915 resultados para remote desktop
The ROV operations had three objectives: (1) to check, whether the "Cherokee" system is suited for advanced benthological work in the high latitude Antarctic shelf areas; (2) to support the disturbance experiment, providing immediate visual Information; (3) to continue ecological work that started in 1989 at the hilltop situated at the northern margin of the Norsel Bank off the 4-Seasons Inlet (Weddell Sea). The "Cherokee" is was equipped with 3 video cameras, 2 of which support the operation. A high resolution Tritech Typhoon camera is used for scientific observations to be recorded. In addition, the ROV has a manipulator, a still camera, lights and strobe, compass, 2 lasers, a Posidonia transponder and an obstacle avoidance Sonar. The size of the vehicle is 160 X 90 X 90cm. In the present configuration without TMS (tether management system) the deployment has to start with paying out the full cable length, lay it in loops on deck and connect the glass fibres at the tether's spool winch. After a final technical check the vehicle is deployed into the water, actively driven perpendicular to the ship's axis and floatings are fixed to the tether. At a cable length of approx. 50 m, the tether is tightened to the depressor by several cable ties and both components are lowered towards the sea floor, the vehicle by the thruster's propulsion and the depressor by the ship's winch. At 5 m intervals the tether has to be tied to the single conductor cable. In good weather conditions the instruments supporting the navigation of the ROV, especially the Posidonia system, allow an operation mode to follow the ship's course if the ship's speed is slow. Together with the lasers which act as a scale in the images they also allow a reproducible scientific analysis since the transect can be plotted in a GIS system. Consequently, the area observed can be easily calculated. An operation as a predominantly drifting system, especially in areas with bottom near currents, is also possible, however, the connection of the tether at the rear of the vehicle is unsuitable for such conditions. The recovery of the system corresponds to that of the deployment. Most important is to reach the surface of the sea at a safe distance perpendicular to the ship's axis in order not to interfere with the ship's propellers. During this phase the Posidonia transponder system is of high relevance although it has to be switched off at a water depth of approx. 40 m. The minimum personal needed is 4 persons to handle the tether on deck, one person to operate the ship's winch, one pilot and one additional technician for the ROV's operation itself, one scientist, and one person on the ship's bridge in addition to one on deck for whale watching when the Posidonia system is in use. The time for the deployment of the ROV until it reaches the sea floor depends on the water depth and consequently on the length of the cable to be paid out beforehand and to be tightened to the single conductor cable. Deployment and recovery at intermediate water depths can last up to 2 hours each. A reasonable time for benthological observations close to the sea floor is 1 to 3 hours but can be extended if scientifically justified. Preliminary results: after a first test station, the ROV was deployed 3 times for observations related to the disturbance experiment. A first attempt to Cross the hilltop at the northern margin of the Norsel Bank close to the 4- Seasons Inlet was successful only for the first hundreds of metres transect length. The benthic community was dominated in biomass by the demosponge Cinachyra barbata. Due to the strong current of approx. 1 nm/h, the design of the system, and an expected more difficult current regime between grounded icebergs and the top of the hilltop the operation was stopped before the hilltop was reached. In a second attempt the hilltop was successfully crossed because the current and wind situation was much more suitable. In contrast to earlier expeditions with the "sprint" ROV it was the first time that both slopes, the smoother in the northeast and the steeper in the southwest were continuously observed during one cast. A coarse classification of the hilltop fauna shows patches dominated by single taxa: cnidarians, hydrozoans, holothurians, sea urchins and stalked sponges. Approximately 20 % of the north-eastern slope was devastated by grounding icebergs. Here the sediments consisted of large boulders, gravel or blocks of finer sediment looking like an irregularly ploughed field. On the Norsel Bank the Cinachyra concentrations were locally associated with high abundances of sea anemones. Total observation time amounted to 11.5 hours corresponding to almost 6-9 km transect length.
A walking machine is a wheeled rover alternative, well suited for work in an unstructured environment and specially in abrupt terrain. They have some drawback like speed and power consumption, but they can achieve complex movements and protrude very little the environment they are working on. The locomotion system is determined by the terrain conditions and, in our case, this legged design has been chosen based in a working area like Rio Tinto in the South of Spain, which is a river area with abrupt terrain. A walking robot with so many degrees of freedom can be a challenge when dealing with the analysis and simulations of the legs. This paper shows how to deal with the kinematical analysis of the equations of a hexapod robot based on a design developed by the Center of Astrobiology INTA-CSIC following the classical formulation of equations
Accumulating evidence suggests a role for the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in working memory (WM). However, little is known concerning its functional interactions with other cortical regions in the distributed neural network subserving WM. To reveal these, we availed of subjects with MTL damage and characterized changes in effective connectivity while subjects engaged in WM task. Specifically, we compared dynamic causal models, extracted from magnetoencephalographic recordings during verbal WM encoding, in temporal lobe epilepsy patients (with left hippocampal sclerosis) and controls. Bayesian model comparison indicated that the best model (across subjects) evidenced bilateral, forward, and backward connections, coupling inferior temporal cortex (ITC), inferior frontal cortex (IFC), and MTL. MTL damage weakened backward connections from left MTL to left ITC, a decrease accompanied by strengthening of (bidirectional) connections between IFC and MTL in the contralesional hemisphere. These findings provide novel evidence concerning functional interactions between nodes of this fundamental cognitive network and sheds light on how these interactions are modified as a result of focal damage to MTL. The findings highlight that a reduced (top-down) influence of the MTL on ipsilateral language regions is accompanied by enhanced reciprocal coupling in the undamaged hemisphere providing a first demonstration of “connectional diaschisis.”
In this paper, a system that allows applying precision agriculture techniques is described. The application is based on the deployment of a team of unmanned aerial vehicles that are able to take georeferenced pictures in order to create a full map by applying mosaicking procedures for postprocessing. The main contribution of this work is practical experimentation with an integrated tool. Contributions in different fields are also reported. Among them is a new one-phase automatic task partitioning manager, which is based on negotiation among the aerial vehicles, considering their state and capabilities. Once the individual tasks are assigned, an optimal path planning algorithm is in charge of determining the best path for each vehicle to follow. Also, a robust flight control based on the use of a control law that improves the maneuverability of the quadrotors has been designed. A set of field tests was performed in order to analyze all the capabilities of the system, from task negotiations to final performance. These experiments also allowed testing control robustness under different weather conditions.
En la actualidad, el seguimiento de la dinámica de los procesos medio ambientales está considerado como un punto de gran interés en el campo medioambiental. La cobertura espacio temporal de los datos de teledetección proporciona información continua con una alta frecuencia temporal, permitiendo el análisis de la evolución de los ecosistemas desde diferentes escalas espacio-temporales. Aunque el valor de la teledetección ha sido ampliamente probado, en la actualidad solo existe un número reducido de metodologías que permiten su análisis de una forma cuantitativa. En la presente tesis se propone un esquema de trabajo para explotar las series temporales de datos de teledetección, basado en la combinación del análisis estadístico de series de tiempo y la fenometría. El objetivo principal es demostrar el uso de las series temporales de datos de teledetección para analizar la dinámica de variables medio ambientales de una forma cuantitativa. Los objetivos específicos son: (1) evaluar dichas variables medio ambientales y (2) desarrollar modelos empíricos para predecir su comportamiento futuro. Estos objetivos se materializan en cuatro aplicaciones cuyos objetivos específicos son: (1) evaluar y cartografiar estados fenológicos del cultivo del algodón mediante análisis espectral y fenometría, (2) evaluar y modelizar la estacionalidad de incendios forestales en dos regiones bioclimáticas mediante modelos dinámicos, (3) predecir el riesgo de incendios forestales a nivel pixel utilizando modelos dinámicos y (4) evaluar el funcionamiento de la vegetación en base a la autocorrelación temporal y la fenometría. Los resultados de esta tesis muestran la utilidad del ajuste de funciones para modelizar los índices espectrales AS1 y AS2. Los parámetros fenológicos derivados del ajuste de funciones permiten la identificación de distintos estados fenológicos del cultivo del algodón. El análisis espectral ha demostrado, de una forma cuantitativa, la presencia de un ciclo en el índice AS2 y de dos ciclos en el AS1 así como el comportamiento unimodal y bimodal de la estacionalidad de incendios en las regiones mediterránea y templada respectivamente. Modelos autorregresivos han sido utilizados para caracterizar la dinámica de la estacionalidad de incendios y para predecir de una forma muy precisa el riesgo de incendios forestales a nivel pixel. Ha sido demostrada la utilidad de la autocorrelación temporal para definir y caracterizar el funcionamiento de la vegetación a nivel pixel. Finalmente el concepto “Optical Functional Type” ha sido definido, donde se propone que los pixeles deberían ser considerados como unidades temporales y analizados en función de su dinámica temporal. ix SUMMARY A good understanding of land surface processes is considered as a key subject in environmental sciences. The spatial-temporal coverage of remote sensing data provides continuous observations with a high temporal frequency allowing the assessment of ecosystem evolution at different temporal and spatial scales. Although the value of remote sensing time series has been firmly proved, only few time series methods have been developed for analyzing this data in a quantitative and continuous manner. In the present dissertation a working framework to exploit Remote Sensing time series is proposed based on the combination of Time Series Analysis and phenometric approach. The main goal is to demonstrate the use of remote sensing time series to analyze quantitatively environmental variable dynamics. The specific objectives are (1) to assess environmental variables based on remote sensing time series and (2) to develop empirical models to forecast environmental variables. These objectives have been achieved in four applications which specific objectives are (1) assessing and mapping cotton crop phenological stages using spectral and phenometric analyses, (2) assessing and modeling fire seasonality in two different ecoregions by dynamic models, (3) forecasting forest fire risk on a pixel basis by dynamic models, and (4) assessing vegetation functioning based on temporal autocorrelation and phenometric analysis. The results of this dissertation show the usefulness of function fitting procedures to model AS1 and AS2. Phenometrics derived from function fitting procedure makes it possible to identify cotton crop phenological stages. Spectral analysis has demonstrated quantitatively the presence of one cycle in AS2 and two in AS1 and the unimodal and bimodal behaviour of fire seasonality in the Mediterranean and temperate ecoregions respectively. Autoregressive models has been used to characterize the dynamics of fire seasonality in two ecoregions and to forecasts accurately fire risk on a pixel basis. The usefulness of temporal autocorrelation to define and characterized land surface functioning has been demonstrated. And finally the “Optical Functional Types” concept has been proposed, in this approach pixels could be as temporal unities based on its temporal dynamics or functioning.