955 resultados para wine labels
The present study was done in collaboration with J. Faria e Filhos company, a Madeira wine producer, and its main goal was to fully characterize three wines produced during 2014 harvest and identify possible improving points in the winemaking process. The winemaking process was followed during 4 weeks, being registered the amounts of grapes received, the fermentation temperatures, the time at which fermentation was stopped and evolution of must densities until the fortification time. The characterization of musts and wines was done in terms of density, total and volatile acidity, alcohol content, pH, total of polyphenol, organic acids composition, sugars concentration and the volatile profile. Also, it was developed and validated an analytical methodology to quantify the volatile fatty acids, namely using SPME-GC-MS. Briefly, the following key features were obtained for the latter methodology: linearity (R2=0.999) e high sensitivity (LOD =0.026-0.068 mg/L), suitable precision (repeatability and reproducibility lower than 8,5%) and good recoveries (103,11-119,46%). The results reveal that fermentation temperatures should be controlled in a more strictly manner, in order to ensure a better balance in proportion of some volatile compounds, namely the esters and higher alcohols and to minimize the concentration of some volatiles, namely hexanoic, octanoic and decanoic acids, that when above their odours threshold are not positive for the wine aroma. Also, regarding the moment to stop the fermentation, it was verified that it can be introduced changes which can also be benefit to guarantee the tipicity of Madeira wine bouquet.
Doutoramento em Economia.
Doutoramento em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
The present work aims to evaluate the acceptance and preference for sweet taste in red wine, according to consumer segmentation in age, gender, personality type, tasting sensitivity and consumer experience in wine. A hundred and fourteen wine tasters were invited to the wine tasting, and the average age was 27 years. An addition of sugar was made with equal concentrations of glucose and fructose to the wine at 2g/L, 4g/L, 8g/L, 16g/L and 32g/L. Five pairs of glasses were presented for the subjects to taste containing each a control wine and a spiked sample. Pairs were presented in order of concentration, from 2g/L to 32g/l. The subjects were also asked to answer two online questionnaires at the end of the tasting, on the personality types and vinotype, which is related to mouth sensitivity. ISO-5495 paired comparison tests were used for sensorial analysis. The objective was to assess if any of the nine segmentation factors had influence on preference or rejection for spiked samples and to establish whether this preference was statistically significant. We concluded that it would be important to have subjects with an age average higher than 27 years and more experienced in wine drinking, mostly because the data relative to preferences in novices shows some dispersion and lack of attention. A panel of older and more experienced wine tasters is likely to be more attentive and focused and therefore yield differentiated results. It was also concluded that more research is required to extend this investigation to other wine styles because the differences in preferences can depend on other reasons, such as preferring a wine with more or less sugar according to the type of wine. Finally it was concluded also that some variables influence preference for sweet taste in red wine, such as gender, vinotype and category of experience
Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Each grape variety has its own phenolic profile. However, the concentration of the phenolic compounds present in wine mainly dependson winemaking processes. Phenolic compounds influence wine sensorial characteristics namely taste or mouthfeel, bitterness, astringency and color. Humans can perceive six basic tastes: sweet, salty; sour; umami; fat-taste and bitter taste. This last basic taste is considered as a defense mechanism against the ingestion of potential poisons. Some of the genes,encoding G-protein-coupled receptors - TAS2Rs, which translate for these distinct bitter compounds detectors have been identified. Different phenolic compounds activate distinguished combination of TAS2Rs. Astringency in wine is primarily driven by proanthocyanidins, soluble protein-proanthocyanidins complexes which diminish the protective salivary film and bind to the salivary pellicle; insoluble protein-proanthocyanidins complex and proanthocyanidins are rejected against salivary film and trigger astringency sensation via increasing friction. Thus, the aim of this review is to expand the knowledge about the role of wine phenolic compounds in wine sensorial properties, namely in bitterness and astringency phenomenon’s.
Grape metabolites can be affected by many extrinsic and intrinsic factors, such as grape variety, ripening stage, growing regions, vineyard management practices, and edaphoclimatic conditions. However, there is still much about the in vivo formation of grape metabolites that need to be investigated. The winemaking process also can create distinct wines. Nowadays, wine fermentations are driven mostly by single-strain inoculations, allowing greater control of fermentation. Pure cultures of selected yeast strains, mostly Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are added to grape must, leading to more predictable outcomes and decreasing the risk of spoilage. Besides yeasts, lactic acid bacteria also play an important role, in the final wine quality. Thus, this chapter attempts to present an overview of grape berry physiology and metabolome to provide a deep understanding of the primary and secondary metabolites accumulated in the grape berries and their potential impact in wine quality. In addition, biotechnological approaches for wine quality practiced during wine alcoholic and malolactic fermentation will also be discussed.
Tartrate precipitation is still a relevant subject in Enology, being one of the most common problems of wine physical-chemical instability. Potassium bitartrate and calcium tartrate precipitations are undesirable phenomena which can occur in bottled wines, especially when these are stored at low temperatures. The occurrence of tartrate salt crystals (potassium hydrogen tartrate – KHT and calcium tartrate – CaT) in bottles has severe consequences in the final aspect of the wine and therefore on the consumer’s acceptance, making tartrate wine stabilization virtually mandatory before bottling. Currently, several solutions to prevent this haze are available: subtractive methods including the conventional cold treatments that promote the cristalization of KHT, removal of potassium and calcium ions either by electrodialysis or ion exchange resins; and additive methods such as the addition of carboxymethylcellulose, mannoproteins or metatartaric acid. For monitoring the KHT stability, several analytical methods have been developed based on conductivity evaluation, namely the mini-contact test and the saturation temperature measurements (TS). These methods will also be revisited, aiming to raise awareness of their utility as tools in quality control of wines. This review addresses tartrate precipitation subject and the most recent preventive solutions available, pointing out the advantages and drawbacks of each one, and its impact on the final characteristics of the wine.
The flavonoids (including anthocyanins) are wine compounds with important anti-oxidant activity, protecting the cells against oxidative processes, preventing cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, among others (Antoniolli et al. 2015; Castañeda-Ovando et al. 2009; Hosu et al. 2014; Huang et al. 2009; Kong et al. 2003). Anthocyanins in grapes at harvest are determinant to red wine quality and their development in the grape must be characterised in order to determine the most suitable date for the harvest. Thus the aim of this research is the evaluation of anthocyanins composition in two red wine grape varieties from véraison continuing through ripening. Anthocyanins were quantified by high resolution liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD). Additionally, the total phenols content were quantified by UV-Vis Spectrometry. The anthocyanins’ profile evolution may be dependent on the variety and ripening phase. During ripening grape samples have shown an increase of coumaryl derivatives. This information may lead us to understand the anthocyanins biosynthesis pathway in different grape varieties. The development of anthocyanins from the véraison seems to follow a pattern that coincides with the increasing accumulation of soluble sugars.
In the semiarid region of Brazil the use of irrigation systems for applying fertilizers in horticulture is the primary means for incorporating nutrients in the soil. However, this technique still requires its use in wine vines to be assessed. In view of this, this study aimed to assess nitrate and potassium concentrations in soil fertigated with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in 3 wine grape growing cycles. A field experiment was conducted with ?Syrah? wine grapes, in Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil; it assessed five nitrogen doses (0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1) and five K2O doses (0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1) applied by drip irrigation system with two emitters per plant, with a flow rate of 4 L h-1. The experimental design used was the factorial split-plot, making up 13 combinations arranged in 4 randomized blocks. Soil solution samples were collected weekly with the aid of porous cup extractors for all treatments and at depths of 0.4 and 0.6 m by determining nitrate and potassium concentrations and electrical conductivity. Increased levels of both nutrients in the irrigation water increased the availability of nitrate and potassium in the soil solution. The highest nitrate and potassium concentrations were found in the second growing cycle at both depths studied.
The wine production is an important activity in many Ibero-American countries. The wine producer regions of these countries configure a large use of different climate types and viticultural climates. In a vitivinicultural zoning project of CYTED (Ibero-American Program for Science, Technology and Development), a viticultural climatic characterization was done in this macro viticultural region. The project have assembled a climatic database that characterizes the viticultural regions, including relevant variables for viticulture: air temperature (mean, maximum, and minimum), precipitation, relative humidity, solar radiation, number of sunshine hours, wind speed, and evapotranspiration. Using indices of the Geoviticulture MCC System (HI, CI and DI), more than 70 viticultural regions in different countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Portugal and Uruguay) were characterized according to its viticultural climatic. The results, which will be integrated to the worldwide database of the MCC System, showed that the Ibero-American viticulture is placed in a wide range of climatic groups of the wine producing regions around the world. This article presents the climatic groups found in Ibero-America, identifying also some new climatic groups not yet found in other regions of the world. This work also identifies some climatic groups not found in Ibero-America viticulture. The research has also highlighted viticultural areas characterized by climates with ?intra-annual climatic variability?, with the potential to produce more than one growing cycle per year. The results allow to conclude that the wide variability and climatic diversity present in Ibero-America may be one of the reasons to explain the diversity in terms of wine types, sensorial characteristics, typicity and uniqueness of wines produced on this macro-region.