944 resultados para post-embryonic development


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Hymenolobium petraeum Ducke é uma espécie arbórea pertencente à família Leguminosae conhecida popularmente por angelim-pedra. Apresenta alto valor comercial, com madeira muito utilizada na construção civil e marcenaria. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever morfologicamente o fruto, a semente e as plântulas, assim como, determinar as temperaturas cardeais para a germinação de sementes de angelim-pedra. Foram determinados o comprimento, a largura e a massa fresca de frutos e sementes. Para os testes de germinação foram utilizadas três repetições de 50 sementes, colocadas em placas de Petri e mantidas em germinadores nas temperaturas de 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40°C e fotoperíodo de 12 horas. Os frutos são legumes-samaróides, indeiscentes, oblongos e unicarpelares. As sementes são de coloração castanho-escura, oblongas, estenospérmicas, exalbuminosas e com plúmula inconspícua. A raiz primária é branca e pubescente na região próxima ao colo; a parte aérea das plântulas possui pilosidade branca, protófilos compostos imparipinados e com inserção oposta, epicótilo verde, ereto, cilíndrico e piloso e os metáfilos imparipinados e com inserção alterna-espiralada. A germinação é semi-hipógea criptocotiledonar. Para de sementes de angelim-pedra as temperaturas máximas de germinação estão acima de 35°C e a mínima abaixo de 15°C, enquanto a faixa de temperatura ótima para germinação está entre 25 e 35°C.


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O músculo estriado esquelético é formado pela associação de fibras musculares com a matriz extracelular. Esse tecido possui alta plasticidade e o conhecimento das características morfológicas, da miogênese, e da dinâmica do crescimento é importante para o entendimento da morfofisiologia bem como para a seleção de animais visando a melhoria na produção de carne. A maioria dos músculos estriados originam-se de células precursoras do mesoderma a partir dos somitos do embrião e o controle da diferenciação ocorre pela ação de fatores indutores ou inibidores. Um grupo de fatores transcricionais, pertencentes à família MyoD tem um papel central na diferenciação muscular. Coletivamente chamados de Fatores de Regulação Miogênica (MRFs), são conhecidos quatro tipos: MyoD, myf-5, miogenina e MRF4. Esses fatores ligam-se à seqüências de DNA conhecidas como Ebox (CANNTG) na região promotora de vários genes músculo-específicos, levando à expressão dos mesmos. As células embrionárias com potencial para diferenciação em células musculares (células precursoras miogênicas) expressam MyoD e Myf-5 e são denominadas de mioblastos. Essas células proliferam, saem do ciclo celular, expressam miogenina e MRF4, que regulam a fusão e a diferenciação da fibra muscular. Uma população de mioblastos que se diferencia mais tardiamente, as células miossatélites, são responsáveis pelo crescimento muscular no período pós natal, que pode ocorrer por hiperplasia e hipertrofia das fibras. As células satélites quiescentes não expressam os MRFs, porém, sob a ação de estímulos como fatores de crescimento ou citocinas, ocorre a ativação desse tipo celular que prolifera e expressa os MRFs de maneira similar ao que ocorre com as células precursoras miogênicas durante a miogênese. Os mecanismos de crescimento muscular são regulados pela expressão temporal dos (MRFs), que controlam a expressão dos genes relacionados com o crescimento muscular.


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The superior cervical ganglion (SCG) provides sympathetic input to the head and neck, its relation with mandible, submandibular glands, eyes (second and third order control) and pineal gland being demonstrated in laboratory animals. In addition, the SCG's role in some neuropathies can be clearly seen in Horner's syndrome. In spite of several studies published involving rats and mice, there is little morphological descriptive and comparative data of SCG from large mammals. Thus, we investigated the SCG's macro- and microstructural organization in medium (dogs and cats) and large animals (horses) during a very specific period of the post-natal development, namely maturation (from young to adults). The SCG of dogs, cats and horses were spindle shaped and located deeply into the bifurcation of the common carotid artery, close to the distal vagus ganglion and more related to the internal carotid artery in dogs and horses, and to the occipital artery in cats. As to macromorphometrical data, that is ganglion length, there was a 23.6% increase from young to adult dogs, a 1.8% increase from young to adult cats and finally a 34% increase from young to adult horses. Histologically, the SCG's microstructure was quite similar between young and adult animals and among the 3 species. The SCG was divided into distinct compartments (ganglion units) by capsular septa of connective tissue. Inside each ganglion unit the most prominent cellular elements were ganglion neurons, glial cells and small intensely fluorescent cells, comprising the ganglion's morphological triad. Given this morphological arrangement, that is a summation of all ganglion units, SCG from dogs, cats and horses are better characterized as a ganglion complex rather than following the classical ganglion concept. During maturation (from young to adults) there was a 32.7% increase in the SCG's connective capsule in dogs, a 25.8% increase in cats and a 33.2% increase in horses. There was an age-related increase in the neuronal profile size in the SCG from young to adult animals, that is a 1.6-fold, 1.9-fold and 1.6-fold increase in dogs, cats and horses, respectively. on the other hand, there was an age-related decrease in the nuclear profile size of SCG neurons from young to adult animals (0.9-fold, 0.7-fold and 0.8-fold in dogs, cats and horses, respectively). Ganglion connective capsule is composed of 2 or 3 layers of collagen fibres in juxtaposition and, as observed in light microscopy and independently of the animal's age, ganglion neurons were organised in ganglionic units containing the same morphological triad seen in light microscopy. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The objective of the present study was to characterize the fecundity of Callinectes ornatus from the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. To study the fecundity and its relationships to size, brood weight, and egg size, the ovigerous females were collected at 2-month intervals for two consecutive years (January, 1991 to November, 1992) in the Ubatuba region using a fishing boat equipped with an otter-trawl type of net. After collecting, the animals were screened, bagged, labeled, and stored frozen. Only data from 38 females carrying early stage eggs were considered. In the laboratory, the specimens were thawed at room temperature, the pleopod structure with the egg mass was removed and the eggs were carefully removed from the pleopods. The samples were then fixed in 10% formalin and stored in 70% ethanol, until the time for processing. Processing followed the method of Hines (1982, 1988). Following the frequency determination of carapace width and fecundity, mean egg number, mean volume and mean dry weight of brooded egg mass were determined for each class obtained. Data were analyzed by regressions of log-log transformations for allometric plots (Y = aX(b)) of reproductive variables versus carapace width. Carapace width was one of the main factors for the determination of fecundity, which ranged 171 570 +/- 94 634 eggs, with females of the same size class presenting a wide amplitude of variation. This supports the hypothesis that portunid females present staggered spawning, possibly presenting more than one period of reproduction within one year. The present species showed lower fecundity than the remaining portunids studied, but they did show a rapid and efficient embryonic development, presumably capable of assuring reproductive success.


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Dissection of 286 specimens of the Bothrops neuwiedi pubescens, combined with data on captive individuals, provided information on the reproductive biology of this viperid snake from southern Brazil. Females attained larger body sizes than males, and reproduction was seasonal with mating taking place in autumn when males were more frequently encountered. Vitellogenesis occurred from summer to spring (January-September), sperm storage during autumn and winter (May-September), ovulation and fertilization in early spring (September), embryonic development during middle spring and summer (October-March), and parturition in the summer (January-March). Embryonic development was estimated to last from three to five months, a shorter time than was previously reported. The number of offspring of Bothrops neuwiedi pubescens born in one litter can vary from four to 25 ((x) over bar = 11). Fecundity is correlated with maternal body size. Neonates measure 17-25 cm SVL. Inferred growth rate of juveniles was low (10 mm/month in first year), with males attaining sexual maturity at about 16 months, but maturity is delayed in females for at least two additional years.


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The object of this work was to study the conditions of embryo development and egg production in Portunus spinimanus Latreille, 1819 at Ubatuba region of Brazil. The number of eggs laid by 21 females in a range of size was determined. Eggs at 3 differ ent stages of embryonic development were measured P. spinimanus fecundity varied between 188,065 and 682,992, with an average of 429,676 +/- 157,203, for animals with a carapace width ranging from 56.2 to 86.6 mm. Between the initial and final stages of development there was an increase of 55.1% in egg diameter. The relatively high fecundity of P. spinimanus may be a strategy of the species faced with a high mortality rate in the larval phase; however this hypothesis should be tested.


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Occurrence of adults and biological aspects of Geniates borelli Camerano (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Due to the importance of Geniates borelli Camerano as a pest in many crops, studies were developed at Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS). Aquidauana campus, MS, Brazil. Adults were collected with a light trap from January 2006 to December 2007. 3,320 adults were collected, and the highest quantities were obtained in October 2006 and November 2007, with 1,548 and 802 adults recorded, respectively. Collected adults were kept in plastic containers with soil and Brachiaria decumbens seedlings for oviposition. 535 eggs measuring 2.30 x 1.60 mm were obtained. As the embryonic development progressed, eggs increased in size to 3.00 x 2.70 mm, and this change occurred between 6 and 10 days after oviposit ion. The embryonic period lasted 17.9 days. The first, second, and third instars lasted 37.6, 49.7, and 74 days, respectively The prepupal stage lasted 65.9 days and the pupal stage lasted an average of 18.5 days. The biological cycle is completed in 315.8 days, which characterizes the species as univoltine. The average longevity of females was 35.4 days and 28.5 days for males.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Artificial selection has resulted in animal breeds with extreme phenotypes. As an organism is made up of many different tissues and organs, each with its own genetic programme, it is pertinent to ask: How relevant is tissue in terms of total transcriptome variability? Which are the genes most distinctly expressed between tissues? Does breed or sex equally affect the transcriptome across tissues?Results: In order to gain insight on these issues, we conducted microarray expression profiling of 16 different tissues from four animals of two extreme pig breeds, Large White and Iberian, two males and two females. Mixed model analysis and neighbor - joining trees showed that tissues with similar developmental origin clustered closer than those with different embryonic origins. Often a sound biological interpretation was possible for overrepresented gene ontology categories within differentially expressed genes between groups of tissues. For instance, an excess of nervous system or muscle development genes were found among tissues of ectoderm or mesoderm origins, respectively. Tissue accounted for similar to 11 times more variability than sex or breed. Nevertheless, we were able to confidently identify genes with differential expression across tissues between breeds (33 genes) and between sexes (19 genes). The genes primarily affected by sex were overall different than those affected by breed or tissue. Interaction with tissue can be important for differentially expressed genes between breeds but not so much for genes whose expression differ between sexes.Conclusion: Embryonic development leaves an enduring footprint on the transcriptome. The interaction in gene x tissue for differentially expressed genes between breeds suggests that animal breeding has targeted differentially each tissue's transcriptome.


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Guazuma ulmifolia is as popular reforestation tree all over Latin America. It is characteristic of the initial stages of the secondary sucession and presents potential utility in the restoring of degraded areas. There is no information about fruit, seed and seedling morphology, which is of fundamental importance for identification, extraction, management and seed germination as well as for the characterization of post-seminal development and normal seedling pattern. To obtain such information, external fruit, and external and internal seed structures were studied considenng shape, size, micropile and embryo localization, and tegumentar structures. All stages of this work were conduced in the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus of Jaboticabal city. The fruits were collected in a mixed plantation in Jaboticabal city, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the biometric study eight repetitions of ten fruits and eight repetitions of 100 seeds were utilized. For seed internal traits study, 50 seeds were drenched in a distiled water, cut, and observed with a scanning electron microscope and a stereomicroscope. For post-seminal study ten repetitions of seven seeds were scarificated chemically with sulphuric acid during 50 min, and placed to germinate in a culture medium, at 30°C, and eight hours of photoperiod. We found elipsoid, woody, indehiscent, pentacarpelar fruits, with a mean lenght of 22.61 mm (diameter 24.88 mm) and 64.0 seeds per fruit. Seed shape varies, mean length is 3.07 mm (width of 2.36 mm).The seed is bitegumented, tegmic, with a continuous, axial and curved embryo. The germination is epigeal and the seedlings are fanerocotiledoneus. Drawings of all stages are included.


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The pregnant women presenting Diabetes mellitus develop metabolic alterations, that may cause damage to the fetal well-being and provoke anomalies and/or malformations. The antioxidant treatment has improved the embryonic development from streptozotocin diabetic rats. Several studies have shown that a Gingko biloba extract presents antioxidant effects and, in the present study, one of the G. biloba extract formulations was used (EGb761) - Tebonin (200 mg/Kg/day), given to the diabetic pregnant female rats. The aim was to evaluate the effect of the EGb761 treatment on the of anomalies and/ or malformations incidence of the offspring. Diabetes was induced in female rats using streptozotocin in a dose of 40 mg/kg. The rats were mated, and the pregnant animals were divided in two groups: Control (water) and experimental (G. biloba). At day 21 of pregnancy, the rats were killed, and their fetuses were analyzed and processed for anomalies and/or malformations incidence. The results demonstrated that control and experimental groups presented no external anomalies and malformations; increased incidence of skeletal anomalies and of visceral malformations, and lower rate of visceral anomalies and skeletal malformations. These data confirm no statistical difference and, therefore, EGb761 treatment did not cause changes. Thus, a dose of 200 mg/Kg/day of a Gingko biloba extract given during the pregnancy rat was ineffective in the prevention of the anomalies and/or malformations related to the diabetes.


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The physiological conditions of mussels from Ubatuba and Santos and also of organisms transplanted from Ubatuba to Santos were studied by using different techniques. Assays for lysosomal stability were conducted on the haemolymph. Heart rate activity was monitored for 6h. The embryonic development of larvae obtained from the collected mussels was analysed. For all the compared groups of mussels, no significant differences were observed for the cardiac activity monitoring and the embryonic bioassays. The mean Neutral Red (NR) retention time was similar for the animals from Santos and Ubatuba, whereas the organisms transplanted to Santos showed a reduction in the retention time of the dye, indicating damage in the lysosomal membranes. These differences were possibly due to environmental factors, but further investigations are required to confirm this hypothesis.


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The growth of the mouse parotid glands during 7 and 35 days of postnatal life was studied by morphometric methods. The mass of the gland, the volume of each morphological compartment, and the cell number in each compartment were evaluated. The data obtained for each evaluated dimension were adjusted by an exponential equation, of the type Y = a.e KX, thus permitting the calculation of their mean duplication time (T D), i.e., an estimation of their growth rate. Analysis of the results showed a marked 1,424% increase in the gland mass during the whole studied period, with T D = 7.10 days. This growth occurred by increases in absolute volume of acini, intercalated ducts, striated ducts, excretory ducts and stroma, with percentual increases of 3,048%, 417%, 2,662%, 2,594% and 367%, respectively, and T Ds of 5.62, 11.71, 5.55, 5.47 and 14.45 days, respectively. Analysis of the cell number growth in each compartment showed increases of 1,904%, 285%, 1,228%, 1,090% and 286%, respectively, and T Ds of 6.62, 20.40, 7.19, 7.26 and 14.51 days, respectively. Based on the present results, we concluded that the growth of the mouse parotid glands from day 7 to day 35 of age occurred by intense cell accumulation, mainly in the acini, striated ducts and excretory ducts, with a growth rate sensibly higher than that of the intercalated ducts and stroma.


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This study aimed to analyze the morphometry of hybrids' eggs under stereomicroscopy. The induced reproduction was carried out in specimens of pintado's females (P. corruscans) and cachara's males (P. fasciatum) from Cepta - Ibama, Pirassununga, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Samples were collected in extrusion moment, during the fertilization, in times of 10 and 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 45 minutes, 1 hour, at every 15 minutes until completing 2 hours, and afterwards, at every hour until the larval hatching. Oocytes and eggs' external morphology were observed, photographed and 30 samples from each moment were measured in stereomicroscopy. Oocytes, in the time of extrusion, and the eggs presented a spherical form and yellowish color. Characteristics such as wide perivitelinic space, somites, presence of optical vesicle and the main phases of embryonic development as egg-cell (blastodisc), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 blastomeres, morula, blastula, gastrula, epiboly movements, formation and larvae hatching were verified.


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Seeds of Aechmea bromeliifolia, A. castelnavii (Bromelioideae); Dyckia duckei, D. racemosa (Pitcairnioideae) and Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) were collected in the Amazon regions (Mato Grosso) and studied to describe morphological characterization and post-seminal development, which can be taxonomically useful, and to assess percent germination. All the species have epigeous germination and produce cryptocotyledonary plantlets. Seeds have no dormancy and percent germination is high (over 86%), which facilitates the production of seedlings and conservation studies. Exclusive characteristics of the genera include: the seed coat of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) has mucilage that prevents desiccation; whereas that of Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) has membranaceous wings and that of Tillandsia (Tillandsioideae) has feathery appendages, both of which make dispersal easier and establish the epiphytic habit. Initial post-seminal development of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) and Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) is marked by the emergence of primary roots, interpreted as a basal character, whereas that of Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) is marked by the emergence of the cotyledon, interpreted as a derived character. Dyckia and Tillandsia have a small tank only in the seedling phase while the contrary occurs in Aechmea.