949 resultados para optimization, heuristic, solver, operations, research
The aim of this paper is to propose an integrated planning model to adequate the offered capacity and system frequencies to attend the increased passenger demand and traffic congestion around urban and suburban areas. The railway capacity is studied in line planning, however, these planned frequencies were obtained without accounting for rolling stock flows through the rapid transit network. In order to provide the problem more freedom to decide rolling stock flows and therefore better adjusting these flows to passenger demand, a new integrated model is proposed, where frequencies are readjusted. Then, the railway timetable and rolling stock assignment are also calculated, where shunting operations are taken into account. These operations may sometimes malfunction, causing localized incidents that could propagate throughout the entire network due to cascading effects. This type of operations will be penalized with the goal of selectively avoiding them and ameliorating their high malfunction probabilities. Swapping operations will also be ensured using homogeneous rolling stock material and ensuring parkings in strategic stations. We illustrate our model using computational experiments drawn from RENFE (the main Spanish operator of suburban passenger trains) in Madrid, Spain. The results show that through this integrated approach a greater robustness degree can be obtained
Assets are interrelated in risk analysis methodologies for information systems promoted by international standards. This means that an attack on one asset can be propagated through the network and threaten an organization's most valuable assets. It is necessary to valuate all assets, the direct and indirect asset dependencies, as well as the probability of threats and the resulting asset degradation. These methodologies do not, however, consider uncertain valuations and use precise values on different scales, usually percentages. Linguistic terms are used by the experts to represent assets values, dependencies and frequency and asset degradation associated with possible threats. Computations are based on the trapezoidal fuzzy numbers associated with these linguistic terms.
Abstract This paper presents a new method to extract knowledge from existing data sets, that is, to extract symbolic rules using the weights of an Artificial Neural Network. The method has been applied to a neural network with special architecture named Enhanced Neural Network (ENN). This architecture improves the results that have been obtained with multilayer perceptron (MLP). The relationship among the knowledge stored in the weights, the performance of the network and the new implemented algorithm to acquire rules from the weights is explained. The method itself gives a model to follow in the knowledge acquisition with ENN.
In this work, an improvement of the results presented by [1] Abellanas et al. (Weak Equilibrium in a Spatial Model. International Journal of Game Theory, 40(3), 449-459) is discussed. Concretely, this paper investigates an abstract game of competition between two players that want to earn the maximum number of points from a finite set of points in the plane. It is assumed that the distribution of these points is not uniform, so an appropriate weight to each position is assigned. A definition of equilibrium which is weaker than the classical one is included in order to avoid the uniqueness of the equilibrium position typical of the Nash equilibrium in these kinds of games. The existence of this approximated equilibrium in the game is analyzed by means of computational geometry techniques.
The study area is La Colacha sub-basins from Arroyos Menores basins, natural areas at West and South of Río Cuarto in Province of Córdoba of Argentina, fertile with loess soils and monsoon temperate climate, but with soil erosions including regressive gullies that degrade them progressively. Cultivated gently since some hundred sixty years, coordinated action planning became necessary to conserve lands while keeping good agro-production. The authors had improved data on soils and on hydrology for the study area, evaluated systems of soil uses and actions to be recommended and applied Decision Support Systems (DSS) tools for that, and were conducted to use discrete multi-criteria models (MCDM) for the more global views about soil conservation and hydraulic management actions and about main types of use of soils. For that they used weighted PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, and AHP methods with a system of criteria grouped as environmental, economic and social, and criteria from their data on effects of criteria. The alternatives resulting offer indication for planning depending somehow on sub basins and on selections of weights, but actions for conservation of soils and water management measures are recommended to conserve the basins conditions, actually sensibly degrading, mainly keeping actual uses of the lands.
This paper groups recent supply chain management research focused on organizational design and its software support. The classification encompasses criteria related to research methodology and content. Empirical studies from management science focus on network types and organizational fit. Novel planning algorithms and innovative coordination schemes are developed mostly in the field of operations research in order to propose new software features. Operations and production management realize cost-benefit analysis of IT software implementations. The success of software solutions for network coordination depends strongly on the fit of three dimensions: network configuration, coordination scheme and software functionality. This paper concludes with proposals for future research on unaddressed issues within and among the identified research streams.
In this paper we focus on the selection of safeguards in a fuzzy risk analysis and management methodology for information systems (IS). Assets are connected by dependency relationships, and a failure of one asset may affect other assets. After computing impact and risk indicators associated with previously identified threats, we identify and apply safeguards to reduce risks in the IS by minimizing the transmission probabilities of failures throughout the asset network. However, as safeguards have associated costs, the aim is to select the safeguards that minimize costs while keeping the risk within acceptable levels. To do this, we propose a dynamic programming-based method that incorporates simulated annealing to tackle optimizations problems.
We consider a groupdecision-making problem within multi-attribute utility theory, in which the relative importance of decisionmakers (DMs) is known and their preferences are represented by means of an additive function. We allow DMs to provide veto values for the attribute under consideration and build veto and adjust functions that are incorporated into the additive model. Veto functions check whether alternative performances are within the respective veto intervals, making the overall utility of the alternative equal to 0, where as adjust functions reduce the utilty of the alternative performance to match the preferences of other DMs. Dominance measuring methods are used to account for imprecise information in the decision-making scenario and to derive a ranking of alternatives for each DM. Specifically, ordinal information about the relative importance of criteria is provided by each DM. Finally, an extension of Kemeny's method is used to aggregate the alternative rankings from the DMs accounting for the irrelative importance.
En este estudio, englobado dentro del campo de la investigación operacional en aeropuertos, se considera el problema de la optimización de la secuencia de descontaminación de nieve de los tramos que componen el área de maniobras de un aeropuerto, denominado RM-AM. Este problema se enfrenta a la optimización de recursos limitados para retirar la nieve de las calles de rodadura y pistas, dejándolas en un estado aceptable para la operación de aeronaves. El campo de vuelos se divide en subconjuntos de tramos significativos para la operación y se establecen tiempos objetivo de apertura al tráfico de aeronaves. Se desarrollan varios algoritmos matemáticos en los que se proponen distintas funciones objetivo, como son la hora de finalización del proceso, la suma de las horas de finalización de cada tramo, o el retraso entre la hora estimada y la hora de finalización. Durante este proceso, se van introduciendo restricciones operativas relativas al cumplimiento de objetivos operativos parciales aplicados a las zonas de especial interés, o relativas a la operación de los equipos de descontaminación. El problema se resuelve mediante optimización basada en programación lineal. Los resultados de las pruebas computacionales se hacen sobre cinco modelos de área de maniobras en los que va creciendo la complejidad y el tamaño. Se comparan las prestaciones de los distintos algoritmos. Una vez definido el modelo matemático para la optiamización, se propone una metodología estructurada para abordar dicho problema para cualquier área de manobras. Se define una estrategia en la operación. Se acomete el área de maniobras por zonas, con la condición de que los subconjuntos de tramos significativos queden englobados dentro de una sola de estas zonas. El problema se resuelve mediante un proceso iterativo de optimización aplicado sucesivamente a las zonas que componen el área de maniobras durante cada iteración. Se analiza la repercusión de los resultados en los procesos DMAN, AMAN y TP, para la integración de los resultados en el cálculo de TSAT y EBIT. El método se particulariza para el caso del área de maniobras del Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas. ABSTRACT This study, which lies within the field of operations research in airports, considers the optimisation of the sequence for clearing snow from stretches of the manoeuvring area of an airport, known as RM-AM. This issue involves the optimisation of limited resources to remove snow from taxiways and runways thereby leaving them in an acceptable condition for operating aircraft. The airfield is divided into subsets of significant stretches for the purpose of operations and target times are established during which these are open to aircraft traffic. The study contains several mathematical models each with different functions, such as the end time of the process, the sum of the end times of each stretch, and gap between the estimated and the real end times. During this process, we introduce different operating restrictions on partial fulfilment of the operational targets as applied to zones of special interest, or relating to the operation of the snow-clearing machines. The problem is solved by optimisation based on linear programming. Computational tests are carried out on five distinct models of the manoeuvring area, which cover increasingly complex situations and larger areas. The different algorithms are then compared to one other. Having defined the mathematical model for the optimisation, we then set out a structured methodology to deal with any type of manoeuvring area. In other words, we define an operational strategy. The airfield is divided into subsets of significant stretches for the purpose of operations and target times are set at which these are to be open to aircraft traffic. The manoeuvring area is also divided into zones, with the condition that the subsets of significant stretches lie within just one of these zones. The problem is solved by an iterative optimisation process based on linear programming applied successively to the zones that make up the manoeuvring area during each iteration. The impact of the results on DMAN, AMAN and TP processes is analysed for their integration into the calculation of TSAT and EBIT. The method is particularized for the case of the manoeuvring area of Adolfo Suarez Madrid - Barajas Airport.
As ações de maior liquidez do índice IBOVESPA, refletem o comportamento das ações de um modo geral, bem como a relação das variáveis macroeconômicas em seu comportamento e estão entre as mais negociadas no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Desta forma, pode-se entender que há reflexos de fatores que impactam as empresas de maior liquidez que definem o comportamento das variáveis macroeconômicas e que o inverso também é uma verdade, oscilações nos fatores macroeconômicos também afetam as ações de maior liquidez, como IPCA, PIB, SELIC e Taxa de Câmbio. O estudo propõe uma análise da relação existente entre variáveis macroeconômicas e o comportamento das ações de maior liquidez do índice IBOVESPA, corroborando com estudos que buscam entender a influência de fatores macroeconômicos sobre o preço de ações e contribuindo empiricamente com a formação de portfólios de investimento. O trabalho abrangeu o período de 2008 a 2014. Os resultados concluíram que a formação de carteiras, visando a proteção do capital investido, deve conter ativos com correlação negativa em relação às variáveis estudadas, o que torna possível a composição de uma carteira com risco reduzido.
Este trabalho trata da logística envolvida em operações de resposta a desastres, com foco na entrega final de suprimentos destinados a ajudar vítimas. Seu propósito é investigar os objetivos pertinentes ao planejamento do transporte da carga e encontrar uma metodologia para definir estratégia que sirva à tomada de decisão em campo. Para tanto, primeiramente identifica-se os objetivos adotados em modelos de Pesquisa Operacional para a tarefa em questão, através da análise de conteúdo das publicações pertinentes. Então, a abordagem do Pensamento Focado em Valores é utilizada para estruturar o problema. Finalmente, o método Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks (SMARTER) é empregado na construção de um modelo de Análise da Decisão Multicritério (ADM), com consulta a um profissional experiente da área humanitária e aproveitando a análise da literatura previamente realizada. Neste processo, são elaboradas e avaliadas seis alternativas para a tomada de decisão condizentes com os valores da comunidade humanitária. Os resultados obtidos mostram que existe incompatibilidade entre os critérios de desempenho identificados nas publicações existentes e os objetivos perseguidos pelo Tomador da Decisão (TD) real. De acordo com o modelo construído, o atendimento de prioridades e a manutenção da sustentabilidade da operação são os objetivos que devem ser levados em conta para planejar a entrega de carga em pós-desastre, sendo que o custo e a equidade da distribuição não devem ser considerados. Conclui-se que o método adotado é útil à definição destes critérios e também ao desenvolvimento de estratégias que resultem em distribuições de ajuda melhores, aos olhos do próprio TD. Desta forma, ressalta-se que este trabalho contribui à área da Logística Humanitária com a investigação dos objetivos, assim como ao campo da ADM pela formalização dos processos de elaboração de alternativas, além da adição de mais uma aplicação possível ao repertório do método SMARTER.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations Research and Development, McLean, Va.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations Research and Development, McLean, Va.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
Federal Highway Administration, Office of Engineering and Highway Operations Research and Development, Washington, D.C.