrigation water productivity (WPI-Farm, ratio of yield to water applied) was the highest among all treatments. Treatment A showed the lowest conversion efficiency of all treatments, indicating treatment B as the adequate deficit irrigation treatment for our Cobrançosa orchard


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Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is widely used for culinary purposes throughout Mediterranean region, and the interest in this plant increased due to it being a source of bio-protective compounds, such as fatty acids and antioxidants. However, the use of purslane could be limited by accumulation of high levels of compounds harmful to human health, such as nitrate and oxalic acid. The main objective of present study was to evaluate the influence of nitrogen fertilization on growth and yield parameters and on nitrate and oxalic acid concentrations in leaves and stems. Plants of golden-leafed purslane of sativa subspecies were grown in styro-foam boxes with substrate and fertilized two times per week during four weeks with ammonium-nitrate solution (16.9% NO3--N and 17.6% NH4+-N), for testing of four nitrogen levels (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1). Plant growth, yield, nitrate and oxalic acid concentrations were significantly affected by nitrogen application. The best quantity/quality ratio was achieved at fertilization level of 60 kg N ha-1, which gave a yield of 5.1 kg m-2 FW, while nitrate concentration was 48.98 and 43.90 mg g-1 DW in leaf and stem, respectively, and oxalic acid concentration was 1.27 and 0.55 mg g-1 DW, in leaf and stem, respectively: values which are not harmful for consumer health.


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Soil acidity and low natural fertility are the main limiting factors for grain production in tropical regionssuch as the Brazilian Cerrado. The application of lime to the surface of no-till soil can improve plant nutrition, dry matter production, crop yields and revenue. The present study, conducted at the Lageado Experimental Farm in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil, is part of an ongoing research project initi-ated in 2002 to evaluate the long-term effects of the surface application of lime on the soil?s chemical attributes, nutrition and kernel/grain yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea), white oat (Avena sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) inter cropped with palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu), as well as the forage dry matter yield of palisade grass in winter/spring, its crude protein concentration, estimated meat production, and revenue in a tropical region with a dry winter during four growing seasons. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments consisted of four rates of lime application (0, 1000, 2000 and 4000 kg ha−1), performed in November 2004. The surface application of limestone to the studied tropical no-till soil was efficient in reducing soil acidity from the surface down to a depth of 0.60 m and resulted in greater availability of P and K at the soil surface. Ca and Mg availability in the soil also increased with the lime application rate, up to a depth of 0.60 m. Nutrient absorption was enhanced with liming, especially regarding the nutrient uptake of K, Ca and Mg by plants.Significant increases in the yield components and kernel/grain yields of peanut, white oat and maize were obtained through the surface application of limestone. The lime rates estimated to achieve the maximum grain yield, especially in white oat and maize, were very close to the rates necessary to increase the base saturation of a soil sample collected at a depth of 0?0.20 m to 70%, indicating that the surface liming of 2000 kg ha−1is effective for the studied tropical no-till soil. This lime rate also increases the forage dry matter yield, crude protein concentration and estimated meat production during winter/spring in the maize-palisade grass inter cropping, provides the highest total and mean net profit during the four growing seasons, and can improve the long-term sustainability of tropical agriculture in the Brazilian Cerrado.


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Yeast flocculation (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is one of the most important problems in fuel ethanol production. Yeast flocculation causes operational difficulties and increase in the ethanol cost. Proteolytic enzymes can solve this problem since it does not depend on these changes. The recycling of soluble papain and the immobilization of this enzyme on chitin or chitosan were studied. Some cross-linking agents were evaluated in the action of proteolytic activity of papain. The glutaraldehyde (0.1-10% w·v(-1)), polyethyleneimine (0.5% v·v(-1)), and tripolyphosphate (1-10% w·v(-1)) inactivated the enzyme in this range, respectively. Glutaraldehyde inhibited all treatments of papain immobilization. The chitosan cross-linked with TPP in 5 h of reaction showed the yield of active immobilized enzyme of 15.7% and 6.07% in chitosan treated with 0.1% PEI. Although these immobilizations have been possible, these levels have not been enough to cause deflocculation of yeast cells. Free enzyme was efficient for yeast deflocculation in dosages of 3 to 4 g·L(-1). Recycling of soluble papain by centrifugation was effective for 14 cycles with yeast suspension in time perfectly compatible to industrial conditions. The reuse of proteases applied after yeast suspension by additional yeast centrifugation could be an alternative to cost reduction of these enzymes.