463 resultados para spór fakultetów


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Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensors have brought a revolutionary change to in vitro study of biological and biochemical processes due to its ability to measure extremely small changes in surface refractive index (RI), binding equilibrium and kinetics. Strategies based on LSPR have been employed to enhance the sensitivity for a variety of applications, such as diagnosis of diseases, environmental analysis, food safety, and chemical threat detection. In LSPR spectroscopy, absorption and scattering of light are greatly enhanced at frequencies that excite the LSPR, resulting in a characteristic extinction spectrum that depends on the RI of the surrounding medium. Compositional and conformational change within the surrounding medium near the sensing surface could therefore be detected as shifts in the extinction spectrum. This dissertation specifically focuses on the development and evaluation of highly sensitive LSPR biosensors for in situ study of biomolecular binding process by incorporating nanotechnology. Compared to traditional methods for biomolecular binding studies, LSPR-based biosensors offer real-time, label free detection. First, we modified the gold sensing surface of LSPR-based biosensors using nanomaterials such as gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and polymer to enhance surface absorption and sensitivity. The performance of this type of biosensors was evaluated on the application of small heavy metal molecule binding affinity study. This biosensor exhibited ∼7 fold sensitivity enhancement and binding kinetics measurement capability comparing to traditional biosensors. Second, a miniaturized cell culture system was integrated into the LSPR-based biosensor system for the purpose of real-time biomarker signaling pathway studies and drug efficacy studies with living cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first LSPR-based sensing platform with the capability of living cell studies. We demonstrated the living cell measurement ability by studying the VEGF signaling pathway in living SKOV-3 cells. Results have shown that the VEGF secretion level from SKOV-3 cells is 0.0137 ± 0.0012 pg per cell. Moreover, we have demonstrated bevacizumab drug regulation to the VEGF signaling pathway using this biosensor. This sensing platform could potentially help studying biomolecular binding kinetics which elucidates the underlying mechanisms of biotransportation and drug delivery.


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Biomolecular interactions, including protein-protein, protein-DNA, and protein-ligand interactions, are of special importance in all biological systems. These interactions may occer during the loading of biomolecules to interfaces, the translocation of biomolecules through transmembrane protein pores, and the movement of biomolecules in a crowded intracellular environment. The molecular interaction of a protein with its binding partners is crucial in fundamental biological processes such as electron transfer, intracellular signal transmission and regulation, neuroprotective mechanisms, and regulation of DNA topology. In this dissertation, a customized surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has been optimized and new theoretical and label free experimental methods with related analytical calculations have been developed for the analysis of biomolecular interactions. Human neuroglobin (hNgb) and cytochrome c from equine heart (Cyt c) proteins have been used to optimize the customized SPR instrument. The obtained Kd value (~13 µM), from SPR results, for Cyt c-hNgb molecular interactions is in general agreement with a previously published result. The SPR results also confirmed no significant impact of the internal disulfide bridge between Cys 46 and Cys 55 on hNgb binding to Cyt c. Using SPR, E. coli topoisomerase I enzyme turnover during plasmid DNA relaxation was found to be enhanced in the presence of Mg2+. In addition, a new theoretical approach of analyzing biphasic SPR data has been introduced based on analytical solutions of the biphasic rate equations. In order to develop a new label free method to quantitatively study protein-protein interactions, quartz nanopipettes were chemically modified. The derived Kd (~20 µM) value for the Cyt c-hNgb complex formations matched very well with SPR measurements (Kd ~16 µM). The finite element numerical simulation results were similar to the nanopipette experimental results. These results demonstrate that nanopipettes can potentially be used as a new class of a label-free analytical method to quantitatively characterize protein-protein interactions in attoliter sensing volumes, based on a charge sensing mechanism. Moreover, the molecule-based selective nature of hydrophobic and nanometer sized carbon nanotube (CNT) pores was observed. This result might be helpful to understand the selective nature of cellular transport through transmembrane protein pores.


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One in 3,000 people in the US are born with cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic disorder affecting the reproductive system, pancreas, and lungs. Lung disease caused by chronic bacterial and fungal infections is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in CF. Identities of the microbes are traditionally determined by culturing followed by phenotypic and biochemical assays. It was first thought that the bacterial infections were caused by a select handful of bacteria such as S. aureus, H. influenzae, B. cenocepacia, and P. aeruginosa. With the advent of PCR and molecular techniques, the polymicrobial nature of the CF lung became evident. The CF lung contains numerous bacteria and the communities are diverse and unique to each patient. The total complexity of the bacterial infections is still being determined. In addition, only a few members of the fungal communities have been identified. Much of the fungal community composition is still a mystery. This dissertation addresses this gap in knowledge. A snap shot of CF sputa bacterial community was obtained using the length heterogeneity-PCR community profiling technique. The profiles show that south Florida CF patients have a unique, diverse, and dynamic bacterial community which changes over time. The identities of the bacteria and fungi present were determined using the state-of-the-art 454 sequencing. Sequencing results show that the CF lung microbiome contains commonly cultured pathogenic bacteria, organisms considered a part of the healthy core biome, and novel organisms. Understanding the dynamic changes of these identified microbes will ultimately lead to better therapeutical interventions. Early detection is key in reducing the lung damage caused by chronic infections. Thus, there is a need for accurate and sensitive diagnostic tests. This issue was addressed by designing a bacterial diagnostic tool targeted towards CF pathogens using SPR. By identifying the organisms associated with the CF lung and understanding their community interactions, patients can receive better treatment and live longer.


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The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which is one of the branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI), are being employed as a solution to many complex problems existing in several areas. To solve these problems, it is essential that its implementation is done in hardware. Among the strategies to be adopted and met during the design phase and implementation of RNAs in hardware, connections between neurons are the ones that need more attention. Recently, are RNAs implemented both in application specific integrated circuits's (Application Specific Integrated Circuits - ASIC) and in integrated circuits configured by the user, like the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), which have the ability to be partially rewritten, at runtime, forming thus a system Partially Reconfigurable (SPR), the use of which provides several advantages, such as flexibility in implementation and cost reduction. It has been noted a considerable increase in the use of FPGAs for implementing ANNs. Given the above, it is proposed to implement an array of reconfigurable neurons for topologies Description of artificial neural network multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) in FPGA, in order to encourage feedback and reuse of neural processors (perceptrons) used in the same area of the circuit. It is further proposed, a communication network capable of performing the reuse of artificial neurons. The architecture of the proposed system will configure various topologies MLPs networks through partial reconfiguration of the FPGA. To allow this flexibility RNAs settings, a set of digital components (datapath), and a controller were developed to execute instructions that define each topology for MLP neural network.


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The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which is one of the branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI), are being employed as a solution to many complex problems existing in several areas. To solve these problems, it is essential that its implementation is done in hardware. Among the strategies to be adopted and met during the design phase and implementation of RNAs in hardware, connections between neurons are the ones that need more attention. Recently, are RNAs implemented both in application specific integrated circuits's (Application Specific Integrated Circuits - ASIC) and in integrated circuits configured by the user, like the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), which have the ability to be partially rewritten, at runtime, forming thus a system Partially Reconfigurable (SPR), the use of which provides several advantages, such as flexibility in implementation and cost reduction. It has been noted a considerable increase in the use of FPGAs for implementing ANNs. Given the above, it is proposed to implement an array of reconfigurable neurons for topologies Description of artificial neural network multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) in FPGA, in order to encourage feedback and reuse of neural processors (perceptrons) used in the same area of the circuit. It is further proposed, a communication network capable of performing the reuse of artificial neurons. The architecture of the proposed system will configure various topologies MLPs networks through partial reconfiguration of the FPGA. To allow this flexibility RNAs settings, a set of digital components (datapath), and a controller were developed to execute instructions that define each topology for MLP neural network.


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L’estradiol (E2) est une hormone femelle qui joue un rôle essentiel, à la fois dans la régulation et dans la détermination de certaines conditions physiologiques in vivo, telle que la différenciation et la prolifération cellulaire. Lorsque l’E2 est donné en supplément, par exemple dans le cas de thérapie hormonale, deux effets sont observés, un effet génomique et un effet non-génomique, de par son interaction avec les récepteurs à œstrogène du noyau ou de la membrane cellulaire, respectivement. L’effet non-génomique est plus difficile à étudier biologiquement parce que l’effet se produit sur une échelle de temps extrêmement courte et à cause de la nature hydrophobe de l’E2 qui réduit sa biodisponibilité et donc son accessibilité aux cellules cibles. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de développer des systèmes d’administration de l’E2 qui permettent de n’étudier que l’effet non-génomique de l’œstrogène. Une des stratégies employée consiste à greffer l’E2 à des macromolécules hydrophiles, comme de l’albumine de sérum bovin (BSA) ou des dendrimères de type poly(amido)amine, permettant de maintenir l’interaction de l’E2 avec les récepteurs d’œstrogène de la membrane cellulaire et d’éviter la pénétration de l’E2 dans le noyau des cellules. Toutefois, ces systèmes macromolécules-E2 sont critiquables car ils sont peu stables et l’E2 peut se retrouver sous forme libre, ce qui affecte sa localisation cellulaire. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de développer de nouvelles plateformes fonctionnalisées avec de l’E2 en utilisant les approches de synthèses ascendantes et descendantes. Le but de ces plateformes est de permettre d’étudier le mécanisme de l’effet non-génomique de l’E2, ainsi que d’explorer des applications potentielles dans le domaine biomédical. L’approche ascendante est basée sur un ligand d’E2 activé, l’acide 17,α-éthinylestradiol-benzoïque, attaché de façon covalente à un polymère de chitosan avec des substitutions de phosphorylcholine (CH-PC-E2). L’estradiol est sous forme de pro-drogue attachée au polymère qui s’auto-assembler pour former un film. L’effet biologique de la composition chimique du film de chitosan-phosphorylcholine a été étudié sur des cellules endothéliales. Les films de compositions chimiques différentes ont préalablement été caractérisés de façon physicochimique. La topographie de la surface, la charge de surface, ainsi que la rhéologie des différents films contenant 15, 25, ou 40% molaires de phosphorylcholine, ont été étudiés par microscopie à force atomique (AFM), potentiel zêta, résonance plasmonique de surface et par microbalance à cristal de quartz avec dissipation (QCM-D). Les résultats de QCM-D ont montré que plus la part molaire en phosphorylcholine est grande moins il y a de fibrinogène qui s’adsorbe sur le film de CH-PC. Des cellules humaines de veine ombilicale (HUVECs) cultivées sur des films de CH-PC25 et de CH-PC40 forment des amas cellulaire appelés sphéroïdes au bout de 4 jours, alors que ce n’est pas le cas lorsque ces cellules sont cultivées sur des films de CH-PC15. L’attachement de l’estradiol au polymère a été caractérisé par plusieurs techniques, telles que la résonance magnétique nucléaire de proton (1H NMR), la spectroscopie infrarouge avec transformée de Fourier à réfraction totale atténuée (FTIR-ATR) et la spectroscopie UV-visible. La nature hydrogel des films (sa capacité à retenir l’eau) ainsi que l’interaction des films avec des récepteurs à E2, ont été étudiés par la QCM-D. Des études d’imagerie cellulaires utilisant du diacétate de diaminofluoresceine-FM ont révélé que les films hydrogels de CH-PC-E2 stimulent la production d’oxyde nitrique par les cellules endothéliales, qui joue un rôle protecteur pour le système cardiovasculaire. L’ensemble de ces études met en valeur les rôles différents et les applications potentielles qu’ont les films de type CH-PC-E2 et CH-PC dans le cadre de la médecine cardiovasculaire régénérative. L’approche descendante est basée sur l’attachement de façon covalente d’E2 sur des ilots d’or de 2 μm disposés en rangées et espacés par 12 μm sur un substrat en verre. Les ilots ont été préparés par photolithographie. La surface du verre a quant à elle été modifiée à l’aide d’un tripeptide cyclique, le cRGD, favorisant l’adhésion cellulaire. L’attachement d’E2 sur les surfaces d’or a été suivi et confirmé par les techniques de SPR et de QCM-D. Des études d’ELISA ont montré une augmentation significative du niveau de phosphorylation de la kinase ERK (marqueur important de l’effet non-génomique) après 1 heure d’exposition des cellules endothéliales aux motifs alternant l’E2 et le cRGD. Par contre lorsque des cellules cancéreuses sont déposées sur les surfaces présentant des motifs d’E2, ces cellules ne croissent pas, ce qui suggère que l’E2 n’exerce pas d’effet génomique. Les résultats de l’approche descendante montrent le potentiel des surfaces présentant des motifs d’E2 pour l’étude des effets non-génomiques de l’E2 dans un modèle in vitro.


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This thesis involved the development of two Biosensors and their associated assays for the detection of diseases, namely IBR and BVD for veterinary use and C1q protein as a biomarker to pancreatic cancer for medical application, using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and nanoplasmonics. SPR techniques have been used by a number of groups, both in research [1-3] and commercially [4, 5] , as a diagnostic tool for the detection of various biomolecules, especially antibodies [6-8]. The biosensor market is an ever expanding field, with new technology and new companies rapidly emerging on the market, for both human [8] and veterinary applications [9, 10]. In Chapter 2, we discuss the development of a simultaneous IBR and BVD virus assay for the detection of antibodies in bovine serum on an SPR-2 platform. Pancreatic cancer is the most lethal cancer by organ site, partially due to the lack of a reliable molecular signature for diagnostic testing. C1q protein has been recently proposed as a biomarker within a panel for the detection of pancreatic cancer. The third chapter discusses the fabrication, assays and characterisation of nanoplasmonic arrays. We will talk about developing C1q scFv antibody assays, clone screening of the antibodies and subsequently moving the assays onto the nanoplasmonic array platform for static assays, as well as a custom hybrid benchtop system as a diagnostic method for the detection of pancreatic cancer. Finally, in chapter 4, we move on to Guided Mode Resonance (GMR) sensors, as a low-cost option for potential use in Point-of Care diagnostics. C1q and BVD assays used in the prior formats are transferred to this platform, to ascertain its usability as a cost effective, reliable sensor for diagnostic testing. We discuss the fabrication, characterisation and assay development, as well as their use in the benchtop hybrid system.


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L’estradiol (E2) est une hormone femelle qui joue un rôle essentiel, à la fois dans la régulation et dans la détermination de certaines conditions physiologiques in vivo, telle que la différenciation et la prolifération cellulaire. Lorsque l’E2 est donné en supplément, par exemple dans le cas de thérapie hormonale, deux effets sont observés, un effet génomique et un effet non-génomique, de par son interaction avec les récepteurs à œstrogène du noyau ou de la membrane cellulaire, respectivement. L’effet non-génomique est plus difficile à étudier biologiquement parce que l’effet se produit sur une échelle de temps extrêmement courte et à cause de la nature hydrophobe de l’E2 qui réduit sa biodisponibilité et donc son accessibilité aux cellules cibles. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de développer des systèmes d’administration de l’E2 qui permettent de n’étudier que l’effet non-génomique de l’œstrogène. Une des stratégies employée consiste à greffer l’E2 à des macromolécules hydrophiles, comme de l’albumine de sérum bovin (BSA) ou des dendrimères de type poly(amido)amine, permettant de maintenir l’interaction de l’E2 avec les récepteurs d’œstrogène de la membrane cellulaire et d’éviter la pénétration de l’E2 dans le noyau des cellules. Toutefois, ces systèmes macromolécules-E2 sont critiquables car ils sont peu stables et l’E2 peut se retrouver sous forme libre, ce qui affecte sa localisation cellulaire. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de développer de nouvelles plateformes fonctionnalisées avec de l’E2 en utilisant les approches de synthèses ascendantes et descendantes. Le but de ces plateformes est de permettre d’étudier le mécanisme de l’effet non-génomique de l’E2, ainsi que d’explorer des applications potentielles dans le domaine biomédical. L’approche ascendante est basée sur un ligand d’E2 activé, l’acide 17,α-éthinylestradiol-benzoïque, attaché de façon covalente à un polymère de chitosan avec des substitutions de phosphorylcholine (CH-PC-E2). L’estradiol est sous forme de pro-drogue attachée au polymère qui s’auto-assembler pour former un film. L’effet biologique de la composition chimique du film de chitosan-phosphorylcholine a été étudié sur des cellules endothéliales. Les films de compositions chimiques différentes ont préalablement été caractérisés de façon physicochimique. La topographie de la surface, la charge de surface, ainsi que la rhéologie des différents films contenant 15, 25, ou 40% molaires de phosphorylcholine, ont été étudiés par microscopie à force atomique (AFM), potentiel zêta, résonance plasmonique de surface et par microbalance à cristal de quartz avec dissipation (QCM-D). Les résultats de QCM-D ont montré que plus la part molaire en phosphorylcholine est grande moins il y a de fibrinogène qui s’adsorbe sur le film de CH-PC. Des cellules humaines de veine ombilicale (HUVECs) cultivées sur des films de CH-PC25 et de CH-PC40 forment des amas cellulaire appelés sphéroïdes au bout de 4 jours, alors que ce n’est pas le cas lorsque ces cellules sont cultivées sur des films de CH-PC15. L’attachement de l’estradiol au polymère a été caractérisé par plusieurs techniques, telles que la résonance magnétique nucléaire de proton (1H NMR), la spectroscopie infrarouge avec transformée de Fourier à réfraction totale atténuée (FTIR-ATR) et la spectroscopie UV-visible. La nature hydrogel des films (sa capacité à retenir l’eau) ainsi que l’interaction des films avec des récepteurs à E2, ont été étudiés par la QCM-D. Des études d’imagerie cellulaires utilisant du diacétate de diaminofluoresceine-FM ont révélé que les films hydrogels de CH-PC-E2 stimulent la production d’oxyde nitrique par les cellules endothéliales, qui joue un rôle protecteur pour le système cardiovasculaire. L’ensemble de ces études met en valeur les rôles différents et les applications potentielles qu’ont les films de type CH-PC-E2 et CH-PC dans le cadre de la médecine cardiovasculaire régénérative. L’approche descendante est basée sur l’attachement de façon covalente d’E2 sur des ilots d’or de 2 μm disposés en rangées et espacés par 12 μm sur un substrat en verre. Les ilots ont été préparés par photolithographie. La surface du verre a quant à elle été modifiée à l’aide d’un tripeptide cyclique, le cRGD, favorisant l’adhésion cellulaire. L’attachement d’E2 sur les surfaces d’or a été suivi et confirmé par les techniques de SPR et de QCM-D. Des études d’ELISA ont montré une augmentation significative du niveau de phosphorylation de la kinase ERK (marqueur important de l’effet non-génomique) après 1 heure d’exposition des cellules endothéliales aux motifs alternant l’E2 et le cRGD. Par contre lorsque des cellules cancéreuses sont déposées sur les surfaces présentant des motifs d’E2, ces cellules ne croissent pas, ce qui suggère que l’E2 n’exerce pas d’effet génomique. Les résultats de l’approche descendante montrent le potentiel des surfaces présentant des motifs d’E2 pour l’étude des effets non-génomiques de l’E2 dans un modèle in vitro.


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In order to examine the spatial distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) in recent sediments related to environmental conditions in the water column, thirty-two surface sediment samples from the NW African upwelling region (20-32°N) were investigated. Relative abundances of the dinocyst species show distinct regional differences allowing the separation of four hydrographic regimes. (1) In the area off Cape Ghir, which is characterized by most seasonal upwelling and river discharge, Lingulodinium machaerophorum strongly dominates the associations which are additionally characterized by cysts of Gymnodinium nolleri, cysts of Polykrikos kofoidii and cysts of Polykrikos schwartzii. (2) Off Cape Yubi, a region with increasing perennial upwelling, L. machaerophorum, Brigantedinium spp., species of the genus Impagidinium and cysts of Protoperidinium stellatum occur in highest relative abundances. (3) In coastal samples between Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi, Gymnodinium catenatum, species of the genus Impagidinium, Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Operculodinium centrocarpum, cysts of P. stellatum and Selenopemphix nephroides determine the species composition. (4) Off Cape Blanc, where upwelling prevails perennially, and at offshore sites, heterotrophic dinocyst species show highest relative abundances. A Redundancy Analysis reveals fluvial mud, sea surface temperature and the depth of the mixed layer in boreal spring (spring) as the most important parameters relating to the dinocyst species association. Dinocyst accumulation rates were calculated for a subset of samples using well-constrained sedimentation rates. Highest accumulation rates with up to almost 80.000 cysts cm**-2 ky**-1 were found off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi reflecting their eutrophic upwelling filaments. A Redundancy Analysis gives evidence that primary productivity and the input of fluvial mud are mostly related to the dinocyst association. By means of accumulation rate data, quantitative cyst production of individual species can be considered independently from the rest of the association, allowing autecological interpretations. We show that a combined interpretation of relative abundances and accumulation rates of dinocysts can lead to a better understanding of the productivity conditions off NW Africa.


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Present day hydrographic conditions along the western Iberian margin are characterized by seasonal upwelling with filaments that can penetrate more than 200 km into the open ocean and constitute areas of cold and highly productive waters. In order to investigate spatial and temporal gradients in temperature and productivity conditions during the last 150 ky, high-resolution proxy records were generated in 3 cores (SU92-03, MD95-2040, MD95-2042), located along the Iberian coast between 43°12'N and 37°48'N and forming a N-S profile. In all cores, planktonic foraminifera census counts are used to reconstruct summer sea surface temperature (SSTsu) and export productivity (Pexpsu) using the modern analog technique SIMMAX 28. SSTsu and Pexpsu values similar to the present are observed throughout the Holocene and MIS 5e periods for each site, respectively, indicating fairly stable conditions equivalent to the modern ones. On glacial/interglacial timescales, SSTsu increases by 2-3 °C from the northern to southernmost site. Pexpsu, on the other hand, shows a decrease of 30-40 gC/m**2/yr from North to South at present time and during interglacial periods, and no significant variation (90-100 gC/m**2/yr) during glacial periods. The northernmost core SU92-03 reveals the coldest conditions with records more similar to MD95-2040 than to MD95-2042, the later of which is, as at present, more affected by subtropical waters. Core SU92-03 shows higher interglacial productivity similar to open ocean mid- to high latitude sites, while the other two cores monitor higher glacial productivity conform with other upwelling sites off NW Africa. A boundary between differences in glacial/interglacial productivity appears to be present in our study between 43°12'N and 40°35'N. Especially north of 40°N, coldest SSTsu and lowest Pexpsu are found during Heinrich events (H)1-H8 and H10-H11. In contrast, lowest Pexpsu do not coincide with these events at site MD95-2042, but appear to be related to the presence of relatively warm and nutrient-poor subtropical Eastern North Atlantic Central Water advected with the Azores Current.


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Within a larger program research work is being done on the history of settlement and landscape of the 'Siedlungskammer' Flögeln and the adjacent area. The 'Siedlungskammer' consists of an isolated pleistocene sand ground (Geest-island) surroundet by bogs. Starting from the edge of the Geest, near which large-scale archaeological excavations are carried out, three raised bog profiles were taken at 300, 500 and 4000 m off the prehistoric settlement. They were investigated by means of pollen analysis, and reflect in a decreasing way the activities of man on the Geestisland. Another pollen diagram from the nearby fen peat was worked out for comparison. At the same time it helped to date back a prehistoric sand path to the Roman period. The pollen diagrams cover the vegetational history without gaps from the early Atlantic period to modern times. The vegetation was decisively determined by the poor soils of this area. T'he pollen diagrams give evidence of the activity of settlers since the Neolithic age, with some gaps in the beginning, but later continuously from the middle of the Bronze age until the early migration period. The influence of the nearby settlement, which existed from the Birth of Christ to the 4/5th century, comes out distinctly. Among the cereals which were then cultivated here, there also was rye, at least in the 4/5th century, but most probably already during the Roman period. Besides that people cultivated barley, oats, and flax. The settlement break during the so-called dark ages between the 4/5th century and the time about 800 A.D. was confirmed by pollen analysis. During this time the area was once more covered by forests. The fluctuations of man's activities during the late Middle Ages and modern times, as they are made visible by pollen analysis, correspond to historically wellknown developments.


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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a natural global phenomena emerging in severity and extent. Incidents have many economic, ecological and human health impacts. Monitoring and providing early warning of toxic HABs are critical for protecting public health. Current monitoring programmes include measuring the number of toxic phytoplankton cells in the water and biotoxin levels in shellfish tissue. As these efforts are demanding and labour intensive, methods which improve the efficiency are essential. This study compares the utilisation of a multitoxin surface plasmon resonance (multitoxin SPR) biosensor with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and analytical methods such as high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) for toxic HAB monitoring efforts in Europe. Seawater samples (n = 256) from European waters, collected 2009–2011, were analysed for biotoxins: saxitoxin and analogues, okadaic acid and dinophysistoxins 1/2 (DTX1/DTX2) and domoic acid responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), respectively. Biotoxins were detected mainly in samples from Spain and Ireland. France and Norway appeared to have the lowest number of toxic samples. Both the multitoxin SPR biosensor and the RNA microarray were more sensitive at detecting toxic HABs than standard light microscopy phytoplankton monitoring. Correlations between each of the detection methods were performed with the overall agreement, based on statistical 2 × 2 comparison tables, between each testing platform ranging between 32% and 74% for all three toxin families illustrating that one individual testing method may not be an ideal solution. An efficient early warning monitoring system for the detection of toxic HABs could therefore be achieved by combining both the multitoxin SPR biosensor and RNA microarray.


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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a natural global phenomena emerging in severity and extent. Incidents have many economic, ecological and human health impacts. Monitoring and providing early warning of toxic HABs are critical for protecting public health. Current monitoring programmes include measuring the number of toxic phytoplankton cells in the water and biotoxin levels in shellfish tissue. As these efforts are demanding and labour intensive, methods which improve the efficiency are essential. This study compares the utilisation of a multitoxin surface plasmon resonance (multitoxin SPR) biosensor with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and analytical methods such as high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) for toxic HAB monitoring efforts in Europe. Seawater samples (n = 256) from European waters, collected 2009–2011, were analysed for biotoxins: saxitoxin and analogues, okadaic acid and dinophysistoxins 1/2 (DTX1/DTX2) and domoic acid responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), respectively. Biotoxins were detected mainly in samples from Spain and Ireland. France and Norway appeared to have the lowest number of toxic samples. Both the multitoxin SPR biosensor and the RNA microarray were more sensitive at detecting toxic HABs than standard light microscopy phytoplankton monitoring. Correlations between each of the detection methods were performed with the overall agreement, based on statistical 2 × 2 comparison tables, between each testing platform ranging between 32% and 74% for all three toxin families illustrating that one individual testing method may not be an ideal solution. An efficient early warning monitoring system for the detection of toxic HABs could therefore be achieved by combining both the multitoxin SPR biosensor and RNA microarray.


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Entre los modelos literarios que, en las epopeyas quinientistas acerca de la conquista de México, sirven para dar forma épica a la materia histórica tomada de las crónicas, la Eneida de Virgilio desempeña un papel fundamental. En el presente artículo se pretende mostrar cómo la identificación de Jerónimo de Aguilar con el Aqueménides virgiliano, que se encuentra por primera vez en el Carlo famoso de Luis Zapata, reaparece en Francisco de Terrazas, en Gabriel Lobo Lasso de la Vega y en Antonio de Saavedra Guzmán, así como proponer algunas consideraciones acerca de las relaciones que se hayan podido dar entre las obras de estos poetas.


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Research in biosensing approaches as alternative techniques for food diagnostics for the detection of chemical contaminants and foodborne pathogens has increased over the last twenty years. The key component of such tests is the biorecognition element whereby polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies still dominate the market. Traditionally the screening of sera or cell culture media for the selection of polyclonal or monoclonal candidate antibodies respectively has been performed by enzyme immunoassays. For niche toxin compounds, enzyme immunoassays can be expensive and/or prohibitive methodologies for antibody production due to limitations in toxin supply for conjugate production. Automated, self-regenerating, chip-based biosensors proven in food diagnostics may be utilised as rapid screening tools for antibody candidate selection. This work describes the use of both single channel and multi-channel surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors for the selection and characterisation of antibodies, and their evaluation in shellfish tissue as standard techniques for the detection of domoic acid, as a model toxin compound. The key advantages in the use of these biosensor techniques for screening hybridomas in monoclonal antibody production were the real time observation of molecular interaction and rapid turnaround time in analysis compared to enzyme immunoassays. The multichannel prototype instrument was superior with 96 analyses completed in 2h compared to 12h for the single channel and over 24h for the ELISA immunoassay. Antibodies of high sensitivity, IC50's ranging from 4.8 to 6.9ng/mL for monoclonal and 2.3-6.0ng/mL for polyclonal, for the detection of domoic acid in a 1min analysis time were selected. Although there is a progression for biosensor technology towards low cost, multiplexed portable diagnostics for the food industry, there remains a place for laboratory-based SPR instrumentation for antibody development for food diagnostics as shown herein.