936 resultados para non-sensory characteristics
Psychopathie chez les individus non incarcérés et coopération dans un dilemme du prisonnier itératif
Au niveau interpersonnel, la psychopathie implique un manque de considération d’autrui pouvant se manifester par la tromperie, la manipulation et l’exploitation. La présente thèse a investigué la relation entre les caractéristiques psychopathiques d'individus non incarcérés et la tendance à coopérer dans un jeu du dilemme du prisonnier itératif. Un total de 85 hommes ont été recrutés via une annonce qui ciblait des traits de personnalité correspondant à des caractéristiques psychopathiques exprimées de façon non péjorative. Plusieurs méthodes ont été employées pour rejoindre les participants : 46 ont participés en personne après avoir répondu à une invitation affichée dans un journal local ainsi que sur des babillards à proximité d'une université; 39 ont complété l'étude sur Internet après avoir été recrutés via un site web de petites annonces. Chaque participant a répondu à un questionnaire incluant l’Échelle Auto-rapportée de Psychopathie (Levenson, Kiehl, & Fitzpatrick, 1995) et l’Échelle Auto-rapportée des Indicateurs de Psychopathie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence (Seto, Khattar, Lalumière, & Quinsey, 1997). Ils ont également complété une simulation informatique du dilemme du prisonnier itératif comprenant 90 essais. La simulation informatique utilisée pour évaluer les participants en personne ainsi que la version accessible par Internet ont été conçues et programmées spécifiquement pour la présente thèse. La simulation informatique incluait trois stratégies souvent associées au dilemme du prisonnier itératif : donnant-donnant, donnant-donnant-généreux et gagne/reste-perd/change. Les analyses préliminaires ont montré que les participants vus en personne et ceux rejoints par Internet ne différaient pas en termes de variables sociodémographiques, des caractéristiques psychopathiques, de la désirabilité sociale et des réponses au dilemme du prisonnier. Une régression multiple standard a indiqué que les mesures psychopathiques ne pouvaient pas prédire le nombre total de choix coopératifs dans le jeu. Par contre, une corrélation négative a été trouvée entre les caractéristiques interpersonnelles et affectives de la psychopathie et la coopération dans le premier tiers du jeu. De plus, les participants qui présentaient davantage de caractéristiques psychopathiques interpersonnelles et affectives avaient plus souvent réussi à exploiter l'ordinateur en dénonçant alors que la simulation informatique coopérait. Des analyses multi-niveaux ont exploré la contribution de variables au niveau de la décision et au niveau de l'individu dans la prédiction du choix de coopérer ou de dénoncer lors de chaque essai du jeu; les interactions entre ces variables ont aussi été considérées. Les résultats ont montré que les variables au niveau de la décision influençaient généralement plus fortement les chances de coopérer que les variables au niveau de l'individu. Parmi les mesures de la psychopathie, seulement les caractéristiques interpersonnelles et affectives ont montré une association significative avec les chances de coopérer; les interactions avec le premier choix effectué dans le jeu et le premier tiers du jeu étaient significatives. Ainsi, si un participant avait coopéré au premier essai, la présence de caractéristiques psychopathiques interpersonnelles et affectives était associée à une diminution de ses chances de coopérer par la suite. Aussi, durant les 30 premiers essais du jeu, la présence de caractéristiques psychopathiques interpersonnelles et affectives était associée à une diminution des chances de coopérer. La stratégie adoptée par la simulation informatique n'avait pas d'influence sur le lien entre les caractéristiques psychopathiques et la probabilité de coopérer. Toutefois, le fait de jouer contre donnant-donnant était associé à de plus fortes chances de coopérer d'un essai à l'autre pour l'ensemble des participants. Globalement, les résultats suggèrent que les hommes non incarcérés présentant des caractéristiques psychopathiques ne seraient pas nécessairement portés à choisir systématiquement la non-coopération. En fait, les caractéristiques interpersonnelles et affectives de la psychopathie ont semblé se traduire par une tendance à faire bonne impression au départ, tenter rapidement d'exploiter autrui en dénonçant, puis finir par coopérer. Cette tendance comportementale est discutée, ainsi que la pertinence d'utiliser le dilemme du prisonnier itératif et les analyses multi-niveaux pour étudier le comportement interpersonnel des psychopathes.
La non-violence fait référence à une idéologie et un ensemble de pratiques qui ont pour caractéristique commune de rejeter la violence sous toutes ses formes dans l’actualisation quotidienne. La non-violence est cependant devenue également un outil auquel certains recourrent dans des objectifs qui ne servent pas nécessairement le bien commun. En d’autres termes, la non-violence n’est pas systématiquement un outil de paix. Elle est un moyen d’obtenir ce que l’on veut, sans recourir à la violence. Cette thèse propose une vision de la non-violence au service du bien commun. Elle puise dans l’historicité de grands événements et acteurs qui ont utilisé la non-violence pour libérer une collectivité de formes d’oppression qui amenuisaient la dignité humaine. Elle fait référence à des auteurs et acteurs qui ont influencé le théologien processuel David Ray Griffin dans sa propre démarche d’enseignement et de recherche théologiques sur une quarantaine d’années, soient de la guerre du Vietnam à celle d’Iraq. Les dates survolées vont de 1968 à 2008. Une première démarche entreprise par la recherche est de comprendre le plus précisément possible quelles sont les avenues les plus récentes concernant la non-violence et d’explorer ses influences sur la vie et la carrière du théologien processuel États-Unien David Ray Griffin. En second lieu, une rétrospective historique des événements marquants aux États-Unis permet de cerner le contexte au sein duquel Griffin a évolué et comment son discours a laissé transparaître ces influences historiques, sociales et académiques. Une analyse plus centrée sur la politique extérieure des États-Unis en matière d’économie et de militarisme aiguille vers l’identification de signes que Griffin qualifie lui-même d’anti-théologiques, ce qui l’incite à élaborer une vision paradigmatique globalisante, équilibrée selon lui, où les ressources planétaires sont redistribuées dans un souci d’équité et de justice. Pour ce faire, un tribunal international, une religion globale, à l’image de ce que propose la pensée processuelle whiteheadienne-hartshornienne sont proposés. Griffin en brosse les grands traits dans un discours où l’exhortation s’assortit d’une méthodologie et d’une pédagogie éprouvés depuis 40 ans. Une grille d’analyse des textes griffiniens est par la suite élaborée, structurant les différentes composantes fondamentales de sa pensée. Un modèle d’intégration des valeurs de la non-violence est dégagé des lectures, applicable à d’autres disciplines. Appuyé sur une tradition authentique d’auteurs non-violents, David Ray Griffin présente les caractéristiques d’un homme de paix, duquel les idéaux débordent le cadre national pour rejoindre le planétaire, dans une visée résolument sotériologique. Cette visée devient urgente alors que les événements des attentats terroristes du World Trade Center du 11 septembre 2001 font dire à Griffin que non seulement les États-Unis sont engagés dans une démarche impérialiste démoniaque, mais qu’ils contribuent de manière accélérée à la destruction de la planète. Il faut absolument, croit-il, renverser le courant et devenir, pour le monde, un leader de la réparation des écosystèmes, des économies et des sociétés. S’adjoignant des auteurs d’autres disciplines, et toujours dans un cadre processuel, Griffin entreprend le long périple pédagogique qu’est celui de convaincre le plus grand nombre d’individus possible que le temps est venu d’agir.
Depuis la dernière décennie, le biomimétisme est une discipline en plein essor dans le monde du design durable. De plus en plus, cette stratégie prend place dans plusieurs facettes du design, que ce soit dans le design industriel, dans l’architecture ou encore dans le design urbain. Le livre de Janine Benyus intitulé Biomimétisme: Quand la Nature Inspire des Innovations Durables (1997) est largement reconnu comme étant le catalyseur de la stratégie et comme l’indique le titre du livre, le biomimétisme est très souvent associé à l’innovation. Le but principal de cette recherche est de mieux comprendre le lien entre le biomimétisme et l’innovation. Cette recherche sur le biomimétisme comprend un objectif mineur et deux objectifs majeurs. Le premier objectif cherche à comprendre le véritable lien entre le biomimétisme et l’écodesign. Le second objectif vise non seulement à valider la théorie selon laquelle le biomimétisme est une stratégie menant à des solutions de design innovantes, mais également à établir quels types d’innovations ont été générés par cette stratégie. Finalement, le troisième objectif est d’identifier les aspects du biomimétisme qui mènent à des solutions de design innovantes. Pour accomplir ces objectifs, cette recherche utilisera une approche qualitative supportée par des études de cas et une revue de littérature. Afin de contextualiser les deux derniers objectifs, cette étude établit que le biomimétisme et l’écodesign sont des stratégies complémentaires plutôt qu’en compétition. Les conclusions de cette recherche démontrent que la théorie proposant que le biomimétisme soit une stratégie d’innovation est valide et que la discipline est surtout apte à générer l’innovation radicale. Finalement, la recherche indique que l’analogie de distance et la transdisciplinarité sont les deux aspects du biomimétisme aidant à produire des solutions de design innovantes. Le biomimétisme est mieux connu dans le contexte du design durable et cette recherche permet de mieux comprendre le biomimétisme dans le contexte de l’innovation. Considérant que le biomimétisme est une discipline qui suscite beaucoup d’intérêt des milieux académiques et privés, cette recherche participe à l’expansion de la connaissance sur le sujet et propose de nouvelles pistes de recherche sur le biomimétisme et l’innovation.
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is an economically devastating viral disease affecting the swine industry worldwide. The etiological agent, PRRS virus (PRRSV), possesses a RNA viral genome with nine open reading frames (ORFs). The ORF1a and ORF1b replicase-associated genes encode the polyproteins pp1a and pp1ab, respectively. The pp1a is processed in nine non-structural proteins (nsps): nsp1a, nsp1b, and nsp2 to nsp8. Proteolytic cleavage of pp1ab generates products nsp9 to nsp12. The proteolytic pp1a cleavage products process and cleave pp1a and pp1ab into nsp products. The nsp9 to nsp12 are involved in virus genome transcription and replication. The 30 end of the viral genome encodes four minor and three major structural proteins. The GP2a, GP3 and GP4 (encoded by ORF2a, 3 and 4), are glycosylated membrane associated minor structural proteins. The fourth minor structural protein, the E protein (encoded by ORF2b), is an unglycosylated membrane associated protein. The viral envelope contains two major structural proteins: a glycosylated major envelope protein GP5 (encoded by ORF5) and an unglycosylated membrane M protein (encoded by ORF6). The third major structural protein is the nucleocapsid N protein (encoded by ORF7). All PRRSV non-structural and structural proteins are essential for virus replication, and PRRSV infectivity is relatively intolerant to subtle changes within the structural proteins. PRRSV virulence is multigenic and resides in both the non-structural and structural viral proteins. This review discusses the molecular characteristics, biological and immunological functions of the PRRSV structural and nsps and their involvement in the virus pathogenesis.
A fairly rigorous analytical treatment of the power characteristics of dielectric optical waveguides with Piet Hein core-cross sectional geometry is presented in this paper. This kind of wareguide structure would be advantageous owing to the absence of corners, which are found in rectangular guides, resulting in undesirable loss (hit to the scattering of light. In order to simplify this theoretical approach. em approximation of vanishing refractive index difference between the guiding and the non-guiding sections is implemented. The variation eJ logarithmic power is shown for different dimensions of the core, corresponding to different azimuthal modal indices. It is found that the nutlet with higher index values carry less logaritlunic power in the lower tail of the propagation 's constant range, and this feature affects the higher tail. A better kind of uniformity of the power distribution is observed near the higher tail of the range of propagation Constants
Mann–Kendall non-parametric test was employed for observational trend detection of monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation of five meteorological subdivisions of Central Northeast India (CNE India) for different 30-year normal periods (NP) viz. 1889–1918 (NP1), 1919–1948 (NP2), 1949–1978 (NP3) and 1979–2008 (NP4). The trends of maximum and minimum temperatures were also investigated. The slopes of the trend lines were determined using the method of least square linear fitting. An application of Morelet wavelet analysis was done with monthly rainfall during June– September, total rainfall during monsoon season and annual rainfall to know the periodicity and to test the significance of periodicity using the power spectrum method. The inferences figure out from the analyses will be helpful to the policy managers, planners and agricultural scientists to work out irrigation and water management options under various possible climatic eventualities for the region. The long-term (1889–2008) mean annual rainfall of CNE India is 1,195.1 mm with a standard deviation of 134.1 mm and coefficient of variation of 11%. There is a significant decreasing trend of 4.6 mm/year for Jharkhand and 3.2 mm/day for CNE India. Since rice crop is the important kharif crop (May– October) in this region, the decreasing trend of rainfall during themonth of July may delay/affect the transplanting/vegetative phase of the crop, and assured irrigation is very much needed to tackle the drought situation. During themonth of December, all the meteorological subdivisions except Jharkhand show a significant decreasing trend of rainfall during recent normal period NP4. The decrease of rainfall during December may hamper sowing of wheat, which is the important rabi crop (November–March) in most parts of this region. Maximum temperature shows significant rising trend of 0.008°C/year (at 0.01 level) during monsoon season and 0.014°C/year (at 0.01 level) during post-monsoon season during the period 1914– 2003. The annual maximum temperature also shows significant increasing trend of 0.008°C/year (at 0.01 level) during the same period. Minimum temperature shows significant rising trend of 0.012°C/year (at 0.01 level) during postmonsoon season and significant falling trend of 0.002°C/year (at 0.05 level) during monsoon season. A significant 4– 8 years peak periodicity band has been noticed during September over Western UP, and 30–34 years periodicity has been observed during July over Bihar subdivision. However, as far as CNE India is concerned, no significant periodicity has been noticed in any of the time series.
The present study entitled "Investigations on the Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Squid (Loligo spp.) in Relation to Levels in Food Fishes from the West Coast of India with a Perspective on Seafood Safety"attempts to establish the base line data on metal levels in squids along the west coast of India. The study is of great relevance in the present context when utmost importance is being given for producing wholesome seafoods especially in the export market with a perspective on seafood safety.The thesis presents a comprehensive account of the base line data on important heavy metals, viz., Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn Cr and Ni in the edible and non-edible body components of the most abundant Loligo species, viz., L. duvauceli caught along the west coast of India.
The spectroscopic analysis of the emission from the plasma produced by irradiating a highT c superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7 target with a high power Nd:YAG laser beam shows the existence of the bands from different oxides in addition to the lines from neutrals and ions of the constituent elements. The spectral emissions by oxide species in laser-induced plasma show considerable time delays as compared to those from neutral and ionic species. Recombination processes taking place during the cooling of the hot plasma, rather than the plasma expansion velocities, have been found to be responsible for the observed time delays in this case. The decays of emission intensities from various species are found to be non-exponential.
In this Letter we present the spectral and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO–Ag nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis. Obvious enhancement of ultraviolet (UV) emission of the samples is observed and the strongest UV emission is over three times than that of pure ZnO. These nanocomposites show self-defocusing nonlinearity and good nonlinear absorption behaviour which increases with increasing Ag volume fraction. The observed nonlinear absorption is explained through two photon absorption followed by free carrier absorption. ZnO–Ag is a potential nanocomposite material for the UV light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold.
With the recent progress and rapid increase in mobile terminals, the design of antennas for small mobile terminals is acquiring great importance. In view of this situation, several design concepts are already been addressed by the scientists and engineers. Compactness and efficiency are the major criteria for mobile terminal antennas. The challenging task of the microwave scientists and engineers is to device compact printed radiating systems having broadband behavior, together with good efficiency. Printed antenna technology has received popularity among antenna scientists after the introduction of microstrip antenna in 1970s. The successors in this kind such as printed monopoles and planar inverted F are also equally important. Scientists and Engineers are trying to explore this technology as a viable coast effective solution for forthcoming microwave revolution. The transmission line perspectives of antennas are very interesting. The concept behind any electromagnetic radiator is simple. Any electromagnetic system with a discontinuity is radiating electromagnetic energy. The size, shape and the orientation of the discontinuities controls the radiation characteristics of the system such as radiation pattern, gain, polarization etc. It can be either resonant or non resonant structure. Microstrip antennas are suitable for wireless applications due to their low cost, high gain and ease of fabrication. But the major disadvantage of micro strip antennas is their inherent narrow bandwidth. A lot of techniques are introduced by the researchers all over the world to enhance the bandwidth of micro strip patch antennas. The thesis addresses an attempt to enhance the bandwidth of micro strip patch antennas by incorporating impedance matching strip as a part of the micro strip patch antenna. The first part of the thesis deals with the broadband operation of the tilted square slot and polygonal slot loaded square micro strip patch antennas. The resonant mechanisms are clearly mentioned using the simulation and experimental studies. The bandwidth of the polygonal slotted broadband patch antenna is again enhanced by implementing an Lstrip feed mechanism. In the second major part of the thesis, a novel gain enhancement technique for single band and broadband square micro strip patch antennas is achieved by implementing offset stacked configurations.
The study is intended to estimate the existing rate of participation of women beneficiaries in the development programmes of different organisations in Kerala. It would enable one to understand whether participation is at the satisfactory level or not. Given the rate of participation, the major thrust of the analysis is on the impact of governmental and non-governmental organisations on the rate of participation. This is undertaken under the assumption that NGOs, due to their proximity to people and their needs, ensure better participation rates. Besides the organisational differences, the other major determinants of women participation such as their socio-economic characteristics, psychological make up, the nature of the programme etc. are also highlighted. 0 Since the ascribed status of women in society is inferior, the role of organisers, development personnel and local leaders is also pointed out. Thus the basic objective of the study is women participation and its determinants in the development programmes
In a sigma-delta analog to digital (A/D) As most of the sigma-delta ADC applications require converter, the most computationally intensive block is decimation filters with linear phase characteristics, the decimation filter and its hardware implementation symmetric Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters are may require millions of transistors. Since these widely used for implementation. But the number of FIR converters are now targeted for a portable application, filter coefficients will be quite large for implementing a a hardware efficient design is an implicit requirement. narrow band decimation filter. Implementing decimation In this effect, this paper presents a computationally filter in several stages reduces the total number of filter efficient polyphase implementation of non-recursive coefficients, and hence reduces the hardware complexity cascaded integrator comb (CIC) decimators for and power consumption [2]. Sigma-Delta Converters (SDCs). The SDCs are The first stage of decimation filter can be operating at high oversampling frequencies and hence implemented very efficiently using a cascade of integrators require large sampling rate conversions. The filtering and comb filters which do not require multiplication or and rate reduction are performed in several stages to coefficient storage. The remaining filtering is performed reduce hardware complexity and power dissipation. either in single stage or in two stages with more complex The CIC filters are widely adopted as the first stage of FIR or infinite impulse response (IIR) filters according to decimation due to its multiplier free structure. In this the requirements. The amount of passband aliasing or research, the performance of polyphase structure is imaging error can be brought within prescribed bounds by compared with the CICs using recursive and increasing the number of stages in the CIC filter. The non-recursive algorithms in terms of power, speed and width of the passband and the frequency characteristics area. This polyphase implementation offers high speed outside the passband are severely limited. So, CIC filters operation and low power consumption. The polyphase are used to make the transition between high and low implementation of 4th order CIC filter with a sampling rates. Conventional filters operating at low decimation factor of '64' and input word length of sampling rate are used to attain the required transition '4-bits' offers about 70% and 37% of power saving bandwidth and stopband attenuation. compared to the corresponding recursive and Several papers are available in literature that deals non-recursive implementations respectively. The same with different implementations of decimation filter polyphase CIC filter can operate about 7 times faster architecture for sigma-delta ADCs. Hogenauer has than the recursive and about 3.7 times faster than the described the design procedures for decimation and non-recursive CIC filters.
Rays, belonging to the class Elasmobranchii, constitute a major fishery in many states in India like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra. The estimated landings are 21,700 tonnes per annum. Even though the meat of rays is nutritious and free from bones and spines, there is little demand for fresh meat due to the presence of a high urea content. The landings are mainly used for salt curing which fetches only very low prices for the producers. Urea nitrogen constituted the major component (50.8%) of the non-protein nitrogen of the meat. An attempt has been made to standat-dize the processing steps to reduce the urea levels in the meat before freezing by using different simple techniques like dipping the fillets in stagnant chilled water, dipping in chilled running water and dipping in stirred chilled running water. It was found that meat dipped in stirred running water for two hours reduced the urea level of the meat by 62%. The yield of the lateral fin fillets and caudal fin fillets vary with the size of the ray. The drip loss during frozen storage is found to be more in the case of samples frozen stored after the treatment for urea removal by the method of stirring in running water. The samples treated in stagnant chilled water had the lowest drip loss. The total nitrogen was higher in samples treated in stagnant chilled water and lowest in the samples treated in stirred running water. The overall acceptability was high in the case of samples treated with stirred running water and frozen stored
Presently different audio watermarking methods are available; most of them inclined towards copyright protection and copy protection. This is the key motive for the notion to develop a speaker verification scheme that guar- antees non-repudiation services and the thesis is its outcome. The research presented in this thesis scrutinizes the field of audio water- marking and the outcome is a speaker verification scheme that is proficient in addressing issues allied to non-repudiation to a great extent. This work aimed in developing novel audio watermarking schemes utilizing the fun- damental ideas of Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) or Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform (FWHT). The Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) the best parametric representation of the acoustic signals along with few other key acoustic characteristics is employed in crafting of new schemes. The au- dio watermark created is entirely dependent to the acoustic features, hence named as FeatureMark and is crucial in this work. In any watermarking scheme, the quality of the extracted watermark de- pends exclusively on the pre-processing action and in this work framing and windowing techniques are involved. The theme non-repudiation provides immense significance in the audio watermarking schemes proposed in this work. Modification of the signal spectrum is achieved in a variety of ways by selecting appropriate FFT/FWHT coefficients and the watermarking schemes were evaluated for imperceptibility, robustness and capacity char- acteristics. The proposed schemes are unequivocally effective in terms of maintaining the sound quality, retrieving the embedded FeatureMark and in terms of the capacity to hold the mark bits. Robust nature of these marking schemes is achieved with the help of syn- chronization codes such as Barker Code with FFT based FeatureMarking scheme and Walsh Code with FWHT based FeatureMarking scheme. An- other important feature associated with this scheme is the employment of an encryption scheme towards the preparation of its FeatureMark that scrambles the signal features that helps to keep the signal features unreve- laed. A comparative study with the existing watermarking schemes and the ex- periments to evaluate imperceptibility, robustness and capacity tests guar- antee that the proposed schemes can be baselined as efficient audio water- marking schemes. The four new digital audio watermarking algorithms in terms of their performance are remarkable thereby opening more opportu- nities for further research.
The present work is the study of filamentous algae in the paddy fields of Kuttanad and Kole lands of Kerala. This investigation was initiated by sampling of filamentous algae in Kuttanad during December 2010 to February 2011. A second phase of sampling was done from November 2011 to February 2012. The sampling periodicity corresponded to the crop growth starting from field preparation through sowing, and continued till the harvest. Sampling locations were selected from the active paddy cultivation regions of the six agronomic zones of Kuttanad. The numbers of sampling locations were proportional to the area of each zone. Algae of the Kole lands were collected during from October 2011 to January 2012. It was observed that blue-green algae dominated in both Kuttanad and Kole lands. Thirty two species of blue-green algae and eight species of green algae were identified from Kuttanad. The highest number of algal species was observed from Kayal lands in Kuttanad throughout the cropping season. Among the thirty two species of blue-green algae twenty five species are nonheterocystous and seven species are heterocystous. Twenty eight species of blue-green and six species of green algae were identified from Kole lands, and highest number of species was observed in Palakkal throughout the cropping season. Among the twenty eight species of blue-green algae collected from Kole lands twenty one species are non-heterocystous, and only seven species are heterocystous filamentous algae. Blooms of Spirogyra were observed during the second phase of sampling in Kuttanad and also in the Kole lands. The results of the germination study revealed that the extract of Spirogyra sp. inhibited seed germination and reduced seedling vigour. The growth of the treated seedlings was evaluated by pot experiments. The results clearly showed that Spirogyra sp. can negatively affect the seed germination, seedling vigour, and the yield of rice.