928 resultados para nutrient translocation
Cultivares de cafeeiro (Coffea Arabica L.) adaptadas às regiões de cultivo, com população de plantas otimizada e adequado estado nutricional são premissas para a obtenção de produções elevadas de café. Estudou-se a produção trienal de café e o teor foliar de macronutrientes de cultivares de cafeeiro em função das densidades de plantio. Foram utilizados os cultivares Catuaí Amarelo (IAC 47), Obatã (IAC 1669-20), Acaiá (IAC 474-19) e Icatu Amarelo (IAC 2944) nas populações de 2.500 plantas ha-1 com duas plantas por cova; e, 5.000, 7.519 e 10.000 plantas ha-1 com uma planta por cova. As plantas foram adubadas de modo homogêneo, porém, sem calagem. À medida que a população de cafeeiros aumentou, a produtividade trienal de café aumentou, a produção de frutos por planta diminuiu e os teores foliares de fósforo (P), potássio (K) e enxofre (S) aumentaram. Nos cafeeiros sob adensamento encontrou-se igual ou maior teor de macronutrientes do que naqueles sob espaçamento convencional, sendo que os maiores teores foram observados nas cultivares de porte alto, e os menores, na cultivar Obatã, de porte baixo. Nos cafeeiros das covas com uma planta observou-se maior produção de café e menores concentrações de P, Ca e S do que naqueles das covas com duas plantas. No geral, os cultivares e as populações de cafeeiros estavam com teores de N e S acima dos limites de referência citados na literatura, mas com teores dos demais macronutrientes dentro da faixa adequada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We describe a case of X monosomy associated with a maternally inherited t(13;14) Robertsonian translocation in a girl with Turner syndrome. The girl's X chromosome was demonstrated to be maternally inherited, ruling out the hypothesis that the translocation exerted an interchromosomal effect on the origin of the monosomy. Chromosomes 13 and 14 showed biparental inheritance.
The spermatogenesis of two goats bearing a 5/15 Robertsonian translocation was investigated by electron microscopy. There was no dramatic change in the morphology of the cells of the spermatic line. All cells of the seminiferous epithelium seemed quite normal at the ultrastructural level. However a certain disturbance in the cell localization and some morphological abnormalities involving nuclear structure were seen. Spermatocytes and spermatids normal in appearance were observed, but a great number of cells presented two or more nuclei. These cells were frequently seen to become degenerated during spermatogenesis. We believe that unbalanced spermatocytes degenerate during the process and only some spermatocytes succeed in fertilizing gametes.
A sensor was fashioned to monitor the volume of nutrient in a solid substrate-based growth media by using electrochemical admittance spectroscopy. Several experimental parameters were investigated (i.e. The use of two- or three-electrode cells, the superficial area of the electrode, the amount of nutrient solution added to the growth media, and the influence of varying the dc and ac potential) to assess how these variables affect the admittance of the system. A linear correlation was observed between the maximum of the imaginary admittance and the volume of nutrient present. The response factor was 2.8 x 10(-5) S cm(-2) ml(-1) and the limit of detection (LOD) was 0.54 ml. The humidity of the growth media does not change the response of the nutrient toward the monitoring measurements. These results demonstrate that the volume of nutrient in this solid substrate-based growth media can be assessed using a ceramic sensor to measure the imaginary admittance. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Synaptonemal complexes were analysed by electron microscopy in 2 bucks heterozygous for the 5/15 Robertsonian translocation. The cis configuration (free homologous 5 and 15 chromosomes on the same side of the 5/15 translocated chromosome) was found in all 50 cells examined. This feature is considered a prerequisite for the development of balanced gametes. No association between the sex bivalent and trivalent was observed.
The effect of magnesium levels in nutrient solution upon relation between shoot and root, leaf weight ratio and assimilate partitioning of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Carioca) was studied. Bean plants (3 per pot) were grown in 6 l pots containing Hoagland & Arnon n. 2 solution modified to obtain 2.4, 24.3, 48.6, 72.9 and 97.2 ppm of magnesium. The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial replicated 3 times with 5 levels of magnesium and 5 samplings wich were done forthnightly. Therefore, it may be suggested that the 48.6 ppm of magnesium level proposed by Hoagland & Amen (1950) is the best choice for the common bean, according to the conditions of this experiment. Magnesium concentrations over 48.6 ppm didn't show significant alterations of the evaluated parameters. Nutrient solution with 2.4 ppm of magnesium content provides higher efficiency to the common bean plants during almost all its cycle, except the final of the reproductive phase. These results suggest that magnesium concentration increased to 48.6 ppm, in the cycle final perhaps could increase the productivity.
The action of hyperosmotic nutrient solutions on the depressive effects of carbofuran was studied on spontaneously contracting guinea pig atria. The force and frequency of contraction were recorded using an isotonic lever. Carbofuran 33.0 mu g ml(-1) produced a gradual depressive effect. The time for stabilization of the depressive effect was 6.0+/-2.3 min. After the depressive effect of carbofuran was established, NaCI, mannitol, or urea were introduced into the organ bath to increase the osmolarity of the nutrient solution to about 100 mosmol kg(-1) of water. This resulted in a reversal of the contraction force and frequency to the initial levels. The addition of the osmotic agents at the same concentrations before the addition of 33.0 mu g ml(-1) carbofuran avoided its depressive effect on guinea pig atria. (C) 1996 the Italian Pharmacological Society.
Annual and monthly quantities of nutrients wich returned to the soil through litter fall in Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii stand were estimated durint a two years period, in Experimental Station of Mogi-Guacu, SP. From the trees of the stand was extracted oleoresin according two differents techniques and control. The annual average of nutrients that returned to the soil was 72.2 Kg/ha, in following order: N > Ca > K > Mg > P. No relationship appeared between nutrient concentrations plus quantities when they were compared with oleoresin yields treatments and control. The differences in annual quantities were possibly due to climatic factors. The soil profile showed short concentrations in nutrient contents. Thus, the forest may be suffering by nutrient deficiences.
The effect of boron (B) on cotton growth and fruit shedding may be due not only to physiological or biochemical effects, but also to vascular tissue malformation. This experiment investigated petiole and floral peduncle anatomical alterations and growth of cotton supplied with deficient and sufficient B in nutrient solution. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv. 'Delta Opal') plants were grown in solutions containing 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 mu mol L-1 of B from 22 to 36 d after plant emergence (DAPE). From 36 to 51 DAPE, B was omitted from the nutrient solution. Petioles from young leaves and floral bud peduncles (first position of the first sympodial) were sampled and the cross-section anatomy observed under an optical microscope. The number of vascular bundles of the petiole was decreased in B-deficient plants and the xylem was disorganized. Phloem elements in the peduncle vascular cylinder of B-deficient plants did not show clear differentiation. The few xylem elements that were formed were also disorganized. Modifications caused by B deficiency may have impaired B and photosynthate translocation into new cotton growth. Boron accumulation in the shoot of B-deficient plants suggested that there was some B translocation within the plant. It could be inferred that cotton growth would be impaired by the decrease in carbohydrate translocation rather than by B deficiency in the tissue alone.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)