955 resultados para upper-limb muscles
The underlying genetic defects of a congenital disease Nail-Patella Syndrome are loss-of-function mutations in the LMX1B gene. Lmx1b encodes a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor that is expressed specifically in the dorsal limb bud mesenchyme. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments suggest that Lmx1b is both necessary and sufficient to specify dorsal limb patterning. However, how Lmx1b coordinates patterning of the dorsal tissues in the limb, including muscle, skeleton and connective tissues, remains unknown. One possibility is that each tissue specifies its own pattern cell-autonomously, i.e., Lmx1b is expressed in tissues in which it functions and different tissues do not communicate with each other. Another possibility is that tissues that express Lmx1b interact with adjacent tissues and provide patterning information thereby directing the development of tissues non-cell-autonomously. Previous results showed that Lmx1b is expressed in limb connective tissue and skeleton, but is not expressed in muscle tissue. Moreover, muscles and muscle connective tissue are closely associated during development. Therefore, we hypothesize that Lmx1b controls limb muscle dorsal-ventral (DV) patterning through muscle connective tissue, but regulates skeleton and tendon/ligament development cell-autonomously. ^ To test this hypothesis, we first examined when and where the limb dorsal-ventral asymmetry is established during development. Subsequently, conditional knockout and overexpression experiments were performed to delete or activate Lmx1b in different tissues within the limb. Our results show that deletion of Lmx1b from whole limb mesenchyme results in all dorsal tissues, including muscle, tendon/ligament and skeleton, transforming into ventral structures. Skeleton-specific knockout of Lmx1b led to the dorsal duplication of distal sesamoid and metacarpal bones, but did not affect the pattern formation of other tissues, suggesting that Lmx1b controls skeleton development cell-autonomously. In addition, this skeleton-specific pattern alteration only occurs in distal limb tissues, not proximal limb tissues, indicating different regulatory mechanisms operate along the limb proximal-distal axis. Moreover, skeleton-specific ectopic expression of Lmx1b reveals a complementary skeletal-specific dorsalized phenotype. This result supports a cell-autonomous role for Lmx1b in dorsal-ventral skeletal patterning. This study enriched our understanding of limb development, and the insights from this research may also be applicable for the development of other organs. ^
Pax3 is a transcription factor whose expression has been used as a marker of myogenic precursor cells arising in the lateral somite destined to migrate to and populate the limb musculature. Accruing evidence indicates that the embryologic origins of axial and appendicular muscles are distinct, and limb muscle abnormalities in both mice and humans harboring Pax3 mutations support this distinction. The mechanisms by which Pax3 affects limb muscle development are unknown. The tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor encoded by the c-met protooncogene is also expressed in limb muscle progenitors and, like Pax-3, is required in the mouse for limb muscle development. Here, we show that c-met expression is markedly reduced in the lateral dermomyotome of Splotch embryos lacking Pax3. We show that Pax3 can stimulate c-met expression in cultured cells, and we identify a potential Pax3 binding site in the human c-MET promoter that may contribute to direct transcriptional regulation. In addition, we have found that several cell lines derived from patients with rhabdomyosarcomas caused by a t(2;13) chromosomal translocation activating PAX3 express c-MET, whereas those rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines examined without the translocation do not. These results are consistent with a model in which Pax3 modulates c-met expression in the lateral dermomyotome, a function that is required for the appropriate migration of these myogenic precursors to the limb where the ligand for c-met (hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor) is expressed at high levels.
During limb development, expression of the TALE homeobox transcription factor Meis1 is activated by retinoic acid in the proximal-most limb bud regions, which give rise to the upper forelimb and hindlimb. Early subdivision of the limb bud into proximal Meis-positive and distal Meis-negative domains is necessary for correct proximo-distal (P-D) limb development in the chick, since ectopic Meis1 overexpression abolishes distal limb structures, produces a proximal shift of limb identities along the P-D axis, and proximalizes distal limb cell affinity properties. To determine whether Meis activity is also required for P-D limb specification in mammals, we generated transgenic mice ectopically expressing Meis1 in the distal limb mesenchyme under the control of the Msx2 promoter. Msx2:Meis1 transgenic mice display altered P-D patterning and shifted P-D Hox gene expression domains, similar to those previously described for the chicken. Meis proteins function in cooperation with PBX factors, another TALE homeodomain subfamily. Meis-Pbx interaction is required for nuclear localization of both proteins in cell culture, and is important for their DNA-binding and transactivation efficiency. During limb development, Pbx1 nuclear expression correlates with the Meis expression domain, and Pbx1 has been proposed as the main Meis partner in this context; however, we found that Pbx1 deficiency did not modify the limb phenotype of Msx2:Meis1 mice. Our results indicate a conserved role of Meis activity in P-D specification of the tetrapod limb and suggest that Pbx function in this context is either not required or is provided by partners other than Pbx1.
The objective of this study was to compare onset of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscle activity during rapid, unilateral arm movements between ten patients with chronic neck pain and 12 control subjects. Deep cervical flexor (DCF) electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles. While standing, subjects flexed and extended the right arm in response to a visual stimulus. For the control group, activation of DCF, SCM and AS muscles occurred less than 50 ms after the onset of deltoid activity, which is consistent with feedforward control of the neck during arm flexion and extension. When subjects with a history of neck pain flexed the arm, the onsets of DCF and contralateral SCM and AS muscles were significantly delayed (p<0.05). It is concluded that the delay in neck muscle activity associated with movement of the arm in patients with neck pain indicates a significant deficit in the automatic feedforward control of the cervical spine. As the deep cervical muscles are fundamentally important for support of the cervical lordosis and the cervical joints, change in the feedforward response may leave the cervical spine vulnerable to reactive forces from arm movement.
AIM: To establish a simple method to quantify muscle/fat constituents in cervical muscles of asymptomatic women using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to determine whether there is an age effect within a defined age range. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI of the upper cervical spine was performed for 42 asymptomatic women aged 18-45 years. The muscle and fat signal intensities on axial spin echo T1-weighted images were quantitatively classified by taking a ratio of the pixel intensity profiles of muscle against those of intermuscular fat for the rectus capitis posterior major and minor and inferior obliquus capitis muscles bilaterally. Inter- and intra-examiner agreement was scrutinized. RESULTS: The average relative values of fat within the upper cervical musculature compared with intermuscular fat indicated that there were only slight variations in indices between the three sets of muscles. There was no significant correlation between age and fat indices. There were significant differences for the relative fat within the muscle compared with intermuscular fat and body mass index for the right rectus capitis posterior major and right and left inferior obliquus capitis muscles (p = 0.032). Intraclass correlation coefficients for intraobserver agreement ranged from 0.94 to 0.98. Inter-rater agreement of the measurements ranged from 0.75 to 0.97. CONCLUSION: A quantitative measure of muscle/fat constituents has been developed, and results of this study indicate that relative fatty infiltration is not a feature of age in the upper cervical extensor muscles of women aged 18-45 years. (C) 2005 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Various exercises are used to retrain the abdominal muscles in the management of low back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. However. few studies have directly investigated the activity of all the abdominal muscles or the recruitment of regions of the abdominal muscles during these manoeuvres. This study examined the activity of different regions of transversus abdominis (TrA), obliquus internus (OI) and externus abdominis (OE), and rectus abdominis (RA), and movement of lumbar spine, pelvis and abdomen during inward movement of the lower abdominal wall, abdominal bracing, pelvic tilting, and inward movement of the lower and upper abdominal wall. Inward movement of the lower abdominal wall in supine produced greater activity of TrA compared to OI. OE and RA. During posterior pelvic tilting. middle OI was most active and with abdominal bracing. OE was predominately recruited. Regions of TrA were recruited differentially and in inverse relationship between lumbopelvic motion and TrA electromyography (EMG) was found. This study indicates that inward movement of the abdominal wall in supine produces the most independent activity of TrA relative to the other abdominal muscle, recruitment varies between regions of TrA, and observation of abdominal and lumbopelvic motion may assist in evalation of exercise performance. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. The mechanisms by which the abdominal muscles move and control the lumbosacral spine are not clearly understood. Descriptions of abdominal morphology are also conflicting and the regional anatomy of these muscles has not been comprehensively examined. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology of regions of transversus abdominis and obliquus internus and externus abdominis. Methods. Anterior and posterolateral abdominal walls were dissected bilaterally in 26 embalmed human cadavers. The orientation, thickness and length of the upper, middle and lower fascicles of transversus abdominis and obliquus internus abdominis, and the upper and middle fascicles of obliquus externus abdominis were measured. Findings. Differences in fascicle orientation, thickness and length were documented between the abdominal muscles and between regions of each muscle. The fascicles of transversus abdominis were horizontal in the upper region, with increasing inferomedial orientation in the middle and lower regions. The upper and middle fascicles of obliquus internus abdominis were oriented superomedially and the lower fascicles inferomedially. The mean vertical dimension of transversus abdominis that attaches to the lumbar spine via the thoracolumbar fascia was 5.2 (SD 2.1) cm. Intramuscular septa were observed between regions of transversus abdominis, and obliquus internus abdominis could be separated into two distinct layers in the lower and middle regions. Interpretation. This study provides quantitative data of morphological differences between regions of the abdominal muscles, which suggest variation in function between muscle regions. Precise understanding of abdominal muscle anatomy is required for incorporation of these muscles into biomechanical models. Furthermore, regional variation in their morphology may reflect differences in function. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ease with which we perform tasks such as opening the lid of a jar, in which the two hands execute quite different actions, belies the fact that there is a strong tendency for the movements of the upper limbs to be drawn systematically towards one another. Mirror movements, involuntary contractions during intended unilateral engagement of the opposite limb, are considered pathological, as they occur in association with specific disorders of the CNS. Yet they are also observed frequently in normally developing children, and motor irradiation, an increase in the excitability of the (opposite) homologous motor pathways when unimanual movements are performed, is a robust feature of the mature motor system. The systematic nature of the interactions that occur between the upper limbs has also given rise to the expectation that functional improvements in the control of a paretic limb may occur when movements are performed in a bimanual context. In spite of the ubiquitous nature of these phenomena, there is remarkably little consensus concerning the neural basis of their mediation. In the present review, consideration is given to the putative roles of uncrossed corticofugal fibers, branched bilateral corticomotoroneuronal projections, and segmental networks. The potential for bilateral interactions to occur in various brain regions including the primary motor cortex, the supplementary motor area, non-primary motor areas, the basal ganglia, and the cerebellum is also explored. This information may provide principled bases upon which to evaluate and develop task and deficit-specific programs of movement rehabilitation and therapy. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Voluntary limb movements are associated with involuntary and automatic postural adjustments of the trunk muscles. These postural adjustments occur prior to movement and prevent unwanted perturbation of the trunk. In low back pain, postural adjustments of the trunk muscles are altered such that the deep trunk muscles are consistently delayed and the superficial trunk muscles are sometimes augmented. This alteration of postural adjustments may reflect disruption of normal postural control imparted by reduced central nervous system resources available during pain, so-called pain interference, or reflect adoption of an alternate postural adjustment strategy. Methods: We aimed to clarify this by recording electromyographic activity of the upper (obliquus extemus) and lower (transversus abdominis/obliquus internus) abdominal muscles during voluntary arm movements that were coupled with painful cutaneous stimulation at the low back. If the effect of pain on postural adjustments is caused by pain interference, it should be greatest at the onset of the stimulus, should habituate with repeated exposure, and be absent immediately when the threat of pain is removed. Sixteen patients performed 30 forward movements of the right arm in response to a visual cue (control). Seventy trials were then conducted in which arm movement was coupled with pain (pain trials) and then a further 70 trials were conducted without the pain stimulus (no pain trials). Results: There was a gradual and increasing delay of transversus abdominis/obliquus internus electromyograph and augmentation of obliquus externus during the pain trials, both of which gradually returned to control values during the no pain trials. Conclusion: The results suggest that altered postural adjustments of the trunk muscles during pain are not caused by pain interference but are likely to reflect development and adoption of an alternate postural adjustment strategy, which may serve to limit the amplitude and velocity of trunk excursion caused by arm movement.
Glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx) is a cytosolic enzyme that regulates diverse cellular function by removal of GSH adducts from S-glutathionylated proteins including signaling molecules and transcription factors. Glrx is up-regulated during inflammation and diabetes. Glrx overexpression inhibits VEGF-induced endothelial cell (EC) migration. The aim was to investigate the role of up-regulated Glrx in EC angiogenic capacities and in vivo revascularization in the setting of hind limb ischemia. Glrx overexpressing EC from Glrx transgenic mice (TG) showed impaired migration and network formation and secreted higher level of soluble VEGF receptor 1 (sFlt), an antagonizing factor to VEGF. After hind limb ischemia surgery Glrx TG mice demonstrated impaired blood flow recovery, associated with lower capillary density and poorer limb motor function compared to wild type littermates. There were also higher levels of anti-angiogenic sFlt expression in the muscle and plasma of Glrx TG mice after surgery. Non-canonical Wnt5a is known to induce sFlt. Wnt5a was highly expressed in ischemic muscles and EC from Glrx TG mice, and exogenous Wnt5a induced sFlt expression and inhibited network formation in human microvascular EC. Adenoviral Glrx-induced sFlt in EC was inhibited by a competitive Wnt5a inhibitor. Furthermore, Glrx overexpression removed GSH adducts on p65 in ischemic muscle and EC, and enhanced nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activity which was responsible for Wnt5a-sFlt induction. Taken together, up-regulated Glrx induces sFlt in EC via NF-kB -dependent Wnt5a, resulting in attenuated revascularization in hind limb ischemia. The Glrx-induced sFlt may be a part of mechanism of redox regulated VEGF signaling.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are increased in ischemic tissues and necessary for revascularization; however, the mechanism remains unclear. Exposure of cysteine residues to ROS in the presence of glutathione (GSH) generates GSH-protein adducts that are specifically reversed by the cytosolic thioltransferase, glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx). Here, we show that a key angiogenic transcriptional factor hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α is stabilized by GSH adducts, and the genetic deletion of Glrx improves ischemic revascularization. In mouse muscle C2C12 cells, HIF-1α protein levels are increased by increasing GSH adducts with cell-permeable oxidized GSH (GSSG-ethyl ester) or 2-acetylamino-3-[4-(2-acetylamino-2-carboxyethylsulfanyl thiocarbonylamino) phenylthiocarbamoylsulfanyl] propionic acid (2-AAPA), an inhibitor of glutathione reductase. A biotin switch assay shows that GSSG-ester-induced HIF-1α contains reversibly modified thiols, and MS confirms GSH adducts on Cys520 (mouse Cys533). In addition, an HIF-1α Cys520 serine mutant is resistant to 2-AAPA–induced HIF-1α stabilization. Furthermore, Glrx overexpression prevents HIF-1α stabilization, whereas Glrx ablation by siRNA increases HIF-1α protein and expression of downstream angiogenic genes. Blood flow recovery after femoral artery ligation is significantly improved in Glrx KO mice, associated with increased levels of GSH-protein adducts, capillary density, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, and HIF-1α in the ischemic muscles. Therefore, Glrx ablation stabilizes HIF-1α by increasing GSH adducts on Cys520 promoting in vivo HIF-1α stabilization, VEGF-A production, and revascularization in the ischemic muscles
Background: Among other causes the long-term result of hip prostheses in dogs is determined by aseptic loosening. A prevention of prosthesis complications can be achieved by an optimization of the tribological system which finally results in improved implant duration. In this context a computerized model for the calculation of hip joint loadings during different motions would be of benefit. In a first step in the development of such an inverse dynamic multi-body simulation (MBS-) model we here present the setup of a canine hind limb model applicable for the calculation of ground reaction forces. Methods: The anatomical geometries of the MBS-model have been established using computer tomography- (CT-) and magnetic resonance imaging- (MRI-) data. The CT-data were collected from the pelvis, femora, tibiae and pads of a mixed-breed adult dog. Geometric information about 22 muscles of the pelvic extremity of 4 mixed-breed adult dogs was determined using MRI. Kinematic and kinetic data obtained by motion analysis of a clinically healthy dog during a gait cycle (1 m/s) on an instrumented treadmill were used to drive the model in the multi-body simulation. Results and Discussion: As a result the vertical ground reaction forces (z-direction) calculated by the MBS-system show a maximum deviation of 1.75%BW for the left and 4.65%BW for the right hind limb from the treadmill measurements. The calculated peak ground reaction forces in z- and y-direction were found to be comparable to the treadmill measurements, whereas the curve characteristics of the forces in y-direction were not in complete alignment. Conclusion: In conclusion, it could be demonstrated that the developed MBS-model is suitable for simulating ground reaction forces of dogs during walking. In forthcoming investigations the model will be developed further for the calculation of forces and moments acting on the hip joint during different movements, which can be of help in context with the in silico development and testing of hip prostheses.
To evaluate associations between polymorphisms of the N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2), human 8-oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) and X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 1 (XRCC1) genes and risk of upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) cancer. A case-control study involving 117 cases and 224 controls was undertaken. The NAT2 gene polymorphisms were genotyped by automated sequencing and XRCC1 Arg399Gln and hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphisms were determined by Polymerase Chain Reaction followed by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. Slow metabolization phenotype was significantly associated as a risk factor for the development of UADT cancer (p=0.038). Furthermore, haplotype of slow metabolization was also associated with UADT cancer (p=0.014). The hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism (CG or GG vs. CC genotypes) was shown as a protective factor against UADT cancer in moderate smokers (p=0.031). The XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism (GA or AA vs. GG genotypes), in turn, was a protective factor against UADT cancer only among never-drinkers (p=0.048). Interactions involving NAT2, XRCC1 Arg399Gln and hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphisms may modulate the risk of UADT cancer in this population.
Muscle strength and functional independence are considered to be determinants of frailty levels among elderly people. The aim here was to compare lower-limb muscle strength (LLMS) with functional independence in relation to sex, age and number of frailty criteria, and to ascertain the influence of these variables on elderly outpatients' independence. Quantitative cross-sectional study, in a tertiary hospital. The study was conducted on 150 elderly outpatients of both sexes who were in a cognitive condition allowing oral communication, between October 2005 and October 2007. The following instruments were used: five-times sit-to-stand test (FTSST), Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) and Lawton's Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL). Descriptive, comparative, multivariate, univariate and Cronbach alpha analyses were performed. The mean time taken in the FTSST was 21.7 seconds; the mean score for FIM was 82.2 and for IADL was 21.2; 44.7% of the subjects presented 1-2 frailty criteria and 55.3% > 3 criteria. There was a significant association between LLMS and functional independence in relation to the number of frailty criteria, without homogeneity regarding sex and age. Functional independence showed significant influence from sex and LLMS. Elderly individuals with 1 or 2 frailty criteria presented greater independence in all FTSST scores. The subjects with higher LLMS presented better functional independence.
To characterize the recently described SCI1 (stigma/style cell cycle inhibitor 1) gene relationship with the auxin pathway, we have taken the advantage of the Arabidopsis model system and its available tools. At first, we have analyzed the At1g79200 T-DNA insertion mutants and constructed various transgenic plants. The loss- and gain-of-function plants displayed cell number alterations in upper pistils that were controlled by the amino-terminal domain of the protein. These data also confirmed that this locus holds the functional homolog (AtSCI1) of the Nicotiana tabacum SCI1 gene. Then, we have provided some evidences the auxin synthesis/signaling pathways are required for downstream proper AtSCI1 control of cell number: (a) its expression is downregulated in yuc2yuc6 and npy1 auxin-deficient mutants, (b) triple (yuc2yuc6sci1) and double (npy1sci1) mutants mimicked the auxin-deficient phenotypes, with no synergistic interactions, and (c) the increased upper pistil phenotype in these last mutants, which is a consequence of an increased cell number, was able to be complemented by AtSCI1 overexpression. Taken together, our data strongly suggests SCI1 as a component of the auxin signaling transduction pathway to control cell proliferation/differentiation in stigma/style, representing a molecular effector of this hormone on pistil development.