997 resultados para novo táxon
A avaliação de coeficientes de variação (CV) como medida de precisão em experimentos tem sido realizada em diversas culturas, com alguns trabalhos propondo métodos para obtenção de faixas de classificação de CV, e outros trabalhos definindo as faixas de classificação, sempre com base na média e no desvio-padrão dos CVs, e pressupondo que os mesmos têm distribuição normal, o que nem sempre é verdadeiro. Este trabalho teve por objetivo propor um método para definir faixas de classificação de CV, independentemente da distribuição que possam apresentar; o método é baseado no uso da mediana (Md) e do pseudo-sigma (PS). Utilizaramse, para este estudo, dados de 110 experimentos com arroz de terras altas, delineados em blocos completos casualizados, blocos incompletos generalizados, e reticulados quadrados, selecionandose os caracteres relacionados às doenças, ao acamamento, ao rendimento de grãos e a alguns componentes da produção. Foram construídas faixas de classificação de CV de cada caráter estudado, de forma geral e considerando o delineamento experimental empregado em experimentos com 30 a 100 tratamentos. O método proposto é eficiente para a definição de faixas dos CVs, independentemente de sua distribuição, e a variação nos valores do CV evidencia a importância de se considerar não só a variável em estudo, mas também o delineamento experimental utilizado. Experimentos que apresentaram menores CVs foram aqueles em que se empregaram os Delineamentos de Blocos Incompletos. As variáveis relacionadas às doenças e ao acamamento apresentam maiores coeficientes de variação.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar o sistema de Avaliação Ponderada de Impacto Ambiental de Atividades do Novo Rural (APOIA-NovoRural), que consiste de um conjunto de planilhas eletrônicas (plataforma MS-Excel) que integram 62 indicadores da performance ambiental de uma atividade econômica em um estabelecimento rural. Cinco dimensões de avaliação foram consideradas: ecologia da paisagem, qualidade ambiental (atmosfera, água e solo), valores socioculturais, valores econômicos e gestão e administração. Os indicadores foram construídos em matrizes de ponderação, nas quais dados quantitativos, obtidos em campo e laboratório, foram automaticamente transformados em índices de impacto, expressos graficamente. O índice de impacto de cada indicador foi traduzido a um valor de utilidade, empregando-se funções e coeficientes especificamente derivados para cada indicador. Os valores de utilidade foram agregados para compor o Índice de Impacto Ambiental da atividade avaliada. Os resultados da avaliação permitem ao produtor/administrador averiguar quais atributos da atividade podem estar desconformes com seus objetivos de sustentabilidade e ao tomador de decisões a indicação de medidas de fomento ou controle das atividades, segundo planos de desenvolvimento local; proporcionam, ainda, uma unidade de medida objetiva de impacto para auxiliar na qualificação e certificação de atividades agropecuárias.
O sistema de defesa induzido de plantas é ativado quando herbívoros se alimentam das mesmas. Alternativamente, herbívoros podem se adaptar a espécies de plantas filogeneticamente próximas ao seu hospedeiro de origem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o desenvolvimento de Thyrinteina arnobia em plantas de goiaba (hospedeiro de origem) e de eucalipto (hospedeiro novo) em campo. Adicionalmente, estudou-se a biologia deste inseto em laboratório fornecendo folhas de eucalipto previamente danificadas por lagartas de T. arnobia e folhas sem danos. A sobrevivência larval em eucalipto, 78,00%, foi superior à de goiaba, 29,33%. O ciclo larval foi de 27,90 dias em goiaba e de 30,30 dias em eucalipto. Em testes de laboratório, o ciclo larval em eucalipto limpo, 36,39 dias, foi maior do que em eucalipto danificado, 32,89 dias. A mortalidade larval em eucalipto danificado foi de 30,00% e de 10,00% em eucalipto limpo. Os resultados indicam que a goiaba não é um bom hospedeiro para T. arnobia possivelmente por apresentar um sistema mais efetivo de defesa. Embora o eucalipto possa ser um hospedeiro mais favorável ao desenvolvimento e estabelecimento do inseto, pode também reduzir populações do herbívoro ativando o seu sistema de defesa induzido.
Introduction: Infl uenza vaccination is recommended for all solid organ transplant recipients. However, some centers are reluctant to give annual vaccination due to concerns about precipitating rejection. A proposed mechanism of this is vaccineinduced development of cellular and humoral responses to donor HLA antigens. We studied the induction of HLA Ab in a cohort of lung transplant recipients receiving infl uenza vaccination. Methods: Adult lung transplant recipients were immunized with 0.5 mL intramuscular seasonal infl uenza vaccine followed by 0.1 mL intradermal booster at 4 weeks as part of a previous study. Sera were collected pre-vaccination and at 4, 8 weeks post-vaccination. Post-vaccination sera were analyzed for HLA Ab using fl owPRA specifi c beads (One Lambda Inc). A positive result was defi ned as 5%. Positive samples were further analyzed for antibody specifi city by single antigen bead testing. Pre-vaccination sera were tested only only if post-vaccination sample screen was positive for HLA Ab. The presence of HLA Ab was correlated to vaccine seroresponse and rejection episodes. Results: Sixty patients were included with equal numbers of men and women. Mean age of patients was 47.3 years (range 20.7-72.4). Median time post-transplant was 1.3 years (range 85 days - 17 years). One patient was excluded due to an uninterpretable baseline screen result. 16/59 (27.1%) patients were positive for HLA Ab both in both pre- and post-vaccination samples. Of these, 12/16 (75%) had antibody against HLA Class I (majority A30,A31,B27,B44), 2/16 (12.5%) had antibody against HLA class II (majority DQ4, DQ7), and 2/16 (12.5%) had antibody against both Class I & II. There was no signifi cant increase in existing HLA Ab post-vaccination. Of the 16 patients, only one (6.3%) patient had de novo HLA Ab and this was determined to be non donor specifi c. Factors such as gender, time from transplant, immunosuppression, and acute rejection episodes did not correlate with presence of HLA Ab. HLA Ab was not associated with seroconversion to to vaccine antigens. Conclusions: Our data support that receiving the annual infl uenza vaccine does not lead to the generation of de novo donor specifi c antibodies in lung transplant recipients or upregulation of existing HLA Ab.
Several studies over the last few years have shown that newly arising (de novo) mutations contribute to the genetics of schizophrenia (SZ), autism (ASD) and other developmental disorders. The strongest evidence comes from studies of de novo Copy Number Variation (CNV), where the rate of new mutations is shown to be increased in cases when compared to controls [23, 24]. Research on de novo point mutations and small insertion-deletions (indels) has been more limited, but with the development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, such studies are beginning to provide preliminary evidence that de novo single-nucleotide mutations (SNVs) might also increase risk of SZ and ASD [25, 26] Advanced paternal age is a major source of new mutations in human beings [27] and could thus be associated with increased risk for developing SZ, ASD or other developmental disorders. Indeed, advanced paternal age is found to be a risk factor for developing SZ and ASD in the offspring [28, 29] and new mutations related to advanced paternal age have been implicated as a cause of sporadic cases in several autosomal dominant diseases, some neurodevelopmental diseases, including SZ and ASD, and social functioning. New single-base substitutions occur at higher rates at males compared to females and this difference increases with paternal age. This is due to the fact that sperm cells go through a much higher number of cell divisions (~840 by the age of 50), which increases the risk for DNA copy errors in the male germ line [30] . By contrast, the female eggs (oocytes) undergo only 24 cell divisions and all but the last occur during foetal life. The aim of my project is to determine the parent-of-origin of de novo SNVs, using large samples of parent-offspring trios affected with schizophrenia (SZ). From whole exome sequencing of 618 Bulgarian proband-offspring trios affected, nearly 1000 de novo (SNVs or small indels) have been identified and from these, the parent-of-origin of at least 60% of the mutations (N=600) can be established. This project is contained in a main one that consists on the determination of the parental origin of different types of de novo mutations (SNVs, small indels and large CNVs).
The measurement of fat balance (fat input minus fat output) involves the accurate estimation of both metabolizable fat intake and total fat oxidation. This is possible mostly under laboratory conditions and not yet in free-living conditions. In the latter situation, net fat retention/mobilization can be estimated based on precise and accurate sequential body composition measurements. In case of positive balance, lipids stored in adipose tissue can originate from dietary (exogenous) lipids or from nonlipid precursors, mainly from carbohydrates (CHOs) but also from ethanol, through a process known as de novo lipogenesis (DNL). Basic equations are provided in this review to facilitate the interpretation of the different subcomponents of fat balance (endogenous vs exogenous) under different nutritional circumstances. One difficulty is methodological: total DNL is difficult to measure quantitatively in man; for example, indirect calorimetry only tracks net DNL, not total DNL. Although the numerous factors (mostly exogenous) influencing DNL have been studied, in particular the effect of CHO overfeeding, there is little information on the rate of DNL in habitual conditions of life, that is, large day-to-day fluctuations of CHO intakes, different types of CHO ingested with different glycemic indexes, alcohol combined with excess CHO intakes, etc. Three issues, which are still controversial today, will be addressed: (1) Is the increase of fat mass induced by CHO overfeeding explained by DNL only, or by decreased endogenous fat oxidation, or both? (2) Is DNL different in overweight and obese individuals as compared to their lean counterparts? (3) Does DNL occur both in the liver and in adipose tissue? Recent studies have demonstrated that acute CHO overfeeding influences adipose tissue lipogenic gene expression and that CHO may stimulate DNL in skeletal muscles, at least in vitro. The role of DNL and its importance in health and disease remain to be further clarified, in particular the putative effect of DNL on the control of energy intake and energy expenditure, as well as the occurrence of DNL in other tissues (such as in myocytes) in addition to hepatocytes and adipocytes.
The co-cultivation of fungi has recently been described as a promising strategy to induce the production of novel metabolites through possible gene activation. A large screening of fungal co-cultures in solid media has identified an unusual long-distance growth inhibition between Trichophyton rubrum and Bionectria ochroleuca. To study metabolite induction in this particular fungal interaction, differential LC-MS-based metabolomics was performed on pure strain cultures and on their co-cultures. The comparison of the resulting fingerprints highlighted five de novo induced compounds, which were purified using software-oriented semipreparative HPLC-MS. One metabolite was successfully identified as 4″-hydroxysulfoxy-2,2″-dimethylthielavin P (a substituted trimer of 3,5-dimethylorsellinic acid). The nonsulfated form, as well as three other related compounds, were found in the pure strain culture of B. ochroleuca.
BACKGROUND: Conversion of glucose into lipid (de novo lipogenesis; DNL) is a possible fate of carbohydrate administered during nutritional support. It cannot be detected by conventional methods such as indirect calorimetry if it does not exceed lipid oxidation. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to evaluate the effects of carbohydrate administered as part of continuous enteral nutrition in critically ill patients. DESIGN: This was a prospective, open study including 25 patients nonconsecutively admitted to a medicosurgical intensive care unit. Glucose metabolism and hepatic DNL were measured in the fasting state or after 3 d of continuous isoenergetic enteral feeding providing 28%, 53%, or 75% carbohydrate. RESULTS: DNL increased with increasing carbohydrate intake (f1.gif" BORDER="0"> +/- SEM: 7.5 +/- 1.2% with 28% carbohydrate, 9.2 +/- 1.5% with 53% carbohydrate, and 19.4 +/- 3.8% with 75% carbohydrate) and was nearly zero in a group of patients who had fasted for an average of 28 h (1.0 +/- 0.2%). In multiple regression analysis, DNL was correlated with carbohydrate intake, but not with body weight or plasma insulin concentrations. Endogenous glucose production, assessed with a dual-isotope technique, was not significantly different between the 3 groups of patients (13.7-15.3 micromol * kg(-1) * min(-1)), indicating impaired suppression by carbohydrate feeding. Gluconeogenesis was measured with [(13)C]bicarbonate, and increased as the carbohydrate intake increased (from 2.1 +/- 0.5 micromol * kg(-1) * min(-1) with 28% carbohydrate intake to 3.7 +/- 0.3 micromol * kg(-1) * min(-1) with 75% carbohydrate intake, P: < 0. 05). CONCLUSION: Carbohydrate feeding fails to suppress endogenous glucose production and gluconeogenesis, but stimulates DNL in critically ill patients.
RESUME POUR UN LARGE PUBLIC Parmi les globules blancs, les lymphocytes T 004 jouent un rôle primordial dans la coordination de la réponse immunitaire contre les pathogènes et les lymphocytes T CD8 dans leur élimination. Lors d'une infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH-1), non seulement les cellules T CD4 sont les principales cibles d'infections, mais aussi elles disparaissent progressivement tout au long de la maladie. Ce phénomène, appelé aussi épuisement des lymphocytes T CD4, est la principale cause provoquant le Syndrome d'Immunodéficience Acquise (SIDA). Malgré de grands efforts de recherche, nous ne sommes toujours pas en mesure de dire si ce phénomène est dû à un défaut dans la production de nouvelles cellules ou à une destruction massive de cellules en circulation. Dans cette étude, nous nous proposions, dans un premier temps, de comparer la production de nouvelles cellules T CD4 et CD8 chez des individus VIH-négatifs et positifs. Les cellules nouvellement produites portent un marqueur commun que l'on appelle TREC et qui est facilement mesurable. En considérant des paramètres cliniques, nous étions en mesure de déterminer le niveau de TRECs de cellules T CD4 et CD8 dans différentes phases de la maladie. De là, nous avons pu déterminer que le niveau de TREC est toujours plus bas dans les cellules T CD8 de patients VIH-positifs comparativement à notre groupe contrôle. Nous avons pu déterminer par une analyse ultérieure que cette différence est due à une forte prolifération de ces cellules chez les patients VIH-positifs, ce qui a pour effet de diluer ce marqueur. En revanche, la production de nouvelles cellules T CD4 chez des patients VIH-positifs est accentuée lors de la phase précoce de la maladie et largement réprimée lors de la phase tardive. Dans un second temps, nous avons effectué une analyse à grande échelle de l'expression de gènes associés à la division cellulaire sur des lymphocytes T CD4 et CD8 d'individus VIH-¬positifs et négatifs, avec comme contrôle des cellules proliférant in vitro. De cette étude, nous avons pu conclure que les cellules T CD8 de patients VIH-positifs étaient en état de prolifération, alors que les lymphocytes T CD4 présentaient des défauts majeurs conduisant à un arrêt de la division cellulaire. Nos résultats montrent que la capacité à produire de nouvelles cellules chez des patients VIH¬positifs reste active longtemps pendant la maladie, mais que l'incapacité des cellules T CD4 à proliférer peut enrayer la reconstitution immunitaire chez ces individus. ABSTRACT The hallmark of HIV-1 infection is the depletion of CD4 T cells. Despite extensive investigation, the mechanisms responsible for the loss of CD4 T cells have been elucidated only partially. In particular, it remains controversial whether CD4 T cell depletion results from a defect in T cell production or from a massive peripheral destruction. In this study, de novo T cell generation has been investigated by measuring T cell receptor rearrangement excision circles (TRECs) on large cohorts of HIV-negative (N=120) and HIV-1 infected (N=298) individuals. Analysis of TREC levels was performed in HIV-infected subjects stratified by the stage of HIV disease based on CD4 T cell counts (early: >500 CD4 T cells/µl; intermediate: <500>200; late: <200) and by age (20 to 60 years, n = 259). Our data show that TREC levels in CD8 T cells were significantly lower in HIV-infected subjects at any stage of disease compared to the control group. In contrast, TREC levels in CD4 T cells were significantly higher in HIV-infected subjects at early stages disease while no significant differences were observed at intermediate stages of the disease and were severely reduced only at late stages of disease. To investigate further the status of cell cycle in peripheral CD4 and CD8 T cells in HIV-1 infections, we determined the pattern of gene expression with the microarray technology. In particular, CD4 and CD8 T cells of HIV-1 infected and HIV-negative subjects were analysed by Cell Cycle cDNA expression array. The patterns of gene expression were compared to in vitro stimulated CD4 and CD8 T cells and this analysis showed that CD8 T cells of HIV-1 infected subjects had a pattern of gene expression very similar to that of in vitro stimulated CD8 T cells thus indicating ongoing cell cycling. In contrast, CD4 T cells of HIV-1 infected subjects displayed a complex pattern of gene expression. In fact, CD4 T cells expressed high levels of genes typically associated with cell activation, but low levels of cell cycle genes. Therefore, these results indicated that activated CD4 T cells of HIV-1 infected subjects were in cell cycle arrest. Taking together these results indicate that thymus function is preserved for long time during HIV- 1 infection and the increase observed in early stage disease may represent a compensatory mechanism to the depletion of CD4 T cells. However, we provide evidence for a cell cycle arrest of peripheral CD4 T cells that may prevent potentially the replenishment of CD4 T cells. RESUME Les mécanismes responsables de la perte des lymphocytes T CD4 lors de l'infection pas VIH n'ont été élucidés que partiellement. Nous ne savons toujours pas si l'épuisement des lymphocytes T CD4 résulte d'un défaut dans la production de cellules ou d'une destruction périphérique massive. Dans cette étude, la production de cellules T a été étudiée en mesurant les cercles d'excision générés lors du réarrangement du récepteur au cellules T (TRECs) chez des individus VIH-négatifs (N=120) et VIH-1 positifs (N=298). L'analyse des niveaux de TREC a été faite chez sujets HIV-infectés en considérant les phases de la maladie sur la base des comptes CD4 (phase précoce: > 500 cellules CD4/µl; intermédiaire: < 500>200; tardive: < 200) et par âge. Nos données démontrent que les niveaux de TRECs des cellules T CD8 étaient significativement plus bas chez les sujets VIH-1 infectés, à tous les stades de la maladie comparativement au groupe contrôle. En revanche, les niveaux de TRECs des cellules T CD4 étaient significativement plus élevés chez les sujets VIH-1 infectés durant la phase précoce de la maladie, tandis qu'aucune différence significative n'était observée durant la phase intermédiaire et étaient très réduits dans la phase tardive. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons utilisé la technique des biopuces à d'ADN complémentaire pour analyser la régulation du cycle cellulaire chez les lymphocytes T CD4 et CD8 périphériques lors d'une infection au VIH-1. Des profils d'expression ont été déterminés et comparés à ceux de cellules T CD4 et CD8 stimulées in vitro, démontrant que les cellules T CD8 des sujets VIH-positifs avaient un profil d'expression très semblable à celui des cellules stimulées in vitro en prolifération. En revanche, les lymphocytes T CD4 des sujets VIH-1 positifs avaient un profil d'expression de gène plus complexe. En fait, leur profil montrait une sur- expression de gènes associés à une activation cellulaire, mais une sous-expression de ceux induisant une division. Ainsi, ces résultats indiquent que les lymphocytes T CD4 d'individus VIH-positifs présentent des dérégulations qui conduisent à un arrêt du cycle cellulaire. Ces résultats montrent que la fonction thymique est préservée longtemps pendant l'infection au VIH-1 et que l'augmentation de la quantité de TRECs dans la phase précoce de la maladie peut représenter un mécanisme compensatoire à l'épuisement des cellules T CD4. Cependant, nous démontrons aussi un clair dysfonctionnement du cycle cellulaire chez les cellules T CD4 d'individus infectés par VIH-1 ce qui peut enrayer la reconstitution du système immunitaire.
Endometriosis, a leading cause of pelvic pain and infertility, is characterized by ectopic growth of endometrial-like tissue and affects approximately 176 million women worldwide. The pathophysiology involves inflammatory and angiogenic mediators as well as estrogen-mediated signaling and novel, improved therapeutics targeting these pathways are necessary. The aim of this study was to investigate mechanisms leading to the establishment and progression of endometriosis as well as the effect of local treatment with Lipoxin A4 (LXA₄), an anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving lipid mediator that we have recently characterized as an estrogen receptor agonist. LXA₄ treatment significantly reduced endometriotic lesion size and downregulated the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-6, as well as the angiogenic factor VEGF. LXA₄ also inhibited COX-2 expression in both endometriotic lesions and peritoneal fluid cells, resulting in attenuated peritoneal fluid Prostaglandin E₂ (PGE₂) levels. Besides its anti-inflammatory effects, LXA₄ differentially regulated the expression and activity of the matrix remodeling enzyme matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 as well as modulating transforming growth factor (TGF)-β isoform expression within endometriotic lesions and in peritoneal fluid cells. We also report for first time that LXA₄ attenuated aromatase expression, estrogen signaling and estrogen-regulated genes implicated in cellular proliferation in a mouse model of disease. These effects were observed both when LXA₄ was administered prior to disease induction and during established disease. Collectively, our findings highlight potential targets for the treatment of endometriosis and suggest a pleotropic effect of LXA₄ on disease progression, by attenuating pro-inflammatory and angiogenic mediators, matrix remodeling enzymes, estrogen metabolism and signaling, as well as downstream proliferative pathways.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää ASP-, eli sovellusvuokrausmallin erityis-piirteitä sekä määrittää alustavat kohdesegmentit toiminnan-, talouden- ja henkilöstönohjausjärjestelmille ASP-ratkaisuna. Työ on kaksiosainen. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osassa keskitytään segmentoinnin teorioihin, tietojärjestelmien ulkoistamisen motiiveihin sekä etuihin ja haittoihin sekä ASP-malliin kokonaisuudessaan. Tutkimuksen empiiristä osuutta varten suoritettiin kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, joka koostui 20 haastattelusta 18 eri organisaatiossa. Haastateltavat olivat pääasiassa asiakasyritysten tietohallintopäällikköjä. Alustavat kohdesegmentit muodostettiin teoreettisessa osassa esitettyjen ASP-mallin erityispiirteiden sekä haastattelututkimuksesta saadun informaation perusteella. ASP on uusi malli tietojärjestelmien hankintaan. ASP on käsitteenä vain noin kolme vuotta vanha tutkielman tekohetkellä. Kyseessä on malli, jolle tutkimuslaitokset ovat tehneet lupaavia kasvuennusteita IT-markkinoilla. Markkinoiden kasvu ei ole kuitenkaan ollut ennusteiden mukaista. ASP-ratkaisuna hankittu tietojärjestelmä on kokonaisvaltainen ulkoistusmalli. Kaikki mahdollinen ASP-ratkaisuna hankittavaan järjestelmään tai sovellukseen liittyvä ulkoistetaan palveluntarjoajalle. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että kiinnostusta mallia kohtaan on olemassa. Mallin edut nähdään suurempina kuin haitat. ASP-ratkaisun käyttöönotolla asiakasyritykselle mahdollistuu resurssien kohdentaminen ydinliiketoimintaan.