750 resultados para symbols
La memoria pubblica della Sho'ah è inscritta in una quantità proliferante di immagini e spazi memoriali. Ciò è riscontrabile in modo particolare nei principali "siti dello sterminio" assurti a simbolo nel corso degli anni, mentre molti altri "luoghi di memoria" della Deportazione soffrono di una condizione di intrinseca debolezza. Essa è riconducibile in primo luogo alla fragilità del dato materiale, i cui resti ormai privi di eloquenza risultano difficili da interpretare e conservare, in secondo luogo alla sovrapposizione di memorie concorrenti venutesi a determinare in conseguenza dei riusi successivi a cui queste strutture sono spesso andate soggette dopo la guerra, infine alla difficoltà di rendere espressione compiuta alla tragedia della Deportazione. Il caso del campo di Fossoli è paradigmatico: esso interroga la capacità del progetto di "dare forma" al palinsesto delle memorie, rendendo possibile il riconoscimento ed esplicitando una significazione delle tracce, senza aggiungere ulteriori interpretazioni. Lo spazio e il paesaggio, in quanto linguaggi indentitari, possono offrirsi come strumenti da questo punto di vista. Michel De Certeau vi fa riferimento quando afferma che lo spazio coincide con «l’effetto prodotto dalle operazioni che lo orientano, che lo circostanziano, o temporalizzano e lo fanno funzionare come unità polivalente di programmi conflittuali o di prossimità contrattuali». Lo spazio gioca un ruolo cruciale nel conformare l'esperienza del presente e allo stesso tempo nel rendere visibili le esperienze passate, compresse nella memoria collettiva. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è interrogare le potenzialità spaziali del luogo, considerate sotto il profilo culturale e semantico, come valida alternativa alla forma-monumento nella costruzione di una o più narrazioni pertinenti della memoria.
Der Tauchtourismus übernimmt innerhalb des gesamten internationalen Tourismus in Ägypten eine wichtige Rolle. Besonders in Krisenzeiten sind es die Taucher, die aufgrund der einzigartigen Tauchgebiete weiterhin in das Land kommen und somit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Erhalt der Arbeitsplätze und der Infrastruktur beitragen. Doch der Konkurrenzkampf zwischen den Tauchbasen, das derzeit schlechte Image Ägyptens und die Attraktivität weltweiter Tauchdestinationen, zwingt die Betreiber von Tauchbasen dazu, sich einer wandelnden Gästestruktur und deren Reisegewohnheiten anzupassen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird am Beispiel der Tauchbasenbetreiber in Ägypten untersucht, wie kulturelles Handeln eine Rolle bei der Bildung von Vertrauen zwischen einem Anbieter einer touristischen Dienstleistung und dem Kunden einnehmen kann. Als Ausgangspunkt dient dazu das Modell der „Transkulturalität als Praxis“ nach PÜTZ (2004), welches um den Aspekt der internationalen Kooperationsbeziehungen erweitert wird. Es besagt, dass im wirtschaftlichen Handeln zwischen den Akteuren das kulturelle Verständnis eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Bildung von Vertrauen einnimmt. Durch die Fähigkeit, einen kulturellen Blickwinkel in das alltägliche Handeln einzubeziehen, kann ein Unternehmer den Wettbewerbsvorsprung zu seinen Mitkonkurrenten ausbauen.rnrnIm Mittelpunkt des Forschungsinteresses stand dabei die Frage inwieweit die Basenbetreiber über die ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten kulturgebundenen Handelns Vertrauen zu den Tauchern generieren. Geschieht die Anwendung aus eigener Initiative heraus oder nur unter dem Konkurrenzdruck? Die Ergebnisse der Studie belegen, dass das Arbeiten im Umfeld kultureller Unterschiede den Blick der Basenbetreiber für die Notwendigkeit einer starken Vertrauensbeziehung zum Kunden von Anfang an geprägt hat. Das Handeln aller Interviewteilnehmer orientiert sich zuerst unbewusst an zahlreichen branchenüblichen Handlungsweisen und Symbolen, stößt aber ab einem bestimmten Punkt an seine Grenzen. Aufgrund von bewusstem kulturellen Handeln ist jedoch die Möglichkeit gegeben, diese Grenzen zu überwinden und individuelle und situationsspezifische Arten der Kundengewinnung in das Handeln einzubeziehen.
This dissertation examines how some fundamental events of the history of Ireland emerge through the art of the mural. It is divided into three chapters. The first chapter opens with a brief presentation of the mural as a form of art with a semiotic and sociological function, with a particular focus on the socio-political importance it has had and still has today in Ireland, where murals are a significant means of expressing ideals, protest and commemoration. A part of this chapter also provides data about the number of murals and their location, with a particular focus on the two cities of Belfast and Derry. This first chapter ends with the presentation of an initiative put forth by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, called "Building Peace through the Arts: Re-Imaging Communities", and questions its implementation on the Irish soil. The second chapter provides a history of the murals in Northern Ireland, from the Unionist's early depictions of King Billy in occasion of the 12 July annual celebrations to the Republican response. This will be supported by an explanation of the two events that triggered the start of the mural painting for both factions: the Battle of the Boyne for the Loyalists and the 1981 hunger strike for the Republicans. In the third and last chapter of this dissertation, a key of the main themes, symbols, acronyms and dominant colours which can be found in Loyalist and Republican murals is provided. Furthermore, one mural for each faction is looked at more closely, with an analysis of the symbols which are present in it.
Lo scopo della presente ricerca è sottolineare la tendenza alla ossessiva e spesso superflua ricerca del simbolismo nell’analisi di opere, specificatamente testi letterari e film, e proporre una possibile soluzione per porre fine o almeno diminuire gli effetti del fenomeno. A partire da una definizione esaustiva della parola simbolo, l’analisi verterà sull’evoluzione del concetto di simbolismo attraverso i media, e il cambiamento intrinseco causato da tale evoluzione. In seguito, analizzerò un semisconosciuto ma emblematico sondaggio, condotto nel 1973 da Bruce McAllister, all’epoca studente, che interrogò acutamente numerosi autori riguardo al loro rapporto con il simbolismo, ponendo l’accento su alcune delle risposte da lui ricevute, che gettano una luce rivelatrice sul symbol hunting e symbol planting. Dopodiché scenderò ancor più nel dettaglio, esemplificando con due storie brevi: Signs and Symbols (Segni e Simboli), di Vladimir Nabokov e Big Two-hearted River (Grande fiume a due cuori) di Hernest Hemingway. Dopodiché, analizzerò il falso simbolismo come luogo cinematografico, ponendo l’accento sugli aspetti di planting e hunting, e mi avvarrò dell’aiuto di due film significativi sul tema realizzati in tempi recenti, ovvero Inception (2010) e Memento (2000), di Christopher Nolan, che possono essere interpretati come una meta-critica dell’abuso di simboli, e rappresentano una pietra miliare nell’analisi di symbol planting e symbol hunting. In conclusione, proporrò la mia personale possibile soluzione, ovvero il prendere le opere d’arte in qualunque forma, specialmente di fiction, “così come sono”, separandole e scindendole dalle proprie aspettative. È necessario prendere in considerazione un ritorno alla letteralità, per poter avvicinarsi maggiormente alla vera anima di una storia, di un libro, di un film, altrimenti esiste la possibilità che tutto ciò che guardiamo o vediamo sia per sempre irrimediabilmente contaminato dalla nostra dimensione privata.
Under the conditions of rapid and total change in the social, political, economic and legal environment in Lithuania, a re-orientation process is going on in all groups of society. In this process, not only younger but also middle-aged and old people become adherents to what Ms. Liubiniene calls the new, "post-materialist" values, strongly reinforced by powerful agents of socialisation originating in the West, like the media, advertising agencies and lifestyle-consumption models. As a result, the national identity of Lithuania and its inhabitants is being reconstructed. Ms. Liubiniene set out to examine the details of this evolving identity by conducting a survey of 1218 university staff and students. Her conclusions are set out in a 74 page manuscript, written in Lithuanian and available on disc. Change is most noticeable among the young. Indeed, time and time again, Ms. Liubiniene was to find that the age of 36 marks a natural watershed, with, for instance, the younger group valuing individualism highly and the older, collectivism. Ms. Liubiniene ventures to suggest that traditional values are deeply rooted amongst elderly people, women and people with an education in the humanities. Young people on the other hand, and especially those with a professional orientation towards business are more open to change and ready to adapt to new values. Turning to the evaluation of national symbols, Ms. Liubinie finds that those with an education in the humanities might be considered to be the most traditional, placing greater value on the symbols of nature, ethnic culture and religion. Folk songs and the crucifix are also in their top ten. Respondents with a technical education favour symbols of statehood and nature, and respondents with a business orientation assign greater value to the symbols of nature, history, sports and statehood. Ms. Liubinie concludes that the group of respondents most active and ready to adapt to new things is composed of young males of a business orientation. Generally the national identity of the young is weaker compared to that of the old. In the future, the combination of the evolution of values and the process of inter-generational replacement allows us to predict a weakening of the sense of national identity, or at least its transformation into something radically different to what it is today.
Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) technology is an emerging solution for high data rate wireless communications. We develop soft-decision based equalization techniques for frequency selective MIMO channels in the quest for low-complexity equalizers with BER performance competitive to that of ML sequence detection. We first propose soft decision equalization (SDE), and demonstrate that decision feedback equalization (DFE) based on soft-decisions, expressed via the posterior probabilities associated with feedback symbols, is able to outperform hard-decision DFE, with a low computational cost that is polynomial in the number of symbols to be recovered, and linear in the signal constellation size. Building upon the probabilistic data association (PDA) multiuser detector, we present two new MIMO equalization solutions to handle the distinctive channel memory. With their low complexity, simple implementations, and impressive near-optimum performance offered by iterative soft-decision processing, the proposed SDE methods are attractive candidates to deliver efficient reception solutions to practical high-capacity MIMO systems. Motivated by the need for low-complexity receiver processing, we further present an alternative low-complexity soft-decision equalization approach for frequency selective MIMO communication systems. With the help of iterative processing, two detection and estimation schemes based on second-order statistics are harmoniously put together to yield a two-part receiver structure: local multiuser detection (MUD) using soft-decision Probabilistic Data Association (PDA) detection, and dynamic noise-interference tracking using Kalman filtering. The proposed Kalman-PDA detector performs local MUD within a sub-block of the received data instead of over the entire data set, to reduce the computational load. At the same time, all the inter-ference affecting the local sub-block, including both multiple access and inter-symbol interference, is properly modeled as the state vector of a linear system, and dynamically tracked by Kalman filtering. Two types of Kalman filters are designed, both of which are able to track an finite impulse response (FIR) MIMO channel of any memory length. The overall algorithms enjoy low complexity that is only polynomial in the number of information-bearing bits to be detected, regardless of the data block size. Furthermore, we introduce two optional performance-enhancing techniques: cross- layer automatic repeat request (ARQ) for uncoded systems and code-aided method for coded systems. We take Kalman-PDA as an example, and show via simulations that both techniques can render error performance that is better than Kalman-PDA alone and competitive to sphere decoding. At last, we consider the case that channel state information (CSI) is not perfectly known to the receiver, and present an iterative channel estimation algorithm. Simulations show that the performance of SDE with channel estimation approaches that of SDE with perfect CSI.
Chapter 1 is used to introduce the basic tools and mechanics used within this thesis. Some historical uses and background are touched upon as well. The majority of the definitions are contained within this chapter as well. In Chapter 2 we consider the question whether one can decompose λ copies of monochromatic Kv into copies of Kk such that each copy of the Kk contains at most one edge from each Kv. This is called a proper edge coloring (Hurd, Sarvate, [29]). The majority of the content in this section is a wide variety of examples to explain the constructions used in Chapters 3 and 4. In Chapters 3 and 4 we investigate how to properly color BIBD(v, k, λ) for k = 4, and 5. Not only will there be direct constructions of relatively small BIBDs, we also prove some generalized constructions used within. In Chapter 5 we talk about an alternate solution to Chapters 3 and 4. A purely graph theoretical solution using matchings, augmenting paths, and theorems about the edgechromatic number is used to develop a theorem that than covers all possible cases. We also discuss how this method performed compared to the methods in Chapters 3 and 4. In Chapter 6, we switch topics to Latin rectangles that have the same number of symbols and an equivalent sized matrix to Latin squares. Suppose ab = n2. We define an equitable Latin rectangle as an a × b matrix on a set of n symbols where each symbol appears either [b/n] or [b/n] times in each row of the matrix and either [a/n] or [a/n] times in each column of the matrix. Two equitable Latin rectangles are orthogonal in the usual way. Denote a set of ka × b mutually orthogonal equitable Latin rectangles as a k–MOELR(a, b; n). We show that there exists a k–MOELR(a, b; n) for all a, b, n where k is at least 3 with some exceptions.
Oral jewelry is popular. One of the most widely spread types are so-called tooth diamonds made of composite materials which are applied to the teeth with an adhesive. Note that parents are required to sign a release form for under-aged patients in Switzerland. Tooth cap grills and gold teeth are considered status symbols within the Hip-Hop fashion scene. However, tooth ornaments favour the accumulation of plaque and can diminish the ability to articulate. With respect to jewelry in oral soft tissue especially tongue and lip piercings are of significance to dentists. Besides the systemic complications, which are mostly caused by a lack of hygiene or the failure of noting medical contraindications by the piercer, local complications occur frequently. After surgery, pain, swelling, infections as well as hemorrhages or hematomas can be observed. Long-term effects can be problematic: gingival recession can be discernes mainly in the case of lip piercings the loss of hard tooth substance in the case of tongue piercings. Because of that, conservation therapies can become indespensable. Patients wearing dental jewelry have to be aware of risks of tooth damage, and they regularly have to undergo dental check-ups. Information campaigns--for dentists as well as patients--are necessary.
Writer identification consists in determining the writer of a piece of handwriting from a set of writers. In this paper we present a system for writer identification in old handwritten music scores which uses only music notation to determine the author. The steps of the proposed system are the following. First of all, the music sheet is preprocessed for obtaining a music score without the staff lines. Afterwards, four different methods for generating texture images from music symbols are applied. Every approach uses a different spatial variation when combining the music symbols to generate the textures. Finally, Gabor filters and Grey-scale Co-ocurrence matrices are used to obtain the features. The classification is performed using a k-NN classifier based on Euclidean distance. The proposed method has been tested on a database of old music scores from the 17th to 19th centuries, achieving encouraging identification rates.
Research and professional practices have the joint aim of re-structuring the preconceived notions of reality. They both want to gain the understanding about social reality. Social workers use their professional competence in order to grasp the reality of their clients, while researchers’ pursuit is to open the secrecies of the research material. Development and research are now so intertwined and inherent in almost all professional practices that making distinctions between practising, developing and researching has become difficult and in many aspects irrelevant. Moving towards research-based practices is possible and it is easily applied within the framework of the qualitative research approach (Dominelli 2005, 235; Humphries 2005, 280). Social work can be understood as acts and speech acts crisscrossing between social workers and clients. When trying to catch the verbal and non-verbal hints of each others’ behaviour, the actors have to do a lot of interpretations in a more or less uncertain mental landscape. Our point of departure is the idea that the study of social work practices requires tools which effectively reveal the internal complexity of social work (see, for example, Adams & Dominelli & Payne 2005, 294 – 295). The boom of qualitative research methodologies in recent decades is associated with much profound the rupture in humanities, which is called the linguistic turn (Rorty 1967). The idea that language is not transparently mediating our perceptions and thoughts about reality, but on the contrary it constitutes it was new and even confusing to many social scientists. Nowadays we have got used to read research reports which have applied different branches of discursive analyses or narratologic or semiotic approaches. Although differences are sophisticated between those orientations they share the idea of the predominance of language. Despite the lively research work of today’s social work and the research-minded atmosphere of social work practice, semiotics has rarely applied in social work research. However, social work as a communicative practice concerns symbols, metaphors and all kinds of the representative structures of language. Those items are at the core of semiotics, the science of signs, and the science which examines people using signs in their mutual interaction and their endeavours to make the sense of the world they live in, their semiosis. When thinking of the practice of social work and doing the research of it, a number of interpretational levels ought to be passed before reaching the research phase in social work. First of all, social workers have to interpret their clients’ situations, which will be recorded in the files. In some very rare cases those past situations will be reflected in discussions or perhaps interviews or put under the scrutiny of some researcher in the future. Each and every new observation adds its own flavour to the mixture of meanings. Social workers have combined their observations with previous experience and professional knowledge, furthermore, the situation on hand also influences the reactions. In addition, the interpretations made by social workers over the course of their daily working routines are never limited to being part of the personal process of the social worker, but are also always inherently cultural. The work aiming at social change is defined by the presence of an initial situation, a specific goal, and the means and ways of achieving it, which are – or which should be – agreed upon by the social worker and the client in situation which is unique and at the same time socially-driven. Because of the inherent plot-based nature of social work, the practices related to it can be analysed as stories (see Dominelli 2005, 234), given, of course, that they are signifying and told by someone. The research of the practices is concentrating on impressions, perceptions, judgements, accounts, documents etc. All these multifarious elements can be scrutinized as textual corpora, but not whatever textual material. In semiotic analysis, the material studied is characterised as verbal or textual and loaded with meanings. We present a contribution of research methodology, semiotic analysis, which has to our mind at least implicitly references to the social work practices. Our examples of semiotic interpretation have been picked up from our dissertations (Laine 2005; Saurama 2002). The data are official documents from the archives of a child welfare agency and transcriptions of the interviews of shelter employees. These data can be defined as stories told by the social workers of what they have seen and felt. The official documents present only fragmentations and they are often written in passive form. (Saurama 2002, 70.) The interviews carried out in the shelters can be described as stories where the narrators are more familiar and known. The material is characterised by the interaction between the interviewer and interviewee. The levels of the story and the telling of the story become apparent when interviews or documents are examined with the use of semiotic tools. The roots of semiotic interpretation can be found in three different branches; the American pragmatism, Saussurean linguistics in Paris and the so called formalism in Moscow and Tartu; however in this paper we are engaged with the so called Parisian School of semiology which prominent figure was A. J. Greimas. The Finnish sociologists Pekka Sulkunen and Jukka Törrönen (1997a; 1997b) have further developed the ideas of Greimas in their studies on socio-semiotics, and we lean on their ideas. In semiotics social reality is conceived as a relationship between subjects, observations, and interpretations and it is seen mediated by natural language which is the most common sign system among human beings (Mounin 1985; de Saussure 2006; Sebeok 1986). Signification is an act of associating an abstract context (signified) to some physical instrument (signifier). These two elements together form the basic concept, the “sign”, which never constitutes any kind of meaning alone. The meaning will be comprised in a distinction process where signs are being related to other signs. In this chain of signs, the meaning becomes diverged from reality. (Greimas 1980, 28; Potter 1996, 70; de Saussure 2006, 46-48.) One interpretative tool is to think of speech as a surface under which deep structures – i.e. values and norms – exist (Greimas & Courtes 1982; Greimas 1987). To our mind semiotics is very much about playing with two different levels of text: the syntagmatic surface which is more or less faithful to the grammar, and the paradigmatic, semantic structure of values and norms hidden in the deeper meanings of interpretations. Semiotic analysis deals precisely with the level of meaning which exists under the surface, but the only way to reach those meanings is through the textual level, the written or spoken text. That is why the tools are needed. In our studies, we have used the semiotic square and the actant analysis. The former is based on the distinctions and the categorisations of meanings, and the latter on opening the plotting of narratives in order to reach the value structures.
Mandombe, one of the most recent modern African scripts, was originally designed to write the Bantu languages of the Congos, and eventually all languages on the continent. Its symbols are made of simple and composite geometrical forms which predate the script. It is apparently the only African script which has gained some social success without any political support.
The present research investigates whether and how learned symbols for failure reduce task performance. We tested the effect of number priming in two countries with different learning histories for numbers. Priming numbers associated with failure (6 in Germany and 1 in Switzerland) were hypothesized to reduce performance. As expected, in Switzerland, priming with the failure number 1 reduced performance (Study 1), whereas in Germany, priming with the failure number 6 impaired performance in analogy tasks (Study 2). Study 2 additionally analyzed the mechanism and showed that the relationship between failure number priming and performance was mediated by evoked avoidance motivation and that dispositional fear of failure moderated this mediation.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to study visuospatial attention processing in ten healthy volunteers. In a forced choice recognition task the subjects were confronted with two symbols simultaneously presented during 120 ms at random positions, one in the left and the other in the right visual field. The subject had to identify the presented pattern out of four possible combinations and to press the corresponding response key within 2 s. Double-pulse TMS (dTMS) with a 100-ms interstimulus interval (ISI) and an intensity of 80% of the stimulator output (corresponding to 110-120% of the motor threshold) was applied by a non-focal coil over the right or left posterior parietal cortex (PPC, corresponding to P3/P4 of the international 10-20 system) at different time intervals after onset of the visual stimulus (starting at 120 ms, 270 ms and 520 ms). Double-pulse TMS over the right PPC starting at 270 ms led to a significant increase in percentage of errors in the contralateral, left visual field (median: 23% with TMS vs 13% without TMS, P=0.0025). TMS applied earlier or later showed no effect. Furthermore, no significant increase in contra- or ipsilateral percentage of errors was found when the left parietal cortex was stimulated with the same timing. These data indicate that: (1) parietal influence on visuospatial attention is mainly controlled by the right lobe since the same stimulation over the left parietal cortex had no significant effect, and (2) there is a vulnerable time window to disturb this cortical process, since dTMS had a significant effect on the percentage of errors in the contralateral visual hemifield only when applied 270 ms after visual stimulus presentation.
Among the many thousand scarabs, scaraboids and other stamp-seal amulets unearthed in Iron Age contexts in Cis- and Transjordan, there are many such seals showing royal Egyptian imagery on their bases. Focusing mainly on Pharaonic motifs, the paper aims to catalogue the principal iconemes, to trace their development throughout the Iron Ages and to extrapolate their significance vis-à-vis the contemporary glyptic assemblages. As will be shown, the royal imagery of the Egyptian king underwent considerable changes during pre-monarchic and monarchic times in Israel/Judah. This allows – to some extent – deducing the perception of the ‘image’ of the Egyptian king in this part of the Southern Levant at the close of the second and during the first centuries of the first millennium BCE. While the local seal production not only vividly copied earlier and contemporary Egyptian prototypes, it also developed idiosyncratic ‘Pharaonic’ motifs that were produced for the local market. On the other hand, imported Egyptian glyptic goods – such as scarabs and other amulet types – reveal further facets of the consumer behavior. They, too, shed light upon the ideological and religious preferences of the local population and illuminate the development of the vernacular attitude towards the Pharaonic symbols of power – including their obvious political and sacred connotations.
2008 jährte sich die Zäsur von 1968 zum 40. Mal. Besonders an diesem Jahrestag war, dass nun die nächste Generation in die gesellschaftliche Reflexion eingetreten ist. Das aus Vertretern der nach 1968 Geborenen bestehende Schweizer Ausstellungsbüro Palma3 hat aus diesem Anlass gemeinsam mit dem Historischen Museum in Frankfurt am Main die Ausstellung „Die 68er. Kurzer Sommer – lange Wirkung“ realisiert. Im Rahmen von acht Themenbereichen, die die wichtigsten Aufbrüche von 1968 und ihre Weiterentwicklung in den 1970er Jahren dokumentieren und reflektieren, nahm der Bereich „Geschlechterrollen“ einen besonderen Raum ein. Er präsentierte materialreich die Frauen-, Lesben- und Schwulenbewegung sowie die so genannte sexuelle Revolution der 1960er und 1970er Jahre in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ihren spannungsvollen Wechselverhältnissen. Im Zentrum des Beitrages sollen die unterschiedlichen Symbole dieser Bewegungen stehen. Diese dokumentieren anschaulich das Aushandeln gruppenkonstituierender Identitäten, wobei Rückgriffe auf ältere Symbole und deren Transformationen sowie Neukontextualisierungen zu beobachten sind. In der Frauenbewegung war das Venus-/Weiblichkeitszeichen mit geballter Faust im Innern in verschiedenen Versionen als grafische Verbindung von linker Bewegung und Feminismus verbreitet. Zwei ineinander verschlungene Weiblichkeitssymbole stehen in der Lesbenbewegung für weib-weibliche Sexualität. Dass die Frauen- und die Lesbenbewegung teilweise eine enge Allianz eingegangen sind, lässt sich auch an ihren gemeinsamen Symbolen ablesen: Die Labrys (Doppelaxt), eine minoische Kultaxt, repräsentiert die Autonomie und Stärke der Amazonen, als deren Waffe sie gilt. Das alte Zeichen der beiden gegeneinander gestellten Hände stellt eine Vagina dar und wurde ursprünglich von Männern als obszöne Geste für den Geschlechtsverkehr benutzt, wobei die Hände in Höhe ihrer Geschlechtsorgane gehalten wurden. In der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung wurde dieses Zeichen mit erhobenen Armen über dem Kopf gezeigt, um die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung der Frauen deutlich zu machen. Demgegenüber greift die Schwulenbewegung auf den rosa Winkel als Symbol zurück. Dieser kennzeichnete während des Nationalsozialismus’ männliche Häftlinge in Konzentrationslagern als homosexuell. Er wurde von der deutschen Schwulenbewegung aufgegriffen und in emanzipatorischer Absicht umgewertet, wobei die nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit des Symbols präsent bleiben sollte. Insbesondere in den frühen 1970er Jahren finden sich unterschiedlichste Entwürfe dieser Symbole auf Flugblättern, Broschüren, Zeitschriften, Büchern, Plakaten und Transparenten. An Hand einzelner Gruppierungen wie der Homosexuellen Aktion Westberlin, die als Schwulen- und Lesbenorganisation gegründet worden war, sich jedoch schnell in die HAW und das LAZ (LesbenAktionsZentrum) aufsplittete, der Frauenorganisation Brot und Rosen und der Roten Zelle Schwul (ROTZSCHWUL) soll der Aushandlungsprozess innerhalb der Gruppierungen sowie das Verhandeln von Gruppenidentität und -inszenierung nach innen und außen nachgezeichnet werden. Zugleich lässt sich das Weiterexistieren bzw. Verschwinden der jeweiligen Symbole wie auch das Entstehen neuer Symbole – beispielsweise der Regenbogenfahne – als Indiz für die Veränderungen innerhalb der Bewegungen und deren Selbstwahrnehmung und Selbstinszenierung lesen.