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The stability of an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate on a joint one-dimensional optical lattice and an axially symmetrical harmonic trap is studied using the numerical solution of the time-dependent mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the critical number of atoms for a stable condensate is calculated. We also calculate this critical number of atoms in a double-well potential which is always greater than that in an axially symmetrical harmonic trap. The critical number of atoms in an optical trap can be made smaller or larger than the corresponding number in the absence of the optical trap by moving a node of the optical lattice potential in the axial direction of the harmonic trap. This variation of the critical number of atoms can be observed experimentally and compared with the present calculations.
A herança da resistência ao oídio na cultivar de ervilha MK-10 e alguns aspectos histológicos da infecção foram estudados. Para o estudo da herança, as gerações F1, F2, retrocuzamentos e geração F3 de MK-10 com duas populações suscetíveis foram avaliadas. Nas avaliações histológicas observou-se a porcentagem de conídios germinados, porcentagem de conídios que formaram apressório, porcentagem de conídios que estabeleceram colônia e número de haustórios por colônia. Para comparar as razões de segregação obtidas no estudo da herança da resistência, adotou-se o teste do Qui-quadrado (X²) e para os dados das análises histológicas, utilizou-se o teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Concluiu-se que a resistência de MK-10 ao oídio é devida a um par de alelos recessivos e que a resistência é expressa na fase de pré-penetração, completada por uma morte celular localizada pós-penetração, característica da presença do par de alelos recessivos er1er1.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The number of dams, which need rehabilitation, is growing, not only in countries that have a long tradition in dam building and operation but,also in those regions where the infrastructure is still in full development. Though rehabilitation projects generally deal with problems that are common in dam engineering practice there are some peculiarities which are a characteristic of such projects and which must be duly taken into account to avoid unsuccess and/or unnecessary costs. Regular safety inspection is essential to forestall the development of structural, hydrological and operational unsafety. if need of major repair or overall rehabilitation of a dam becomes apparent design oft he rehabilitation project must be preceded by a comprehensive checkup of the structure and appurtenant works, as well as by an evaluation of its hydrological safety inclusive of all relevant environmental aspects. The availability of complete records on the clam's structural behaviour and on meteorological and hydrological data, as well as the knowledge of the materials properties of the existing structure are important for the successful design of a rehabilitation project. To this end the installation of monitoring devices in the existing structure may be necessary to generate representative data. While the criteria to be used in structural design should correspond to current standards, the definition of hydrological design criteria depends on considerations that vary widely from region to region or even from one country to another. Some basic hydrological safety requirements, however, are recommended for general acceptance. Dam rehabilitation projects demand very careful and detailed construction planning because of their dependence on river flow conditions, operational restrictions and, often, on procedures or limitations imposed to avoid harm to the environment. of utmost importance is the timely availability of the financial funds required to complete the project, in order to avoid delays which could result in structural or operational unsafety. Since every dam sooner or later will have to undergo major repair or updating of safety, rehabilitation may evolve to a speciality of dam engineering.
It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predator responds to increases in prey density and inflicts greater mortality rates. Predators may cause such density-dependent mortality depending on the nature of the functional and numerical responses. Yet, few studies have examined the relationship between the addition of refuges and the characteristic of functional response fits. We investigated whether addition of a refuge changed the type of functional response exhibited by Dermestes ater on Musca domestica, comparing the inherent ability of D. ater to kill houseflies in the absence and in the presence of refuge. An additional laboratory experiment was also carried out to assess handling and searching times exhibited by D. ater. Logistic regression analyses revealed a type III functional response for predator-prey interaction without refuge, and results were described by the random predator equation. The mean number of prey killed did not differ between experimental habitats, indicating that the addition of refuge did not inhibit predation. However, predators that interacted with prey without refuge spent less time searching for prey at higher densities, increasing predatory interaction. We concluded that this interaction may be weak, because data from experiments with refuge fitted poorly to models. However, the high variability and the nonsignificance of the data from the experiment with refuge show the importance of refuge for promoting spatial heterogeneity, which may prevent prey extinction.
This study examined the expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) cell-surface receptors, the response to exogenous ligand and the autocrine production of transforming growth factor a (TGF-a) in normal and carcinoma-derived human oral keratinocytes. One of eight malignant cell lines overexpressed EGF receptors, while the remainder expressed receptor numbers similar to normal cells. Exogenous EGF stimulated incorporation of tritiated thymidine in a dose-dependent manner. In keratinocytes expressing normal numbers of EGF receptors, the cellular response to exogenous EGF correlated positively with total EGF receptor number. SCC-derived keratinocytes produced more TGF-a than normal cells. There was no statistical correlation between the autocrine production of TGF-a, EGF cell-surface receptor expression and cellular response to exogenous EGF. While the growth-stimulatory effects of exogenous TGF-cl were inhibited by the addition of a neutralising antibody, the presence of this antibody in conditioned medium failed to produce a similar decrease in growth. The results indicate that overexpression of EGF receptors is not an invariable characteristic of human oral squamous carcinoma-derived cell lines. Further, the contribution of TGF-a to the growth of normal and carcinoma-derived human oral keratinocytes in vitro may be less significant than previously documented.
We have determined the copy number and the presence of full-size hobo transposable elements in eight Brasilian strains of Drosophila melanogaster. Genomic DNA was digested with AvaII and XhoI restriction enzymes, respectively, and probed with a 963 bp sequence of the hobo element. Variable numbers of full-sized and defective elements were detected in all strains. The range of the copy number was 22.13 +/- 4.52. Blots showed the presence of a 2.6 kb fragment, corresponding to the complete element, in all strains exception of one and the 1.0 kb sequence, correponding to the Th1 and Th2 repressor elements. There was neither association among copy numbers of hobo elements and latitude nor the mean annual temperatures in the original geographical region of each strain.
ZnO has the characteristic of presenting an intermediate value for the effective 3 eV barrier at room temperature. ZnO ceramics are applied in high-voltage systems or circuits. Attempts were made to reduce the number of effective barriers in the system by adding large particles of ZnO to the varistor composition. This procedure reduced the breakdown field of the varistors by values up to 90% lower than those initially obtained, and produced nonlinear coefficients as low as 20. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The kinetics of aggregation of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)-derived silica sols, produced by acid-catalyzed and ultrasound-stimulated hydrolysis, were studied by 'in situ' measurements of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) at the temperatures 40 degreesC, 60 degreesC and 70 degreesC. The results were analyzed in terms of the evolution with time (t) of the SAXS intensity probing the mass fractal characteristics of the system, the average radius of gyration (Rc,) of the clusters and the number of primary particles per cluster. The aggregation process yields mass fractal structures which exhibit a scattering exponent (alpha) practically equal to 2, in the probed length scale range (5.3 nm < 1/q < 0.22 nm), beneath and even far beyond the gel point. This suggests that a is a direct measure of the real mass fractal dimension (D) of the structure. The precursor sol (pH = 2) exhibits I nm mean sized clusters with mass fractal dimension D similar to 1.9. Increasing the pH to 4.5, the cluster mean size and the number of primary particles per cluster increase but the system keeps a more opened structure (D similar to 1.4). In the first aggregation stages, D increases up to similar to2 by incorporating primary particles to the clusters without changing their mean size. From this stage, the aggregation progresses following a thermally activated scaling law well described by R-G similar tot(1/D) in all cases. This is indicative of a diffusion-controlled cluster-cluster aggregation process. The activation energy of the process was found to be 91.7 kJ/mol. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The median raphe nucleus (MRN) has been suggested as the origin of a behavioral inhibition system that projects to the septum and hippocampus. Electrical stimulation of this mesencephalic area causes behavioral and autonomic manifestations characteristic of fear such as, freezing, defecation and micturition. In this study we extend these observations by analyzing the behavioral and autonomic responses of rats with lesions in the MRN submitted to a contextual conditioning paradigm. The animals underwent electrolytic or sham lesions of the median raphe nucleus. One day (acute) or 7 days (chronic) later they were tested in an experimental chamber where they received 10 foot-shocks (0.7 mA, 1 s with 20-s interval). The next day, sham and MRN-lesioned animals were tested again either in the same or in a different experimental chamber. During this, the duration of freezing, rearings, bouts of micturition and number of fecal boli were recorded. Sham-operated rats placed in the same chamber showed more freezing than rats exposed to a different context. This freezing behavior was clearly suppressed in rats with acute or chronic lesions in the MRN. MRN lesions also reduced the bouts of micturition and number of fecal boli. These rats showed a reduced number of rearings than sham-lesioned rats. This effect is probably the result of the displacement effect provoked by freezing since no significant differences in the number of rearings could be observed between these animals and the NMR-lesioned rats tested in an open field. This lesion produced higher horizontal locomotor activity in this test than the controls (sham-lesioned rats). These results point to the importance of the median raphe nucleus in the processing of fear conditioning with freezing being the most salient feature of it. Behavioral inhibition is also under control of MRN but its neural substrate seems to be dissociated from that of contextual fear. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A quantitative analysis of the critical number of attractive Bose-Einstein condensed atoms in asymmetric traps was studied. The Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) formalism for an atomic system with arbitrary nonspherically symmetric harmonic trap was also discussed. Characteristic limits were obtained for reductions from three to two and one dimensions from three to two and one dimensions, in perfect cylindrical symmetries as well as in deformed ones.
The contribution of biofuels to the sustainability of development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Includes bibliography