567 resultados para patella groove


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We have previously isolated anti-FcepsilonRIalpha autoantibodies from phage libraries of healthy donors and urticaria patients. Strikingly, the same antibody, LTMalpha15, was isolated from both libraries. Sequence analysis revealed a germline configuration of the LTMalpha15 variable heavy (V(H)) chain with a slightly mutated variable light (V(L)) chain supporting its classification as a natural autoantibody. Distribution analysis of anti-FcepsilonRIalpha autoantibodies by functional or serological tests delivered conflicting data. For this reason we have developed a new real-time PCR to analyse the distribution of LTMalpha15V(H) in healthy donors and urticaria patients. Our new bioinformatic program permitted the design of a minor groove binder (MGB) TaqMan probe that specifically detected the LTMalpha15V(H). We were able to demonstrate a broad range of rearranged V(H) gene copy number without any correlation to the state of health. Monitoring LTMalpha15V(H) gene copy number in a single donor over a period of 70 days revealed a time-related fluctuation of circulating B cells carrying LTMalpha15V(H). We propose that our real-time PCR may serve as a model for the quantification of natural antibody sequences at a monoclonal level.


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Equine Influenza ist eine durch Influenza A-Viren verursachte, kontagiöse Respirationserkrankung beim Pferd. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine real-time RT-PCR in einem konservierten Abschnitt des Matrix-Segments des viralen Genoms für die schnelle und sensitive Diagnose von equinen Influenzaviren (EIV) und je eine RT-PCR Methode im Matrix- und im HA-Segment für die molekular-epidemiologische Charakterisierung der Viren entwickelt. Die Primer der real-time RT-PCR sind zu 99.4% der bekannten EIV-Sequenzen und zu 97.7% aller Influenza A-Sequenzen homolog. Die Homologie der Minor Groove Binder (MGB)-Sonde lag bei 99.3% und 99.6%. Diese hohen Werte ermöglichen die Anwendung des Assays für Influenzaviren bei anderen Spezies. Die diagnostische Eignung der Methode wurde mit Hilfe von 20 equinen, 11 porcinen sowie 2 aviären Proben verifiziert. Eine hohe Spezifität für Influenzaviren wurde experimentell und mittels Software-Simulation gezeigt. Die analytische Sensitivität des Tests lag bei 102–103 RNA-Kopien und 100–101 DNA-Kopien, was den Virusnachweis auch bei geringer Virusausscheidung ermöglicht. Alle amplifizierten EIV-Sequenzen konnten phylogenetisch den bekannten Linien zugeordnet werden.


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BACKGROUND The reported survival of implants depends on the definition used for the endpoint, usually revision. When screening through registry reports from different countries, it appears that revision is defined quite differently. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES The purposes of this study were to compare the definitions of revision among registry reports and to apply common clinical scenarios to these definitions. METHODS We downloaded or requested reports of all available national joint registries. Of the 23 registries we identified, 13 had published reports that were available in English and were beyond the pilot phase. We searched these registries' reports for the definitions of the endpoint, mostly revision. We then applied the following scenarios to the definition of revision and analyzed if those scenarios were regarded as a revision: (A) wound revision without any addition or removal of implant components (such as hematoma evacuation); (B) exchange of head and/or liner (like for infection); (C) isolated secondary patella resurfacing; and (D) secondary patella resurfacing with a routine liner exchange. RESULTS All registries looked separately at the characteristic of primary implantation without a revision and 11 of 13 registers reported on the characteristics of revisions. Regarding the definition of revision, there were considerable differences across the reports. In 11 of 13 reports, the primary outcome was revision of the implant. In one registry the primary endpoint was "reintervention/revision" while another registry reported separately on "failure" and "reoperations". In three registries, the definition of the outcome was not provided, however in one report a results list gave an indication for the definition of the outcome. Wound revision without any addition or removal of implant components (scenario A) was considered a revision in three of nine reports that provided a clear definition on this question, whereas two others did not provide enough information to allow this determination. Exchange of the head and/or liner (like for infection; scenario B) was considered a revision in 11 of 11; isolated secondary patella resurfacing (scenario C) in six of eight; and secondary patella resurfacing with routine liner exchange (scenario D) was considered a revision in nine of nine reports. CONCLUSIONS Revision, which is the most common main endpoint used by arthroplasty registries, is not universally defined. This implies that some reoperations that are considered a revision in one registry are not considered a revision in another registry. Therefore, comparisons of implant performance using data from different registries have to be performed with caution. We suggest that registries work to harmonize their definitions of revision to help facilitate comparisons of results across the world's arthroplasty registries.


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Image-based modeling is a popular approach to perform patient-specific biomechanical simulations. Accurate modeling is critical for orthopedic application to evaluate implant design and surgical planning. It has been shown that bone strength can be estimated from the bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone architecture. However, these findings cannot be directly and fully transferred to patient-specific modeling since only BMD can be derived from clinical CT. Therefore, the objective of this study was to propose a method to predict the trabecular bone structure using a µCT atlas and an image registration technique. The approach has been evaluated on femurs and patellae under physiological loading. The displacement and ultimate force for femurs loaded in stance position were predicted with an error of 2.5% and 3.7%, respectively, while predictions obtained with an isotropic material resulted in errors of 7.3% and 6.9%. Similar results were obtained for the patella, where the strain predicted using the registration approach resulted in an improved mean squared error compared to the isotropic model. We conclude that the registration of anisotropic information from of a single template bone enables more accurate patient-specific simulations from clinical image datasets than isotropic model.


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BACKGROUND Arthroscopy is considered as "the gold standard" for the diagnosis of traumatic intraarticular knee lesions. However, recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) now offer good opportunities for the indirect assessment of the integrity and structural changes of the knee articular cartilage. The study was to investigate whether cartilage-specific sequences on a 3-Tesla MRI provide accurate assessment for the detection of cartilage defects. METHODS A 3-Tesla (3-T) MRI combined with three-dimensional double-echo steady-state (3D-DESS) cartilage specific sequences was performed on 210 patients with knee pain prior to knee arthroscopy. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of magnetic resonance imaging were calculated and correlated to the arthroscopic findings of cartilaginous lesions. Lesions were classified using the modified Outerbridge classification. RESULTS For the 210 patients (1260 cartilage surfaces: patella, trochlea, medial femoral condyle, medial tibia, lateral femoral condyle, lateral tibia) evaluated, the sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive values, and negative predictive values of 3-T MRI were 83.3, 99.8, 84.4, and 99.8 %, respectively, for the detection of grade IV lesions; 74.1, 99.6, 85.2, and 99.3 %, respectively, for grade III lesions; 67.9, 99.2, 76.6, and 98.2 %, respectively, for grade II lesions; and 8.8, 99.5, 80, and 92 %, respectively, for grade I lesions. CONCLUSIONS For grade III and IV lesions, 3-T MRI combined with 3D-DESS cartilage-specific sequences represents an accurate diagnostic tool. For grade II lesions, the technique demonstrates moderate sensitivity, while for grade I lesions, the sensitivity is limited to provide reliable diagnosis compared to knee arthroscopy.


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Several congenital syndromes associated with anterior segment (AS) anomalies can lead to impaired vision and glaucoma, such as nail-patella syndrome (NPS), caused by mutations in the LIM homeodomain transcription factor LMX1B and Axenfeld-Rieger's syndrome (ARS), caused by mutations in the bicoid-related homeodomain transcription factor PITX2. Targeted mutations in lmx1b and pitx2 and RNA in situ analysis reveal that both genes are required for AS development and are co-expressed within the periocular mesenchyme, suggesting they participate in a shared genetic pathway. Lmx1b homozygous mutants display iris and corneal stroma hypoplasia, and defects in ciliary body formation. In contrast, pitx2 homozygous mutants exhibit a more severe phenotype: the AS chamber, corneal endothelium, and extraocular muscles (EOM) fail to develop. The absence of EOM in pitx2 mutants suggests pitx2 acts upstream of lmx1b, or that other lmx1b family members, such as lmx1a, can compensate for lmx1b function. Lmxla/lmx1b double homozygous mutants have a reduced capacity to generate EOM, implying that lmx1 gene products have a redundant function in EOM development and that lmx1 family members may act downstream of pitx2. However, analysis of pitx2 expression in the AS tissues of lmx1b mutants and reciprocal studies of lmx1b expression in pitx2 mutants indicate that these genes do not function in a simple linear pathway. Instead, lmx1b and pitx2 may regulate a shared set of downstream targets or both genes may work in parallel transcribing unique targets required for a common biological process. Ultrastructural analysis of lmx1b and pitx2 mutant corneas indicates that collagen fibrillogenesis is perturbed, revealing a common role for both genes in the deposition of extracellular matrix. Furthermore, lmx1b/pitx2 double heterozygotes develop corneal opacities not observed in single heterozygotes demonstrating that lmx1b and pitx2 genetically interact. Data suggests that defects in the basement membrane of the corneal endothelium underlie the opacities observed in double heterozygotes. Additionally, double heterozygotes develop anterior synechias that occlude the trabecular meshwork, potentially blocking aqueous humor drainage. These data suggest that lmx1b and pitx2 are responsible for ECM deposition in multiple cell types and imply that such defects may contribute to the glaucomas observed in NPS and ARS patients. ^


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Ecteinascidin 743 (Et-743), which is a novel DNA minor groove alkylator with a unique spectrum of antitumor activity, is currently being evaluated in phase II/III clinical trials. Although the precise molecular mechanisms responsible for the observed antitumor activity are poorly understood, recent data suggests that post-translational modifications of RNA polymerase II Large Subunit (RNAPII LS) may play a central role in the cellular response to this promising anticancer agent. The stalling of an actively transcribing RNAPII LS at Et-743-DNA adducts is the initial cellular signal for transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER). In this manner, Et-743 poisons TC-NER and produces DNA single strand breaks. Et-743 also inhibits the transcription and RNAPII LS-mediated expression of selected genes. Because the poisoning of TC-NER and transcription inhibition are critical components of the molecular response to Et-743 treatment, we have investigated if changes in RNAPII LS contribute to the disruption of these two cellular pathways. In addition, we have studied changes in RNAPII LS in two tumors for which clinical responses were reported in phase I/II clinical trials: renal cell carcinoma and Ewing's sarcoma. Our results demonstrate that Et-743 induces degradation of the RNAPII LS that is dependent on active transcription, a functional 26S proteasome, and requires functional TC-NER, but not global genome repair. Additionally, we have provided the first experimental data indicating that degradation of RNAPII LS might lead to the inhibition of activated gene transcription. A set of studies performed in isogenic renal carcinoma cells deficient in von Hippel-Lindau protein, which is a ubiquitin-E3-ligase for RNAPII LS, confirmed the central role of RNAPII LS degradation in the sensitivity to Et-743. Finally, we have shown that RNAPII LS is also degraded in Ewing's sarcoma tumors following Et-743 treatment and provide data to suggest that this event plays a role in decreased expression of the Ewing's sarcoma oncoprotein, EWS-Fli1. Altogether, these data implicate degradation of RNAPII LS as a critical event following Et-743 exposure and suggest that the clinical activity observed in renal carcinoma and Ewing's sarcoma may be mediated by disruption of molecular pathways requiring a fully functional RNAPII LS. ^


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The underlying genetic defects of a congenital disease Nail-Patella Syndrome are loss-of-function mutations in the LMX1B gene. Lmx1b encodes a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor that is expressed specifically in the dorsal limb bud mesenchyme. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments suggest that Lmx1b is both necessary and sufficient to specify dorsal limb patterning. However, how Lmx1b coordinates patterning of the dorsal tissues in the limb, including muscle, skeleton and connective tissues, remains unknown. One possibility is that each tissue specifies its own pattern cell-autonomously, i.e., Lmx1b is expressed in tissues in which it functions and different tissues do not communicate with each other. Another possibility is that tissues that express Lmx1b interact with adjacent tissues and provide patterning information thereby directing the development of tissues non-cell-autonomously. Previous results showed that Lmx1b is expressed in limb connective tissue and skeleton, but is not expressed in muscle tissue. Moreover, muscles and muscle connective tissue are closely associated during development. Therefore, we hypothesize that Lmx1b controls limb muscle dorsal-ventral (DV) patterning through muscle connective tissue, but regulates skeleton and tendon/ligament development cell-autonomously. ^ To test this hypothesis, we first examined when and where the limb dorsal-ventral asymmetry is established during development. Subsequently, conditional knockout and overexpression experiments were performed to delete or activate Lmx1b in different tissues within the limb. Our results show that deletion of Lmx1b from whole limb mesenchyme results in all dorsal tissues, including muscle, tendon/ligament and skeleton, transforming into ventral structures. Skeleton-specific knockout of Lmx1b led to the dorsal duplication of distal sesamoid and metacarpal bones, but did not affect the pattern formation of other tissues, suggesting that Lmx1b controls skeleton development cell-autonomously. In addition, this skeleton-specific pattern alteration only occurs in distal limb tissues, not proximal limb tissues, indicating different regulatory mechanisms operate along the limb proximal-distal axis. Moreover, skeleton-specific ectopic expression of Lmx1b reveals a complementary skeletal-specific dorsalized phenotype. This result supports a cell-autonomous role for Lmx1b in dorsal-ventral skeletal patterning. This study enriched our understanding of limb development, and the insights from this research may also be applicable for the development of other organs. ^


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The combitiatorial approach restriction endonuclease protection selection and amplification REPSA was successfully used to determine ideal DNA interactions sites of covalent ligands. Unlike most other combinatorial methods, REPSA is based on inhibition of enzymatic cleavage by specific ligand-DNA complexes, which enables identification of binding sites of various ligands. However, the inherent nature of this technique posses a problem during selection of binding sites of covalent ligands. By modifying the technique according to the nature of the ligand, we demonstrate the flexibility of REPSA in identifying the preferred binding sites for monocovalent ligands, topoisomerase I and tallimustine, and the bicovalent ligand topoisomerase II. From among the preferred binding sites, we identified the consensus binding sequence of camptothecin induced topoisomerase I cleavage as ‘aGWT/Gc’, and tallimustine consensus sequences as ‘GTTCTA’ and ‘TTTTTTC’. We have shown for the first time that preferential binding of tallimustine occurs at sequences not previously reported. Furthermore, our data indicate that tallimustine is a novel DNA minor groove, guanine-specific alkylating agent. ^ Additionally, we have demonstrated in vivo that sequence-specific covalent DNA-binding small molecules have the ability to regulate transcription by inhibiting RNA polymerase II. Tallimustine, binding to its preferred sequences located in the 5′ untranslated region were an effective impediment for transcribing polymerase II. The ability of covalent binding small molecules to target predetermined DNA sequences located downstream of the promoter suggests a general approach for regulation of gene expression. ^


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La fascitis eosinofílica, se caracteriza por cambios cutáneos símil- esclerodermia y eosinofília periférica. Describimos un paciente de 54 años, de sexo masculino con diagnóstico de fascitis eosinofílica y seguimiento de 44 meses. Presentaba tumefacción, engrosamiento de la piel de antebrazos, piernas y flancos de abdomen, signo del surco y pérdida del pelo de antebrazos y piernas. El paciente fue tratado con glucocorticoides e hidroxicloroquina con evolución favorable. Concomitante a la remisión de los signos cutáneos observamos una hipertricosis de las zonas previamente afectadas. Comunicamos esta observación inusual en fascitis eosinofílica, secundaria a la mejoría del proceso inflamatorio cutáneo.


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Molecular methods provide promising tools for routine detection and quantification of toxic microalgae in plankton samples. To this end, novel TaqMan minor groove binding probes and primers targeting the small (SSU) or large (LSU) ribosomal subunit (rRNA) were developed for two species of the marine dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium (A. minutum, A. tamutum) and for three groups/ribotypes of the A. tamarense species complex: Group I/North American (NA), Group II/Mediterranean (ME) and Group III/Western European (WE). Primers and probes for real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) were species-specific and highly efficient when tested in qPCR assays for cross-validation with pure DNA from cultured Alexandrium strains. Suitability of the qPCR assays as molecular tools for the detection and estimation of relative cell abundances of Alexandrium species and groups was evaluated from samples of natural plankton assemblages along the Scottish east coast. The results were compared with inverted microscope cell counts (Utermöhl technique) of Alexandrium spp. and associated paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin concentrations. The qPCR assays indicated that A. tamarense (Group I) and A. tamutum were the most abundant Alexandrium taxa and both were highly positively correlated with PSP toxin content of plankton samples. Cells of A. tamarense (Group III) were present at nearly all stations but in low abundance. Alexandrium minutum and A. tamarense (Group II) cells were not detected in any of the samples, thereby arguing for their absence from the specific North Sea region, at least at the time of the survey. The sympatric occurrence of A. tamarense Group I and Group III gives further support to the hypothesis that the groups/ribotypes of the A. tamarense species complex are cryptic species rather than variants belonging to the same species.


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Specimens of the patellogastropod limpet Patella caerulea were collected within (pHlow-shells) and outside (pHn-shells) a CO2 vent site at Ischia, Italy. Four pHlow-shells and four pHn-shells were sectioned transversally and scanned for polymorph distribution by means of confocal Raman microscopy. The pHlow-shells displayed a twofold increase in aragonite area fraction and size-normalised aragonite area. Size-normalised calcite area was halved in pHlow-shells. Taken together with the increased apical and the decreased flank size-normalised thickness of the pHlow-shells, these data led us to conclude that low-pH-exposed P. caerulea specimens counteract shell dissolution by enhanced shell production. This is different from normal elongation growth and proceeds through addition of aragonitic parts only, while the production of calcitic parts is confined to elongation growth. Therefore, aragonite cannot be regarded as a disadvantageous polymorph per se under ocean acidification conditions.