952 resultados para titles


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The quantitative and qualitative increasing of researches in Science teaching imposes the periodical mapping need of scientific production about the subject, with a view to identify its own characteristics and tendencies. In this context, researches such as “State of art”, given his executrix character, constitute in modality inquiring that allow us to outline historical scenes for a given area (or subarea) of knowledge. In this light, this work aims to outline the panorama of Brazilian academic production, represented by dissertations and thesis, in evolution teaching between 1990- 2010. The documents susceptible of analysis were raised in three online data basis and its selection happened from the reading of titles, abstracts and key-words with views to identify the dissertations and thesis that truly approached the Evolution Teaching. The found results evidence the predominance of dissertations related to the number of thesis and the concentration of academic production in Evolution Teaching in Brazil south-east region, especially in São Paulo state. In researches trends we verified the prevalence of investigations related to the previous conceptions of students and professors (in all teaching levels) and to teacher training.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Comic books, graphic narrative and sequential art, had their origin in newspapers, in the period of the Industrial Revolution. First published weekly in the comic strip format, with the passage of time, the new form of literature has gained more and more public and comic strips became complete stories in the format of comic books and later, graphic novels. This course's final paper aims to present the main components of comics: the picture and the text; and to examine the way in which these two elements overlap and complement each other in the configuration of comics as a whole. As the object of analysis, it was chosen the graphic novel Spider-Man: Blue, first published in 2002 as part of a project composed by three other titles from the double winning cartoonists of the Eisner Award, Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. For theoretical background, was chosen the book Os Quadrinhos - Linguagem e Semiótica: Um Estudo Abrangente da Arte Sequencial written by the researcher Antonio Luiz Cagnin, which presents a study of all components found in the sequential art and treated in this work: the narrative time, visual plans, balloons, caption, and onomatopoeia


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O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica dos estudos nacionais acerca do ensino curricular para cegos. Foi realizada uma busca sistemática em três bases de dados: Google Acadêmico, Scielo e Lilacs, de estudos publicados no período de 2004 a 2014, que tivessem em seu título um dos seguintes descritores: alunos cegos; alunos deficientes visuais; crianças cegas; crianças deficientes visuais. Foram localizados 188 estudos e 56 selecionados dentro dos critérios estabelecidos. Fez-se a leitura integral desses e definiram-se cinco categorias de análise: tipo de estudo; participantes; tipo de abordagem; tipo de discussão e matrizes curriculares. Para cada categoria, foram estabelecidas subcategorias. Ao total 26 subcategorias foram descritas. Os resultados indicam que o Google Acadêmico é a base de dados com maior número de títulos encontrados (188/156); a Scielo apresenta melhor eficiência na relação encontrado x selecionado (12/10). Nas subcategorias de análise, as maiores frequências são identificadas nos estudos empíricos (22); junto a crianças (19); de análises qualitativas (21); na matriz curricular de Educação Física (sete) e na subcategoria relacionamento social (16). Contudo, os estudos são convergentes em apontar que as principais dificuldades no ensino às pessoas cegas se referem a deficiências na formação de professores, onde, normalmente, não são discutidos métodos de ensino e produção de material para trabalhar com essa população específica. Em conclusão, além de realizar um mapeamento dos estudos que têm sido conduzidos junto a alunos cegos nos últimos dez anos, este artigo aponta para lacunas na literatura e direciona futuras investigações na área.


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This is a 62-page (searchable) document. Listings show all authors (arranged by 1st author), full titles, and complete citations.


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This document style is intended for reading onscreen. It creates a two-page spread that fits on a single screen (of 1024 x 768 pixels), with type that remains readable at 75% magnification. It includes design and typographic settings to accommodate common text elements: headings, subtitles, extracts, etc. The font is Lucida Sans Unicode, set single-spaced. It is a sans serif font, which allows for greater readability at smaller sizes and onscreen. The basic text size is 11 point. The font is engi¬neered with a tall line-height, so that even set “solid” (i.e., single-spaced) there is ample “leading” between the lines for clear reading. The overall design is “left aligned”—that is all titles, subtitles, headings, etc. are lined up on the left margin. Paragraphs are justified, for easier reading; titles, headings, references, captions, and endnotes are not justified. The two files attached to this documents are: Screen SansSerif file.doc = a blank MS Word file with these page and type specifications already loaded. Enter (or paste) your text into this file and Save under a new name. Screen SansSerif template.dot = an MS Word template; use this to create a new blank document. Templates are generally stored in a folder in Program Files > Microsoft Office > Templates The main document contains sample pages and specifications for the type, margins, settings, etc.


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Comic books, graphic narrative and sequential art, had their origin in newspapers, in the period of the Industrial Revolution. First published weekly in the comic strip format, with the passage of time, the new form of literature has gained more and more public and comic strips became complete stories in the format of comic books and later, graphic novels. This course's final paper aims to present the main components of comics: the picture and the text; and to examine the way in which these two elements overlap and complement each other in the configuration of comics as a whole. As the object of analysis, it was chosen the graphic novel Spider-Man: Blue, first published in 2002 as part of a project composed by three other titles from the double winning cartoonists of the Eisner Award, Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. For theoretical background, was chosen the book Os Quadrinhos - Linguagem e Semiótica: Um Estudo Abrangente da Arte Sequencial written by the researcher Antonio Luiz Cagnin, which presents a study of all components found in the sequential art and treated in this work: the narrative time, visual plans, balloons, caption, and onomatopoeia


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Shift workers from control centers of electrical systems are a group that has received little attention in Brazil. This study aimed to compare workers' job satisfaction at five control centers of a Brazilian company electrical system, and according to their job titles. Method: The Organization Satisfaction Index (OSI) questionnaire to assess job satisfaction was used. ANOVA was used to compare OSI means, according to job title and control center. The results showed that there is no difference in job satisfaction among job titles, but a significant difference was found according to the control center. A single organizational culture cannot be applied to several branches. It is required to implement actions that would result in job satisfaction improvements among workers of all studied control rooms centers. The high level of education of operators working in all centers might have contributed to the similar values of perceived satisfaction among distinct job titles.


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Abstract Objectives In this work we investigated how immunological dysfunction and malnutrition interact in alcoholic and viral aetiologies of cirrhosis. Methods To investigate the matter, 77 cirrhotic patients divided in three aetiologies [Alcohol, HCV and Alcohol + HCV) and 32 controls were prospectivelly and sequentially studied. Parameters of humoral immunity (Components 3 and 4 of seric complement and immunoglobulins A M, G and E) and of cellular immunity (total leukocytes and lymphocytes in peripheral blood, T lymphocytes subpopulations, CD4+ and CD8+, CD4+/CD8+ ratio and intradermic tests of delayed hypersensitivity), as well as nutrititional parameters: anthropometric measures, serum albumin and transferrin were evaluated. Results Multiple statistical comparisons showed that IgM was higher in HCV group; IgG was significantly elevated in both HCV and Alcohol + HCV, whereas for the Alcohol group, IgE was found at higher titles. The analysis of T- lymphocytes subpopulations showed no aetiologic differences, but intradermic tests of delayed hypersensitivity did show greater frequency of anergy in the Alcohol group. For anthropometric parameters, the Alcohol +HCV group displayed the lowest triceps skinfold whereas creatinine – height index evaluation was more preserved in the HCV group. Body mass index, arm muscle area and arm fat area showed that differently from alcohol group, the HCV group was similar to control. Conclusion Significant differences were found among the main aetiologies of cirrhosis concerning immunological alterations and nutritional status: better nutrition and worse immunology for HCV and vice-versa for alcohol.


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Considerando-se a importância de se fazer conhecer as permutas e as doações recebidas pela Biblioteca do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, definiu-se como universo de pesquisa a avaliação das coleções de periódicos nacionais e internacionais, recebidas correntemente, e incorporadas ao acervo. Verificou-se, através dessas coleções, que o acervo possui uma boa representatividade das necessidades de informação da comunidade, mesmo sendo uma Biblioteca Especializada em Medicina Tropical. Identificou- se, dentre os periódicos recebidos, o número de doações e permutas, os assuntos predominantes, a procedência, o fator de impacto e as indexações. Procurou-se, também, conhecer a opinião dos usuários, quanto a seu interesse em relação aos títulos recebidos. 1


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PO artigo demonstra as interações entre algumas bases de dados internacionais na disponibilização de periódicos da área de Ciência da Informação. Para isso, foram investigadas seis bases de dados com acesso a texto completo dentro da área de Ciência da Informação. Foram elas: Web of Science, Scopus, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Library Literature Information Science – full text e Library Information Science Abstract. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram utilizados conceitos, princípios e equações da ‘teoria ingênua dos conjuntos’, o que permitiu observar as bases de dados como conjuntos compostos por elementos, aqui considerados os títulos de periódicos, bem como conferir consistência aos resultados. A análise dos dados foi dividida em três etapas, a saber: a) a primeira priorizou o cruzamento entre as duas maiores bases de dados utilizadas para levantamento bibliográfico (Web of Science e Scopus), seguido do cruzamento com a mais utilizada na Ciência da Informação, a Library and Information Science Abstracts; b) a segunda etapa tratou somente do cruzamento das bases especialistas da área; c) a terceira e última etapa tratou da interseção de todas as bases de dados do estudo. O resultado mostra que 10 títulos de periódicos constituem a interseção dos seis conjuntos de bases de dados. Foi possível identificar, também, o número de periódicos disponibilizados exclusivamente por uma base de dados, demonstrando que as necessidades de pesquisas bibliográficas exaustivas passam, obrigatoriamente, pelo levantamento em todas as bases de dados aqui elencadas.


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Endometriosis, a highly prevalent gynecological disease, can lead to infertility in moderate to severe cases. Whether minimal stages are associated with infertility is still unclear. The purpose of this systematic review is to present studies regarding the association between pregnancy rates and the presence of early stages of endometriosis. Studies regarding infertility, minimal (stage I, American Society of Reproductive Medicine [ASRM]) and mild (stage II, ASRM) endometriosis were identified by searching on the MEDLINE database from 1985 to September 2011 using the following MESH terms: endometriosis; infertility; minimal; mild endometriosis; pregnancy rate. 1188 articles published between January of 1985 and November of 2011 were retrieved; based on their titles, 1038 citations were excluded. Finally, after inclusion and exclusion criteria, 16 articles were selected to be part of this systematic review. Several reasons have been discussed in the literature to explain the impact of minimal endometriosis on fertility outcome, such as: ovulatory dysfunction, impaired folliculogenesis, defective implantation, decrease embryo quality, abnormal immunological peritoneal environment, and luteal phase problems. Despite the controversy involving the topic, the largest randomized control trial, published by Marcoux et al. in 1997 found a statistically different pregnancy rate after resection of superficial endometrial lesions. Earlier stages of endometriosis play a critical role in infertility, and most likely negatively impact pregnancy outcomes. Further studies into stage I endometriosis, especially randomized controlled trials, still need to be conducted.