973 resultados para synaesthesia for touch


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In this paper we consider the nexus existing between returning transnational migrants to Trinidad and Tobago's adaptation experiences, matters pertaining to their transnational life-paths, family and community experiences and their views on transnationalism and return. The research is based on an analysis of the detailed narratives provided by forty informants by means of semi-structured interviews. The informants consisted of nine 'second-generation', seven 'one-and-a-half-generation' and twenty-four 'prolonged sojourner' returning transnational migrants to Trinidad and Tobago. The main conceptual themes that characterise Caribbean transnationalism are presented at the beginning of the paper. Addressing these in the context of Trinidad and Tobago, we present our narrative-based findings under the following headings derived from analysis of our informant's experiences and views: transnational family and life-course issues; transnational community relationships; keeping in touch; transnational mobility and 'home as fixed anchor'; transnational identity; transnational economic and commercial interests; and strategic flexibility.


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Tactile discrimination performance depends on the receptive field (RF) size of somatosensory cortical (SI) neurons. Psychophysical masking effects can reveal the RF of an idealized "virtual" somatosensory neuron. Previous studies show that top-down factors strongly affect tactile discrimination performance. Here, we show that non-informative vision of the touched body part influences tactile discrimination by modulating tactile RFs. Ten subjects performed spatial discrimination between touch locations on the forearm. Performance was improved when subjects saw their forearm compared to viewing a neutral object in the same location. The extent of visual information was relevant, since restricted view of the forearm did not have this enhancing effect. Vibrotactile maskers were placed symmetrically on either side of the tactile target locations, at two different distances. Overall, masking significantly impaired discrimination performance, but the spatial gradient of masking depended on what subjects viewed. Viewing the body reduced the effect of distant maskers, but enhanced the effect of close maskers, as compared to viewing a neutral object. We propose that viewing the body improves functional touch by sharpening tactile RFs in an early somatosensory map. Top-down modulation of lateral inhibition could underlie these effects.


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This paper describes and analyses the experience of designing, installing and evaluating a farmer-usable touch screen information kiosk on cattle health in a veterinary institution in Pondicherry. The contents of the kiosk were prepared based on identified demands for information on cattle health, arrived at through various stakeholders meetings. Information on these cattle diseases and conditions affecting the livelihoods of the poor was provided through graphics, text and audio back-up, keeping in mind the needs of landless and illiterate poor cattle owners. A methodology for kiosk evaluation based on the feedback obtained from kiosk facilitator, critical group reflection and individual users was formulated. The formative evaluation reveals the potential strength this ICT has in transferring information to the cattle owners in a service delivery centre. Such information is vital in preventing diseases and helps cattle owners to present and treat their animals at an early stage of disease condition. This in turn helps prevent direct and indirect losses to the cattle owners. The study reveals how an information kiosk installed at a government institution as a freely accessible source of information to all farmers irrespective of their class and caste can help in transfer of information among poor cattle owners, provided periodic updating, interactivity and communication variability are taken care of. Being in the veterinary centre, the kiosk helps stimulate dialogue, and facilitates demand of services based on the information provided by the kiosk screens.


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Neuropathic pain is a difficult state to treat, characterized by alterations in sensory processing that can include allodynia (touch-evoked pain). Evidence exists for nerve damage-induced plasticity in both transmission and modulatory systems, including changes in voltage-dependent calcium channel (VDCC) expression and function; however, the role of Ca(v)2.3 calcium channels has not clearly been defined. Here, the effects of SNX-482, a selective Ca(v)2.3 antagonist, on sensory transmission at the spinal cord level have been investigated in the rat. The spinal nerve ligation (SNL) model of chronic neuropathic pain [Kim & Chung, (1992) Pain, 50, 355-363] was used to induce mechanical allodynia, as tested on the ipsilateral hindpaw. In vivo electrophysiological measurements of dorsal horn neuronal responses to innocuous and noxious electrical and natural stimuli were made after SNL and compared to sham-operated animals. Spinal SNX-482 (0.5-4 mu g/50 mu L) exerted dose-related inhibitions of noxious C-fibre- and A delta-fibre-mediated neuronal responses in conditions of neuropathy, but not in sham-operated animals. Measures of spinal cord hyperexcitability and nociception were most susceptible to SNX-482. In contrast, non-noxious A beta-mediated responses were not affected by SNX-482. Moreover, responses to innocuous mechanical and also thermal stimuli were more sensitive to SNX-482 in SNL than control animals. This study is the first to demonstrate an antinociceptive role for SNX-482-sensitive channels in dorsal horn neurons during neuropathy. These data are consistent with plasticity in Ca(V)2.3 calcium channel expression and suggest a potential selective target to reduce nociceptive transmission during conditions of nerve damage.


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Background: NHS Direct is a new service that offers 24-hour advice from trained nurses. The National Service Framework for Mental Health and the National Strategy for Carers both mention NHS Direct as an important source of support for people with mental health problems. Aims: This paper reports findings from an evaluation of the Department of Health's NHS Direct mental health initiative. This initiative was established to ensure that NHS Direct can meet the needs of callers with mental health problems by offering additional training to all staff and improving the database of mental health services. Method: The findings reported here are based on routine computer data provided by 12 out of 17 NHS Direct sites, 552 data forms completed by nurse advisers from the 17 sites, and 111 questionnaires administered over the telephone with callers to the 17 sites. Results: Mental health calls accounted for 3% of NHS Direct's workload, although these calls were often longer and more complex than other calls. The majority of callers to the service were in touch with other services for their mental health problems (59%), typically their GP. Most callers had 'moderate' mental health problems, as indicated by the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. Generally callers were satisfied with the service they received, although satisfaction was lower in some areas than previous studies of NHS Direct. Conclusions: Improvements could be made in the mechanisms for referring callers on to other services, and training to increase nurse advisers' knowledge of mental health problems.


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Nowadays the use of information and communication technology is becoming prevalent in many aspects of healthcare services from patient registration, to consultation, treatment and pathology tests request. Manual interface techniques have dominated data-capture activities in primary care and secondary care settings for decades. Despites the improvements made in IT, usability issues still remain over the use of I/O devices like the computer keyboard, touch-sensitive screens, light pen and barcodes. Furthermore, clinicians have to use several computer applications when providing healthcare services to patients. One of the problems faced by medical professionals is the lack of data integrity between the different software applications which in turn can hinder the provision of healthcare services tailored to the needs of the patients. The use of digital pen and paper technology integrated with legacy medical systems hold the promise of improving healthcare quality. This paper discusses the issue of data integrity in e-health systems and proposes the modelling of "Smart Forms" via semiotics to potentially improve integrity between legacy systems, making the work of medical professionals easier and improve the quality of care in primary care practices and hospitals.


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By monitoring signals from the central nervous system, humans can be provided with a novel extra channel of communication that can, for example, be used for the voluntary control of peripheral devices. Meanwhile, stimulation of neural tissue can bring about sensation such as touch, can facilitate feedback from external, potentially remote devices and even opens up the possibility of new sensory input for the individual to experience. The concept of successfully harnessing and stimulating nervous system activity is though something that can only be achieved through an appropriate interface. However, interfacing the nervous system by means of implant technology carries with it many problems and dangers. Further, results achieved may not be as expected or as they at first appear. This paper describes a comparative study investigating different implant types and procedures. It is aimed at highlighting potential problem areas and is intended to provide a useful reference explaining important tolerances and limits.


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Modern methods of analysis applied to cemeteries have often been used in our pages to suggest generalities about mobility and diet. But these same techniques applied to a single individual, together with the grave goods and burial rite, can open a special kind of personal window on the past. Here, the authors of a multidisciplinary project use a combination of scientific techniques to illuminate Roman York, and later Roman history in general, with their image of a glamorous mixed-race woman, in touch with Africa, Christianity, Rome and Yorkshire.


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Current force feedback, haptic interface devices are generally limited to the display of low frequency, high amplitude spatial data. A typical device consists of a low impedance framework of one or more degrees-of-freedom (dof), allowing a user to explore a pre-defined workspace via an end effector such as a handle, thimble, probe or stylus. The movement of the device is then constrained using high gain positional feedback, thus reducing the apparent dof of the device and conveying the illusion of hard contact to the user. Such devices are, however, limited to a narrow bandwidth of frequencies, typically below 30Hz, and are not well suited to the display of surface properties, such as object texture. This paper details a device to augment an existing force feedback haptic display with a vibrotactile display, thus providing a means of conveying low amplitude, high frequency spatial information of object surface properties. 1. Haptics and Haptic Interfaces Haptics is the study of human touch and interaction with the external environment via touch. Information from the human sense of touch can be classified in to two categories, cutaneous and kinesthetic. Cutaneous information is provided via the mechanoreceptive nerve endings in the glabrous skin of the human hand. It is primarily a means of relaying information regarding small-scale details in the form of skin stretch, compression and vibration.


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The brain keeps track of the changing positions of body parts in space using a spatial body schema. When subjects localise a tactile stimulus on the skin, they might either use a somatotopic body map, or use a body schema to identify the location of the stimulation in external space. Healthy subjects were touched on the fingertips, with the hands in one of two postures: either the right hand was vertically above the left, or the fingers of both hands were interwoven. Subjects made speeded verbal responses to identify either the finger or the hand that was touched. Interweaving the fingers significantly impaired hand identification across several experiments, but had no effect on finger identification. Our results suggest that identification of fingers occurs in a somatotopic representation or finger schema. Identification of hands uses a general body schema, and is influenced by external spatial location. This dissociation implies that touches on the finger can only be identified with a particular hand after a process of assigning fingers to hands. This assignment is based on external spatial location. Our results suggest a role of the body schema in the identification of structural body parts from touch.


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Strokes affect thousands of people worldwide leaving sufferers with severe disabilities affecting their daily activities. In recent years, new rehabilitation techniques have emerged such as constraint-induced therapy, biofeedback therapy and robot-aided therapy. In particular, robotic techniques allow precise recording of movements and application of forces to the affected limb, making it a valuable tool for motor rehabilitation. In addition, robot-aided therapy can utilise visual cues conveyed on a computer screen to convert repetitive movement practice into an engaging task such as a game. Visual cues can also be used to control the information sent to the patient about exercise performance and to potentially address psychosomatic variables influencing therapy. This paper overviews the current state-of-the-art on upper limb robot-mediated therapy with a focal point on the technical requirements of robotic therapy devices leading to the development of upper limb rehabilitation techniques that facilitate reach-to-touch, fine motor control, whole-arm movements and promote rehabilitation beyond hospital stay. The reviewed literature suggest that while there is evidence supporting the use of this technology to reduce functional impairment, besides the technological push, the challenge ahead lies on provision of effective assessment of outcome and modalities that have a stronger impact transferring functional gains into functional independence.


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Older adult computer users often lose track of the mouse cursor and so resort to methods such as mouse shaking or searching the screen to find the cursor again. Hence, this paper describes how a standard optical mouse was modified to include a touch sensor, activated by releasing and touching the mouse, which automatically centers the mouse cursor to the screen, potentially making it easier to find a 'lost' cursor. Six older adult computer users and six younger computer users were asked to compare the touch sensitive mouse with cursor centering with two alternative techniques for locating the mouse cursor: manually shaking the mouse and using the Windows sonar facility. The time taken to click on a target following a distractor task was recorded, and results show that centering the mouse was the fastest to use, with a 35% improvement over shaking the mouse. Five out of six older participants ranked the touch sensitive mouse with cursor centering as the easiest to use.


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In this article Geoff Tennant and Dave Harries report on the early stages of a research project looking to examine the transition from Key Stage (KS) 2 to 3 of children deemed Gifted and Talented (G&T) in mathematics. An examination of relevant literature points towards variation in definition of key terms and underlying rationale for activities. Preliminary fieldwork points towards a lack of meaningful communication between schools, with primary school teachers in particular left to themselves to decide how to work with children deemed G&T. Some pointers for action are given, along with ideas for future research and a request for colleagues interested in working with us to get in touch.