922 resultados para vitamin B-1
Este proyecto tiene por objetivo desarrollar y construir un vehículo inteligente capaz de transportar y conferir movilidad a un brazo manipulador. El conjunto será capaz de, entre otras prestaciones, efectuar transferencia de piezas y partes entre celdas de un sistema de producción flexible o entre diversas secciones en una planta industrial, realizar tareas en zonas agresivas, peligrosas o contaminadas en forma autónoma o telecomandada, etc. Se pretende además que el vehículo conforme un banco de ensayos móvil donde se demuestren y desarrollen tecnologías relacionadas con los procesos automáticos de manufactura. (...) Se prevén las siguientes etapas: a.- Construcción de la plataforma base (estructural) con sus sistemas asociados (guiado, potencia, control y frenado). b.- Desarrollo de un sistema de navegación inercial en el plano. b.1.- Plataforma inercial: construcción de sus transductores, montaje, integración, ensayo. b.2.- Desarrollo del software para navegación inercial. c.- Desarrollo de un sistema de navegación por reconocimiento del entorno. c.1.- Desarrollo de los algoritmos de reconocimiento de imágenes y correlación de las mismas (en colaboración con la Facultad Regional Mendoza). c.2.- Desarrollo de los algoritmos de navegación por medio de reconocimiento del entorno. d.- Desarrollo de un sistema de guiado básico destinado a servir de soporte a los sistemas anteriores. La secuencia de tareas es: Año 1: Tareas a) y d). Comienzo de b) y c). Año 2: Prosecución de tareas b) y c). Año 3: Conclusión. Documentación final.
Fundamento: A doença cardiovascular subclínica é prevalente em pacientes com síndrome metabólica (SM). O strain circunferencial (εCC) e o strain longitudinal (εLL) do ventriculo esquerdo (VE), avaliados pelo ecocardiograma com speckle tracking (STE), são índices de função sistólica: o encurtamento das fibras circunferenciais e longitudinais do VE é indicado por um valor negativo do strain. Portanto, quanto mais negativo o strain, melhor a função sistólica do VE. O εCC e o εLL têm sido usados para demonstrar disfunção ventricular subclínica em vários distúrbios clínicos. Objetivo: Levantamos a hipótese de que a SM está associada com comprometimento da função miocárdica, quando avaliada pelo STE. Métodos: Este estudo analisou participantes do Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) que realizaram o STE e foram avaliados para todos os componentes da SM. Resultados: Entre os 133 participantes incluídos (mulheres: 63%; idade: 65 ± 9 anos), a prevalência de SM foi de 31% (41/133). Indivíduos com SM apresentaram valores menores do εCC e do εLL que aqueles sem SM (-16,3% ± 3,5% vs. -18,4% ± 3,7%, p < 0,01; e -12,1% ± 2,5% vs. -13,9% ± 2,3%, p < 0,01, respectivamente). A fração de ejeção do VE (FEVE) foi semelhante nos dois grupos (p = 0,09). Na análise multivariada, a SM associou-se a um valor mais baixo do strain circunferencial (B = 2,1%, IC 95%: 0,6-3,5; p < 0,01), mesmo após ajuste para idade, etnia, massa VE e FEVE. De maneira semelhante, a presença de SM (B = 1,3%, IC 95%: 0,3-2,2; p < 0,01) e a massa do VE (B = 0,02%, IC 95%: 0,01 0,03; p = 0,02) associaram-se a um valor menor do strain longitudinal após ajuste para etnia, FEVE e creatinina. Conclusão: O εCC e o εLL do VE, marcadores de doença cardiovascular subclínica, estão comprometidos em indivíduos assintomáticos com SM e sem história prévia de infarto miocárdico, insuficiência cardíaca e/ou de FEVE < 50%.
Background: Heart failure is a severe complication associated with doxorubicin (DOX) use. Strain, assessed by two-dimensional speckle tracking (2D-STE), has been shown to be useful in identifying subclinical ventricular dysfunction. Objectives: a) To investigate the role of strain in the identification of subclinical ventricular dysfunction in patients who used DOX; b) to investigate determinants of strain response in these patients. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 81 participants: 40 patients who used DOX ±2 years before the study and 41 controls. All participants had left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥55%. Total dose of DOX was 396mg (242mg/ms2). The systolic function of the LV was evaluated by LVEF (Simpson), as well as by longitudinal (εLL), circumferential (εCC), and radial (εRR) strains. Multivariate linear regression (MLR) analysis was performed using εLL (model 1) and εCC (model 2) as dependent variables. Results: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were higher in the control group (p < 0.05). εLL was lower in the DOX group (-12.4 ±2.6%) versus controls (-13.4 ± 1.7%; p = 0.044). The same occurred with εCC: -12.1 ± 2.7% (DOX) versus -16.7 ± 3.6% (controls; p < 0.001). The S’ wave was shorter in the DOX group (p = 0.035). On MLR, DOX was an independent predictor of reduced εCC (B = -4.429, p < 0.001). DOX (B = -1.289, p = 0.012) and age (B = -0.057, p = 0.029) were independent markers of reduced εLL. Conclusion: a) εLL, εCC and the S’ wave are reduced in patients who used DOX ±2 years prior to the study despite normal LVEF, suggesting the presence of subclinical ventricular dysfunction; b) DOX was an independent predictor of reduced εCC; c) prior use of DOX and age were independent markers of reduced εLL.
This paper deals with the solution of a system of equations relating with a mathematical model of populations of endogamic Hymenoptera. The Author proves that, unless inequality (5.1) 4R5 + 8R R4 - 4R R³ + 8R² (R -1) R² - A a A a A a a A - R² (4R² + 4R - 1) R +2R³ < 0 a a A a is satisfied, one of the genes is eliminated from the population. He shows that the relative frequencies of different kinds of matings in the population can be obtained when the root R between zero and VRa of equation 2R4 + 2R³ -2R² (RA + Ra) - R(RA +Ra) + 2RA Ra =0 is known. In special, if we let b = RA / Ra > 1 , inequation (5.1) shows that we must have __________________ b³ + 2b² + b + V2b4 + 2b³ - 2b² + 2b Ra < __________________________________ = f(b) 2 (b4 + 2b³ + 2b - 1) The greatest value of f (b) is 0,75 and is obtained for b = 1, that is for RA = Ra.
Com o objetivo de obter: - os teores e acumulos de micronutrientes nos órgãos aéreos da planta, em diferentes estádios de crescimento; - a exportação de nutrientes na colheita de frutas, no ponto de consumo. Foi conduzido um ensaio no campo o qual consistiu da amostragem em cinco estádios de crescimento - 15, 30, 45, 60 e 75 dias após a emergência das plantas. As plantas eram cortadas rente ao solo, divididas em caule, ramos, folhas, flores e frutos para determinação dos elementos minerais B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. Os tratamentos representados pelas épocas de amostragem, constaram de um delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Conclui-se que: - A concentração dos nutrientes na parte aérea varia com a idade e o órgão considerado; - A parte aérea aumenta, nos 75 dias em mg por planta: 0,033 de B; 0,172 de Cu; 0,199 de Fe; 0,109 de Mn e 0,042 de Zn. - São exportados em uma tonelada de frutas: 1,67 g de B; 1,07 g de Cu; 2,51 g de Fe; 1,2 g de Mn e 2,3 g de Zn.
Visando estabelecer a curva de crescimento da matéria seca, marcha de absorção, quantidade exportada e reciclada de boro, zinco e cobre, instalou-se um ensaio no Estado do Espírito Santo, em solo cambissólico distrófico com declividade média de 40%. Sorteou-se três plantas matrizes, bimensalmente até 300 dias e mensalmente até 465 dias após o plantio, que foram separadas em folha, pecíolo, pseudo-caule, rizoma, engaço, botão floral e fruto. Determinou-se a massa de matéria seca e o teor de micronutrientes destes órgãos, cujos dados foram ajustados em programa de regressão, obtendo-se as curvas de acumulação de matéria seca e de absorção dos micronutrientes. Dos resultados conclui-se que: a absorção do boro, zinco e cobre pelos órgãos estudados, acompanha a acumulação de matéria seca, exceto o cobre, no pecíolo; 70% dos micronutrientes analisados são absorvidos a partir de 240 dias após o plantio; ocorre uma razão de absorção de 5 Zn, 2,5 B, 1 Cu; podem ser exportados com a colheita cerca de 10% B, 5,5% Zn e 3% Cu.
As taxas de produção (P) e biomassa (B) de duas espécies de peixes de riacho foram estudadas em sete localidades da bacia de drenagem do rio Ubatiba, considerando-se dois ciclos anuais com índices de pluviosidade contrastantes. Com o objetivo de testar correlações potenciais entre P, B e o Índice de Heterogeneidade Ambiental (IHA) de cada localidade foram utilizadas correlações simples, que não revelaram diferenças significativas (p<0,01). O padrão espacial de P indicou que as taxas de produção de ambas as espécies foram marcadamente homogêneas nas localidades de estudo, mas foram reduzidas quando comparadas com as espécies de peixes de riacho da região Holártica. Os valores médios de P e B de Astyanax hastatus Myers, 1928 foram: Pchuvoso = 14,0 kg.ha-1.ano-1, Pseco = 24,4 kg.ha-1.ano-1 e Bchuvoso = 7,3 kg.ha-1, Bseco = 12,2 kg.ha-1, com valores significativamente superiores durante o ano seco (t (B)= 2,41; p = 0,03 e t (P)= 2,28; p = 0,04). Apesar de ter apresentado tendência semelhante à registrada para A. hastatus, os valores de P e B de Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimardi, 1824) não se mostraram significativamente diferentes (t (B) = 1,5; p = 0,16 e t (P) = 1,75; p = 0,11) entre os anos de estudo, sendo Pchuvoso = 25,2 kg.ha-1.ano-1, Pseco = 53,2 kg.ha-1.ano-1 e Bchuvoso = 16,6 kg.ha-1, Bseco = 29,7 kg.ha-1. As reduções de P durante o ano de maior pluviosidade foram de 57% e 47% para A. hastatus e G. brasiliensis, respectivamente. Os valores médios da relação P/B mostraram tendência a redução em relação ao aumento de tamanho dos indivíduos de ambas as espécies.
It is well known that the culture media used in the presumptive diagnosis of suspiciuous colonies from plates inoculated with stools for isolation of enteric organisms do not always correctly indicate the major groups of enterobacteria. In an effort to obtain a medium affording more exact indications, several media (1-9) have been tested. Modifications of some of these media have also been tested with the result that a satisfactory modification of Monteverde's medium was finaly selected. This proved to be most satisfactory, affording, as a result of only one inoculation, a complete series of basic indications. The modification involves changes in the formula, in the method of preparation and in the manner of storage. The formulae are: A. Thymol blue indicator: NaOH 0.1/N .............. 34.4 ml; Thymol blue .............. 1.6 g; Water .................... 65.6 ml. B. Andrade's indicator. C. Urea and sugar solution: Urea ..................... 20 g; Lactose ................... 30 g; Sucrose ................... 30 g; Water .................... 100 ml. The mixture (C.) should be warmed slightly in order to dissolve the ingredients rapidly. Sterilise by filtration (Seitz). Keep stock in refrigeratior. The modification of Monteverde's medium is prepared in two parts. Semi-solid part - Peptone (Difco) 2.0 g; NaCl 0.5 g; Agar 0.5 g; Water 100.0 ml. Boil to dissolve the ingredients. Adjust pH with NaOH to 7.3-7.4. Boil again for precipitation. Filter through cotton. Ad indicators "A" 0.3 ml and "B" 1.0 ml. Sterilise in autoclave 115ºC, 15 minutes in amounts not higher than 200 ml. Just before using, add solution "C" asseptically in amounts of 10 ml to 200 ml of the melted semi-solid medium, maintained at 48-50ºC. Solid part - Peptone (Difco) 1.5 g; Trypticase (BBL) 0.5 g; Agar 2.0 g; Water 100,00 ml. Boil to dissolve the ingredients. Adjust pH with NaOH to 7.3-7.4. Boils again. Filter through cotton. Add indicators "A" 0.3 ml and "B" 1.0 ml; ferrous ammonium sulfate 0.02 g; sodiun thiosulfate 0.02 g. Sterilise in autoclave 115ºC, 15 minutes in amounts not higher than 200 ml. Just before using, add solution "C" asseptically in amounts of 10 ml to 200 ml of the melted solid medium, maintained at 48-50ºC. Final medium - The semi-solid part is dispensed first (tubes about 12 x 120 mm) in 2.5 ml amounts and left to harden at room temperature, in vertical position. The solid part is dispensed over the hardened semi-solid one in amounts from 2.0 ml to 2.5 ml and left to harden in slant position, affording a butt of 12 to 15 mm. The tubes of medium should be subjected to a sterility test in the incubator, overnight. Tubes showing spontaneous gas bubbles (air) should then be discarded. The medium should be stored in the incubator (37ºC), for not more than 2 to 4 days. Storage of the tubes in the ice-box produces the absorption of air which is released as bubbles when the tubes are incubated at 37ºC after inoculation. This fact confirmed the observation of ARCHAMBAULT & McCRADY (10) who worked with liquid media and the aplication of their observation was found to be essential to the proper working conditions of this double-layer medium. Inoculation - The inoculation is made by means of a long straight needle, as is usually done on the triple sugar, but the needel should penetrate only to about half of the height of the semi-solid column. Indol detection - After inoculation, a strip of sterelized filter papaer previously moistened with Ehrlich's reagent, is suspended above the surface of the medium, being held between the cotton plug and the tube. Indications given - In addition to providing a mass of organisms on the slant for serological invetigations, the medium gives the following indications: 1. Acid from lactose and/or sucrose (red, of yellowsh with strains which reduce the indicators). 2. Gas from lactose and/or sucrose (bubbles). 3. H[2]S production, observed on the solid part (black). 4. Motility observed on the semi-solid part (tubidity). 5. Urease production, observed on solid and semi-solid parts (blue). 6. Indol production, observed on the strip of filter paper (red or purplish). Indol production is not observed with indol positive strains which rapidly acidify the surface o the slant, and the use of oxalic acid has proved to give less sensitive reaction (11). Reading of results - In most cases overnight incubation is enough; sometimes the reactions appear within only a few hours of incubation, affording a definitive orientation of the diagnosis. With some cultures it is necessary to observe the medium during 48 hours of incubation. A description showing typical differential reaction follows: Salmonella: Color of the medium unchanged, with blackening of the solid part when H[2]S is positive. The slant tends to alkalinity (greenish of bluish). Gas always absent. Indol negative. Motility positive or negative. Shigella: Color of the medium unchanged at the beginning of incubation period, but acquiring a red color when the strain is late lactose/sucrose positive. Slant tending to alkalinity (greenish or purplish). Indol positive or negative. Motility, gas and H[2]S always negative. Proteus: Color of the medium generally changes entirely to blue or sometimes to green (urease positive delayed), with blackening of solid part when H[2]S is positive. Motility positive of negative. Indol positive. Gas positive or negative. The strains which attack rapidly sucrose may give a yellow-greenish color to the medium. Sometimes the intense blue color of the medium renders difficult the reading of the H[2]S production. Escherichiae and Klebsiellae: Color of the medium red or yellow (acid) with great and rapid production of gas. Motility positive or negative. Indol generally impossible to observe. Paracoli: Those lactose of sucrose positive give the same reaction as Esherichia. Those lactose or sucrose negatives give the same reactions as Salmonellae. Sometimes indol positive and H[2]S negative. Pseudomonas: Color of the medium unchanged. The slant tends to alkalinity. It is impossible to observe motility because there is no growth in the bottom. Alkaligenes: Color of the medium unchanged. The slant tends to alkalinity. The medium does not alter the antigenic properties of the strains and with the mass of organisms on the slant we can make the serologic diagnosis. It is admitted that this medium is somewhat more laborious to prepare than others used for similar purposes. Nevertheless it can give informations generally obtained by two or three other media. Its use represents much saving in time, labor and material, and we suggest it for routine laboratory work in which a quick presumptive preliminary grouping of enteric organisms is needed.
Eosinophil recruitment is a characteristic feature of a number of pathological conditions and was the topic of the recent International Symposium on allergic inflammation, asthma, parasitic and infectious diseases (Rio de Janeiro, June 3-5, 1996). Since interleukin5 (IL5) is believed to regulate the growth, differentiation and activation of eosinophils (Coffman et al. 1989, Sanderson 1992), the role of eosinophils and IL5 are closely linked. Although IL5 specifically regulates eosinophilia in vivo and this is its most well established activity, it is becoming clear that IL5 also has other biological effects. The recent derivation of an IL5 deficient mouse (Kopf et al. 1996), provides a model for exploring not only the role of IL5 and eosinophils but also other novel activities of IL5. Of note is that although the IL5 deficient mice cannot elicit a pronounced eosinophilia in response to inflammatory stimulation following aeroallergen challenge or parasite infection they still produce basal levels of eosinophils that appear to be morphologically and functionally normal. However, the basal levels of eosinophils appear insufficient for normal host defence as IL5 deficiency has now been shown to compromise defence against several helminth infections. In addition, IL5 deficient mice appear to have functional deficiencies in B-1 B lymphocytes and in IgA production.
The bioassay-guided fractionation of stems from Kielmeyera variabilis, traditionally used in Brazilian folk medicine, yielded assiguxanthone-B (1), kielcorin (4), 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (3), and a mixture of xanthones containing assiguxanthone-B (1) and 1,3,5,6-tetrahydroxy-2-prenylxanthone (2) (1:1 w/w). The xanthone mixture inhibited Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis at a concentration of 6.25 µg/ml. When tested alone, the minimal inhibitory concentration of assiguxanthone-B was 25 µg/ml against B. subtilis. Kielcorin and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid were inactive against both strains. None of the fractions was active against Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Viable cells of S. aureus were reduced by a 1-3 log CFU/ml within 12 h after exposure of one to eight times the MIC of the xanthone mixture. It is not known whether the tetrahydroxy-2-prenylxanthone or other components of the xanthone mixture are responsible for the main antibacterial activity or whether additive or synergistic action is involved
We identified two distinct groups of patients in the 91 documented cases of pancreatic trauma (median age 8.0 years, range 0.6-15.8 years; M:F 2.5:1.0): 59 had a history of abdominal trauma and elevated serum lipase but no CT or ultrasound evidence of pancreatic injury (Group A); 32 had a history of abdominal trauma, elevated serum lipase but also had CT scan and/or ultrasound evidence of pancreatic injury (Group B). Patients with "less severe" injury based on normal imaging had a lower initial lipase level [Group A, median 651 U/L (interquartile range 520-1,324) vs. Group B, 1,608 U/L (interquartile range 680-3,526); p = 0.005] and shorter admission time [Group A, 9.0 days (interquartile range 5.5-15.5) vs. Group B, 13.4 days (interquartile range 6.8-23.8); p = 0.04]. There were no differences with respect to mortality (Group A, 13.5% vs. Group B, 12.5%), but patients with evidence of injury on imaging were more likely to have surgical intervention (p = 0.0001). The single most important overall cause of pancreatic trauma was involvement in a motor vehicle accident as a passenger or pedestrian. However, in children with high-grade ductal injury, bicycle handlebar injuries were most common. Associated injuries were common in both groups.
OBJECTIVE: Body weight development is closely regulated by central nervous mechanisms. As has been demonstrated recently, the capability of the brain to actively demand energy from the body (brain-pull) is indispensable for the maintenance of systemic homeostasis. A deficit in this brain-pull may result in compensatory ingestive behavior followed by weight gain in the medium or long term. The aim of this study was to establish a biomarker of such an incompetent brain-pull. Since lactate is an alternative cerebral energy substrate to glucose, we investigated whether low fasting plasma lactate concentrations are associated with weight gain and increased feelings of hunger in patients with type 2 diabetes over a 3-year period. METHODS: In a population based cohort study 134 type 2 diabetes patients were examined at baseline and 3-year follow-up. Plasma lactate concentrations and additional hormones associated with food intake such as e.g. insulin, or leptin, as well as psychological variables like hunger feelings before and after a standardized breakfast were measured. The relation between fasting plasma lactate concentrations and postprandial hunger as well as follow-up weight was analyzed. RESULTS: Low fasting plasma lactate concentrations predicted a higher 3-year follow-up weight (B=-1.268, SE=0.625, p=0.04). Moreover, low fasting plasma lactate concentrations were associated with more pronounced feelings of postprandial hunger (B=-0.406, SE=0.137, p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that low plasma lactate concentrations may represent a biomarker of an incompetent brain-pull, which is associated with weight gain and increased postprandial hunger in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. These results are in line with the view that plasma lactate can be used by the brain as an alternative energy substrate and thereby to some extent prevent overeating and obesity.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of strenuous exercise on bone metabolism and related hormones in elderly subjects. METHODS: Twenty one active elderly subjects (11 men and 10 women; mean age 73.3 years) showing a mean theoretical Vo2max of 151.4% participated. Concentrations of plasma ionised calcium (iCa), serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and 1.25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 (1.25(OH)2D3), as well as the bone biochemical markers type I collagen C-telopeptide for bone resorption and osteocalcin and bone alkaline phosphatase for bone formation, were analysed before and after a maximal incremental exercise test. RESULTS: At basal level, iPTH was positively correlated with age (r = 0.56, p < 0.01) and negatively correlated with 25(OH)D (r = -0.50; p < 0.01) and 1.25(OH)2D3 (r = -0.47; p < 0.05). Moreover, 25(OH)D and 1.25(OH)2D3 levels were negatively correlated with age (r = -0.50, p < 0.01 and r = -0.53, p < 0.01, respectively). After exercise, iCa and 25(OH)D decreased (p < 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively) while iPTH increased (p < 0.001). The levels of 1.25(OH)2D3, bone biochemical markers, haematocrit, and haemoglobin were unchanged. The variations in iCa and 25(OH)D were not related to age and/or sex. The iPTH variation was directly related to basal iPTH levels (p < 0.01) and indirectly related to age. CONCLUSIONS: In active elderly subjects, strenuous exercise disturbed calcium homeostasis and bone related hormones without immediate measurable effect on bone turnover. Although an increase in iPTH could have an anabolic action on bone tissue, our findings from our short term study did not allow us to conclude that such action occurred.
We evaluated the Plasmodium vivax polymorphism by studying the Pvmsp-3 gene's polymorphic region by PCR-RFLP in 55 samples from patients living in Tierralta, Colombia. Three different sizes of the Pvmsp-3 gene were found, type A (1,900 bp), type B (1,500 bp) and type C (1,100 bp); most of the samples were type A (96.4 %). The Pvmsp-3 gene exhibited high polymorphism. Seven restriction patterns were found when using Alu I, and nine were found with Hha I; 12 different alleles were obtained when these patterns were combined. The findings suggest that this gene could be used in Colombia as a molecular epidemiologic marker for genotyping P. vivax.