970 resultados para pregnant women


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Introducción: Según OMS en 2011, 536.000 mujeres murieron en el mundo por causas relacionadas al embarazo y el parto; obteniendo Colombia índices altos de mortalidad materna (Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas, 2010); mientras Casanare reportó cuatro casos en 2009, y Yopal en 2010 alcanzó una tasa de 66,5 por 100.000 NV (Plan de desarrollo municipio de Yopal); por tanto se busca identificar factores que afectan la adherencia al control prenatal. Metodología: Estudio observacional de prevalencia analítica realizado con datos de gestantes de Yopal (Casanare) canalizadas por Intervenciones Colectivas 2011, con una muestra de 621 gestantes en las semanas de gestación 8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,38 y 40.. Resultados: La adherencia al control prenatal fue del 15% y los factores que mostraron asociación estadísticamente significativa con adherencia al control prenatal fueron: régimen de salud (P=0.010); semana de gestación (p=0.000); trimestre del embarazo, antecedentes de abortos, apoyo económico (OR=1.738; IC=95%; 1.026-2.945); embarazo planeado, soporte familiar, satisfacción de compartir tiempo y espacio con el cónyuge (p=0.009, 0.001, 0.006); convivencia con familia materna (P=0.032), razón de verosimilitud 0.046, y valor OR=0.444; IC=95%; 0.208 – 0.948; y se identificaron barreras como inoportunidad de citas e insatisfacción por los servicios, donde el 98,9% de gestantes que no las encontraron tuvieron adherencia al control prenatal. Conclusión: Es necesario fortalecer programas de promoción de salud materna, control prenatal, prevención del embarazo adolescente y derechos de la mujer; reforzando acciones de vigilancia para disminuir las barreras de aseguramiento y calidad de los servicios.


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INTRODUCCION La hipotensión arterial por anestesia raquídea en embarazadas llevadas a cesárea es frecuente y deletérea para la madre y el feto, sin que a la fecha exista una herramienta clínicamente útil para predecirla. La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca es una medida que estima la actividad del sistema nervioso autónomo y algunos estudio iniciales indican una posible utilidad como herramienta predictiva de hipotensión arterial en esta población. METODOLOGIA Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo para examinar el comportamiento de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca, medida como razón de Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia, con un punto de corte de 2.5 tomada con un reloj POLAR RS800CX, en una población de pacientes con embarazo a término llevadas a cesárea, en un hospital de tercer nivel en Bogotá- Colombia entre Febrero y Abril del 2015. RESULTADOS El estudio incluyó 82 pacientes. Se determinó que la razón Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia mayor a 2,5 era poco frecuente en nuestra población (15.85%), y su asociación no fue significativa. DISCUSION El presente estudio demostró que la asociación entre la presencia de hipotensión y un índice Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia con punto de corte de 2.5 no es significativo para nuestra población de mujeres con embarazo a término llevadas a cesárea con anestesia espinal. Según los resultados se sugieres un punto de corte de 1.6 como punto de partida para la realización de nuevos estudios que permitan validar este valor.


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In the midst of health care reform, Colombia has succeeded in increasing health insurance coverage and the quality of health care. In spite of this, efficiency continues to be a matter of concern, and small-area variations in health care are one of the plausible causes of such inefficiencies. In order to understand this issue, we use individual data of all births from a Contributory-Regimen insurer in Colombia. We perform two different specifications of a multilevel logistic regression model. Our results reveal that hospitals account for 20% of variation on the probability of performing cesarean sections. Geographic area only explains 1/3 of the variance attributable to the hospital. Furthermore, some variables from both demand and supply sides are found to be also relevant on the probability of undergoing cesarean sections. This paper contributes to previous research by using a hierarchical model and by defining hospitals as cluster. Moreover, we also include clinical and supply induced demand variables.


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De sempre s’han valorat les experiències que una mare té durant l’embaràs com a vitals pel desenvolupament del futur infant. Sobretot des de les investigacions de Sigmund Freud i Otto Rank entorn del trauma del naixement, diferents teories i escoles han intentat esbrinar unes pautes profilàctiques per tal d’assegurar el bon desenvolupament del nadó. El fet que la música influeix sobre el desenvolupament del fetus humà no es pot discutir, sobretot des de les aportacions de personalitats com Thomas Verny, Oliver Sacks, Frederic Leboyer i experiències com les de les mares cantaires de la maternitat de Pithiviers (París). Aquest article pretén ser un apropament a un taller experimental multidisciplinari per a embarassades que tingué lloc al 2010 a Manacor, promogut per l’Associació 0-3 Anys, i que inclogué cant, moviment i audició conscient. Hem de pensar, doncs, en una educació musical prenatal?


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In the present study we measured maternal plasma concentrations of two placental neurohormones, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP), in 58 at-risk pregnant women consecutively enrolled between 28 and 29 wk of pregnancy to evaluate whether their evaluation may predict third trimester-onset preeclampsia ( PE). The statistical significance was assessed by t test. The cut-off points for defining altered CRF and CRF-BP levels for prediction of PE were chosen by receiving operator characteristics curve analysis, and the probability of developing PE was calculated for several combinations of hormone testing results. CRF and CRF-BP levels were significantly ( both P < 0.0001) higher and lower, respectively, in the patients (n = 20) who later developed PE than in those who did not present PE at follow-up. CRF at the cut-off 425.95 pmol/liter achieved a sensitivity of 94.8% and a specificity of 96.9%, whereas CRF-BP at the cut-off 125.8 nmol/liter combined a sensitivity of 92.5% and a specificity of 82.5% as single markers for prediction of PE. The probability of PE was 34.5% in the whole study population, 93.75% when both CRF and CRF-BP levels were changed, and 0% if both hormone markers were unaltered. The measurement of CRF and CRF-BP levels may add significant prognostic information for predicting PE in at-risk pregnant women.


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Objective To assess the efficacy of an intervention designed to improve the mother-infant relationship and security of infant attachment in a South African peri-urban settlement with marked adverse socioeconomic circumstances. Design Randomised controlled trial. Setting Khayelitsha, a peri-urban settlement in South Africa. Participants 449 pregnant women. Interventions The intervention was delivered from late pregnancy and for six months postpartum. Women were visited in their homes by previously untrained lay community workers who provided support and guidance in parenting. The purpose of the intervention was to promote sensitive and responsive parenting and secure infant attachment to the mother. Women in the control group received no therapeutic input from the research team. Main outcome measures Primary outcomes: quality of mother-infant interactions at six and 12 months postpartum; infant attachment security at 18 months. Secondary outcome: maternal depression at six and 12 months. Results The intervention was associated with significant benefit to the mother-infant relationship. At both six and 12 months, compared with control mothers, mothers in the intervention group were significantly more sensitive (6 months: mean difference=0.77 (SD 0.37), t=2.10, P<0.05, d=0.24; 12 months: mean difference=0.42 (0.18), t=-2.04, P<0.05, d=0.26) and less intrusive (6 months: mean difference=0.68 (0.36), t=2.28, P<0.05, d=0.26; 12 months: mean difference=-1.76 (0.86), t=2.28, P<0.05, d=0.24) in their interactions with their infants. The intervention was also associated with a higher rate of secure infant attachments at 18 months (116/156 (74%) v 102/162 (63%); Wald=4.74, odds ratio=1.70, P<0.05). Although the prevalence of maternal depressive disorder was not significantly reduced, the intervention had a benefit in terms of maternal depressed mood at six months (z=2.05, P=0.04) on the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale). Conclusions The intervention, delivered by local lay women, had a significant positive impact on the quality of the mother-infant relationship and on security of infant attachment, factors known to predict favourable child development. If these effects persist, and if they are replicated, this intervention holds considerable promise for use in the developing world. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN25664149.


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Measurements of body weight, total body water and total body potassium (40K) were made serially on three occasions during pregnancy and once post partum in 27 normal pregnant women. Skinfold thickness and fat cell diameter were also measured. A model of body composition was formulated to permit the estimation of changes in fat, lean tissue and water content of the maternal body. Total maternal body fat increased during pregnancy, reaching a peak towards the end of the second trimester before diminishing. Serial measurements of fat cell diameter showed poor correlation, whilst total body fat calculated from skinfold thickness correlated well with our estimated values for total body fat in pregnancy.


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In vitro adipose tissue lipolysis was investigated in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Basal and hormone-stimulated rates of lipolysis were significantly higher in the pregnant group. Human placental lactogen (HPL) was shown to be lipolytic on adipose tissue from both pregnant and non-pregnant women; the response being more marked in the pregnant group. We postulate that HPL is responsible for this increased lipolytic sensitivity in pregnancy, the result of which is the elevation in levels of plasma free fatty acids in the third trimester.


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Objective To assess the efficacy of an intervention designed to improve the mother-infant relationship and security of infant attachment in a South African peri-urban settlement with marked adverse socioeconomic circumstances. Design Randomised controlled trial. Setting Khayelitsha, a peri-urban settlement in South Africa. Participants 449 pregnant women. Interventions The intervention was delivered from late pregnancy and for six months postpartum. Women were visited in their homes by previously untrained lay community workers who provided support and guidance in parenting. The purpose of the intervention was to promote sensitive and responsive parenting and secure infant attachment to the mother. Women in the control group received no therapeutic input from the research team. Main outcome measures Primary outcomes: quality of mother-infant interactions at six and 12 months postpartum; infant attachment security at 18 months. Secondary outcome: maternal depression at six and 12 months. Results The intervention was associated with significant benefit to the mother-infant relationship. At both six and 12 months, compared with control mothers, mothers in the intervention group were significantly more sensitive (6 months: mean difference=0.77 (SD 0.37), t=2.10, P<0.05, d=0.24; 12 months: mean difference=0.42 (0.18), t=−2.04 , P<0.05, d=0.26) and less intrusive (6 months: mean difference=0.68 (0.36), t=2.28, P<0.05, d=0.26; 12 months: mean difference=−1.76 (0.86), t=2.28 , P<0.05, d=0.24) in their interactions with their infants. The intervention was also associated with a higher rate of secure infant attachments at 18 months (116/156 (74%) v 102/162 (63%); Wald=4.74, odds ratio=1.70, P<0.05). Although the prevalence of maternal depressive disorder was not significantly reduced, the intervention had a benefit in terms of maternal depressed mood at six months (z=2.05, P=0.04) on the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale). Conclusions The intervention, delivered by local lay women, had a significant positive impact on the quality of the mother-infant relationship and on security of infant attachment, factors known to predict favourable child development. If these effects persist, and if they are replicated, this intervention holds considerable promise for use in the developing world.


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The importance of milk in the human diet as a supplier of energy, high quality protein and other key nutrients, including calcium, is broadly accepted yet in the mind of many there remains uncertainty about whether or not these foods contribute to increased risk of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. The evidence from long term prospective cohort studies that high milk consumption does not increase cardiovascular disease risk and indeed may provide benefit is now pretty unequivocal, although the effects of butter and cheese and benefits of fat reduced milk and saturated fat reduced milk are less certain. Milk is a crucial supplier of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium for bone growth and development in children and it is concerning that due to reduced milk consumption intake of these nutrients is often sub-optimal, particularly for female children. In addition, specific health issues in pregnant women and the elderly can be alleviated by milk or components of milk and these effects are not all explained by traditional nutrition.


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Epidemiological studies suggest that glucocorticoid excess in the fetus may contribute to the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. However, the impact of maternal glucocorticoid on the cardiovascular system of the offspring has not been much explored in studies involving humans, especially in childhood. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of maternal cortisol concentrations on child arterial elasticity. One hundred and thirty pregnant women followed from 1997 to 2000, and respective children 5-7 years of age followed from 2004 to 2006 were included in the study. Maternal cortisol was determined in saliva by an enzyme immunoassay utilizing the mean concentration of nine samples of saliva. Arterial elasticity was assessed by the large artery elasticity index (LAEI; the capacitive elasticity of large arteries) by recording radial artery pulse wave, utilizing the equipment HDI/PulseWave CR-2000 Cardiovascular Profiling System (R). The nutritional status of the children was determined by the body mass index (BMI). Insulin concentration was assessed by chemiluminescence, and insulin resistance by the homeostasis model assessment. Blood glucose, total cholesterol and fractions (LDL-c and HDL-c) and triglyceride concentrations were determined by automated enzymatic methods. The association between maternal cortisol and child arterial elasticity was assessed by multivariate linear regression analysis. There was a statistically significant association between maternal cortisol and LAEI (P=0.02), controlling for birth weight, age, BMI and HDL-c of the children. This study suggests that exposure to higher glucocorticoid concentrations in the prenatal period is associated to lower arterial elasticity in childhood, an earlier cardiovascular risk marker.


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Background: The aim of this study was to determine serum oxytocin concentrations following different regimens of prophylactic oxytocin administration in women undergoing elective caesarean delivery. Methods: Thirty healthy pregnant patients were randomized, after clamping of the umbilical cord, to receive intravenous oxytocin in one of the following groups: G1 (n = 9), 10 IU of oxytocin infused over 30 min (0.33 IU/min); G2 (n = 11), 10 IU of oxytocin infused over 3 min and 45 s (2.67 IU/min); and G3 (n = 10), 80 IU of oxytocin infused over 30 min (2.67 IU/min). Both patient and surgeon were blinded to allocation. Uterine tone was assessed by surgical palpation. Serum oxytocin concentration was determined by enzyme immunoassay before anaesthesia (T0) and at 5 (T5), 30 (T30) and 60 (T60) min after the start of oxytocin infusion. Results: Serum oxytocin concentrations (mean standard error, ng/mL) were not significantly different in the groups at T0 (0.06 +/- 0.02, 0.04 +/- 0.02 and 0.07 +/- 0.04, respectively, P = 0.76), and T60 (0.65 +/- 0.26, 0.36 +/- 0.26 and 0.69 +/- 0.26, respectively, P = 0.58). G3 showed higher concentrations than G1 at 15 (3.65 +/- 0.74 versus 0.71 +/- 0.27, P = 0.01) and at T30 (6.19 +/- 1.19 versus 1.17 +/- 0.37, P < 0.01), and were higher than G2 at T30 (6.19 +/- 1.19 versus 0.41 +/- 0.2, P < 0.01). Haemodynamic data and uterine tone were considered satisfactory and similar in all groups. No additional uterotonic agents were needed. Conclusion: Serum oxytocin measurements made using enzyme immunoassay in healthy pregnant women undergoing elective caesarean delivery showed that administration of 80 IU oxytocin over 30 min resulted in higher serum oxytocin levels after 5 and 30 min than the two other regimens. The concentrations did not differ between groups at 60 min. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were detected in, March-April 2004, in 65.8% (95% confidence interval, 60.8-70.8%) of 342 systematically sampled subjects 5-90 years of age (87.5% of the eligible) living in a rural settlement in Amazonia, with a seroconversion rate of 9% over I year of follow-up of 99 seronegative subjects. Multiple logistic regression analysis identified age as the only significant independent predictor of seropositivity at the baseline. Each additional year of age increases the odds of being seropositive by 6%, and 76.8% of the subjects are expected to be seropositive at 30 years of age. A single high-prevalence spatial cluster, comprising 11.9% of the seropositive subjects, was detected in the area; households in the cluster were less likely to have dogs as pets and their heads had a lower education level, when compared with households located outside the cluster. The challenges for preventing human toxoplasmosis in tropical rural settings are discussed.


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We have considered a Bayesian approach for the nonlinear regression model by replacing the normal distribution on the error term by some skewed distributions, which account for both skewness and heavy tails or skewness alone. The type of data considered in this paper concerns repeated measurements taken in time on a set of individuals. Such multiple observations on the same individual generally produce serially correlated outcomes. Thus, additionally, our model does allow for a correlation between observations made from the same individual. We have illustrated the procedure using a data set to study the growth curves of a clinic measurement of a group of pregnant women from an obstetrics clinic in Santiago, Chile. Parameter estimation and prediction were carried out using appropriate posterior simulation schemes based in Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. Besides the deviance information criterion (DIC) and the conditional predictive ordinate (CPO), we suggest the use of proper scoring rules based on the posterior predictive distribution for comparing models. For our data set, all these criteria chose the skew-t model as the best model for the errors. These DIC and CPO criteria are also validated, for the model proposed here, through a simulation study. As a conclusion of this study, the DIC criterion is not trustful for this kind of complex model.


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Background. To give birth can be a stressful experience and women cope with thisstress in many different ways and have different personal outcomes. Self-efficacy orconfidence in ability to cope with labour can be considered as an important factoraffecting pregnant women’s motivation of normal childbirth and their interpretation ofthe childbirth event.The aim. The purpose of this study was to test the Chinese short form of theinstrument Childbirth self-efficacy instrument (CBSEI) in Tanzania, that measurepregnant women’s self-confidence and coping abilities during childbirth.Method. The Chinese short form of the CBSEI was used to pilot test the pregnantwomen’s confidence of childbirth to see if the questions were understood in theTanzanian culture. Besides this instrument socio-demographic data was collectedtogether with two open questions asking about attitudes and experiences of childbirth.The instrument was translated into Kiswahili. A sample of 60 pregnant women whowere visiting antenatal clinic (ANC) regularly were asked to participate and with helpfrom midwifes at two ANC places the questionnaires were filled out.Result. The result shows that the validity and reliability of the two subscales OE-16and EE-16 were established. The internal consistency reliability of the two subscaleswere high, suggesting that each of the subscale mean score provides a good overviewof self- reported belief in coping ability for childbirth.The results further show that the instrument, CBSEI in this pilot study is not able toidentify women who need extra support during childbirth.Conclusion. The reliability and validity of information presented in this pilot studysupport the use of the Chinese short form of the CBSEI as a research instrument in theTanzania culture. Further studies are recommended to get a wider understandingabout women’s coping abilities in a culture like Tanzania.