554 resultados para sell


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El consumo mundial, impulsor del desarrollo y crecimiento económico de los pueblos, no ha sido igual para todas las naciones, ya que sus efectos han sido diferentes para los ciudadanos de los países del Norte y los del Sur, principalmente por dos razones: una, porque han originado complejos y diferentes estilos de vida y aspiraciones, lo que ha originado grandes diferencias entre los individuos de unos y otros países, y, dos, por su falta de valores sociales y éticos. Ante esta situación, la sociedad en su conjunto debe tomar conciencia de este hecho, y a través de un consumo responsable y de un mayor conocimiento de las relaciones comerciales entre los pueblos, debe optar por consumir productos elaborados bajo criterios de justicia y equidad. Para ayudar a alcanzar estos objetivos de equidad, solidaridad, justicia y ética, nació el Comercio Justo, que, en el caso de España, llegó con veinte años de retraso en la década de los ochenta. Aunque a día de hoy sus ventas crecen a un buen ritmo, siguen siendo inferiores al resto de los países europeos, por cuatro razones: (1) el desconocimiento que la mayoría de los potenciales consumidores tienen de este movimiento social; (2) la dificultad de acceder a los productos que comercializan; (3) el poco impulso que se ofrece desde las Administraciones Públicas; y, (4) porque hay pocas investigaciones en las que se haya analizado el Comercio Justo desde la perspectiva de la demanda, lo que ha implicado que no haya un conocimiento profundo sobre los consumidores de este tipo de productos y sobre sus motivaciones de compra. En base a todo lo expuesto, el presente trabajo se concibe como un estudio exploratorio, que tiene como objetivo principal analizar el perfil de los consumidores y no consumidores de productos de Comercio Justo, sus motivaciones de compra y no compra, así como las variables que influyen en la intención de compra futura, tanto en el segmento de consumidores actuales, como en el segmento de no consumidores de este tipo de productos. Para la realización de este trabajo, se ha utilizado, por una parte, una metodología cualitativa, que ha permitido acceder a la información sobre las opiniones y actitudes que intervienen en los procesos de decisión de compra; y, por otra, una metodología cuantitativa, a través de una encuesta online dirigida a 6.500 individuos, que ha permitido tener información, a través de sendos análisis descriptivos univariante y bivariante, de los individuos encuestados sobre el objeto del estudio. Para validar los modelos y contrastar las hipótesis planteadas, se ha utilizado el análisis de fiabilidad y validación de las escalas de medición seleccionadas (Alpha de Cronbach); el análisis factorial exploratorio, para comprobar la dimensionalidad y validez convergente de las escalas de medida; el análisis factorial confirmatorio, para validar la idoneidad de los modelos de medida propuestos; la regresión logística, para comprobar la validez del modelo general de la probabilidad de la compra o no compra de productos de Comercio Justo; y la regresión lineal múltiple, para comprobar la validez de los modelos específicos de intención de compra futura en los segmentos de compradores y de no compradores. Para realizar todos estos análisis, se han utilizado las herramientas informáticas SPSS v21 y AMOS. Las principales conclusiones del trabajo son: (1) que se deben establecer unos criterios claros que definan quién es quién en el movimiento de Comercio Justo, sus fines, sus objetivos, los productos que comercializan, así como su funcionamiento y desarrollo en España; (2) que, a pesar de las grandes ventajas y posibilidades del Comercio Justo, hay una falta de demanda de estos productos por parte de los consumidores responsables, debido principalmente a la falta de información-comunicación sobre el propio movimiento, y, muy especialmente, a la falta de información sobre los productos, los canales de comercialización, las políticas de precios, las políticas de comunicación, etc., y a la necesidad de que estos productos estén accesibles en los lugares donde los consumidores hacen su compra habitual; y (3) que el Comercio Justo español debe afrontar una serie de desafíos, como son la coordinación entre las diferentes organizaciones que participan en su desarrollo; la sensibilización de los consumidores; la creación de una imagen de marca que defina de una manera clara y sencilla qué es el Comercio Justo; la orientación al cliente y no al producto; y extender la red de comercialización de productos de Comercio Justo a los canales donde los consumidores hacen su compra habitualmente. ABSTRACT Global consumption, the driver of economic growth and development of nations, is not the same for all countries, since its effects have been different on people coming from the North or the South. This is due mainly to two reasons: firstly, because they have developed complex and different lifestyles and aspirations, which have led to significant differences between individuals of one country and another and secondly, because they lack social and ethical values. Given this situation, society as a whole should be aware of this fact, and through responsible consumption and a greater knowledge of trade relations between countries, should opt for consuming products produced with criteria of justice and equity. Fair Trade began as a way to help reach these goals of equity, solidarity, justice and ethics. In the case of Spain it did not start until 20 years later, in the eighties. Although today sales of Fair Trade products are growing at a good rate, they are still below that of other European countries, for four reasons: (1) unawareness of this social movement; (2) the difficult access to these products; (3) insufficient government support; (4) the limited research carried out to analyse Fair Trade from the perspective of demand, resulting in a lack of knowledge about this type of consumer and their purchasing motivations. Based on the above, the present study is designed as an exploratory investigation, aimed at analyzing the profile of consumers and non-consumers of Fair Trade, their motivations for buying and not buying, as well as the variables which influence future purchase intention in both the current consumer segment, and the non-user segment of such products. To carry out this study we have used, on the one hand, a qualitative methodology, to obtain information about the views and attitudes involved in the purchase decision process; and on the other, a quantitative methodology, through an online survey of 6,500 individuals, which provided information through two separate univariate and bivariate descriptive analysis, of the individuals interviewed about the object of this study. To validate the models and contrast hypotheses, we have used the reliability analysis and validation of the selected measurement scales (Cronbach's Alpha); exploratory factor analysis to verify the dimensionality and convergent validity of the measurement scales; confirmatory factor analysis to validate the adequacy of the models of measurement proposed; logistic regression, to verify the validity of the general model of the probability of buying or not buying Fair Trade products; and multiple linear regression to test the validity of specific models in future purchase intention in the segments of buyers and non-buyers. To carry out these analyses, we used SPSS v21 software tools and AMOS. The principal conclusions of the investigation are: (1) the need to establish clear criteria which define who is who in the Fair Trade movement, its goals, objectives, the products they sell, as well as its operation and development in Spain; (2) that despite the great advantages and possibilities of Fair Trade, there is a lack of demand for these products by responsible consumers, mainly due to the lack of information-communication about the movement itself, and especially on the range of products, sales channels, pricing policies, communication policies, etc., and the need for these products to be available in places where consumers make their usual purchase; and (3) that Spanish Fair Trade must address a number of challenges such as: coordination between the different organizations involved in trade development; consumer awareness; creation of a brand image that defines in a clear and simple way what Fair Trade is; focus on the customer rather than the product; and expansion of the network of Fair Trade sales outlets to include the channels where consumers usually make their purchases.


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Para entender el proyecto de una manera muy simplificada lo podríamos resumir de la siguiente forma: Se trata de una aplicación que permite a los usuarios imputar las horas de las tareas que realizan de una forma sencilla, y que los gestores de estos usuarios, mediante informes ejecutivos, puedan analizar las dedicaciones y costes de los proyectos que éstos gestionan. Además se dispondrá de pantallas para administrar todas las entidades que están implicadas en las imputaciones. Las imputaciones se realizarán agrupándolas por el concepto “Parte”. Los Partes dividen los meses en grupos de 10 días, así cada usuario tendrá que imputar las horas que realiza cada 10 días, enviando a su supervisor el parte para que este pueda revisarlo y analizar los resultados de las imputaciones a través de los informes. Vamos a resumir las entidades que intervienen en la aplicación y sus relaciones de la siguiente forma: - Los usuarios tendrán asignados una serie de cargos, los cuales definirán las posibles tareas que podrán realizar categorizadas en los conceptos Proceso y Subproceso. Un ejemplo de esta relación podría ser el cargo “Programador” podrá realizar tareas de tipo Proceso “Desarrollo” y tipos de Subproceso “Programación” y “Pruebas unitarias” - También se asignarán a los usuarios los proyectos en los que trabajan. Estos proyectos pertenecerán a una unidad (se podría equiparar el concepto unidad por ejemplo a clientes, departamentos, etc). - También se podrán asignar a los usuarios las peticiones concretas de proyectos en los que intervienen. Una petición podría ser una incidencia detectada en un proyecto, una mejora concreta en un proyecto de mantenimiento, un soporte realizado para arreglar unos datos incorrectos, etc. - A los usuarios se le asignarán unos costes que podrán ser distintos por periodos de tiempo con el fin de conocer el coste exacto de una hora realizada en la fecha en la que fue realizada. - A los usuarios se les asignará un Perfil de usuario. Este perfil de usuario definirá los permisos sobre los módulos disponibles de la herramienta. Habrá un permiso por cada entidad, dividiéndolos en Alta, Baja, Modificación y Consulta. Además de estos permisos habrá permisos especiales sobre módulos que no se refieran al manteniendo de entidades pero que sí requieran de un permiso especial para poder ejecutarse como por ejemplo poder ejecutar los informes de costes, poder realizar y consultar partes de otros usuarios además de los propios del usuario, etc. Los perfiles serán dinámicos. Se podrán crear tantos perfiles como se requieran, cada uno con los permisos que se le asignen. - Los usuarios imputarán las horas que realizan categorizando por tarea los siguientes conceptos: Proyecto, Petición (opcional), Proceso, Subproceso, Descripción de la tarea y horas invertidas en los días de la decena. La aplicación permite poder adaptarse a las necesidades de diseño de la organización que la utilice y pueden crearse tantas instancias de la aplicación como se necesiten, compartiendo ono la base de datos entre varias de las instancias, sin necesidad de duplicar el código en el servidor, lo que facilita el mantenimiento de la aplicación cuando se añaden mejoras y se solucionan incidencias. También facilita el poder vender licencias de uso de la aplicación a otras entidades teniendo una sola versión de la aplicación en la nube, lo que hace muy bajo el coste de la venta de licencias aumentando así los beneficios por venta. ABSTRACT To understand the project in a very simplified way we could summarize as follows: Its an application that allows users to charge the hours of tasks that they realize in a easy way, and that the managers of these users, by executive reports, can analyze dedications and costs of projects that they manage. Furthermore screens will be available to manage all entities that are involved in the charge of hours. The charge of hours will be grouped by the concept "Timesheet". The Timesheets divided the months in groups of 10 days, so each user will have to charge the hours every 10 days by sending his supervisor the thimesheet so that it can review it and analyze the results of the charges of hours by reports.Let's summarize the entities involved in the application and their relationships as follows: - Users will be assigned to one or more positions, which define the possible tasks that can perform categorized into concepts Process and Subprocess. An example of this relationship could be the position "Developer" may do tasks of process type "Development" and subprocess types "Programming" and "Unit Testing" - Users will also be assigned to projects in which they work. These projects belongs to a unit (Some possible examples of unit could be customers, departments, ...). - You can also assign users to specific requests for projects thar they are involved. A request could be an issue detected in a project, a concrete improvement in a maintenance project, a support made to fix some incorrect data, ... - Users will be assigned to one or more costs that may be different for periods of time in order to know the exact cost of an hour on the date on which it was made. - Users will be assigned to a User Profile. This user profile define the available permissions on modules of tool. There will be a permission for each entity, dividing them into Insert, Delete, Modify and Read. In addition to these permissions will be special permissions on modules that are not related to maintaining entities but if require special permission to execute such as to execute the cost reports, to make and read Timesheets of others users in addition to themselve user, etc. The profiles will be dynamic. We can create many profiles as we required, each with the permissions that are assigned. - Users charge the hours that they work categorizing per task the following: Project, Request (optional), Process, Subprocess, task description and the hours that they used in the ten days period. The application allows to adapt to the needs of design of the organization that use the application and allows create many instances of the application as needed, yes or not sharing the database among multiple instances without duplicating the code on the server, which facilitates maintenance of the application when improvements are added and incidents are resolved. It also facilitates to sell licenses to use the application to other organizations having a single version of the application in the cloud, making it very low cost from the sale of licenses and increasing profits per sale.


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Relying on a quantitative analysis of the patenting and assignment behavior of inventors, we highlight the evolution of institutions that encouraged trade in technology and a growing division of labor between those who invented new technologies and those who exploited them commercially over the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. At the heart of this change in the organization of inventive activity was a set of familiar developments which had significant consequences for the supply and demand of inventions. On the supply side, the growing complexity and capital intensity of technology raised the amount of human and physical capital required for effective invention, making it increasingly desirable for individuals involved in this activity to specialize. On the demand side, the growing competitiveness of product markets induced firms to purchase or otherwise obtain the rights to technologies developed by others. These increasing incentives to differentiate the task of invention from that of commercializing new technologies depended for their realization upon the development of markets and other types of organizational supports for trade in technology. The evidence suggests that the necessary institutions evolved first in those regions of the country where early patenting activity had already been concentrated. A self-reinforcing process whereby high rates of inventive activity encouraged the evolution of a market for technology, which in turn encouraged greater specialization and productivity at invention as individuals found it increasingly feasible to sell and license their discoveries, appears to have been operating. This market trade in technological information was an important contributor to the achievement of a high level of specialization at invention well before the rise of large-scale research laboratories in the twentieth century.


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The intellectual property laws in the United States provide the owners of intellectual property with discretion to license the right to use that property or to make or sell products that embody the intellectual property. However, the antitrust laws constrain the use of property, including intellectual property, by a firm with market power and may place limitations on the licensing of intellectual property. This paper focuses on one aspect of antitrust law, the so-called “essential facilities doctrine,” which may impose a duty upon firms controlling an “essential facility” to make that facility available to their rivals. In the intellectual property context, an obligation to make property available is equivalent to a requirement for compulsory licensing. Compulsory licensing may embrace the requirement that the owner of software permit access to the underlying code so that others can develop compatible application programs. Compulsory licensing may undermine incentives for research and development by reducing the value of an innovation to the inventor. This paper shows that compulsory licensing also may reduce economic efficiency in the short run by facilitating the entry of inefficient producers and by promoting licensing arrangements that result in higher prices.


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A fundamental question in the basic biology of aging is whether there is a universal aging process. If indeed such a process exists, one would expect that it develops at a higher rate in short- versus long-lived species. We have quantitated pentosidine, a marker of glycoxidative stress in skin collagen from eight mammalian species as a function of age. A curvilinear increase was modeled for all species, and the rate of increase correlated inversely with maximum life-span. Dietary restriction, a potent intervention associated with increased life-span, markedly inhibited glycoxidation rate in the rodent. On the assumption that collagen turnover rate is primarily influenced by the crosslinking due to glycoxidation, these results suggest that there is a progressive age-related deterioration of the process that controls the collagen glycoxidation rate. Thus, the ability to withstand damage due to glycoxidation and the Maillard reaction may be under genetic control.


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To generate a potent cell-mediated immune response, at least two signals are required by T cells. One is engagement of the T-cell receptor with peptide-bearing major histocompatibility complex molecules. The other signal can be delivered by various molecules on the antigen-presenting cell, such as B7-1 (CD80). Many tumor cells escape immune recognition by failing to express these costimulatory molecules. Transfection of the B7 gene into some murine tumor cells allows for immune recognition and subsequent rejection of the parental tumor. We have studied an alternative approach for the introduction of B7-1 onto the surface of tumor cells. This method involves purified glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins which can spontaneously incorporate their lipid tail into cell membranes. We have created and purified a GPI-anchored B7-1 molecule (called GPI-B7) which is able to bind its cognate ligand, CD28, and incorporate itself into tumor cell membranes after a short incubation. Tumor cells that have been reconstituted with GPI-B7 can provide the costimulatory signal needed to stimulate T cells. These findings suggest an approach for the introduction of new proteins onto cell membranes to create an effective tumor vaccine for potential use in human immunotherapy.


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A motivação para o desenvolvimento desse trabalho surge em um momento em que se verifica uma participação cada vez mais significativa das fontes energéticas renováveis não convencionais no País. Não obstante, o cenário de evolução evidencia que o arcabouço regulatório e as regras de mercado não acompanharam as especificidades inerentes à exploração dessas fontes. Assim, para que se mantenha adequado ritmo de inserção na matriz energética, devem ser buscadas opções para que fontes alternativas sejam cada vez mais competitivas na atual configuração do mercado energético. A contribuição dessa pesquisa, portanto, centra-se na análise dos riscos de mercado incorridos por esses geradores de fontes intermitentes de energia ao comercializarem energia no ambiente de contratação livre. Nessa perspectiva, a Dissertação foi desenvolvida abordando tipos de geração de energia e suas características técnicas e econômicas, legislação do setor elétrico, regras de comercialização, balanço energético do sistema, formação de preços no mercado de curto prazo e precificação de contratos no ACL, diferença de preços entre submercados, requisitos de flexibilidade e sazonalidade nos contratos de venda a consumidores livres e seu impacto na precificação de contratos, identificação de comportamento energético complementar para mitigação de riscos de mercado entre fontes renováveis e rebatimento na formulação de mecanismo de hedge, análise de portfólio de contratos e estratégia ótima de contratação de energia para agentes geradores atuando no ACL. Como resposta ao desafio de equacionar o impasse surgido na comercialização de fontes de produção sazonal, propõe-se um modelo para definir estratégias de contratação para agentes geradores e comercializadores a partir da complementação energética entre diferentes tipos de fontes, de forma a maximizar os ganhos de comercialização para um risco estabelecido. Busca-se a composição ideal dessas fontes na carteira de um comercializador para minimizar o risco de exposição à volatilidade dos preços do mercado de curto prazo. Isso é possível em virtude das compensações energéticas feitas entre as diferentes fontes em um portfólio combinado, mitigando a receita em risco decorrente das variações que existem nos preços de curto prazo e na produção energética. De forma complementar, estruturou-se um modelo de negócio no qual uma empresa detentora de ativos de geração hidrelétrica compra os direitos de produção de uma eólica e/ou biomassa para incorporar ao seu portfólio e vender como contrato por quantidade. Determinou-se o volume de energia a ser comprado de cada fonte, o preço, a estratégia mais indicada de contratação e a mitigação de fatores de risco contemplados nos contratos de venda, buscando maximizar os ganhos de comercialização condicionada a critérios de risco pré-fixados.


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This research paper examines the creation, design, and functions of ten Ute double saddlebags and four beaded Ute saddle blankets fabricated between 1870 and 1925. Based on this sample and comparison with additional Basin and Plains tribal dressings, it appears that Ute saddlebags and blankets possess a combination of characteristics that reflect Ute territory, lifestyle, and aesthetics. These attributes, including fabrication from hide; similar rectangular dimensions; simple geometric beadwork patterns that emphasize triangles; preference for blue, white, and yellow beads; largely solid colored backgrounds; and back entries into the bags, work together to create a style that is specifically Ute.


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Images of female angels in American art and advertisements have been sexualized in the late twentieth and early twenty-­‐first centuries. Companies such as Victoria’s Secret have appropriated the image of female angels, which first appeared at the beginning of the nineteenth century, and clothed them in lingerie in order to sell a product. This Masters Research Paper explores the evolution of female angelic imagery in the United States in order to understand how and when the image of angels began to be sexualized and used in advertising. Angels in art have been studied extensively; however, there has been no work done which examines how the angels in art and advertising have been sexualized. Nor has any work been done to map the evolution of female angelic imagery in American art. This Masters Research Paper will fill that gap in scholarship.


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Renewable energy such as biomass has given markets, including dairy farms, an effective approach to reducing the costs of sustaining a profitable business. Anaerobic digestion systems offer dairy farms a very effective way to reduce manure odor, comply with soil and water pollution regulations, manufacture compost for general market sales, produce irrigation capacity and generate on-site electricity as well as the ability to sell excess electricity back to the local utilities. This project defines anaerobic digestion technologies and practices, analyzes case studies and presents a step-by-step anaerobic digestion project startup checklist. The result is an anaerobic digestion project working guide that acts as a tool to aid dairy farmers in their own potential anaerobic digestion project.


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Document acknowledges the sale of the late Samuel Clark's house and property to Alexander Hill. Samuel Clark's executor, James Clark, was required by law to sell the property to the highest bidder in order to pay the debts of the deceased.


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In this deed of feoffment, written on Dec. 10, 1677, Thomas Sweetman agreed to sell his dwelling house, barn, and orchard to his son-in-law, Michael Spencer, for the cost of eighty pounds sterling. The property was located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on what was then the northwest corner of the grounds of Harvard College, and was sold "together with the wood lot upon the rocks and cow commons belonging to it." The deed specifies that both Sweetman and his wife Isabel were to be allowed to occupy the property until their deaths, and further explains that Spencer and his family were already living in the dwelling house, occupying three rooms. The document was signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Daniel Gookin, Jr. and John Bridgham. It was also signed by Thomas Sweetman.


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These two handwritten letters by Timothy Pickering were written on February 14, 1797 and June 14, 1798 to his brother John Pickering and his father Timothy Pickering, respectively. The letter to his brother, John, discusses mutual friends, classmate Thomas Lee, and John’s recent attendance at a sermon by Dr. Joseph Priestley. The letter from Timothy to his father includes a discussion of Timothy’s expenses and the amount of money needed to pay his debts, a request for new shoes for commencement, the news of Timothy’s invitation to join honor society Phi Beta Kappa, and a few comments on his forensics course at Harvard.


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Ever since Prime Minister David Cameron made his major speech on Europe on 23 January 2013, in which he argued for some kind of new deal between the UK and the EU, the rest of the EU as well as the British public have been wondering what he would actually propose in operational terms. On 15 March 2014, the Prime Minister offered at least an interim reply to these questions in an article in the Daily Telegraph newspaper. This paper extracts from the Daily Telegraph article the main ideas that the Prime Minister advances. In all, 10 propositions are identified, presented in the precise language used, followed by an appraisal. The article has not attracted so much attention, mainly because its content is not particularly sensational, but that is its real importance and quality. It points the way towards resolving what otherwise would mean a huge political crisis for the UK and the EU. The Prime Minister gave the overall impression that he is not now heading towards making an impossibly difficult list of demands. On the contrary, an informed and moderate realism seems to be in the making. The package outlined in this paper could be sold in Brussels. There would then have to be a robust communications campaign to sell it to the British public. This paper is part of a series for a CEPS-EPIN project on “The British Question and the Search for a Fresh European Narrative”, which is pegged to an ambitious ongoing exercise by the British government to review all the competences of the European Union. The intention is that this should provide a basis for informed debate before the referendum on the UK remaining in the EU or not, which is scheduled for 2017.


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In recent years, Ukraine’s agriculture has been consistently improving and has been the only part of the country’s economy to buck the recession. According to preliminary estimates, in 2013 agricultural production increased by 13.7% - in contrast to a 4.7% decline in the industrial sector. According to official statistics, Ukraine’s industrial production was up 40% in the final months of 2013 when compared to the same period of 2012. This translated into an unexpected gain in fourth-quarter GDP growth (+3.7%) and prevented an annual drop in GDP. Crop production, and particularly the production of grain, hit a record high: in 2013, Ukraine produced 63 million tonnes of grain, outperforming its best ever harvest of 2011 (56.7 million tonnes). The value of Ukraine’s agricultural and food exports increased from US$4.3 billion in 2005 to US$17.9 billion in 2012, and currently accounts for a quarter of Ukraine’s total exports. Economic forecasts suggest that in the current marketing year (July 2013 - June 2014) Ukraine will sell more than 30 million tonnes of grain to foreign markets, making it the world’s second biggest grain exporter, after the United States.