974 resultados para motor inhibition


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[EU]Proiektu honek lehiaketarako moto baten erditxasia garatzen du, baita txasira lotuta egongo den modua ere. Erditxasia pieza estruktural bat da eta nahiz eta agian beharrezkoa ez izan lehiaketako moto batean, izan ere hauetan pilotuek ipurdia oso aurrean kokatzen dute pisua txasira bideratuz, moto guztiek duten atal bat da eta pertsonaren pisua eta honek egiturari eragiten dizkion indar eta esfortzuak eusteko erabiltzen da. Kasu batzuetan txasiaren beraren barnean egoten da zati hau eta beraz dena pieza bat izaten da, baina gure kasuan biak, erditxasia eta txasia elkarri lotuta egongo dira. Hasteko erditxasi hau zein eratara fabrikatua izan daitekeen aztertuko da(hodi, txapa…), eta modu bakoitzaren abantailak eta desabantailak ikusi beharko dira azkenik nola egingo den aukeratzeko. Honela gure piezaren eboluzio bat emango da guk behar ditugun exijentzia teknikoak bete ditzan eta ekonomikoki ere bideragarria izan dadin. Amaitzeko pieza bere lekuan bermatzeko beharko diren elementu laguntzaileak ere kalkulatu edo aukeratu beharko dira, lehiaketan dugun portaera guk nahi duguna izan dadin.


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[EU]Proiektu hau lehiaketa motor baten atzealde-suspentsio sistema doigarri baten elementuen diseinuan datza. Luzeran erregulagarria izango den tirantea eta suspentsio triangelua diseinatu eta optimizatuko dira. Diseinuak ahalik eta pisu txikiena izatea ahalbidetzen duten makinen elementuak (errotulak eta errodamenduak) aukeratuko dira. Lanaren garapenerako Motostudent izeneko lehiaketatik hartutako datu errealak erabiliko dira. Suspentsio sistemaren diseinua Creo2.0 (lehengo Pro-Engineer) software-arekin egingo da. Bestalde, beste software batzuk ere erabiliko dira, hala nola, Working Model 2D eta ANSYS, sistemaren analisia errazteko.


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Questões climáticas, atmosféricas e de poluição ambiental têm tornado o uso final da energia assunto de interesse mundial. Sistemas com tração elétrica oferecem a oportunidade de redução de emissões. O mix de energia caracterizado pela matriz energética brasileira viabiliza o desenvolvimento desta tecnologia. É desenvolvida aqui uma metodologia para conversão de veículos equipados com motores a combustão interna para tração elétrica. A metodologia considera fatores como o peso e tamanho, o torque de partida, transmissão e potência, entre outros. Ferramentas matemáticas e a prática corrente fornecem a base para a elaboração deste trabalho, que descreve a análise de desempenho de veículos elétricos, os componentes utilizados, as equações mecânicas e os critérios para escolha do veículo ideal para conversão. É apresentada a execução de um projeto de conversão de uma Kombi para tração elétrica, cujo objetivo tem caráter educativo, buscando assim promover os benefícios da tecnologia veicular elétrica. Para viabilização do experimento, o trabalho conclui que é necessário ampliar a demanda por nacionalização de tecnologia, o que tornaria o projeto uma realidade comercialmente viável. Além disto, há necessidade de políticas públicas para o incentivo da tecnologia veicular elétrica no Brasil. Este trabalho apresenta uma contribuição para converter veículos para tração elétrica, visto que sistematiza as etapas de projeto, a partir das quais outros poderão seguir, utilizando componentes encontrados no mercado nacional.


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The specific high energy and power capacities of rechargeable lithium metal (Li0) batteries are ideally suited to portable devices and are valuable as storage units for intermittent renewable energy sources. Lithium, the lightest and most electropositive metal, would be the optimal anode material for rechargeable batteries if it were not for the fact that such devices fail unexpectedly by short-circuiting via the dendrites that grow across electrodes upon recharging. This phenomenon poses a major safety issue because it triggers a series of adverse events that start with overheating, potentially followed by the thermal decomposition and ultimately the ignition of the organic solvents used in such devices.

In this thesis, we developed experimental platform for monitoring and quantifying the dendrite populations grown in a Li battery prototype upon charging under various conditions. We explored the effects of pulse charging in the kHz range and temperature on dendrite growth, and also on loss capacity into detached “dead” lithium particles.

Simultaneously, we developed a computational framework for understanding the dynamics of dendrite propagation. The coarse-grained Monte Carlo model assisted us in the interpretation of pulsing experiments, whereas MD calculations provided insights into the mechanism of dendrites thermal relaxation. We also developed a computational framework for measuring the dead lithium crystals from the experimental images.


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The river perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) is most active in the daytime hours, and displays seasonal changes of diel rhythm with a break of the rhythm in spring and autumn. In the present work data were obtained on the motor activity of 3 perch measuring l8-20 cm, caught by net in the littoral of a reservoir and spawned under laboratory conditions. The degree of intensity of movement of perch was judged by special experiments. The results are summarised in this short paper.


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With the installation by the Pacific Electric Railway of a bus system in Pasadena to supplant most of its trolley lines, the problem of the comparison of the costs of the two systems naturally presented itself. The study here undertaken was originally started as just a comparison of the motor bus and Birney Safety Car, but as the work progressed it seemed advisable to include the trolley bus as well - a method of transportation that is comparatively new as far as development is concerned, but which seems to be finding increasing favor in the East.


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[EU]Lan honen helburu nagusia, bi denborako lehiaketa motor baten kate bidezko transmisioaren diseinua egitea da, hau da, pinoi-kate-koroa multzoaren diseinua. Horretarako pinoia eta koroaren dimentsionaketa egingo da eta aplikazio honetarako kate mota egokiena aukeratuko da. Diseinua egin aurretik, metodologia desberdinak aztertuko dira eta eskuragarri dauden datuen arabera metodologia egokiena aukeratuko da. Lanaren garapenerako Motostudent lehiaketatik hartutako datu errealak erabiliko dira. Gainera, pieza desberdinen CAD eredua egingo da PTC Creo programa erabiliz.


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El objetivo del proyecto es realizar el diseño de un sistema de transmisión para un vehículo de motor delantero y tracción trasera, haciendo especial hincapié en el diseño del segundo elemento de la transmisión: la caja de cambios. Se deben asegurar las prestaciones dadas por la ficha técnica del vehículo, un Ford Sierra xR4i 2.8, así como la transmisión de potencia máxima (150 CV/110 kW) y de par torsor (216 N·m/22 kg·m) del motor, el número de velocidades y las relaciones de marcha en la caja de cambios, la reducción final en el diferencial y los desarrollos. Para ello, se han estudiado, seleccionado (mediante catálogo comercial) y diseñado los distintos elementos del sistema de transmisión: embrague, caja de cambios, árbol de transmisión y diferencial. La aplicación del proyecto no está enfocada al mercado, es decir, no se va a comercializar la transmisión sino que esta será homologada para su uso particular, no competitivo, dentro de un circuito cerrado. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto se han dejado a un lado el estudio, la selección y el diseño de componentes eléctricos y electrónicos, ya que este se trata de un proyecto mecánico centrado en el diseño de los órganos de transmisión: ejes, rodamientos, elementos de unión, chavetas, engranajes... Los mecanismos desarrollados han sido los siguientes: - Embrague de discos de fricción. Concretamente, un embrague monodisco. - Caja de cambios de cinco velocidades montada sobre tres ejes (primario, intermedio y secundario). - Árbol de transmisión compuesto por un eje de sección circular hueca y dos juntas cardan de elección comercial a cada lado. - Diferencial convencional.


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Learning to perceive is faced with a classical paradox: if understanding is required for perception, how can we learn to perceive something new, something we do not yet understand? According to the sensorimotor approach, perception involves mastery of regular sensorimotor co-variations that depend on the agent and the environment, also known as the "laws" of sensorimotor contingencies (SMCs). In this sense, perception involves enacting relevant sensorimotor skills in each situation. It is important for this proposal that such skills can be learned and refined with experience and yet up to this date, the sensorimotor approach has had no explicit theory of perceptual learning. The situation is made more complex if we acknowledge the open-ended nature of human learning. In this paper we propose Piaget's theory of equilibration as a potential candidate to fulfill this role. This theory highlights the importance of intrinsic sensorimotor norms, in terms of the closure of sensorimotor schemes. It also explains how the equilibration of a sensorimotor organization faced with novelty or breakdowns proceeds by re-shaping pre-existing structures in coupling with dynamical regularities of the world. This way learning to perceive is guided by the equilibration of emerging forms of skillful coping with the world. We demonstrate the compatibility between Piaget's theory and the sensorimotor approach by providing a dynamical formalization of equilibration to give an explicit micro-genetic account of sensorimotor learning and, by extension, of how we learn to perceive. This allows us to draw important lessons in the form of general principles for open-ended sensorimotor learning, including the need for an intrinsic normative evaluation by the agent itself. We also explore implications of our micro-genetic account at the personal level.