995 resultados para operações de determinação e indeterminação


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It bet on the next generation of computers as architecture with multiple processors and/or multicore processors. In this sense there are challenges related to features interconnection, operating frequency, the area on chip, power dissipation, performance and programmability. The mechanism of interconnection and communication it was considered ideal for this type of architecture are the networks-on-chip, due its scalability, reusability and intrinsic parallelism. The networks-on-chip communication is accomplished by transmitting packets that carry data and instructions that represent requests and responses between the processing elements interconnected by the network. The transmission of packets is accomplished as in a pipeline between the routers in the network, from source to destination of the communication, even allowing simultaneous communications between pairs of different sources and destinations. From this fact, it is proposed to transform the entire infrastructure communication of network-on-chip, using the routing mechanisms, arbitration and storage, in a parallel processing system for high performance. In this proposal, the packages are formed by instructions and data that represent the applications, which are executed on routers as well as they are transmitted, using the pipeline and parallel communication transmissions. In contrast, traditional processors are not used, but only single cores that control the access to memory. An implementation of this idea is called IPNoSys (Integrated Processing NoC System), which has an own programming model and a routing algorithm that guarantees the execution of all instructions in the packets, preventing situations of deadlock, livelock and starvation. This architecture provides mechanisms for input and output, interruption and operating system support. As proof of concept was developed a programming environment and a simulator for this architecture in SystemC, which allows configuration of various parameters and to obtain several results to evaluate it


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The formulation of a drug can interfere with its absorption into the circulatory system and may result in changes in the dose required to achieve that particular effect. The aim of this study was to determine the lethal dose 50 (LD 50) and 100 (LD100) of a nanoemulsion of propofol and the lipid emulsion in mice intraperitoneally. One hundred sixty animals weighing 36.47 +/- 4.6g, which were distributed randomly into two groups: NANO and EMU who received propofol 1% in the nanoemulsion and lipid emulsion, respectively, intraperitoneally. Began with a dose of 250mg/kg (n=10) and from this isdecreased or increased the dose until achieving 0 and 100% of deaths in each group thus formed were seven subgroups in NANO (each subgroup n = 10) at doses 200, 250, 325, 350, 400, 425 and 475 mg/kg and in EMU eight subgroups (n= 10 each subset) 250, 325, 350, 400, 425, 475, 525 and 575 mg/kg. In the CONTROL group (n= 10) animals received saline in the largest volume used in the other groups to rule out death by the volume injected. Analysis of LD 50 and LD 100 were obtained by linear regression. The LD 50 was 320, 95 mg / kg and 4243, 51mg / kg and the LD 100 was445.99 mg / kg and 595.31 mg / kg to groups NANO and EMU, respectively. It follows that nanoemulsion is propofol in 25% more potent compared to the lipid emulsionintraperitoneally.


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This work presents results derived from a study related to impact on non-controllable costs in the determination of energy taxes. This is done analyzing tax review practiced by concessionaries responsible for the distribution of electrical energy located in the Northeastern Region of Brazil, between 2003 and 2004. This Region was chosen as a study area due to the researcher s expectation in congregating companies that deliver services to markets that have similar social-economical profiles. A brief explanation related to the restructuring of the electrical sector in Brazil is presented, pointing out that there was privatization of the great majority of these companies. The study also points out the definition of regulating rules in service delivery process. The components of taxes that are practiced by these companies aimed at final consumers, as well as the market as a whole and the revision process that is executed by Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica ANEEL for the definition of these taxes are demonstrated in the research. A brief historical of the concessionaires that were focus of the research is presented, totaling five companies. Some data used by ANEEL in the tax review process was analyzed as well as data on components of approved taxes. It is concluded that as a media 47, 49% of the components of taxes in the researched companies correspond to the non-controllable costs. These is done considering previous classification by ANEEL in the tax review process. Although, if it is considered that these companies since 2006, by the means of participation in energy auctions are able to negotiate energy prices for their own needs, it is concluded that these concession contracts guarantee the delivery of the service to the costumer in the total tribute. The percentage of non-controllable costs is 16, 27% average of the tax. This means, amongst other information, that the government has a great deal of responsibility in the formation of price practiced by these companies and its target markets


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O papel das moléculas de adesão celular, na fisiopatologia do mieloma múltiplo (MM), tem sido alvo de vários estudos nos últimos anos. A expressão de CD56 pelos plasmócitos tumorais está associada a comportamento clínico menos agressivo da doença, e sua perda tem sido descrita na fase de leucemização plasmocitária. A determinação da expressão da molécula CD56 pelos plasmócitos tumorais pode ser obtida através de citometria em fluxo, revelando positividade em 55% a 78% dos casos. No presente estudo, objetivamos verificar a expressão da molécula CD56 por plasmócitos tumorais na medula óssea de portadores de MM, utilizando o estudo imuno-histoquímico das amostras histológicas obtidas ao diagnóstico. Analisamos as amostras de medula óssea de vinte portadores de MM, e realizamos o estudo imuno-histoquímico para determinação da expressão das cadeias leves kappa e lambda e da molécula CD56 pelos plasmócitos tumorais. A expressão da molécula CD56 foi importante em três casos, moderada em seis, discreta em quatro e negativa em sete. O estudo imuno-histoquímico mostrou-se válido para determinação da expressão de CD56 por plasmócitos tumorais em portadores de MM, fornecendo resultados semelhantes aos descritos para os obtidos por citometria em fluxo. Através do estudo imuno-histoquímico, foi possível observar variações da expressão da molécula CD56.


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Haplotypes linked to the βS gene represent patterns of DNA polymorphisms along chromosome 11 of individuals bearing the βS gene. Analysis of haplotypes, in addition to serving as an important source for anthropological studies about the ethnic origin of a population, contributes to a better understanding of the variations in clinical severity of sickle cell anemia. The aim of the present study was to determine βS gene haplotypes in a group of patients with sickle cell anemia treated at the Dalton Barbosa Cunha Hematology Center (Hemonorte) in Natal, Brazil and the Oncology and Hematology Center in Mossoró, Brazil. Blood samples were obtained from 53 non-related patients (27 males and 26 females), aged between 3 months and 61 years (mean age: 16.9 ± 12.1 years). Laboratory analyses consisted of the following: erythrogram, reticulocyte count, hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline pH, measurement of hemoglobin A2 and Fetal hemoglobin, solubility test and molecular analysis to determine βS gene haplotypes. DNA samples were extracted by illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin kit and βS gene haplotypes were determined by PCR-RFLP, using Xmn I, Hind III, Hinc II and Hinf I restriction enzymes for analysis of six polymorphic restriction sites in the beta cluster. Of 106 βS chromosomes studied, 75.5% were Central African Republic (CAR) haplotype, 11.3% Benin (BEN) and 6.6% Cameroon (CAM). The atypical haplotypes had a frequency of 6.6%. More than half the patients (58.5%) were identified as CAR/CAR genotype carriers, 16.9% heterozygous CAR/BEN, 13.2% CAR/CAM and 1.9% BEN/BEN. Patients with atypical haplotype in one or two chromosomes accounted for 9.5% (CAR/Atp, BEN/Atp and Atp/Atp). The genotype groups showed no statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in their laboratory parameters. This is the first study related to βS haplotypes conducted in state of Rio Grande do Norte and the higher frequency of Cameroon halotype found, compared to other Brazilian states, suggests the existence of a peculiarity of African origin


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The great interest observed in wireless communication systems has required the development of new configurations of microstrip antennas, because they are easily built and integrated to other microwave circuit components, which is suitable for the construction and development of planar antenna arrays and microwave integrated circuits. This work presents a new configuration of tapered microstrip antenna, which is obtained by impressing U-slots on the conducting patch combined with a transmission line matching circuit that uses an inset length. It is shown that the use of U-slots in the microstrip antenna conducting patch excites new resonating modes, that gives a multiband characteristic for the slotted microstrip antenna, that is suitable for applications in communication systems that operates several frequencies simultaneously. Up to this date, the works reported in the literature deals with the use of Uslotted microstrip rectangular antennas fed by a coaxial probe. The properties of a linear array of microstrip patch tapered antennas are also investigated. The main parameters of the U slotted tapered microstrip antennas are investigated for different sizes and locations of the slots impressed on the conducting patch. The analysis of the proposed antenna is performed by using the resonant cavity and equivalent transmission line methods, in combination with a parametric study, that is conducted by the use of the Ansoft Designer, a commercial computer aided microwave software well known by its accuracy and efficiency. The mentioned methods are used to evaluate the effect in the antennas parameters, like resonant frequency and return loss, produced by variations of the antenna structural parameters, accomplished separately or simultaneously. An experimental investigation is also developed, that consists of the design, construction and measurement of several U slotted microstrip antenna prototypes. Finally, theoretical and simulated results are presented that are in agreement with the measured ones. These results are related to the resonating modes identification and to the determination of the main characteristics of the investigated antennas, such as resonant frequency, return loss, and radiation pattern


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This work an algorithm for fault location is proposed. It contains the following functions: fault detection, fault classification and fault location. Mathematical Morphology is used to process currents obtained in the monitored terminals. Unlike Fourier and Wavelet transforms that are usually applied to fault location, the Mathematical Morphology is a non-linear operation that uses only basic operation (sum, subtraction, maximum and minimum). Thus, Mathematical Morphology is computationally very efficient. For detection and classification functions, the Morphological Wavelet was used. On fault location module the Multiresolution Morphological Gradient was used to detect the traveling waves and their polarities. Hence, recorded the arrival in the two first traveling waves incident at the measured terminal and knowing the velocity of propagation, pinpoint the fault location can be estimated. The algorithm was applied in a 440 kV power transmission system, simulated on ATP. Several fault conditions where studied and the following parameters were evaluated: fault location, fault type, fault resistance, fault inception angle, noise level and sampling rate. The results show that the application of Mathematical Morphology in faults location is very promising


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I thank to my advisor, João Marcos, for the intellectual support and patience that devoted me along graduate years. With his friendship, his ability to see problems of the better point of view and his love in to make Logic, he became a great inspiration for me. I thank to my committee members: Claudia Nalon, Elaine Pimentel and Benjamin Bedregal. These make a rigorous lecture of my work and give me valuable suggestions to make it better. I am grateful to the Post-Graduate Program in Systems and Computation that accepted me as student and provided to me the propitious environment to develop my research. I thank also to the CAPES for a 21 months fellowship. Thanks to my research group, LoLITA (Logic, Language, Information, Theory and Applications). In this group I have the opportunity to make some friends. Someone of them I knew in my early classes, they are: Sanderson, Haniel and Carol Blasio. Others I knew during the course, among them I’d like to cite: Patrick, Claudio, Flaulles and Ronildo. I thank to Severino Linhares and Maria Linhares who gently hosted me at your home in my first months in Natal. This couple jointly with my colleagues of student flat Fernado, Donátila and Aline are my nuclear family in Natal. I thank my fiancée Luclécia for her precious a ective support and to understand my absence at home during my master. I thank also my parents Manoel and Zenilda, my siblings Alexandre, Paulo and Paula.Without their confidence and encouragement I wouldn’t achieve success in this journey. If you want the hits, be prepared for the misses Carl Yastrzemski


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Dentre os diversos meios de se determinar o grau de maturação esquelética do paciente destaca-se o Método de Lamparski modificado por Hassel e Farman, em 1995, que propuseram a identificação do estágio da maturação por meio das modificações anatômicas das 2ª, 3ª e 4ª vértebras cervicais. Cientes das qualidades advogadas ao método citado surgiu o interesse em avaliar sua reprodutibilidade com o intuito de divulgá-lo e incorporá-lo como um elemento no diagnóstico e auxiliar no prognóstico dos tratamentos das más oclusões. A amostra constou de 100 telerradiografias em norma lateral de pacientes triados para tratamento ortodôntico na Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP nos períodos de 2000 e 2001. Foram incluídos pacientes de ambos os gêneros na faixa etária de 6 a 16 anos e a média de 9 anos e 7 meses. Três examinadores devidamente calibrados realizaram a avaliação das radiografias classificando-as em escores de 1 a 6. Após a análise dos resultados, os mesmos foram tabulados e submetidos ao coeficiente Kappa de concordância para avaliação inter e intra-examinador concluindo, dessa forma, a reprodutibilidade do referido método. O método de determinação da maturação esquelética por meio das vértebras cervicais mostrou-se reproduzível na avaliação do estágio em que o indivíduo se encontra na curva de crescimento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Propõe-se metodologia analítica para a determinação da demanda química de oxigênio(DQO) em águas e efluentes pouco poluídos, pela espectrofotometria simultânea dos íons crômio(III) e dicromato, após a clássica oxidação sulfocrômica das amostras, à quente e catalisada por íons Ag+. Demonstra-se que a inter-relação entre as concentrações de DQO, de crômio(III) formado e de dicromato residual permite simplificar a resolução numérica do sistema - de multicomponente, envolvendo as concentrações desses dois íons, e medidas de absorbância em pelo menos dois comprimentos de onda para monocomponente, envolvendo diretamente a concentração em DQO, e medida de absorbância num único comprimento de onda.


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The aim of the present work was to develop and optimize a method for determination of bioavailable phosphorus in samples of feces and fish feed using ultrasound extraction and subsequent quantification by visible spectrophotometry. Using as extractor solution HNO(3) 0.50 mol L(-1), the great conditions of extraction established were: sample mass - 100 mg, samples granulometry - < 60 mu m, sonification time - five cycles of 40 s and ultrasound potency - 136 W. The proposed method was applied in studies of digestibility of this nutrient in different feeds used in diets of juvenile of Nile tilapia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)