470 resultados para tropospheric


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The approach developed by Fuhrer in 1995 to estimate wheat yield losses induced by ozone and modulated by the soil water content (SWC) was applied to the data on Catalonian wheat yields. The aim of our work was to apply this approach and adjust it to Mediterranean environmental conditions by means of the necessary corrections. The main objective pursued was to prove the importance of soil water availability in the estimation of relative wheat yield losses as a factor that modifies the effects of tropospheric ozone on wheat, and to develop the algorithms required for the estimation of relative yield losses, adapted to the Mediterranean environmental conditions. The results show that this is an easy way to estimate relative yield losses just using meteorological data, without using ozone fluxes, which are much more difficult to calculate. Soil water availability is very important as a modulating factor of the effects of ozone on wheat; when soil water availability decreases, almost twice the amount of accumulated exposure to ozone is required to induce the same percentage of yield loss as in years when soil water availability is high.


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This work presents a method to estimate and correct slow time-dependent position errors due to non perfect ground station synchronization and tropospheric propagation. It uses opportunity traffic emissions, i.e. signals transmitted from the aircrafts within the coverage zone. This method is used to overcome the difficulty of installing reference beacons simultaneously visible by all the base stations in a given Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) system.


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This work presents results for the three-dimensional displacement field at Tenerife Island calculated from campaign GPS and ascending and descending ENVISAT DInSAR interferograms. The goal of this work is to provide an example of the flexibility of the technique by fusing together new varieties of geodetic data, and to observe surface deformations and study precursors of potential activity in volcanic regions. Interferometric processing of ENVISAT data was performed with GAMMA software. All possible combinations were used to create interferograms and then stacking was used to increase signal-to-noise ratio. Decorrelated areas were widely observed, particularly for interferograms with large perpendicular baseline and large time span. Tropospheric signal was also observed which significantly complicated the interpretation. Subsidence signal was observed in the NW part of the island and around Mount Teide and agreed in some regions with campaign GPS data. It is expected that the technique will provide better results when more high quality DInSAR and GPS data is available


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The influence of atmospheric gases and tropospheric phenomena becomes more relevant at frequencies within the THz band (100 GHz to 10 THz), severely affecting the propagation conditions. The use of radiosoundings in propagation studies is a well established measurement technique in order to collect information about the vertical structure of the atmosphere, from which gaseous and cloud attenuation can be estimated with the use of propagation models. However, some of these prediction models are not suitable to be used under rainy conditions. In the present study, a method to identify the presence of rainy conditions during radiosoundings is introduced, with the aim of filtering out these events from yearly statistics of predicted atmospheric attenuation. The detection procedure is based on the analysis of a set of parameters, some of them extracted from synoptical observations of weather (SYNOP reports) and other derived from radiosonde observations (RAOBs). The performance of the method has been evaluated under different climatic conditions, corresponding to three locations in Spain, where colocated rain gauge data were available. Rain events detected by the method have been compared with those precipitations identified by the rain gauge. The pertinence Received 26 June 2012, Accepted 31 July 2012, Scheduled 15 August 2012 * Corresponding author: Gustavo Adolfo Siles Soria (gsiles@grc.ssr.upm.es). 258 Siles et al. of the method is discussed on the basis of an analysis of cumulative distributions of total attenuation at 100 and 300 GHz. This study demonstrates that the proposed method can be useful to identify events probably associated to rainy conditions. Hence, it can be considered as a suitable algorithm in order to filter out this kind of events from annual attenuation statistics.


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Tropospheric phenomena such as clouds and mainly rain cause higher attenuation at Ka-band than at lower frequencies. In this collaborative paper, the main results of four long-term Ka-band propagation campaigns are presented. The experiments are carried out in Ottawa, Canada (satellite Anik F2); Aveiro, Portugal; Madrid, Spain; and Toulouse, France (satellite HotBird 6 in the last three cases) and have been running since 2004 in Aveiro, 2006 in Ottawa and Madrid, and 2008 in Toulouse. After a brief introduction of the experiments, rain rate and excess attenuation results are discussed, first for a common two-year measurement period and later for the whole database available. Seasonal attenuation statistics for Madrid, Ottawa and Aveiro are compared. Finally, fade duration and fade slope statistics derived at three locations are presented and discussed.


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El presente Proyecto Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el estudio y caracterización del centelleo troposférico en ausencia de lluvia en la banda Ka de un enlace Tierra-satélite. Para ello se dispondrá de un equipo receptor situado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación. Los datos son emitidos desde el satélite EutelSat Hot Bird 13A a una frecuencia de 19,7 GHz. La primera parte del proyecto comienza con las bases teóricas de los distintos fenómenos que afectan a la propagación de un enlace satélite, mencionando los modelos de predicción más importantes. Se ha dado más importancia al apartado perteneciente al centelleo troposférico por ser el tema tratado en este proyecto. El estudio cuenta con datos del satélite durante 7 años comprendidos entre julio de 2006 a junio de 2013. Después del filtrado y el resto del tratamiento adecuado de los datos se han obtenido distintas distribuciones estadísticas que están relacionadas con el centelleo como la varianza. Más tarde se ha comparado la varianza experimental con parámetros meteorológicos obtenidos desde distintas bases de datos. El objetivo de esto ha sido discernir cuál de estos factores afecta en mayor medida a la intensidad de centelleo. Para ello se ha realizado la correlación entre la varianza y varios parámetros meteorológicos: temperatura, humedad relativa, humedad absoluta, índice de refracción húmedo, presión… Además se han realizado medidas de nubosidad en los que se ha clasificado las muestras dependiendo del tipo de nube presente en el cielo. A continuación se ha calculado la varianza mensual media y distribuciones acumuladas de ciertos modelos de predicción de centelleo, comparándolos gráficamente con las curvas experimentales. Estos modelos usan parámetros medidos en superficie por lo que se utilizarán algunos de los parámetros analizados en el capítulo anterior. Por último se expondrán las conclusiones sacadas a lo largo de la realización del proyecto y las posibles líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT. The present Project has as the principal aim the study and characterization of tropospheric scintillation in lack of rain in the band Ka of an Earth-satellite link. It is provided for a receptor equipment located in the ETSIT. The data are broadcasted form the Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A satellite at the frecuency of 19,7 GHz. The beginning of the project starts with the theorical basis of the different phenomenons that affects to the propagation of a satellite link, naming the most important predictions models. The chapter referred to the scintillation has had more importance due to be the main topic in this project. The study deals with satellite data during 7 years between July 2006 to June 2013. After the filter and others treatments of the data, it has been getting different statistics distributions related to scintillation like variance. Later, the experimental variance has been compared with meteorological parameters obtained from different datasets. The purpose has been to decide which factor affects in a greater way to the scintillation intensity. For that it has been doing the correlation between variance and meteorological parameters: temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity, air refractivity due to water vapour, pressure… Moreover, it has been doing cloudiness measurements in which the samples have been classified in order to the kind of cloud shown in the sky at that moment. Then it has been calculated the monthly averaged variance and the prediction model for cumulative distributions which has been compared with the experimental results. That models uses surface data that they will be uses some meteorological parameters analyzed in previous chapters. Finally it will be shown the conclusions obtained along the realization of the project and the possible ways of future research.


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Los sistemas de telecomunicación que trabajan en frecuencias milimétricas pueden verse severamente afectados por varios fenómenos atmosféricos, tales como la atenuación por gases, nubes y el centelleo troposférico. Una adecuada caracterización es imprescindible en el diseño e implementación de estos sistemas. El presente Proyecto Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el estudio estadístico a largo plazo de series temporales de centelleo troposférico en enlaces de comunicaciones en trayecto inclinado sobre la banda Ka a 19,7 GHz. Para la realización de este estudio, se dispone como punto de partida de datos experimentales procedentes de la baliza en banda Ka a 19,7 GHz del satélite Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A que han sido recopilados durante siete años entre julio de 2006 y junio de 2013. Además, se cuenta como referencia teórica con la aplicación práctica del método UIT-R P.618-10 para el modelado del centelleo troposférico en sistemas de telecomunicación Tierra-espacio. Esta información permite examinar la validez de la aplicación práctica del método UIT-R P.1853-1 para la síntesis de series temporales de centelleo troposférico. Sobre este sintetizador se variará la serie temporal de contenido integrado de vapor de agua en una columna vertical por datos reales obtenidos de bases de datos meteorológicas ERA-Interim y GNSS con el objetivo de comprobar el impacto de este cambio. La primera parte del Proyecto comienza con la exposición de los fundamentos teóricos de los distintos fenómenos que afectan a la propagación en un enlace por satélite, incluyendo los modelos de predicción más importantes. Posteriormente, se presentan los fundamentos teóricos que describen las series temporales, así como su aplicación al modelado de enlaces de comunicaciones. Por último, se describen los recursos específicos empleados en la realización del experimento. La segunda parte del Proyecto se inicia con la muestra del proceso de análisis de los datos disponibles que, más tarde, permiten obtener resultados que caracterizan el centelleo troposférico en ausencia de precipitación, o centelleo seco, para los tres casos de estudio sobre los datos experimentales, sobre el modelo P.618-10 y sobre el sintetizador P.1853-1 con sus modificaciones. Al haber mantenido en todo momento las mismas condiciones de frecuencia, localización, clima y periodo de análisis, el estudio comparativo de los resultados obtenidos permite extraer las conclusiones oportunas y proponer líneas futuras de investigación. ABSTRACT. Telecommunication systems working in the millimetre band are severely affected by various atmospheric impairments, such as attenuation due to clouds, gases and tropospheric scintillation. An adequate characterization is essential in the design and implementation of these systems. This Final Degree Project aims to a long-term statistical study of time series of tropospheric scintillation on slant path communications links in Ka band at 19.7 GHz. To carry out this study, experimental data from the beacon in Ka band at 19.7 GHz for the Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A satellite are available as a starting point. These data have been collected during seven years between July 2006 and June 2013. In addition, the practical application of the ITU-R P.618-10 method for tropospheric scintillation modeling of Earth-space telecommunication systems has been the theoretical reference used. This information allows us to examine the validity of the practical application of the ITU-R P.1853-1 method for tropospheric scintillation time series synthesis. In this synthesizer, the time series of water vapor content in a vertical column will be substituted by actual data from meteorological databases ERA-Interim and GNSS in order to test the impact of this change. The first part of the Project begins with the exposition of the theoretical foundations of the various impairments that affect propagation in a satellite link, including the most important prediction models. Subsequently, it presents the theoretical foundations that describe the time series, and its application to communication links modeling. Finally, the specific resources used in the experiment are described. The second part of the Project starts with the exhibition of the data analysis process to obtain results that characterize the tropospheric scintillation in the absence of precipitation, or dry scintillation, for the three study cases on the experimental data, on the P.618-10 model and on the P.1853-1 synthesizer with its modifications. The fact that the same conditions of frequency, location, climate and period of analysis are always maintained, allows us to draw conclusions and propose future research lines by comparing the results.


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En general, la distribución de una flota de vehículos que recorre rutas fijas no se realiza completamente en base a criterios objetivos, primando otros aspectos más difícilmente cuantificables. El análisis apropiado debería tener en consideración la variabilidad existente entre las diferentes rutas dentro de una misma ciudad para así determinar qué tecnología es la que mejor se adapta a las características de cada itinerario. Este trabajo presenta una metodología para optimizar la asignación de una flota de vehículos a sus rutas, consiguiendo reducir el consumo y las emisiones contaminantes. El método propuesto está organizado según el siguiente procedimiento: - Registro de las características cinemáticas de los vehículos que recorren un conjunto representativo de rutas. - Agrupamiento de las líneas en conglomerados de líneas similares empleando un algoritmo jerárquico que optimice el índice de semejanza entre rutas obtenido mediante contraste de hipótesis de las variables representativas. - Generación de un ciclo cinemático específico para cada conglomerado. - Tipificación de variables macroscópicas que faciliten la clasificación de las restantes líneas utilizando una red neuronal entrenada con la información recopilada en las rutas medidas. - Conocimiento de las características de la flota disponible. - Disponibilidad de un modelo que estime, según la tecnología del vehículo, el consumo y las emisiones asociados a las variables cinemáticas de los ciclos. - Desarrollo de un algoritmo de reasignación de vehículos que optimice una función objetivo dependiente de las emisiones. En el proceso de optimización de la flota se plantean dos escenarios de gran trascendencia en la evaluación ambiental, consistentes en minimizar la emisión de dióxido de carbono y su impacto como gas de efecto invernadero (GEI), y alternativamente, la producción de nitróxidos, por su influencia en la lluvia ácida y en la formación de ozono troposférico en núcleos urbanos. Además, en ambos supuestos se introducen en el problema restricciones adicionales para evitar que las emisiones de las restantes sustancias superen los valores estipulados según la organización de la flota actualmente realizada por el operador. La metodología ha sido aplicada en 160 líneas de autobús de la EMT de Madrid, conociéndose los datos cinemáticos de 25 rutas. Los resultados indican que, en ambos supuestos, es factible obtener una redistribución de la flota que consiga reducir significativamente la mayoría de las sustancias contaminantes, evitando que, en contraprestación, aumente la emisión de cualquier otro contaminante. ABSTRACT In general, the distribution of a fleet of vehicles that travel fixed routes is not usually implemented on the basis of objective criteria, thus prioritizing on other features that are more difficult to quantify. The appropriate analysis should consider the existing variability amongst the different routes within the city in order to determine which technology adapts better to the peculiarities of each itinerary. This study proposes a methodology to optimize the allocation of a fleet of vehicles to the routes in order to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The suggested method is structured in accordance with the following procedure: - Recording of the kinematic characteristics of the vehicles that travel a representative set of routes. - Grouping of the lines in clusters of similar routes by utilizing a hierarchical algorithm that optimizes the similarity index between routes, which has been previously obtained by means of hypothesis contrast based on a set of representative variables. - Construction of a specific kinematic cycle to represent each cluster of routes. - Designation of macroscopic variables that allow the classification of the remaining lines using a neural network trained with the information gathered from a sample of routes. - Identification and comprehension of the operational characteristics of the existing fleet. - Availability of a model that evaluates, in accordance with the technology of the vehicle, the fuel consumption and the emissions related with the kinematic variables of the cycles. - Development of an algorithm for the relocation of the vehicle fleet by optimizing an objective function which relies on the values of the pollutant emissions. Two scenarios having great relevance in environmental evaluation are assessed during the optimization process of the fleet, these consisting in minimizing carbon dioxide emissions due to its impact as greenhouse gas (GHG), and alternatively, the production of nitroxides for their influence on acid rain and in the formation of tropospheric ozone in urban areas. Furthermore, additional restrictions are introduced in both assumptions in order to prevent that emission levels for the remaining substances exceed the stipulated values for the actual fleet organization implemented by the system operator. The methodology has been applied in 160 bus lines of the EMT of Madrid, for which kinematic information is known for a sample consisting of 25 routes. The results show that, in both circumstances, it is feasible to obtain a redistribution of the fleet that significantly reduces the emissions for the majority of the pollutant substances, while preventing an alternative increase in the emission level of any other contaminant.


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El continuo crecimiento de la demanda del transporte aéreo, junto con los nuevos escenarios de intervención militar, están obligando a una optimización en el uso del espacio aéreo. De este modo, la UE y los EEUU (a través de SESAR y NextGen respectivamente) han asentado las bases para una nueva gestión del tráfico aéreo (ATM). Con ello, se pretende aumentar la capacidad de aeropuertos y rutas aéreas, otorgando mayor flexibilidad al uso del espacio aéreo sin comprometer la seguridad de los usuarios. Desde un punto de vista puramente técnico, la clave de este cambio de modelo está en el conocimiento de la posición de cada aeronave en cada instante. En este sentido, la tendencia en ATM es el uso de ADS-B como fuente principal de posicionamiento. Sin embargo, debido a que este sistema está basado en la difusión de la posición obtenida a través de GPS, es necesario un sistema de seguimiento independiente. Actualmente, la intención es migrar del radar secundario de vigilancia (SSR) a la multilateración de área extensa (WAM), con el fin de mejorar la integridad de la posición para aplicaciones en ruta. Aprovechando el rápido despliegue de ADS-B, se pretende reutilizar sus estaciones base para WAM. Cada estación base que recibe el mensaje ADS-B de la aeronave envía conjuntamente la medida del tiempo de llegada (TOA) de dicho mensaje al centro de tráfico aéreo. La posición de la aeronave se obtiene mediante multilateración, cuya técnica consiste en utilizar las medidas de TOA de un mismo mensaje ADS-B obtenidas en las distintas estaciones base. El objetivo es estimar la posición de cada aeronave con la mayor precisión posible. Para poder diseñar el sistema que permite alcanzar este objetivo, son dos los aspectos básicos a estudiar. Por una parte, la identificación y posterior caracterización de los errores (tanto sistemáticos como aleatorios) que afectan a la medida de TOA. Por otra parte, es necesario el estudio de los sistemas de seguimiento, basados en versiones sofisticadas del filtro de Kalman (IMM, UKF). Una vez establecidos estos dos pilares, la presente tesis doctoral propone un sistema que permite efectuar el seguimiento de las aeronaves, corrigiendo los efectos de las principales distorsiones que afectan a la medida de TOA: la refracción troposférica y el error de sincronismo. La mejora en la precisión de la localización ha sido evaluada mediante simulación de escenarios hipotéticos. ABSTRACT The ever-growing demand in the air transportation and the new military intervention scenarios, are generating a need to optimize the use of the airspace. This way, the EU and the USA (through SESAR and NextGen respectively) have set the ground to overhaul the current air traffic management. The intention is to enhance the capacity of airports and air routes, providing greater flexibility in the use of airspace without jeopardizing the security of the end-users. From a technical perspective, the key for this change lies in the knowledge of the aircraft position. The trend in Air Traffic Management (ATM) is to rely on ADS-B as the main source for aircraft positioning. However, this system is based on the aircraft’s self-declaration of its own (often GPS-based) navigation solution. It is therefore necessary to have an independent surveillance system. Nowadays, the intention is to gradually migrate from Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) towards Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) in order to enhance surveillance integrity for en-route applications. Given the fast deployment of ADS-B, the aim is to use its base stations for WAM. Each station sends the Time of Arrival (TOA) of the received ADS-B messages to the air traffic center (ATC). The aircraft position is obtained through multilateration, using the TOA of the same message measured by each station. The aim is to accurately estimate the position of each aircraft. Knowledge from two key areas has to be gathered prior to designing such a system. It is necessary to identify and then characterize the errors (both systematic and random) affecting the TOA measurements. The second element is the study of tracking systems based on sophisticated versions of the Kalman filtering (e.g. IMM, UKF). Based on this knowledge, the main contribution of this Ph.D. is an aircraft tracking system that corrects the effects of the main errors involved in the TOA measurement: tropospheric refraction and synchronization issues. Performance gains in positioning accuracy have been assessed by simulating hypothetical WAM scenarios.


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Pastures are among the most important ecosystems in Europe considering their biodiversity and dis- tribution area. However, their response to increasing tropospheric ozone (O 3 ) and nitrogen (N) deposi- tion, two of the main drivers of global change, is still uncertain. A new Open-Top Chamber (OTC) experiment was performed in central Spain, aiming to study annual pasture response to O 3 and N in close to natural growing conditions. A mixture of six species of three representative families was sowed in the fi eld. Plants were exposed for 40 days to four O 3 treatments: fi ltered air, non- fi ltered air (NFA) repro- ducing ambient levels and NFA supplemented with 20 and 40 nl l � 1 O 3 . Three N treatments were considered to reach the N integrated doses of “ background ” , þ 20 or þ 40 kg N ha � 1 . Ozone signi fi cantly reduced green and total aboveground biomass (maximum reduction 25%) and increased the senescent biomass (maximum increase 40%). Accordingly, O 3 decreased community Gross Primary Production due to both a global reduction of ecosystem CO 2 exchange and an increase of ecosystem respiration. Nitrogen could partially counterbalance O 3 effects on aboveground biomass when the levels of O 3 were moderate, but at the same time O 3 exposure reduced the fertilization effect of higher N availability. Therefore, O 3 must be considered as a stress factor for annual pastures in the Mediterranean areas.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo realizar un estudio del centelleo troposférico en presencia de lluvia en la banda Ka. Para ello se han utilizado los datos obtenidos de un enlace Tierra-satélite mediante una estación receptora situada en la ETSIT UPM. En la primera parte de este proyecto, se ha realizado un estudio teórico, no demasiado profundo de los principales fenómenos que afectan a este tipo de enlaces, comentando algunos modelos de predicción y profundizando en el centelleo troposférico, ya que es el principal tema que se trata en este proyecto. En segundo lugar, se ha realizado el experimento. En la primera parte se ha comprobado que efectivamente se cumple el modelo de pendiente de -20 dB/dec debidos a la lluvia, todo ello procesando los datos que han sido tomados en la ETSIT mediante Matlab. En la segunda parte, se han tratado individualmente distintos tipos de eventos con el fin de determinar una frecuencia de corte adecuada para realizar la separación mediante filtrado de las componentes de lluvia respecto a las de centelleo, así como verificar el cumplimiento de la pendiente en el espectro de -26 dB/dec debida al centelleo. Posteriormente, una vez que se ha obtenido una frecuencia de corte adecuada para el filtro, he separado las componentes espectrales debidas al centelleo de las componentes debidas a la lluvia. Se ha obtenido la varianza de una serie de eventos, ya que es el parámetro que mejor caracteriza la intensidad del centelleo y la hemos comparado en los diferentes meses para observar su variación, ya que las lluvias de verano tienen asociadas la presencia de turbulencias mayores respecto a las de invierno. Para finalizar el proyecto, se han expuesto las conclusiones a las que hemos llegado mediante el mismo, comentando también las posibles líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT. The aim of this Project is to make a study about tropospheric Scintillation in presence of rain in the Ka band. For this purpose, the data obtained in an Earth-satellite link by a receiving station located at ETSIT UPM will be used. In the first part of this project, a non-detailed theoretical study of the principal phenomena affecting this type of links has been performed, commenting some prediction models and deepening in tropospheric Scintillation, because this is the principal objective of this project. In the second part, the experiment has been completed. In the first part the fulfillment of -20 dB/dec of slope due to the rain has been proved, after processing the data obtained in the ETSIT using Matlab. In the second part different types of events have been treated in order to determine an adequate cut frequency with the purpose of separating by filtering the components of the rain from the components of scintillation as well as verifying the fulfillment of the slope in the spectrum of -26 dB/dec due to scintillation. Afterwards, once that one suitable cut frequency for the filter has been obtained, the components of scintillation respect to the components produced by rain have been separated. The variance of a series of events has been obtained, because it is the parameter that best characterizes the scintillation intensity and during the different months it has been compared with the objective of observing its variation, due to the higher association of summer rains to the presence of greater turbulences than during winter rains. To complete this project I have presented the final conclusions to which we have come, also commenting on the possible future lines of investigation.


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En la actualidad, el uso de los sistemas de telecomunicaciones está aumentado a una gran velocidad. Debido a este aumento se hace imprescindible tener que crear sistemas de telecomunicaciones que trabajen en altas frecuencias. Al trabajar en estas frecuencias aparecen fenómenos atmosféricos que hacen que la señal se vea afectada, como la atenuación por lluvia o la atenuación por gases. Estos efectos podrían incluso hacer inviable la comunicación. Este Proyecto Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo la síntesis de series temporales de atenuación por lluvia en trayecto horizontal que afecta a un radioenlace de 38 GHz situado en Madrid. Para la realización del proyecto se utiliza como punto de partida los efectos de atenuación por lluvia en radioenlace horizontal descritos en la Recomendación UIT-R P.530-15. Los resultados obtenidos permiten examinar la validez del método propuesto en la Recomendación UIT-R P.1853-1 referente a la síntesis de las series temporales de atenuación troposférica. Este método propone un sintetizador para combinar los distintos efectos provocados por atenuación troposférica, que será utilizado para la realización del estudio. Este sintetizador ha sido implementado usado el programa Matlab. La primera parte del Proyecto expone los fundamentos teóricos sobre los que sustenta el presente trabajo. Comienza con la descripción de radioenlace, explicando sus distintos tipos y características. Después se muestran los distintos efectos de la propagación que afectan a un radioenlace. Por último, se presentan los fundamentos teóricos de series temporales, así como su implementación en un enlace de comunicaciones. En la segunda parte del Proyecto se explica el análisis de datos que se ha llevado a cabo. Primero se hace un análisis de la intensidad de lluvia según la Recomendación UIT-R P.837-6. Posteriormente se presentan los resultados de atenuación por lluvia obtenidos, haciendo una comparativa entre el modelo de la Recomendación UIT-R P.530-15, el modelo de la Recomendación UIT-R P.1853-1 y gráficas obtenidas a partir de datos experimentales. Como final del Proyecto se exponen las conclusiones que se han extraído durante su realización, así como posibles líneas futuras de investigación que continúen con el estudio realizado. ABSTRACT. The use of telecommunication systems is increasing rapidly. Due to this rising trend, it’s important to create telecommunication systems that work at high frequencies. However, some atmospheric impairments may well appear when working at these kinds of frequencies such as attenuation due to rain or gases which affect the signal. These effects could even render communication impossible. The aim of this Project is the synthesis of a time series, studying the effect of rain attenuation on a 38 GHz radio link located in Madrid. To carry out this study, the rain attenuation effects on horizontal radio links described in the ITU-R P.530-15 method are used as the starting point. The results obtained enable us to examine the validity of the practical application of the ITU R-P.1853-1 method for tropospheric attenuation time series synthesis. This method proposes a synthesizer which can combine the different effects caused by tropospheric attenuation that will be used for the study. This synthesizer has been implemented using the program Matlab. The first part of the Project starts by describing the theoretical foundations used during the Project performance. It begins with a description of radio links explaining their different types and characteristics. Following on from that, various propagation effects that affect the said radio link are shown. Finally, the theoretical foundations of the time series are presented, as well as its implementation in a communication link. In turn, the second part of the Project explains the data analysis that has been carried out. Firstly an analysis of the intensity of rain is made based on the ITU-R P.837-6 Recommendation. Subsequently, the results of the rain attenuation are presented, thus making a comparison between the ITU-R P.530-15 model, the ITU-R P.1853-1 model and graphs obtained from experimental data. Lastly, the Project shows the conclusions that have been drawn as well as propose future research lines that can be proposed so as to continue with the stud further.


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The atmosphere displays modes of variability whose structures exhibit a strong longitudinally symmetric (annular) component that extends from the surface to the stratosphere in middle and high latitudes of both hemispheres. In the past 30 years, these modes have exhibited trends that seem larger than their natural background variability, and may be related to human influences on stratospheric ozone and/or atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The pattern of climate trends during the past few decades is marked by rapid cooling and ozone depletion in the polar lower stratosphere of both hemispheres, coupled with an increasing strength of the wintertime westerly polar vortex and a poleward shift of the westerly wind belt at the earth's surface. Annular modes of variability are fundamentally a result of internal dynamical feedbacks within the climate system, and as such can show a large response to rather modest external forcing. The dynamics and thermodynamics of these modes are such that strong synergistic interactions between stratospheric ozone depletion and greenhouse warming are possible. These interactions may be responsible for the pronounced changes in tropospheric and stratospheric climate observed during the past few decades. If these trends continue, they could have important implications for the climate of the 21st century.


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The largest biological fractionations of stable carbon isotopes observed in nature occur during production of methane by methanogenic archaea. These fractionations result in substantial (as much as ≈70‰) shifts in δ13C relative to the initial substrate. We now report that a stable carbon isotopic fractionation of comparable magnitude (up to 70‰) occurs during oxidation of methyl halides by methylotrophic bacteria. We have demonstrated biological fractionation with whole cells of three methylotrophs (strain IMB-1, strain CC495, and strain MB2) and, to a lesser extent, with the purified cobalamin-dependent methyltransferase enzyme obtained from strain CC495. Thus, the genetic similarities recently reported between methylotrophs, and methanogens with respect to their pathways for C1-unit metabolism are also reflected in the carbon isotopic fractionations achieved by these organisms. We found that only part of the observed fractionation of carbon isotopes could be accounted for by the activity of the corrinoid methyltransferase enzyme, suggesting fractionation by enzymes further along the degradation pathway. These observations are of potential biogeochemical significance in the application of stable carbon isotope ratios to constrain the tropospheric budgets for the ozone-depleting halocarbons, methyl bromide and methyl chloride.


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The atmospheric chemistry of iodine and bromine in polar regions is of interest due to the key role of halogens in many atmospheric processes, particularly tropospheric ozone destruction. Bromine is emitted from the open ocean but is enriched above first-year sea ice during springtime bromine explosion events, whereas iodine is emitted from biological communities hosted by sea ice. It has been previously demonstrated that bromine and iodine are present in Antarctic ice over glacial-interglacial cycles. Here we investigate seasonal variability of bromine and iodine in polar snow and ice, to evaluate their emission, transport and deposition in Antarctica and the Arctic and better understand potential links to sea ice. We find that bromine enrichment (relative to sea salt content) and iodine concentrations in polar ice do vary seasonally in Arctic snow and Antarctic ice and we relate such variability to satellite-based observations of tropospheric halogen concentrations. Peaks of bromine enrichment in Arctic snow and Antarctic ice occur in spring and summer, when sunlight is present. Iodine concentrations are largest in winter Antarctic ice strata, contrary to contemporary observations of summer maxima in iodine emissions.