959 resultados para time-domain reflectometry
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
TDEM survey in urban environmental for hydrogeological study at USP campus in Sao Paulo city, Brazil
In this work, some TDEM (Time Domain Electromagnetic) results at USP (University of Sao Paulo) campus in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, are presented. The data were acquired focusing on two mains objectives: (i) to map geoelectrical stratigraphy of Sao Paulo sedimentary basin, emphasizing on hydrogeological studies about sedimentary and crystalline aquifers, and (ii) to analyze the viability of TDEM data acquisition use in urban environment. The study area is located in Sao Paulo basin border, characterized by Resende and Sao Paulo formations, which are constituted by sand-clays sediments over a granite-gneissic basement. Two equipments were used in order to acquire database: Protem47 (low power), and Protem57-MK2 (high power). Capacitive noise affect obtained data with Protem47 due to the presence of metal pipes buried at IAG/USP (Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Science) test site at USP. On the other hand, capacitive noise did not affect acquired data with Protem57-MK2, and the data present high signal to noise ratio. Surveys helped in determining sedimentary and crystalline aquifers, characterized by a fracture zone with water inside basin basement (conductive zone). Results show good agreement with local geology obtained from lithological boreholes located in the study areas. Moreover, it shows that TDEM method can be used in urban environments with a countless potential in hydrogeological studies, offering great reliability. Studies showed that main TDEM-method limitation at USP was the lack of space for opening the transmitter loop. Results are very promising and open new perspectives for TDEM-method use in urban environments as this area remains unexplored. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present the results of an operational use of experimentally measured optical tomograms to determine state characteristics (purity) avoiding any reconstruction of quasiprobabilities. We also develop a natural way how to estimate the errors (including both statistical and systematic ones) by an analysis of the experimental data themselves. Precision of the experiment can be increased by postselecting the data with minimal (systematic) errors. We demonstrate those techniques by considering coherent and photon-added coherent states measured via the time-domain improved homodyne detection. The operational use and precision of the data allowed us to check purity-dependent uncertainty relations and uncertainty relations for Shannon and Renyi entropies.
This manuscript reports on the fabrication of plasmonic substrates using cathodic arc plasma ion implantation, in addition to their performance as SERS substrates. The technique allows for the incorporation of a wide layer of metallic nanoparticles into a polymer matrix, such as PMMA. The ability to pattern different structures using the PMMA matrix is one of the main advantages of the fabrication method. This opens up new possibilities for obtaining tailored substrates with enhanced performance for SERS and other surface-enhanced spectroscopies, as well as for exploring the basic physics of patterned metal nanostructures. The architecture of the SERS-active substrate was varied using three adsorption strategies for incorporating a laser dye (rhodamine): alongside the nanoparticles into the polymer matrix, during the polymer cure and within nanoholes lithographed on the polymer. As a proof-of-concept, we obtained the SERS spectra of rhodamine for the three types of substrates. The hypothesis of incorporation of rhodamine molecules into the polymer matrix during the cathodic arc plasma ion implantation was supported by FDTD (Finite-Difference Time-Domain) simulations. In the case of arrays of nanoholes, rhodamine molecules could be adsorbed directly on the gold surface, then yielding a well-resolved SERS spectrum for a small amount of analyte owing to the short-range interactions and the large longitudinal field component inside the nanoholes. The results shown here demonstrate that the approach based on ion implantation can be adapted to produce reproducible tailored substrates for SERS and other surface-enhanced spectroscopies.
The Pierre Auger Observatory is exploring the potential of the radio detection technique to study extensive air showers induced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) addresses both technological and scientific aspects of the radio technique. A first phase of AERA has been operating since September 2010 with detector stations observing radio signals at frequencies between 30 and 80 MHz. In this paper we present comparative studies to identify and optimize the antenna design for the final configuration of AERA consisting of 160 individual radio detector stations. The transient nature of the air shower signal requires a detailed description of the antenna sensor. As the ultra-wideband reception of pulses is not widely discussed in antenna literature, we review the relevant antenna characteristics and enhance theoretical considerations towards the impulse response of antennas including polarization effects and multiple signal reflections. On the basis of the vector effective length we study the transient response characteristics of three candidate antennas in the time domain. Observing the variation of the continuous galactic background intensity we rank the antennas with respect to the noise level added to the galactic signal.
We analyzed the effectiveness of linear short- and long-term variability time domain parameters, an index of sympatho-vagal balance (SDNN/RMSSD) and entropy in differentiating fetal heart rate patterns (fHRPs) on the fetal heart rate (fHR) series of 5, 3 and 2 min duration reconstructed from 46 fetal magnetocardiograms. Gestational age (GA) varied from 21 to 38 weeks. FHRPs were classified based on the fHR standard deviation. In sleep states, we observed that vagal influence increased with GA, and entropy significantly increased (decreased) with GA (SDNN/RMSSD), demonstrating that a prevalence of vagal activity with autonomous nervous system maturation may be associated with increased sleep state complexity. In active wakefulness, we observed a significant negative (positive) correlation of short-term (long-term) variability parameters with SDNN/RMSSD. ANOVA statistics demonstrated that long-term irregularity and standard deviation of normal-to-normal beat intervals (SDNN) best differentiated among fHRPs. Our results confirm that short-and long-term variability parameters are useful to differentiate between quiet and active states, and that entropy improves the characterization of sleep states. All measures differentiated fHRPs more effectively on very short HR series, as a result of the fMCG high temporal resolution and of the intrinsic timescales of the events that originate the different fHRPs.
In this article we propose an efficient and accurate method for fault location in underground distribution systems by means of an Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifier. We applied the time domains reflectometry method for signal acquisition, which was further analyzed by OPF and several other well-known pattern recognition techniques. The results indicated that OPF and support vector machines outperformed artificial neural networks and a Bayesian classifier, but OPF was much more efficient than all classifiers for training, and the second fastest for classification.
This paper presents preliminary results to determine small displacements of a global positioning system (GPS) antenna fastened to a structure using only one L1 GPS receiver. Vibrations, periodic or not, are common in large structures, such as bridges, footbridges, tall buildings, and towers under dynamic loads. The behavior in time and frequency leads to structural analysis studies. The hypothesis of this article is that any large structure that presents vibrations in the centimeter-to-millimeter range can be monitored by phase measurements of a single L1 receiver with a high data rate, as long as the direction of the displacement is pointing to a particular satellite. Within this scenario, the carrier phase will be modulated by antenna displacement. During a period of a few dozen seconds, the relative displacement to the satellite, the satellite clock, and the atmospheric phase delays can be assumed as a polynomial time function. The residuals from a polynomial adjustment contain the phase modulation owing to small displacements, random noise, receiver clock short time instabilities, and multipath. The results showed that it is possible to detect displacements of centimeters in the phase data of a single satellite and millimeters in the difference between the phases of two satellites. After applying a periodic nonsinusoidal displacement of 10 m to the antenna, it is clearly recovered in the difference of the residuals. The time domain spectrum obtained by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) exhibited a defined peak of the third harmonic much more than the random noise using the proposed third-degree polynomial model. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000070. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.