498 resultados para radionuclides
Background Past and recent evidence shows that radionuclides in drinking water may be a public health concern. Developmental thresholds for birth defects with respect to chronic low level domestic radiation exposures, such as through drinking water, have not been definitely recognized, and there is a strong need to address this deficiency in information. In this study we examined the geographic distribution of orofacial cleft birth defects in and around uranium mining district Counties in South Texas (Atascosa, Bee, Brooks, Calhoun, Duval, Goliad, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, Nueces, San Patricio, Refugio, Starr, Victoria, Webb, and Zavala), from 1999 to 2007. The probable association of cleft birth defect rates by ZIP codes classified according to uranium and radium concentrations in drinking water supplies was evaluated. Similar associations between orofacial cleft birth defects and radium/radon in drinking water were reported earlier by Cech and co-investigators in another of the Gulf Coast region (Harris County, Texas).50, 55 Since substantial uranium mining activity existed and still exists in South Texas, contamination of drinking water sources with radiation and its relation to birth defects is a ground for concern. ^ Methods Residential addresses of orofacial cleft birth defect cases, as well as live births within the twenty Counties during 1999-2007 were geocoded and mapped. Prevalence rates were calculated by ZIP codes and were mapped accordingly. Locations of drinking water supplies were also geocoded and mapped. ZIP codes were stratified as having high combined uranium (≥30μg/L) vs. low combined uranium (<30μg/L). Likewise, ZIP codes having the uranium isotope, Ra-226 in drinking water, were also stratified as having elevated radium (≥3 pCi/L) vs. low radium (<3 pCi/L). A linear regression was performed using STATA® generalized linear model (GLM) program to evaluate the probable association between cleft birth defect rates by ZIP codes and concentration of uranium and radium via domestic water supply. These rates were further adjusted for potentially confounding variables such as maternal age, education, occupation, and ethnicity. ^ Results This study showed higher rates of cleft births in ZIP codes classified as having high combined uranium versus ZIP codes having low combined uranium. The model was further improved by adding radium stratified as explained above. Adjustment for maternal age and ethnicity did not substantially affect the statistical significance of uranium or radium concentrations in household water supplies. ^ Conclusion Although this study lacks individual exposure levels, the findings suggest a significant association between elevated uranium and radium concentrations in tap water and high orofacial birth defect rates by ZIP codes. Future case-control studies that can measure individual exposure levels and adjust for contending risk factors could result in a better understanding of the exposure-disease association.^
In three typical sandy soils of Northern Germany the mobility of radioactive fission products of technetium, iodine, ruthenium and zirconium have been investigated in dependence of the hydrodynamic and physico-chemical soil properties. The laboratory experiments, which simulated fall-out events, used soil columns (1 m length, 30 cm diameter) taken as undisturbed as possible. By measurements of the breakthrough curves in the percolate and of the depth distribution of radionuclides in the soil columns after 6 months the average transport velocity could be determined. These values could be compared with the average water velocity measured by 3H tagging. Three qualitative mobility relations were observed: Ranker: Tc > Ru > I > Zr; Podsol: Tc > Ru > I > Zr; Brown forest soil: Tc = Ru > I > Zr. Relations between some physico-chemical soil properties and the retardation of radionuclides due to adsorption could be observed (eg. retardation of iodine and technetium by organic substances). The average retardation factors of the radionuclides and the hydrodynamic soil parameters are used in a model which gives a quantitative assessment of the hazard of groundwater contamination by a fall-out event in areas covered with comparable soils.
Vertical fluxes of 239+240Pu and 241Am and temporal changes in their inventories in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea have been examined through high-resolution water column sampling coupled with direct measurements of the vertical flux of particle-bound transuranics using time-series sediment traps. Water column profiles of both radionuclides showed well-defined sub-surface maxima (2391240Pu between 100-400 m; 241Am at 100-200 m and 800 m), the depths of which are a result of the different biogeochemical scavenging behavior of the two radionuclides. Comparison of deep water column (0-2,000 m) transuranic inventories with those derived from earlier measurements demonstrate that the total 2391240Pu inventory had not substantially changed between 1976-1990 whereas 241Am had decreased by approximately 24%. Enhanced scavenging of 241Am and a resultant, more rapid removal from the water column relative to 239+240Pu was also supported by the observation of elevated Am/Pu activity ratios in sinking particles collected in sediment traps at depth. Direct measurements of the downward flux of particulate 239+240Pu and 241Am compared with transuranic removal rates derived from observed total water column inventory differences over time, show that particles sinking out of deep waters (1,000-2,000 m) could account for 26-72% of the computed total annual 239+240Pu loss and virtually all of the 241Am removal from the water column. Upper water column (0-200 m) residence times based on direct flux measurements ranged from 20-30 yr for 239+240Pu and 5-10 yr for 241Am. The observation that 241Am/239+240Pu activity ratios in unfiltered Mediterranean seawater are six times lower than those in the north Pacific suggests the existence of a specific mechanism for enhanced scavenging and removal of 241Am from the generally oligotrophic waters of the open Mediterranean. It is proposed that atmospheric inputs of aluminosilicate particles transported by Saharan dust events which frequently occur in the Mediterranean region could enhance the geochemical scavenging and resultant removal of 241Am to the sediments.
Biogenic particle fluxes from highly productive surface waters, boundary scavenging, and hydrothermal activity are the main factors influencing the deposition of radionuclides in the area of the Galapagos microplate, eastern Equatorial Pacific. In order to evaluate the importance of these three processes throughout the last 100 kyr, concentrations of the radionuclides 10Be, 230Th, and 231Pa, and of Mn and Fe were measured at high resolution in sediment samples from two gravity cores KLH 068 and KLH 093. High biological productivity in the surface waters overlying the investigated area has led to 10Be and 231Pa fluxes exceeding production during at least the last 30 kyr and probably the last 100 kyr. However, during periods of high productivity at the up welling centers off Peru and extension of the equatorial high-productivity zone, a relative loss of 10Be and 231Pa may have occurred in these sediment cores because of boundary scavenging. The effects of hydrothermal activity were investigated by comparing the 230Thex concentrations to the Mn/Fe ratios and by comparing the fluxes of 230Th and 10Be which exceed production. The results suggest an enhanced hydrothermal influence during isotope stages 4 and 5 and to a lesser extent during isotope stage 1 in core KLH 093. During isotope stages 2 and 3, the hydrothermal supply of Mn was deposited elsewhere, probably because of changes in current regime or deep water oxygenation. A strong increase of the Mn/Fe ratio at the beginning of climatic stage 1 which is not accompanied by an increase of the 230Thex concentration is interpreted to be an effect of Mn remobilization and reprecipitation in the sediment.
This paper reports the results of the investigations of 2006-2007 on the distribution and migration forms of artificial radionuclides and chemical elements in the Ob-Irtysh water system. Three regions were studied. One of them is a local segment of the Ob River upstream from the confluence with the Irtysh River; its investigation allowed us to estimate the general radioecological state of the aquatic environment affected by the activity of the Tomsk 7 plant. The second region is a local segment of the Irtysh River upstream from its confluence with the Ob River, where the influence of emissions from the NPO Mayak could be estimated. The third region is the water area of the Ob River after its confluence with the Irtysh River. It characterizes the real level of radioactive and chemical contamination of the middle reaches of the Ob River. In order to explain horizontal variations in the distribution of radionuclides in the upper layer of bottom sediments collected at various sites, the results of sorption-kinetic experiments with radioactive tracers in the precipitate-solution system were used. The investigation of the migration forms of trace elements and radionuclides occurring in river water was based on the method of tangential-flow membrane filtration. Chemical element contents were determined in 400-ml water samples. A set of Millipore polysulfone membranes with pore sizes of 8, 1.2, 0.45, 0.1, and 0.025 µm was employed. Taking into account the ultralow specific concentrations of radionuclides in the water, they were analyzed in 300-500 litre samples using Millipore polysulfone membranes with pore sizes of 0.45 µm and 15 kDa. This allowed us to estimate the percentages of cesium-137 and plutonium-239, 240 in the suspended particulate fraction, colloids, and dissolved species.
The scavenging of 231Pa and 230Th was investigated in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean by combining results from sediment trap and in situ filtration studies. We present the first high-resolution profile of dissolved 230Th and 231Pa in surface waters across the ACC, showing a dramatic southward increase of both radionuclides around the southern ACC Front at 533S. High dissolved 231Pa/230Th ratios combined with low 230Th/231Pa fractionation factors (F) in these surface waters result in extremely high 231Pa94/230Th94 ratios of material collected in the shallow traps. Particulate 231Pa94/230Th94 ratios in a shallow trap near Bouvet Island increase continuously during the productive period in austral summer, and drop back in the low flux period. This behavior, following the Rayleigh fractionation principle, is interpreted to be due to an increase in the dissolved 231Pa/230Th ratio in the euphotic zone resulting from preferential scavenging of 230Th relative to 231Pa, even in opal-dominated regions. In the post-bloom stage, the depleted radionuclide concentrations are replenished by upwelling of Circumpolar Deep Water. The high particulate 231Pa94/230Th94 signal is weakened during downward transport of the bloom particles in the water column by incorporation of deep suspended particles, which have a lower 231Pa94/230Th94 ratio. It is shown that under the special hydrographic conditions in the Southern Ocean scavenging from the upper water column significantly influences the budgets of 230Th and 231Pa in the sediment. Nevertheless, the budgets are still made up primarily by scavenging from the large standing stock of deep suspended particles.
Particle mixing rates have been determined for 5 South Atlantic/Antarctic and 3 equatorial Pacific deep-sea cores using excess 210Pb and 32Si measurements. Radionuclide profiles from these siliceous, calcareous, and clay-rich sediments have been evaluated using a steady state vertical advection diffusion model. In Antarctic siliceous sediments210Pb mixing coefficients (0.04-0.16 cm**2/y) are in reasonable agreement with the 32Si mixing coefficient (0.2 or 0.4 cm**2/y, depending on 32Si half-life). In an equatorial Pacific sediment core, however, the 210Pb mixing coefficient (0.22 cm**2/y) is 3-7 times greater than the 32Si mixing coefficient (0.03 or 0.07 cm**2/y). The difference in 210Pb and 32Si mixing rates in the Pacific sediments results from: (1) non-steady state mixing and differences in characteristic time and depth scales of the two radionuclides, (2) preferential mixing of fine-grained clay particles containing most of the 210Pb activity relative to coarser particles (large radiolaria) containing the 32Si activity, or (3) the supply of 222Rn from the bottom of manganese nodules which increases the measured excess 210Pb activity (relative to 226Ra) at depth and artificially increases the 210Pb mixing coefficient. Based on 32Si data and pore water silica profiles, dissolution of biogenic silica in the sediment column appears to have a minor effect on the 32Si profile in the mixed layer. Deep-sea particle mixing rates reported in this study and the literature do not correlate with sediment type, sediment accumulation rate, or surface productivity. Based on differences in mixing rate among three Antarctic cores collected within 50 km of each other, local variability in the intensity of deep-sea mixing appears to be as important as regional differences in sediment properties.
During recent years, the basins of the Kara Sea (Kamennomysskaya, Obskaya, and Chugor'yakhinskaya structures) in the Russian Federation have been considered as promising regions for oil and gas exploration and, simultaneously, as possible paths of relatively cheap pipeline and tanker transportation of hydrocarbons projected for recovery. On the other hand, exploration operations, recovery, and transportation of gas pose a considerable risk of accidents and environmental pollution, which causes a justified concern about the future state of the ecological system of the Gulf of Ob and the adjoining parts of the Kara Sea. Therefore, regular combined environmental investigations (monitoring) are the most important factor for estimating the current state and forecasting the dynamics of the development of estuary systems. The program of investigations (schedule, station network, and measured parameters) is standardized in accordance with the international practice of such work and accounts for the experience of monitoring studies of Russian and foreign researchers. Two measurement sessions were performed during ecological investigations in the region of exploration drilling: at the beginning at final stage of drilling operations and borehole testing; in addition, natural parameters were determined in various parts of the Ob estuary before the beginning of investigations. Hydrophysical and hydrochemical characteristics of the water medium were determined and bottom sediments and water were analyzed for various pollutants (petroleum products, heavy metals, and radionuclides). The forms of heavy-metal occurrence in river and sea waters were determined by the method of continuous multistep filtration, which is based on water component fractionation on membrane filters of various pore sizes. These investigations revealed environmental pollution by chemical substances during the initial stage of drilling operations, when remains of fuels, oils, and solutions could be spilled, and part of the chemical pollutants could enter the environment. Owing to horizontal and vertical turbulent diffusion, wave mixing, and the effect of the general direction of currents in the Ob estuary from south to north, areas are formed with elevated concentrations of the analyzed elements and compounds. However, the concentration levels of chemical pollutants are practically no higher than the maximum admissible concentrations, and their substantial dissipation to the average regional background contents can be expected in the near future. Our investigations allowed us to determine in detail the parameters of anthropogenic pollution in the regions affected by hydrocarbon exploration drilling in the Obskii and Kamennomysskii prospects in the Gulf of Ob and estimate their influence on the ecological state of the basin of the Ob River and the Kara Sea on the whole.
One of the main sources of anthropogenic radionuclides in the ocean is the global fallout resulting from the nuclear tests that had been conducted by the United States, the former Soviet Union, and other countries between 1945 and 1990 mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. The most extensive fallout was observed in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in 1963 immediately after the nuclear tests of 1961-1962 conducted by the United States and the Soviet Union. In 2006-2009, under the auspices of an agreement between the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Center of Antarctic and Marine Research of the Ministry of Earth Sciences of India, cooperative geological and geochemical investigations were organized in several regions of the Indian Ocean. During these expeditions, the spatial distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides was investigated in the water of the Indian Ocean. The main results of these investigations are reported in this paper.
During an expedition aboard R/V Pavel Gordienko (September, 2002) investigations in the Sea of Japan areas, where radioactive wastes were disposed by the former Soviet Union, were carried out in order to assess present level of radioactive contamination of marine environment. Concentration of I37Cs, radioecologically one of the most important radionuclides, in near-bottom sea water and bottom sediments were measured to be low, 2.8-17.2 Bq/m**3 and 3.2-27.2 Bq/kg dry weight, respectively, that did not differ significantly from levels elsewhere in the northwest Pacific Ocean arising from global fallout. Results of measurements were compared with results of the Joint Japanese- Korean -Russian expedition to the Sea of Japan in 1994.
The distribution of 210Pb and 210 Po on dissolved (< 0.4 micron) and particulate (> 0.4 micron) phases has been measured at ten stations occupied during cruise 32 of F.S. "Meteor" in the tropical and eastern North Atlantic. Both radionuclides occur principally in the dissolved phase. Unsupported 210Pb activities, maintained by flux from the atmosphere, are present in the surface mixed layer and penetrate into the thermocline to depths of about 500 m. Dissolved 210Po is ordinarily present in the mixed layer at less than equilibrium concentrations, suggesting rapid biological removal of this nuclide. Particulate matter is enriched in 210Po, with 210Po/210Pb activity ratios greater than 1.0, similar to those reported for phytoplankton. At depths of 100-300 m, 210Po maxima occur, and unsupported 210Po is frequently present, an observation that suggests rapid re-cycling within the thermocline. Comparison of the 210Pb distributions with those reported for 226Ra at nearby GEOSECS stations confirms the widespread existence of a 210Pb/226Ra disequilibrium in the deep sea. Close to the bottom, profiles of 210Pb and 226Ra usually diverge, and 210Pb concentrations frequently decrease with depth, suggesting a sink 210 Pb near the seafloor. Particulate 210Pb concentrations ordinarily show little systematic variation with depth. At depths greater than 1000 m, dissolved 210Po activities are, on the average, less than those of 210Pb by 12%. A corresponding 210 Po enrichment in the particulate phase is found.
In large areas of the world's oceans, there is a relationship between the mass flux of particulate matter and the unsupported 231Pa/230Th (xs231Pa/xs230Th) activity ratio of recent sediments. This observation forms the basis for using the xs231Pa/xs230Th ratio as a proxy for past changes in export productivity. However, a simple relationship between xs231Pa/xs 230Th ratio and particle flux requires that the water residence time in an ocean basin is far in excess of the scavenging residence time of 231Pa, and that the composition of sinking particles maintains a strong preference for the adsorption of 230Th over 231Pa with a constant 230Th/231Pa fractionation factor (F). The best correlation between xs231Pa/xs230Th ratio and mass flux is found in the Pacific Ocean. In the Atlantic, the contrast in the xs231Pa/xs230Th ratios between open ocean (low flux regions) and ocean margins (high flux regions) is much less pronounced due to the shorter residence time of deep water, resulting in less effective boundary scavenging of 231Pa. In the Southern Ocean, south of the Polar Front, there is no more a simple relationship between xs231Pa/xs230Th and particle flux. This is a result of a southward decrease in F, probably reflecting the increased opal content of sinking particles. Opal does not fractionate 231Pa and 230Th significantly. This lack of fractionation results in high xs231Pa/xs230Th ratios in opal-dominated regions, even in areas of very low particle fluxes such as the Weddell Sea. The xs231Pa/xs230Th ratio can therefore only be used as a paleoproductivity proxy if, in the time interval of interest, changes in the basin ventilation rate and differential scavenging of both radionuclides due to changes in the chemical composition of particulate matter can be excluded.
An analysis of variations in 137Cs and 90Sr concentrations in Baltic Sea surface waters after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was performed. Instability of 137Cs concentrations during the short-term observations was found, when they differed 2- to 3-fold. Concentrations of 90Sr appeared to be more stable; meanwhile, their deviations sometimes exceeded ranges of experimental errors. By variations in the monthly average values of radionuclide concentrations in surface waters of the Baltic Sea in 1989-1995, no trend of water self-purification was observed. Theoretical results obtained confirmed a potential of formation and propagation of patches with increased concentrations of 137Cs in the southeastern Baltic Sea. The most reliable factor that controlled the process of self-purification of Baltic Sea water appeared to be the mean annual value of radionuclide concentration. Pronounced divergences were obtained between the measured and calculated mean annual concentrations of 137Cs and 90Sr in surface waters of the Baltic Sea in 1989-2001. These divergences are explained by potential influence of waters from the Gulf of Bothnia and by other additional supplies of radionuclides to marine environment, which were not included into mathematical models.