963 resultados para supplier relationship strategy
Turkey coronavirus (TCoV) is a causative agent associated with poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) in turkeys worldwide. The disease is an acute, highly contagious enteric disease that is characterized by depression, anorexia, diarrhea, and high mortality in commercial turkey flocks. The presence of TCoV in 12 intestinal-content samples, from turkey flocks aged between 10 and 104 days and exhibiting severe enteritis, was monitored during the period of 2004 to 2006. TCoV detection was accomplished by a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) through amplification of the 3` UTR region, followed by amplification of genes 3 and 5. Molecular characterization of the viruses was done through amplification of genes 3 and 5 and showed evidence of genetic similarity between them, although they differed from sequences of other TCoVs described in the literature. In relation to gene 3, samples showed a greater relationship with chicken infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), while gene 5 showed greater identity with pheasant coronavirus (PhCoV). Our results suggest that the strategy of amplification of the 3` UTR region, followed by sequencing of genes 3 and 5, has proven to be an effective means of detecting TCoV in intestinal contents.
Bangladesh has experienced rising GDP and rising per capita incomes now for at least three decades. This article considers whether its continuing economic growth is likely to solve its environmental problems. In doing so, it critically considers the application to Bangladesh of Environmental Kuznets Curve relationships and applies other macro-methods of assessing the relationship between economic growth and the environment to Bangladesh’s situation. The consequences of Bangladesh's economic reforms for the economic welfare of Bangladeshis and the state of Bangladesh's environment are also examined. Particular attention is given to environmental change in agriculture in the light of Bangladesh economic growth, reforms and proposed growth strategy. Doubts are expressed about the environmental benefits claimed by the Bangladeshi Government for its agricultural development strategy. Indeed, it may exacerbate many existing environmental problems, such as depletion of soil fertility and water supplies, already present.
Background Microalbuminuria and hypertension have long been associated with a guarded prognosis in human patients with a variety of diseases. In veterinary medicine, tests for microalbuminuria have been used for detecting early kidney damage, but there is little information regarding its association with high blood pressure in dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate albuminuria and its association with arterial hypertension in dogs with CKD. Methods Urinary albumin:creatinine (UAC) ratio, urinary protein:creatinine (UPC) ratio, and systolic blood pressure were determined in 39 clinically healthy dogs and 40 dogs with CKD. Results UAC in dogs with CKD (range, 0.002-7.99; median, 0.38) was statistically different from that of control dogs (range, 0.0005-0.01; median, 0.002). Microalbuminuria (UAC 0.03-0.3) and macroalbuminuria (UAC > 0.3) were detected in 32.5% and 50% of dogs with CKD, respectively. Sixty percent (24/40) of dogs with CKD had systolic pressure >= 180 mmHg; in these dogs, UAC ratio (range, 0.006-7.99; median, 1.72) was significantly higher than in dogs with CKD and systolic pressure < 180 mmHg (range, 0.002-4.83; median, 0.10). Of hypertensive dogs with CKD, those with UPC > 1.0 usually had macroalbuminuria, those with UPC 0.5-1.0 usually had microalbuminuria, and those with UPC < 0.5 usually lacked albuminuria. Conclusions UAC ratio was higher in hypertensive than in normotensive dogs with CKD. Tests designed to detect microalbuminuria may be useful for hypertensive dogs with CKD and a UPC < 1.0 to detect the onset and magnitude of albuminuria. Once macroalbuminuria is overt, the UPC ratio itself can be used for the same purpose.
This article examines the effects of agricultural commercialization and other factors on per capita food availability by means of a case study in the Nyeri district in Kenya. It was found that cash cropping has a negative influence on per capita food availability in the male-headed households. This negative influence is not apparent in the female-headed households and in fact, per capita food availability rises with increased agricultural commercialization. Households of married women seem to suffer more in terms of reduced food availability than households headed by females. Husbands have control over cash income and therefore influence food purchases. They are less likely than females to use the cash for food purchases and tend to spend the cash on themselves, thus reducing food availability to family members. This suggests that in some patriarchal societies, caution should be displayed in encouraging cash cropping especially in male-headed households. Cash cropping under such circumstances is unwise from both a food availability and food security point of view because it can result in reduced crop diversification hence increasing the risks of income food deficits for families. Other factors found to have an influence on per capita food availability are employment of the women outside households, educational level of the women and the quality of land.
Aims Claudins are integral transmembrane proteins of the tight junctions, critical for maintaining cell adhesion and polarity. Alterations in the expression of individual claudins have been detected in carcinomas and appear to correlate with tumour progression. Methods In this study, a panel of anti-claudin antibodies (anti-claudins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) was employed to map claudin expression in 136 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) organised in a tissue microarray. Results Claudins were expressed in a reticular pattern up to the prickle layer in normal mucosal epithelium. In OSCC, claudins were strongly present in well-differentiated tumours, they presented mild and low expression in moderately differentiated OSCC, and were negative in poorly differentiated OSCC; the absences of claudin 1 (p = 0.002) and claudin 4 (p<0.001) were associated with moderately/poorly differentiated tumours. Strong expression of claudin 4 was associated with decreased perineural infiltration (p = 0.024). Claudins 5 and 7 were mostly negative or weakly expressed in all cases studied. Expression of claudin 7 was associated with the early clinical stages of the disease, whereas loss of claudin 7 tended to be more frequent in advanced stages of OSCC (p = 0.054). Absence of claudin 7 was also associated with absent vascular infiltration (p = 0.045) and with presence of recurrence (p = 0.052). Conclusions Claudin expression patterns showed a strong correlation with histological type of OSCC; claudin expression was decreased in areas of invasion, and negative in poorly differentiated tumours. This pattern may be related to evolution and prognosis of these tumours, especially in the case of claudin 7, which seems to be associated with a poor prognosis in OSCC.
The long-term effectiveness of chlorhexidine as a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor may be compromised when water is incompletely removed during dentin bonding. This study challenged this anti-bond degradation strategy by testing the null hypothesis that wet-bonding with water or ethanol has no effect on the effectiveness of chlorhexidine in preventing hybrid layer degradation over an 18-month period. Acid-etched dentin was bonded under pulpal pressure simulation with Scotchbond MP and Single Bond 2, with water wet-bonding or with a hydrophobic adhesive with ethanol wet-bonding, with or without pre-treatment with chlorhexidine diacetate (CHD). Resin-dentin beams were prepared for bond strength and TEM evaluation after 24 hrs and after aging in artificial saliva for 9 and 18 mos. Bonds made to ethanol-saturated dentin did not change over time with preservation of hybrid layer integrity. Bonds made to CHD pre-treated acid-etched dentin with commercial adhesives with water wet-bonding were preserved after 9 mos but not after 18 mos, with severe hybrid layer degradation. The results led to rejection of the null hypothesis and highlight the concept of biomimetic water replacement from the collagen intrafibrillar compartments as the ultimate goal in extending the longevity of resin-dentin bonds.
This project aimed to develop a systematic framework for understanding the relationship between social science research and public policy, and to build more effective linkages between social researchers and policy practitioners in the Australian housing system, particularly through AHURI. The project is explicitly applied and solution-focused. It was undertaken in close collaboration with AHURI and has contributed to AHURI's overall mission and strategy to enhancing research-based housing policy. It provided an opportunity for the AHURI policy community to engage in a process of action-oriented, self-reflection around its core business of applied housing policy research.
An anterior open occlusal relationship and diastemata may negatively interfere with the harmony of the smile, often requiring a multidisciplinary intervention. This clinical report presents an integrated orthodontic, periodontal, and restorative solution for an anterior open occlusal relationship associated with multiple diastemata and discusses the most relevant aspects related to Its etiology and treatment planning.
This study investigates the needs, experiences, behaviours and attitudes of older Queenslanders who participate in gambling. It aims to understand the special needs and circumstances of older Queensland gamblers which might make them particularly vulnerable to problem gambling behaviour, or other negative effects of gambling. The findings of the research will provide an evidence base for the development of initiatives and policies that can address the specific prevention, protection and rehabilitation needs of older gamblers. This is with a particular view to informing the ongoing development and implementation of the Queensland Government’s Responsible Gambling Strategy and its voluntary industry code – the Queensland Responsible Gambling Code of Practice.
Aim: To assess dental caries prevalence in adolescents at urban and sub-urban areas of Maputo-City, Mozambique and to identify its relationship with dental fluorosis, dental plaque, nutritional status, frequency of sugar consumption and the concentration of fluoride in public water supply. Methods: Subjects (n=601) were randomly selected from five urban schools and five sub-urban schools. Clinical examinations were performed under standardised conditions by a trained examiner using DMFT index, SiC index, fluorosis index, PHP, BMI, a sugar consumption questionnaire and water supply analysis. The bivariate analysis and Pearson correlation was used (p<0.05). Results: The mean (DMFT) was 0.9 (+/- 1.65 SD). Children in urban schools showed less dental caries (0.8 +/- 1.49SD) than children in sub-urban schools (1.1 +/- 1.80SD, p=0.03). Only 8.15% had very mild to moderate fluorosis but most presented poor oral hygiene. Cases of malnutrition were found in more sub-urban schools (n = 109; 36.22%) than in urban schools (n = 66; 22.00%) (p=0.03). The frequency of sugar consumption was higher among urban children compared to suburban schools (p<0.00). The level of fluoride in water consumption in urban schools was 0.4 ppmF, above the level of fluoride in sub-urban schools, 0.2 ppmF. Conclusion: Dental caries should not be considered a major oral health problem in Maputo at the moment. However the data suggest the implementation of a population strategy to reduce dental caries rates, in children of both urban and sub-urban areas, in Maputo.