929 resultados para talk shows


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A escola é uma instituição inserida na sociedade e, portanto reflete seus sintomas, dentre eles a violência, que de maneira geral vem sendo institucionalizada, sendo percebida como algo natural e imutável, e a maneira com a qual ela vem sendo tratada pela escola apenas a perpetua. Comumente a resolução dos conflitos perpassa por uma noção de justiça vinculada à punição e a obediência, havendo sempre uma relação proporcional ou não, entre o ato e sua sanção, sendo o enfoque no crime, ou seja, a justiça retributiva. A proposta de justiça restaurativa, diferentemente, visa exatamente o oposto, pois se fixa não no castigo e na vingança, mas na restauração das relações e na valorização de todos os envolvidos, por meio dos círculos restaurativos. Estes inserem o facilitador e os participantes. Inicialmente é feita uma apresentação do funcionamento do círculo. Afinal esse modo de organização é envolto de uma aura sagrada, em que todos se preparam para a restituição, pois se deve estar disposto a reconciliar-se. Nos círculos pode-se ouvir e falar por meio do bastão da fala que circula, quem está em seu poder conta sua versão da história sem estigmas de vítimas ou ofensores, ao recontar e ao ouvir o posicionamento do outro, há o estabelecimento de novos vínculos. A partir desta formação os sujeitos podem buscar soluções consensuais a fim de restabelecer as relações, sanar as necessidades individuais e eliminar as disputas conflituosas. A ênfase na responsabilização dos sujeitos em uma sociedade que delega responsabilidades promoveu na pesquisa a necessidade da discussão dos conceitos de culpa e vergonha como agentes reparadores. Tem-se por objetivo relatar experiências analisando o uso de processos restaurativos na promoção da resolução dos conflitos escolares. O estudo consta de uma amostra de quatro casos envolvendo adolescentes em conflitos escolares, que foram analisados qualitativamente, considerando as subjetividades envolvidas nos relatos. Assim, este trabalho mostra que o uso de práticas restaurativas no trato dos conflitos escolares, é uma possibilidade de intervenção que atua na melhora do ambiente e da convivência escolar, promovendo aprendizagens e troca de saberes, valorizando a tolerância ao diferente e a possibilidade de escuta, compreendendo o conflito de maneira positiva, abdicando condutas punitivas, mas principalmente restaurando relações. ões. Neste trabalho foi possível entender que a violência esta institucionalizada, naturalizada e reproduzida na escola, e que rompe essa cadeia ao compreender as causas da violência escolar, promovendo a substituição da violência pelo diálogo e por outras tantas outras respostas possíveis. Entender o conflito como inerente aos relacionamentos e o abordar como possibilidade de aprendizagem, os manejando sob a ótica da justiça restaurativa, promove uma rede multiplicadora de paz, em que os alunos disseminam às suas famílias e comunidade estes novos olhares. Reparar, restituir, reintegrar, restabelecer, recuperar, reconstituir, restaurar. A beleza dessa ideia, desse novo paradigma do qual essa pesquisa se apropria é a capacidade humana de se refazer, de se reinventar. Compreender a oportunidade de reiniciar, satisfazendo necessidades e compensando perdas, é validar a própria humanidade.


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As wireless network technologies evolve towards an All-IP framework, Next Generation Wireless Communication Devices demand better use of spectral resources by employing advanced techniques of silence suppression. This paper presents an analysis of VoIP call data and compares the statistical results based on observed patterns of talk spurts and silence lengths to those achieved by a modified on-off voice model for silence suppression in wireless networks. As talk spurts and silence lengths are sensitive to varying word lengths, temporal structure and other prosodic aspects of speech, the impact of the use of various languages, dialects and gender of speakers on these results is also assessed.


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This book introduces a newly emerging approach to the analysis of talk. FPDA offers a means of analysing the ways in which speakers construct their gender identities within a complex web of power relations. The FPDA approach challenges the traditional feminist view that females are often disempowered within mixed sex settings. This approach shows that both male and female speakers constantly shift between positions of powerfulness and powerlessness - even within the same conversation. The methodology is demonstrated through a study of teenagers' conversations in class and a study of senior managers' discussions in business meetings, concluding with suggestions that while female speakers are often 'silenced' by dominant social discourses, they are far from uniformly powerless.


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Research interviews are a form of interaction jointly constructed by the interviewer and interviewee, what Silverman (2001: 104) calls 'interview-as-local-accomplishment'. From this perspective, interviews are an interpretative practice in which what is said is inextricably tied to where it is said, how it is said and, importantly, to whom it is said (Holstein and Gubrium, 2004). The relationship between interviewer and interviewee, then, is fundamental in research interviews. But what happens when the relationship between interviewer and interviewee is not only that of researcher-informant but also involves other roles such as colleague and friend? In this article we will show how prior relationships are invoked and made relevant by both parties during educational research interviews and how these prior relationships therefore contribute to the 'generation' (Baker, 2004: 163) of interview data. © 2010 The Author(s).


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This chapter explores the different ways in which discourse-analytic approaches reveal the ‘meaningfulness’ of text and talk. It reviews four diverse approaches to discourse analysis of particular value for current research in linguistics: Conversation Analysis (CA), Discourse Analysis (DA), Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Feminist Post-structuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA). Each approach is examined in terms of its background, motivation, key features, and possible strengths and limitations in relation to the field of linguistics. A key way to schematize discourse-analytic methodology is in terms of its relationship between microanalytical approaches, which examine the finer detail of linguistic interactions in transcripts, and macroanalytical approaches, which consider how broader social processes work through language (Heller, 2001). This chapter assesses whether there is a strength in a discourse-analytic approach that aligns itself exclusively with either a micro- or macrostrategy, or whether, as Heller suggests, the field needs to fi nd a way of ‘undoing’ the micro–macro dichotomy in order to produce richer, more complex insights within linguistic research.


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This article examines the negotiation of face in post observation feedback conferences on an initial teacher training programme. The conferences were held in groups with one trainer and up to four trainees and followed a set of generic norms. These norms include the right to offer advice and to criticise, speech acts which are often considered to be face threatening in more normal contexts. However, as the data analysis shows, participants also interact in ways that challenge the generic norms, some of which might be considered more conventionally face attacking. The article argues that face should be analysed at the level of interaction (Haugh and Bargiela-Chiappini, 2010) and that situated and contextual detail is relevant to its analysis. It suggests that linguistic ethnography, which 'marries' (Wetherell, 2007) linguistics and ethnography, provides a useful theoretical framework for doing so. To this end the study draws on real-life talk-in-interaction (from transcribed recordings), the participants' perspectives (from focus groups and interviews) and situated detail (from fieldnotes) to produce a contextualised and nuanced analysis. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Human beings are political animals. They are also articulate mammals. How are these two aspects linked? This is a question that is only beginning to be explored. The present collection makes a contribution to the investigations into the use of language in those situations which, informally and intuitively, we call ‘political’. Such an approach is revealing not only for politics itself but also for the human language capacity. Each chapter outlines a particular method or analytic approach and illustrates its application to a contemporary political issue, institution or mode of political behaviour. As a whole, the collection aims to give a sample of current research in the field. It will interest those who are beginning to carry the research paradigm forward, as well as provide an introduction for newcomers, whether they come from neighbouring or remote disciplines or from none.


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Teacher-fronted interaction is generally seen to place limitations on the contributions that learners can make to classroom discourse and the conclusion is that learners are unable to experiment with, for example, turn-taking mechanisms. This article looks at teacher-fronted interaction in the language classroom from the perspective of learner talk by examining how learners might take the initiative during this apparently more rigid form of interaction. Detailed microanalysis of classroom episodes, using a conversation analysis institutional discourse approach, shows how learners orient to the institutional context to make sophisticated and effective use of turn-taking mechanisms to take the initiative and direct the interaction, even in the controlled environment of teacher-fronted talk. The article describes some of the functions of such learner initiative, examines how learners and teachers co-construct interaction and how learners can create learning opportunities for themselves. It also briefly looks at teacher reactions to such initiative. The article concludes that learner initiative in teacher-fronted interaction may constitute a significant opportunity for learning and that teachers should find ways of encouraging such interaction patterns.