561 resultados para professionally empowering
International donors and state bureaucrats in the developing world have promoted decentralization reform as the primary means to achieve equitable, efficient and sustainable natural resource management. Relatively few studies, however, consider the power interests at stake. Why do state agencies decentralize power, what political patterns unfold, and how do outcomes affect the responses of resource users? This paper explores decentralization reform by investigating the political processes behind the Philippine state's decisions to transfer authority over national parks management to local government units. Drawing on a case of devolved management at Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan Island, we examine how political motives situated at different institutional scales affect the broader process of decentralization, the structure of management institutions, and overall livelihood security. We demonstrate how power struggles between the Philippine state and City Government of Palawan over the right to manage the national park have impacted the livelihood support offered by community-based conservation. We conclude that decentralization may offer empowering resu
Review date: Review period January 1992-December 2001. Final analysis July 2004-January 2005. Background and review context: There has been no rigorous systematic review of the outcomes of early exposure to clinical and community settings in medical education. Objectives of review: (1) Identify published empirical evidence of the effects of early experience in medical education, analyse it, and synthesize conclusions from it. (2) Identify the strengths and limitations of the research effort to date, and identify objectives for future research. Search strategy: Ovid search of. BEI, ERIC, Medline, CIATAHL and EMBASE Additional electronic searches of: Psychinfo, Timelit, EBM reviews, SIGLE, and the Cochrane databases. Hand-searches of: Medical Education, Medical Teacher, Academic Medicine, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Advances in Health Sciences Education, Journal of Educational Psychology. Criteria: Definitions: Experience: Authentic (real as opposed to simulated) human contact in a social or clinical context that enhances learning of health, illness and/or disease, and the role of the health professional. Early: What would traditionally have been regarded as the preclinical phase, usually the first 2 years. Inclusions: All empirical studies (verifiable, observational data) of early experience in the basic education of health professionals, whatever their design or methodology, including papers not in English. Evidence from other health care professions that could be applied to medicine was included. Exclusions: Not empirical; not early; post-basic; simulated rather than 'authentic' experience. Data collection: Careful validation of selection processes. Coding by two reviewers onto an extensively modified version of the standard BEME coding sheet. Accumulation into an Access database. Secondary coding and synthesis of an interpretation. Headline results: A total of 73 studies met the selection criteria and yielded 277 educational outcomes; 116 of those outcomes (from 38 studies) were rated strong and important enough to include in a narrative synthesis of results; 76% of those outcomes were from descriptive studies and 24% from comparative studies. Early experience motivated and satisfied students of the health professions and helped them acclimatize to clinical environments, develop professionally, interact with patients with more confidence and less stress, develop self-reflection and appraisal skill, and develop a professional identity. It strengthened their learning and made it more real and relevant to clinical practice. It helped students learn about the structure and function of the healthcare system, and about preventive care and the role of health professionals. It supported the learning of both biomedical and behavioural/social sciences and helped students acquire communication and basic clinical skills. There were outcomes for beneficiaries other than students, including teachers, patients, populations, organizations and specialties. Early experience increased recruitment to primary care/rural medical practice, though mainly in US studies which introduced it for that specific purpose as part of a complex intervention. Conclusions: Early experience helps medical students socialize to their chosen profession. It. helps them acquire a range of subject matter and makes their learning more real and relevant. It has potential benefits for other stakeholders, notably teachers and patients. It can influence career choices.
The aim of this paper was to consider the impact on psychologists of one component of the Australian Government's Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care (BOiMHC) program, namely the Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) component. This supports psychologists and general practitioners (GPs) to work together to provide optimal mental health care, via 102 projects being conducted by Divisions of General Practice. The paper was informed by data from five sources: a project-based minimum dataset; local project evaluation reports; a forum; a survey of projects: and a survey of Australian Psychological Society (APS) members. Taken together, the data from these sources showed that a significant number of psychologists are providing services through the projects, and the majority are finding it a positive and professionally rewarding experience. There is considerable variability regarding models of retaining, locating and referring to psychologists, and there are pros and cons associated with each. The major problem identified by psychologists is the level of remuneration. BOiMHC is currently moving into a new phase of continuation and expansion, and consideration was given to whether the data point to any changes that could be made to the ATAPS projects during this period of transition. In the main, the data suggest that the status quo should be retained, but the issue of remuneration must be addressed.
Learning technologies are now a ubiquitous force in the higher education sector however we continue to pursue more inventive ways to use them for teaching and learning. Many teaching academics that seek to be innovative do not have access to a supportive technology innovation zone. The aim of this study was to investigate the articulated staff development needs of academics involved in a faculty based technology innovation project and create the conditions that would cultivate innovation. The study sought to find out how academics perceived they might best be assisted through their technology innovation process so that participants’ needs were incorporated into planning. A questionnaire was used to elicit background information about the academics’ experience, skills and self diagnosed skill deficits in this context. Participants were also requested to provide information about how they thought they would best acquire the skills given their time and other resource constraints. A modified Delphi Technique was utilised to achieve some consensus on what academics required to support technology innovation. Complemented by an enabling and empowering team based approach, the academics were provided with an innovation zone to achieve significant goals for the project.
This paper reports a qualitative study of the practice of leadership in Catholic schools to ascertain the perceptions of lay principals, who as positional leaders play a critical role in embracing and creatively rebuilding the Catholic vision of life within the reality that the Catholic school principalship is now a ministry of the laity. The methodology included semi-structured interviews, field notes, reflexive journals, direct observation, and document nalysis. The study examined both individual human behaviour and the structure of the social order in Catholic schools. The findings point towards successful leadership in Catholic schools being highly influenced by the cultural and spiritual capital that a principal brings to a school signifying a fundamental importance of appointing principals who are not only professionally competent but spiritually as well. In an era of unprecedented social, educational and ecclesial change, and with an ever widening role description, lay principals are challenged to redefine and re-articulate their Catholic character and identity, and will need to look for new ways to make this explicit. Embracing a new leadership paradigm of shared leadership, the preparation and on-going formation of lay principals were identified as critical for the continuance of the Catholic school’s distinctive mission in the future.
Discriminatory language became an important social issue in the west in the late twentieth century, when debates on political correctness and minority rights focused largely on the issue of respect in language. Japan is often criticized for having made only token attempts to address this issue. This paper investigates how one marginalized group—people with disabilities—has dealt with discriminatory and disrespectful language. The debate has been played out in four public spaces: the media, the law, literature, and the Internet. The paper discusses the kind of language, which has generated protest, the empowering strategies of direct action employed to combat its use, and the response of the media, the bureaucracy, and the literati. Government policy has not kept pace with social change in this area; where it exists at all, it is often contradictory and far from clear. I argue that while the laws were rewritten primarily as a result of external international trends, disability support groups achieved domestic media compliance by exploiting the keen desire of media organizations to avoid public embarrassment. In the absence of language policy formulated at the government level, the media effectively instituted a policy of self-censorship through strict guidelines on language use, thereby becoming its own best watchdog. Disability support groups have recently enlisted the Internet as an agent of further empowerment in the ongoing discussion of the issue.
Os Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia são um tipo específico de graduação (tecnólogo), com características próprias, entre as quais, a focalização na especialização dos seus currículos e duração mais curta objetivando uma formação mais rápida. A graduação tecnológica vem sendo amplamente difundida no país desde a segunda metade da década de 1990, após a promulgação da lei no 9.394/96 LDB, e por uma série de decretos, portarias e pareceres do MEC/CNE. Entre as principais metas e objetivos do PNE para a educação superior, se destacam: diversificação do sistema superior de ensino para atender clientelas com demandas específicas de formação; articulação entre currículo e mercado de trabalho; financiamento e gestão; criação de políticas de acesso à educação superior que facilitem o ingresso de alunos provenientes de grupos de maior vulnerabilidade educacional; crescimento da oferta de educação superior para a faixa etária de 18 a 24 anos. O presente estudo tem por objetivo refletir e debater a contribuição dos CSTs na educação profissional do trabalhador brasileiro dentro das perspectivas do PNE. O estudo se fundamenta no método qualitativo, com base numa pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, caracterizada como estudo de caso único, através da pesquisa de campo realizada com alunos em formação e com egressos do Curso de Eletrônica Industrial da Faculdade de Tecnologia Senai Anchieta, na cidade de São Paulo. Para alcançar seus objetivos, o estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: a primeira faz uma análise das variáveis que caracterizam o perfil do aluno em formação buscando identificar sua percepção quanto à escolha pelo CST, conhecimento sobre essa modalidade de ensino e as expectativas futuras da profissão. Na segunda parte, o estudo faz uma análise da percepção do egresso acerca das habilidades e competências adquiridas durante a formação, o grau de satisfação com salário e plano de carreira, e a aceitação profissional do tecnólogo pelo mercado de trabalho. No estudo realizado com alunos em formação constatou-se que os índices de evasão escolar das primeiras turmas do curso foram elevados, sendo apontadas como principais causas as dificuldades de conciliação entre o horário de estudo com a do trabalho e as dificuldades econômicas familiares. O perfil do aluno em formação na IES em estudo é majoritariamente da faixa etária entre 18 e 24 anos; do gênero masculino; egresso do ensino médio feito em escola pública; morador em bairro periférico e natural de cidade da RMSP; o próprio aluno é responsável pelo pagamento das mensalidades; não houve interferência de terceiros na sua escolha pelo CST; tem percepção favorável quanto à empregabilidade futura como tecnólogo. A pesquisa com egressos apontou que os mesmos tem percepção favorável quanto à formação profissional recebida, exceto o fato de não terem atendido disciplinas que desenvolvessem competências gerenciais e de negócios; quanto à empregabilidade e perspectivas de carreira mostraram preocupação na valorização profissional do tecnólogo pelo mercado de trabalho; declararam estar insatisfeitos quanto ao salário recebido; quanto à educação continuada reconheceram ser esse o processo que os manterão atualizados profissionalmente. Como conclusão da pesquisa, há recomendação para estudos futuros na sondagem de outras possíveis causas da evasão escolar com alunos dos cursos com outros eixos temáticos e de IES públicas. Igualmente, aponta-se para a necessidade da proposta curricular da IES em estudo oferecer, além das disciplinas técnicas, outras que desenvolvam competências e habilidade em gestão de pessoas e negócios.
Nesta pesquisa se propõe analisar a pastoral evangélica latino-americana elaborada por Orlando Costas. Teólogo pastoralista, missiólogo e de origem porto-riquenha, Costas elaborou método e metodologia de pastoral a partir de sua confissão religiosa evangelical em diálogo ecumênico e em consonância crítica com a situação política, econômica, social e religiosa de Porto Rico e da América Latina. Costas, juntamente com Emilio Castro, foi um dos primeiros a lançar as bases para uma pastoral evangélica visando ao homem latino-americano. Criticou o modelo da teologia pastoral norte-atlântica centrada no pastor com sujeito da ação pastoral da igreja alegando ser; repetitiva, profissional e eclesiocêntrica. A pesquisa foi realizada em três passos, que se realizam nos capítulos um, dois e três, respectivamente, compreender o contexto político, econômico, social e religioso da vida de Orlando Costas a partir de Porto Rico, suas experiências de conversão-ruptura dentro da sua tradição religiosa e a nova percepção pastoral; analisar o desenvolvimento histórico teológico da pastoral evangélica, ou seja, os movimentos, conferências, instituições e teólogos que influenciaram o pensamento de Costas; e, apresentar os fundamentos missiológicos e teológicos da pastoral evangélica, em que se demonstra que a pastoral de Costas é missiológico-pastoral, pois assume a missio Dei como princípio arquitetônico e a pastoral como princípio hermenêutico para a ação missional e pastoral. Conclui-se que a proposta de Costas é de uma pastoral evangélica e ecumênica, contextual e autóctone, dentro e fora da igreja.(AU)
A pesquisa em questão versará sobre uma abordagem dos conceitos de sucesso, religião, cultura em ambientes corporativos e religiosos, sob as óticas de C.G.JUNG, no que se refere aos conceitos da psicologia analítica junguiana e que vem sendo aplicados nos ambientes profissionais, e de B.TANURE no que se refere às relações nos ambientes corporativos, cenários e formação do conceito de cultura do sucesso profissional. Por se tratar de um tema complexo também serão inseridas na pesquisa as perspectivas de outros autores que vem contribuindo para a constatação e elucidação do tema, como referenciais secundários. É entendimento da proponente da pesquisa que o ser humano, em tempos modernos parece estar cada vez mais, se distanciando de si mesmo, de seus valores e até da própria fé. Neste afastamento procura encontrar razões, em geral fora de si, responsabilizando muitos e inclusive Deus, nas mais distintas religiões, por atos e atitudes por ele realizadas, e pelas escolhas que ele mesmo fez. Nos ambientes profissionais as escolhas feitas refletem a busca pelo sucesso, um arquétipo que, cada vez mais pode ser entendido como a busca pelo poder. Este aspecto, como se pretende demonstrar no presente trabalho vem colaborando de forma acirrada para a formação de uma nova cultura: a cultura do sucesso profissional, hoje percebida tanto em ambientes corporativos quanto religiosos. Pretende ainda esta pesquisa demonstrar que é possível o equilíbrio entre ser bem sucedido profissionalmente e viver de forma harmonizada e não como vem sendo observado em alguns contextos, principalmente do mundo corporativo, onde nem sempre o preço que se paga pelo sucesso é justo.(AU)
Corpora—large collections of written and/or spoken text stored and accessed electronically—provide the means of investigating language that is of growing importance academically and professionally. Corpora are now routinely used in the following fields: •the production of dictionaries and other reference materials; •the development of aids to translation; •language teaching materials; •the investigation of ideologies and cultural assumptions; •natural language processing; and •the investigation of all aspects of linguistic behaviour, including vocabulary, grammar and pragmatics.
Purpose – This paper seeks to respond to recent calls for more engagement-based studies of corporate social reporting (CSR) practice by examining the views of corporate managers on the current state of, and future prospects for, social reporting in Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses a series of interviews with senior managers from 23 Bangladeshi companies representing the multinational, domestic private and public sectors. Findings – Key findings are that the main motivation behind current reporting practice lies in a desire on the part of corporate management to manage powerful stakeholder groups, whilst perceived pressure from external forces, notably parent companies' instructions and demands from international buyers, is driving the process forward. In the latter context it appears that adoption of international social accounting standards and codes is likely to become more prevalent in the future. Reservations are expressed as to whether such a passive compliance strategy is likely to achieve much in the way of real changes in corporate behaviour, particularly when Western developed standards and codes are imposed without consideration of local cultural, economic and social factors. Indeed, such imposition could be regarded as little more than an example of the erection of non-tariff trade barriers rather than representing any meaningful move towards empowering indigenous stakeholder groups. Originality/value – The paper contributes to the literature on CSR in developing countries where there is a distinct lack of engagement-based published studies.
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour is the first truly integrated multimedia package for introductory OB modules. It provides a rigorous critique of the essential organisational behaviour topics in a creative, interactive and visual way. Key features include: - Practitioner case studies presenting real organisational dilemmas accompanied by video interviews online where the practitioners talk about approaches and solutions - Tailored tutor resources online, recognising that you have different needs - one area is designed for new OB lecturers; the other contains materials for more experienced OB lecturers - An underpinning focus on employability skills, with tips in the book on how each topic could be linked to different skills and professionally produced video demonstrations online - A global perspective reflecting today's market-place, integrated through global examples and theories including those from developing countries - Innovative learning features including ethical dilemmas, best and worst practice examples, taking your learning further, review and discussion questions, applying theory to practice and a glossary - Written by a team of experts at prestigious UK-based and international institutions - A foreword by Richard Atfield of the Higher Education Academy. Online resources For tutors: - Interviews with practitioners - Demonstrations of employability skills - Additional short and long case study per chapter with questions - Additional discussion and assignment questions - Tutorial activities - PowerPoint slides - Guidance notes - Figures and tables from the book For students: - Web links including YouTube links and links to seminal articles
Despite increasing attention in the last decade, both Intercultural Communication Studies (ICS) and Translation Studies (TS) seem to have reached a stage where some of the key concepts and assumptions are being challenged. This paper looks at similarities and differences in the use of shared concepts, especially the concept of intercultural communicative competence. It begins with a brief sketch of the development of the discipline of Translation Studies and goes on to present some assumptions which TS shares with ICS. However, the two disciplines operate with a different concept of communication and intercultural communicative competence: ICS is researching natural communication for independent acting, whereas TS is concerned with a specific kind of professionally enabled communication. The paper then presents a definition of a translationspecific cultural competence (based on Witte 2000) and illustrates the development of translation competence in the context of translator training at universities.
Attitudes towards the environment can be manifest in two broad categories, namely anthropocentric and ecocentric. The former regards nature as of value only insofar as it is useful to humanity, whereas the latter assigns intrinsic value to natural entities. Industrial society can be characterised as being dominated by anthropocentrism, which leads to the assumption that a majority of people hold anthropocentric values. However, research shows the most widely held values are ecocentric, which implies that many people's actions are at variance with their values. Furthermore, policy relating to environmental issues is predominantly anthropocentric, which implies it is failing to take account of the values of the majority. Research among experts involved in policy formulation has shown that their values, often ecocentric, are excluded from the policy process. The genetic modification of food can be categorised as anthropocentric, which implies that the technique is in conflict with widely held ecocentric values. This thesis examines data collected from interviews with individuals who have an influence on the debate surrounding the introduction of genetically modified foods, and can be considered 'experts'. Each interviewee is categorised according to whether their values and actions are ecocentric or anthropocentric, and the linkages between the two and the arguments used to justify their positions are explored. Particular emphasis is placed on interviewees who have ecocentric values but act professionally in an anthropocentric way. Finally, common themes are drawn out, and the features the arguments used by the interviewees have in common are outlined.
The sectoral and occupational structure of Britain and West Germany has increasingly changed over the last fifty years from a manual manufacturing based to a non-manual service sector based one. There has been a trend towards more managerial and less menial type occupations. Britain employs a higher proportion of its population in the service sector than in manufacturing compared to West Germany, except in retailing, where West Germany employs twice as many people as Britain. This is a stable sector of the economy in terms of employment, but the requirements of the workforce have changed in line with changes in the industry in both countries. School leavers in the two countries, faced with the same options (FE, training schemes or employment) have opted for the various options in different proportions: young Germans are staying longer in education before embarking on training and young Britons are now less likely to go straight into employment than ten years ago. Training is becoming more accepted as the normal route into employment with government policy leading the way, but public opinion still slow to respond. This study investigates how vocational training has adapted to the changing requirements of industry, often determined by technological advancements. In some areas e.g. manufacturing industry the changes have been radical, in others such as retailing they have not, but skill requirements, not necessarily influenced by technology have changed. Social-communicative skills, frequently not even considered skills and therefore not included in training are coming to the forefront. Vocational training has adapted differently in the two countries: in West Germany on the basis of an established over-defined system and in Britain on the basis of an out-dated ill-defined and almost non-existent system. In retailing German school leavers opt for two or three year apprenticeships whereas British school leavers are offered employment with or without formalised training. The publicly held view of the occupation of sales assistant is one of low-level skill, low intellectual demands and a job anyone can do. The traditional skills - product knowledge, selling and social-communicative skills have steadily been eroded. In the last five years retailers have recognised that a return to customer service, utilising the traditional skills was going to be needed of their staff to remain competitive. This requires training. The German retail training system responded by adapting its training regulations in a long consultative process, whereas the British experimented with YTS, a formalised training scheme nationwide being a new departure. The thesis evaluates the changes in these regulations. The case studies in four retail outlets demonstrate that it is indeed product knowledge and selling and social-communicative skills which are fundamental to being a successful and content sales assistant in either country. When the skills are recognised and taught well and systematically the foundations for career development in retailing are laid in a labour market which is continually looking for better qualified workers. Training, when planned and conducted professionally is appreciated by staff and customers and of benefit to the company. In retailing not enough systematic training, to recognisable standards is carried out in Britain, whereas in West Germany the training system is nevertheless better prepared to show innovative potential as a structure and is in place on which to build. In Britain the reputation of the individual company has a greater role to play, not ensuring a national provision of good training in retailing.