739 resultados para sociality of cinema


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Body area networks (BANs) are emerging as enabling technology for many human-centered application domains such as health-care, sport, fitness, wellness, ergonomics, emergency, safety, security, and sociality. A BAN, which basically consists of wireless wearable sensor nodes usually coordinated by a static or mobile device, is mainly exploited to monitor single assisted livings. Data generated by a BAN can be processed in real-time by the BAN coordinator and/or transmitted to a server-side for online/offline processing and long-term storing. A network of BANs worn by a community of people produces large amount of contextual data that require a scalable and efficient approach for elaboration and storage. Cloud computing can provide a flexible storage and processing infrastructure to perform both online and offline analysis of body sensor data streams. In this paper, we motivate the introduction of Cloud-assisted BANs along with the main challenges that need to be addressed for their development and management. The current state-of-the-art is overviewed and framed according to the main requirements for effective Cloud-assisted BAN architectures. Finally, relevant open research issues in terms of efficiency, scalability, security, interoperability, prototyping, dynamic deployment and management, are discussed.


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Neste texto, irei abordar três filmes ambientados em Portugal, cujas locações oferecem uma visão privilegiada da função do tempo e da magnitude no cinema, os quais, por sua vez, nos permitem reavaliar as categorias de clássico, moderno e pós-moderno aplicadas a esse meio. Trata-se de O estado das coisas (Der Stand der Dinge, Wim Wenders, 1982), Terra estrangeira (Walter Salles and Daniela Thomas, 1995) e Mistérios de Lisboa (Raúl Ruiz, 2010). Neles, a cidade se compõe de círculos viciosos, espelhos, réplicas e mise-en-abyme que interrompem o movimento vertiginoso característico da cidade modernista do cinema dos anos 20. Curiosamente, é também o lugar em que a assim chamada estética pós-moderna finalmente encontra abrigo em contos auto-irônicos que expõem as insuficiências dos mecanismos narrativos no cinema. Para compensá-las, recorre-se a procedimentos de intermídia, tais como fotografias de polaroid em O estado das coisas ou um teatro de papelão em Mistérios de Lisboa, que transformam uma realidade incomensurável em miniaturas fáceis de enquadrar e manipular. O real assim diminuído, no entanto, se revela um simulacro decepcionante, um ersatz da memória que evidencia o caráter ilusório da teleologia cosmopolita. Em minha abordagem, começarei por examinar a gênese interligada e transnacional desses filmes que resultou em três visões correlatas mas muito diversas do fim da história e da narrativa, típico da estética pós-moderna. A seguir, irei considerar o miniaturismo intermedial como uma tentativa de congelar o tempo no interior do movimento, uma equação que inevitavelmente nos remete ao binário deleuziano tempo-movimento, que também irei revisitar com o fim de distingui-lo da oposição entre cinema clássico e moderno. Por fim, irei propor a stasis reflexiva e a inversão de escala como demonominadores comuns entre todos os projetos ditos modernos, que por esta razão, segundo creio, são mais confiáveis que a modernidade enquanto indicadores de valores artísticos e políticos.


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The BBC television drama anthology The Wednesday Play, broadcast from 1964-70 on the BBC1 channel, was high-profile and often controversial in its time and has since been central to accounts of British television’s ‘golden age’. This article demonstrates that production technologies and methods were more diverse at that time than is now acknowledged, and that The Wednesday Play dramas drew both approving but also very critical responses from contemporary viewers and professional reviewers. This article analyses the ways that the physical spaces of production for different dramas in the series, and the different technologies of shooting and recording that were adopted in these production spaces, are associated with but do not determine aesthetic style. The adoption of single-camera location filming rather than the established production method of multi-camera studio videotaping in some of the dramas in the series has been important to The Wednesday Play’s significance, but each production method was used in different ways. The dramas drew their dramatic forms and aesthetic emphases from both theatre and cinema, as well as connecting with debates about the nature of drama for television. Institutional and regulatory frameworks such as control over staff working away from base, budgetary considerations and union agreements also impacted on decisions about how programmes were made. The article makes use of records from the BBC Written Archives Centre, as well as published scholarship. By placing The Wednesday Play in a range of overlapping historical contexts, its identity can be understood as transitional, differentiated and contested.


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The tradition of criticizing one's own government which in the Western (mainly English-speaking) Liberal Democracies goes back at least to the 14th century founds its expression also in American and British Cold War films. Several reflect the suspicion that the Cold War was in some way aggravated by the USA and the UK in order to serve particular interests of the government or arms industries. Such films, often based on novels, include "1984", "Fahrenheit 451", "The Three Days of the Condor", "The Quiet American", and most recently, "V for Vendetta", as well as many anti-war films. Paradoxically, it is a sign of Western liberalism that these films have been made and mostly received a wide distribution.


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This chapter re-evaluates the diachronic, evolutionist model that establishes the Second World War as a watershed between classical and modern cinemas, and ‘modernity’ as the political project of ‘slow cinema’. I will start by historicising the connection between cinematic speed and modernity, going on to survey the veritable obsession with the modern that continues to beset film studies despite the vagueness and contradictions inherent in the term. I will then attempt to clarify what is really at stake within the modern-classical debate by analysing two canonical examples of Japanese cinema, drawn from the geidomono genre (films on the lives of theatre actors), Kenji Mizoguchi’s Story of the Late Chrysanthemums (Zangiku monogatari, 1939) and Yasujiro Ozu’s Floating Weeds (Ukigusa, 1954), with a view to investigating the role of the long take or, conversely, classical editing, in the production or otherwise of a supposed ‘slow modernity’. By resorting to Ozu and Mizoguchi, I hope to demonstrate that the best narrative films in the world have always combined a ‘classical’ quest for perfection with the ‘modern’ doubt of its existence, hence the futility of classifying cinema in general according to an evolutionary and Eurocentric model based on the classical-modern binary. Rather than on a confusing politics of the modern, I will draw on Bazin’s prophetic insight of ‘impure cinema’, a concept he forged in defence of literary and theatrical screen adaptations. Anticipating by more than half a century the media convergence on which the near totality of our audiovisual experience is currently based, ‘impure cinema’ will give me the opportunity to focus on the confluence of film and theatre in these Mizoguchi and Ozu films as the site of a productive crisis where established genres dissolve into self-reflexive stasis, ambiguity of expression and the revelation of the reality of the film medium, all of which, I argue, are more reliable indicators of a film’s political programme than historical teleology. At the end of the journey, some answers may emerge to whether the combination of the long take and the long shot are sufficient to account for a film’s ‘slowness’ and whether ‘slow’ is indeed the best concept to signify resistance to the destructive pace of capitalism.


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In this chapter, I will focus on the female participation in what became known as ‘The Retomada do Cinema Brasileiro’, or the Brazilian Film Revival, by thinking beyond differences of gender, class, age and ethnicity. I will first re-consider the Retomada phenomenon against the backdrop of its historical time, so as to evaluate whether the production boom of the period translated into a creative peak, and, if so, how much of this carried onto the present day. I will then look at the female participation in this phenomenon not just in terms of numerical growth of women film directors, admittedly impressive, but only partially reflective of the drastic changes in the modes of production and address effected by the neoliberal policies introduced in the country in the mid 1990s. I will argue that the most decisive contribution brought about by the rise of women in Brazilian filmmaking has been the spread of team work and shared authorship, as opposed to a mere aspiration to the auteur pantheon, as determined by a notoriously male-oriented tradition. Granted, films focusing on female victimisation were rife during the Retomada period and persist to this day, and they have been, and continue to be, invaluable for the understanding of women’s struggles in the country. However, rather than resorting to feminist readings of representational strategies in these films, I will draw attention to other, presentational aesthetic experiments, open to the documentary contingent and the unpredictable real, which, I argue, suspend the pedagogical character of representational narratives. In order to demonstrate that new theoretical tools are needed to understand the gender powers at play in contemporary world cinema, I will, to conclude, analyse an excerpt of the film, Delicate Crime (Crime delicado, Beto Brant, 2006), where team work comes out as a particularly effective female, and feminist, procedure.


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Brazil’s recent cinematic sensation, O som ao redor/Neighboring Sounds (Kleber Mendonça Filho, 2012), displays an effective integration of form and content, as exemplified by its vertical figuration that crystallizes the devastating effects of property development and global capitalism. This chapter will attempt to unravel a two-way drive within this vertical motif: a movement off the ground, resulting in global cosmopolitanism; and another into the ground, in search of the social history and film history at its base. As I hope to demonstrate, despite the characters’ late postmodernist disconnect from local context and history, O som ao redor offers a perspicacious insight into regional and national history that contributes an original and exciting addition to Brazilian and world cinema.


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Films that feature high-speed diegetic motion, and present those high speeds through fast mobile framing and fast cutting, are frequently charged with generating a sensory overload which empties out meaning or any sense of spatial orientation. Inherent in this discourse is a privileging of optical-spatial intelligibility that suppresses consideration of the ways cinema can represent diegetic velocity, and the spectator’s sensory experience of the same. This paper will instead highlight the centrality of the evocation of a trajectory for movement for the spectator’s experience of diegetic speed, an evocation that does not depend on optical-spatial legibility for its affective force.


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The chapter characterises British ‘Reality TV’ as a hybrid of factual and fictional television genres, as signaled by the more accurate genre designation ‘structured reality’ television. From the 1990s onwards, in order to develop programmes that are attractive to audiences and inexpensive to produce, programme makers have focused on hybrids of dramatic and documentary modes. This chapter argues that many recent Reality TV programmes privilege soap opera’s emphasis on character, storyline and performance. This affects the ways that class authenticity is understood, undermining factual programmes’ usual claim to legitimacy based on reference to a pre-existing reality, and transforming hierarchies that separate highly-valued from low-valued types of programme.


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'Macunaíma' (Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, 1969) ends with a shot of blood emerging from the water. This text proposes an approach to this image following a comparison with other films by the same filmmaker: 'Couro de gato' (1960) and 'Os Inconfidentes' (1972). The main thesis is that in these images the aesthetical work with flesh synthesizes the ritual cannibalism and the capitalist one. This synthesis is specified in heroes’ assimilation by power.


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A first case of subsociality is reported for the genus Latrodectus. Individuals were found sharing the same web and feeding together. In captivity they showed mutual tolerance and communal feeding. This finding is remarkable for two reasons. First, widow spiders, even compared with other spiders, are famously aggressive and cannibalistic so that social behavior in the genus was unexpected. Second, the genus nests outside the ""Anelosimus + lost colulus"" clade where all the other social theridiids are found.


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Partindo de duas questões teóricas preliminares, uma, da representação (literária e cinematográfica)do real e do imaginário, tanto no ângulo da produção como no da sua recepção e, a outra, da articulação entre formas de expressão artísticas distintas, ou seja, da interdisciplinaridade, este trabalho examina a presença do tema relativo aos limites entre realidade e fantasia no teatro, no cinema e na literatura, centrando sua atenção na obra de Harold Pinter. Consta de duas partes, cada uma com três capítulos. Na primeira, "Os pressupostos," discute-se as questões que fornecem seu substrato teórico. A segunda é dedicada ao corpus, identificando em seu título o tema investigado: "Os limites da realidade." Quanto à questão da representação, procura-se refutar "a afirmação de que a arte seja uma imitação da realidade. Uma releitura da Poética, de Aristóteles, reforçada pela opinião de diversos estudiosos da mesma, permite afirmar que a mÍmese corresponde, isto sim, a uma representação que envolve uma construção em que elementos da realidade são organizados segundo uma verdade criada pela própria obra, de acordo com critérios inerentes a ela. Além disso, através de uma leitura de Kathryn Hume, procura-se afirmar a interação sinestésica quase que permanente dos impulsos realista e da fantasiana literatura, identificando os tipos com que a fantasia se manifesta e as técnicas usadas para sua criação. A primeira parte encerra-se com um exame do relacionamento da literatura com as artes visuais e dramáticas, relações inter-disciplinares que situam este trabalho na literatura comparada.Dentre vários autores cujas obras contribuem para tal fim, destaca-se Martin Esslin, que estabelece os limitesde cada uma das artes dramáticas, identifica contatos delas com a literatura e permite, através de uma leitura de seu estudo sobre o teatro do absurdo, seja estabelecida a evolução que liga Aristóteles a Pinter. O corpus centra-se na obra de Pinterpara o teatro e para o cinema, sem limitar-se a ela,pois são também analisadas obras de outros escritores e cineastas, estabelendo-se aproximações ou contrastes entre elas. No quarto capítulo estão agrupadas obras nas quais desponta a imposição de verdades pela força fisica ou verbal. A luta pelo poder, a expulsão de elementos estranhos, dúvidas sobre a identidade e a inter-penetrablidade arte-vida caracterizam o capítulo seguinte. A ênfase temática do sexto capítulo recai sobre as limitações impostas pela condição humana. Praticamente todas as obras expressam a impossibilidade da existência de certezas absolutas e de uma perfeita distinção dos limites da realidade. Com isso, é possível afirmar não ser o objetivo da arte reproduzir a realidade. Mesmo que o fosse, tal tentativa resultaria infrutífera devido às limitações humanas.


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This text has the objective to compare attitudes and opinions of undergraduation students about Brazilian movies, evaluated in 1991 and 2003. The research was motivated by the author's perceptions that the changes occurred in the public cultural stimulus policy, at the end of 80's and beginning of 90's drove the national productions to a significant quality improvement, allowing them to work in conditions to compete in the Brazilian market without needing to take any advantage of law or policy for minimum projection share to national movies. The results attested a significant enhancement in the evaluation by the respondents of Brazilian movie production.


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It s in the city spaces, molded from the uses and daily appropriations, that life is woven, as a product of the social relationships from the accumulation of history along with the present day fabric. Within this relationship, the old and the new are elements which make up this tapestry, as a result of the contribution of successive generations. The public square is seen as an example of this relationship, since it consists of a fertile space for opportunities of urban life coexistence. It is within the trace of these considerations that the present study emerges regarding the appropriation and sociability of the Tomé de Sousa Square, located in the city of Salvador, BA, having as its main focus the special relation between the cinema and the public square, as it relates to the space of the exhibition of cinematographic art. The showing of films in public squares makes possible a distinctive means of appropriation which has occurred ever since the beginning of the cinema. Today in Brazil, projects of this nature abound, which aim at presenting the seventh art to a great portion of the population which doesn t have access to conventional movie theater projection rooms. This particular Projeto Cinema na Praça Cinema in the Square Project carried out in Salvador, has become the empirical reference point for such work. This journey reveals the fascination that this great art has woven through time, attracting and charming multitudes. The cinema touches people in a special way, stirring up affectionate feelings, which are reflected in multiple social practices. Regarding this work, what stands out above all are the projections in the squares, initiatives which make it possible for the films to be watched collectively. What was taken into account in order to carry out this work were the reports of those who came regularly to watch the cinema in the Square sessions, those involved with the cinema projects team, and the film makers. To do the work, besides a bibliographical revision, observations were made of participants in the Tomé de Sousa Square, taken from semi-structured interviews with people involved with the film projection projects and those who came regularly to the cinema in the Square sessions. Also investigations were made in newspapers, printed magazines and the internet, from document and iconographic sources. The photographic documentation proved to be an important contribution to the field work. The research therefore develops from the understanding that the social practices are what make possible the uses of and the appropriation of the spaces. Within this perspective the public square emerges as a privileged locus where possibilities flourish for multiple manifestations that social practices can generate