913 resultados para nature-based


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The income tax and GST laws contain an array of rules that apply to debt and gains in the nature of interest. The definitions of 'debt' or 'loan' and amounts in the nature of 'interest' vary across the provisions and tax officials, taxpayers and courts must decide whether the terms should be read as applying to debt, loans or interest in a narrow legal sense or should be read more broadly to catch multi-element arrangements that give effect to a debt or loan relationship in an economic or commercial sense but not in conventional single document form. This article reviews the UK, US and Australian approaches to interpreting multi-element transactions and considers whether four tax provisions dealing with debt should be interpreted to apply to multi-element, derivative-based loan arrangements.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine consumers' readiness to change to a plant-based diet. Design: Mail survey that included questions on readiness to change, eating habits and perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a plant-based diet. Setting: Victoria, Australia. Subjects: A total of 415 randomly selected adults. Results: In terms of their readiness to eat a plant-based diet, the majority (58%) of participants were in the precontemplation stage of change, while 14% were in contemplation/preparation, and 28% in action/maintenance. Those in the action/maintenance stage ate more fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole-meal bread, and cooked cereals than those in earlier stages. There were statistically significant differences in age and vegetarian status between the stages of change, but not for other demographic variables. There were strong differences across the stages of change with regard to perceived benefits and barriers to plant-based diets. For example, those in action/maintenance scored highest for benefit factors associated with well-being, weight, health, convenience and finances, whereas those in the precontemplation stage did not recognise such benefits. Conclusions: These findings can be utilised to help provide appropriate nutrition education and advertising, targeted at specific stages of change. For example, education about how it is possible to obtain iron and protein from a plant-based diet and on the benefits of change, in addition to tips on how to make a gradual, easy transition to a plant-based diet, could help progress precontemplators to later stages.


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It is generally accepted that institutional problems have severely constrained development in many countries regardless of significant achievements in technology and other reforms. Both the Old and New Institutional Economics have relevance in understanding the lack of progress in many countries in Asia and Africa. Institutions generally refer to the "framework within which human interactions take place. Two major strands of NIE are the transaction costs and the collective action approach. The NIE implies that traditional rural institutions such as user groups, rotating credit and irrigation associations, interlinked credit etc. are institutions that have emerged in place of the market due to lower transactions costs. The successful management of common property resources such as water, forests, wetlands etc using local arrangements imply that institutions need to be interpreted in broader terms and the simple dichotomy of market or the government is too limited to understand the development process. New thinking is required in developing institutions that are structurally suited for management at the local level. Such an approach will have better chance to succeed compared to a process based upon the market.


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The declining popularity of Economics courses, evident in the last decade, has fuelled a debate on the nature of Economics units and the way in which they are taught in tertiary institutions. The effectiveness of traditional teaching methods has been questioned as lecturers search for alternative ways of presenting material and engaging students. In recent times, workshop-based/cooperative tutorials have become more popular in promoting deeper learning. This paper assesses the application of such an approach at a large tertiary institution. It evaluates student perceptions of this tutorial method in an Introductory Macroeconomics first-year unit. An anonymous questionnaire was used. Whilst the sample size is small (n = 56), the results are important in that this is the first such study in Macroeconomics. Students found workshop-based tutorials useful, preferred them over lecture style tutorials, and found that they fostered inclusivity. The importance of tutorials per se, is reiterated. Students state that tutorials are an important adjunct to lectures. This study also looks at students' study habits: finding that on average they spend less than one hour per week studying Economics and most prepare only occasionally for tutorials. The sample studied indicates that there are notable differences in the perceptions of tutorials and teaching methods between the genders and between local and international students. This may impact on the way in which tutorials are conducted effectively.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine consumers' perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a plant-based diet. Design: Mail survey that included questions on perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a plant-based diet. Setting: Victoria, Australia. Subjects: Four hundred and fifteen randomly selected Victorian adults. Results: The main perceived barrier to adoption of a plant-based diet was a lack of information about plant-based diets (42% agreement). Sex, age and education differences were present in over a quarter of the barrier items. For example, non-university-educated respondents and older people were less willing to change their current eating pattern than were university educated and younger respondents. The main benefits associated with plant-based diets were health benefits, particularly decreased saturated fat intake (79% agreement), increased fibre intake (76%), and disease prevention (70%). Age, sex and education differences with regard to benefits were apparent, although sex differences were more important than age or education differences. Conclusions: The majority of respondents perceived there to be health benefits associated with the consumption of a plant-based diet. Compared with the proportion of respondents who agreed that there were particular benefits of eating a plant-based diet, perceived barriers were relatively low. An understanding of the perceived benefits and barriers of consuming a plant-based diet will help formulate strategies that aim to influence beliefs about plant foods, plant food consumption, and, ultimately, public health.


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The International Obesity Taskforce (IOTF) recommends using age- and gender-specific body mass index (BMI) cut-points for defining the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children. These are given in both 6- and 12-month age intervals. Since the BMI-for-age curves are nonlinear, a degree of bias will be introduced when age intervals are wide. We aimed to quantify this bias in prevalence estimates in 2178 Australian children aged 4-12 years using 12- versus 6-month age intervals. Using the 12-month interval, the prevalence of overweight and obesity was underestimated by 1.4% compared to the 6-month interval estimates; however, this was age-dependent. It overestimated prevalence for 4-year olds, but underestimated it for older ages by up to 2.6%. Overweight prevalence was generally affected more than obesity prevalence. The use of different age intervals for IOTF cut-points introduces a small but systematic bias in prevalence estimates of overweight and obesity.


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OBJECTIVES: The National Benchmarks and Evidence-Based National Clinical Guidelines for Heart Failure Management Programs Study is a national, multicenter study designed to determine the nature, range, and effect of interventions applied by chronic heart failure management programs (CHF-MPs) throughout Australia on patient outcomes. Its primary objective is to use these data to develop national benchmarks and evidence-based clinical guidelines and optimize their cost-effective application by reducing quality and outcome variability. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Primary data will be collected from CHF-MP coordinators and CHF patients enrolled in these programs on a national basis. Secondary outcome data will be collected from a national morbidity record and from patients' medical records. STUDY DESIGN: Stage I of the study involves a prospective clinical audit of all CHF-MPs throughout Australia (n = 45) to determine the extent of variability in programs currently. Stage II is a prospective cross-sectional survey design enrolling 1,500 patients (average of 40 patients per program) to firstly determine the typical profile of patients being managed via a CHF-MP in Australia and, secondly, the subsequent morbidity and mortality during the 6-month follow-up. Outcome data will be subject to multivariate analysis to determine the key components of care in this regard. All study data will be then examined in the final stage of the study (III) to develop national benchmarks for the application and auditing of CHF-MPs in Australia. CONCLUSION: Variability in patient outcomes is a product of heterogeneity among CHF-MPs. The development of national benchmarks will minimize such heterogeneity and will provide a greater level of evidence for their cost-effective application.


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This paper outlines an approach for collecting and integrating data useful for evidence based planning and decision making in the not-for-profit sector, in particular for local government policy and planning. Given the methodological advances in multi-level analysis and the nature of rigorous policy analysis, leading academics and practitioners are advocating that policy driven research to be undertaken at a number of levels of analysis. Recent years have brought an explosion of public domain data in many aspects of social, economic and cultural aspects of society (cites and examples) and with this comes the opportunity, as outlined here, to integrate relevant public domain data in order to construct community profiles for local government areas in Victoria.


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This paper applies sensor fusion to the localization problem of a mobile user. We propose that the use of direction of arrival (DOA) estimations along with received signal strength measurements can increase the accuracy and robustness of location estimations. The DOA estimations are incapable of providing multi-dimensional positioning alone, while signal strength methods are prone to high uncertainties. A Robust Extended Kalman Filter (REKF) is used to derive the state estimate of the mobile user's position, and successfully track the mobile users with less system complexity, as it requires measurements from only one base station. Therefore, localization of mobile users can be performed at the single base station. Furthermore, the technique is robust against system uncertainties caused by the inherent deterministic nature of the mobility model. Through simulation, we show the accuracy of our prediction algorithm and the simplicity of its implementation.


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This paper provides location estimation based power control strategy for cellular radio systems via a location based interference management scheme. Our approach considers the carrier-to-interference as dependent on the transmitter and receiver separation distance and therefore an accurate estimation of the precise locations can provide the power critical mobile user to control the transition power accordingly. In this fully
distributed algorithms, we propose using a Robust Extended Kalman Filter (REKF) to derive an estimate of the mobile user’s closest mobile base station from the user’s location, heading and altitude. Our analysis demonstrates that this algorithm can successfully track the mobile users with less system complexity, as it requires measurements from only one or two closest mobile base stations and hence enable the user to transmit at the rate that is sufficient for the interference management. Our power control
algorithms based on this estimation converges to the desired power trajectory. Further, the technique is robust against system uncertainties caused by the inherent deterministic nature of the mobility model. Through simulation, we show the accuracy of our prediction algorithm and the simplicity of its implementation.


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The purpose of this study was to describe patterns of medical and nursing practice in the care of patients dying of oncological and hematological malignancies in the acute care setting in Australia. A tool validated in a similar American study was used to study the medical records of 100 consecutive patients who died of oncological or hematological malignancies before August 1999 at The Canberra Hospital in the Australian Capital Territory. The three major indicators of patterns of end-of-life care were documentation of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders, evidence that the patient was considered dying, and the presence of a palliative care intention. Findings were that 88 patients were documented DNR, 63 patients' records suggested that the patient was dying, and 74 patients had evidence of a palliative care plan. Forty-six patients were documented DNR 2 days or less prior to death and, of these, 12 were documented the day of death. Similar patterns emerged for days between considered dying and death, and between palliative care goals and death. Sixty patients had active treatment in progress at the time of death. The late implementation of end-of-life management plans and the lack of consistency within these plans suggested that patients were subjected to medical interventions and investigations up to the time of death. Implications for palliative care teams include the need to educate health care staff and to plan and implement policy regarding the management of dying patients in the acute care setting. Although the health care system in Australia has cultural differences when compared to the American context, this research suggests that the treatment imperative to prolong life is similar to that found in American-based studies.


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Empirical investigations regarding ratio-based modelling of corporate collapse have been on going for decades. With any study of an empirical nature, a data sample is a necessary prerequisite. It allows testing the performance of the prediction model, thereby establishing its practical relevance. However, it is necessary to first ensure that the data sample used satisfies certain conditions, and these have lead to some choice controversies. This paper considers the controversial issues that arise in data sampling, provides a critical evaluation of these issues, and makes choice recommendations on the controversial aspects, by empirically examining the literature.


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The problem of dimensional defects in aluminum die- casting is widespread throughout the foundry industry and their detection is of paramount importance in maintaining product quality. Due to the unpredictable factory environment and metallic, with highly reflective, nature of aluminum die-castings, it is extremely hard to estimate true dimensionality of the die-casting, autonomously. In this work, we propose a novel robust 3D reconstruction algorithm capable of reconstructing dimensionally accurate 3D depth models of the aluminum die-castings. The developed system is very simple and cost effective as it consists of only a stereo cameras pair and a simple fluorescent light. The developed system is capable of estimating surface depths within the tolerance of 1.5 mm. Moreover, the system is invariant to illuminative variations and orientation of the objects in the input image space, which makes the developed system highly robust. Due to its hardware simplicity and robustness, it can be implemented in different factory environments without a significant change in the setup.


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The Asia-Pacific region is undergoing a major change in both food and health patterns, with a connection between the two more than likely. Evidence for certain traditional Asia-Pacific foods as protective agents against chronic non-communicable disease and cardiovascular disease (CVD), in particular, is growing at a time when their usage diminishes. The nature of the evidence to establish relevant Asia-Pacific food-health linkages will include randomised placebo-controlled clinical trials, but is much more extensive and meaningful. Okinawans have probably achieved one of the most successful food cultures from a health point of view and serve as a reference point for the Asia-Pacific region. The expert working party has produced, in November 2000, the 'Okinawan Recommendations on Nutrition and CVD in the Asia-Pacific region'.


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The discourse of sustainability is promoted internationally, with the United Nations declaring 2005-2014 as a Decade for Education for Sustainable Development. There is discussion concerning the nature, status and significance of Education for Sustainability and its relationship with the somewhat established discourse of environmental education. This debate requires continuing theorising and one approach is to reflect critically on specific examples of sustainability within specific communities. This article seeks to promote further discussion about sustainability, and to contribute to ongoing theorisation about Education for Sustainability, by considering a particular instance – that of environmental sustainability in the Ballarat region of Victoria. The case study suggests that implementation of this local environmental sustainability strategy was dominated by technocratic and individualistic ideologies.