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Back Row (standing): Edward DePont, Charles F. Rittenger, mngr. Royal T. Farrand, Harry Mowrey, Edward D. Wickes, Albert W. Jefferis, Virgil Tupper, Paul Woodworth, Hiram Powers, William W. Pearson
2nd row (seated): Ralph W. Hayes, capt. James Van Inwagen, Charles Thomas, Willard W. Griffin
Front Row: George Dygert, Frank Crawford, Lawrence Grosh, Roger Sherman, Charles Southworth
(Unidentified or not pictured: Berry, James E. Duffy)
David Nelson, no. 23 leads the blocking
[probably as intramural rather than varsity player)
Shown recording data are, left to right, John P. Vajda, Milwaukee WI, and James A. Lovell, Grand Rapids, MI. graduate students in electrical engineering.