616 resultados para mau hálito
Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Introduction: The literature about the work with the voice of actors in the theater focuses the research on organic issues involved in the vocal process as “misuse” or “vocal abuse”. To a lesser amount, there are studies that highlight issues of interpretation and expressive resources, as well as others that highlight the linguistic resources of interpretation. This work shows a linguistic feature – the pause – and its collaboration for the theatrical interpretation. Objective: to verify the extent to which similarities and differences occur between the points judged as occurrence of pauses in interpretations of a theatrical text. Method: Subjects of this study were four theater actors, who played individually a same theatrical text. Later, a group of ten judges judged the points where pauses occurred. Based on a criterion of 70% agreement between judges, were searched similarities and differences between the points judged as pause of each recording. Results: the four subjects showed different amounts of pause in the stretch in common that they interpreted: S1= ten occurrences; S2= 14 occurrences; S3= 6 occurrences; and S4= 9 occurrences. In this inter-subject variation, five points of pause in common were detected. Conclusion: we have seen, then, that this variability (featuring subjectivity in interpretation) is built inside given possibilities, with lesser or greater flexibility, by the structure of the theatrical text.
We intend to observe the function of a linguistic resource – the pause – in theatrical interpretation. Connected to the field of speech therapy, we search for theoretical support in the Linguistics field, mainly in prosodic phonology – specifically, we highlight intonational phrase and phonological utterance, prosodic constituents –, proposing a dialogue between these fields, regarding the work with actors. In speech therapy literature, the work with actors focuses, centrally, in organic issues involved in the vocal process, such as “misuse” or “voice abuse”. To a smaller extent, we find, in this literature, researches that emphasize issues regarding interpretation and expressive resources, besides a few emphasizing the importance of linguistic resources in interpretation. Differently, in linguistics literature, the pause is approached, to a larger extent, from the phonetic perspective, related to several language levels. In this research, we analyzed audio recordings of four actors from a same theatrical group, acting the theatrical text Brutas flores, focused on these aims: (1) detect the place where pauses happen in the interpretation of a single text by four actors; (2) survey physical characteristics of length of these pauses; (3) check to what extent the length of a pause is related to the place where it happens, regarding the prosodic limits of intonational phrases (I) and phonological utterance (U). We could observe that, although the interpretation is characterized by the subjectivity of the actor, the interpretation is constructed based in the possibilities offered by the prosodic organization of the text itself, being more or less flexible.We were also able to confirm, by considering the length of VVs units containing pauses, the prosodic hierarchy proposed by Nespor & Vogel, once the length of these units in U's limits was significantly higher than the length in I's limits. Thus, our results reinforce the premise that a linguistic structure overlaps the subjectivity of the actor, i. e., the premise that the strength of linguistic structure organization acts on the possible individual operation/style.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente trabalho analisa criticamente o Projeto de “Requalificação Urbana Nova Luz”, localizado no bairro de Santa Ifigênia em São Paulo, iniciado no ano de 2005 e atualmente em curso. A área abrangida pelo projeto tem aproximadamente 362 mil metros quadrados, é circunscrita pelas ruas Mauá, Av. Cásper Líbero, Av. Ipiranga, Av. São João e Av. Duque de Caxias. Na abordagem inicial colocada pelo projeto emerge o Planejamento Estratégico com um programa cultural e principal motivador de retorno financeiro aos setores imobiliários e de requalificação urbana. Neste cenário, políticas de revitalização são associadas a programas de promoção cultural de museus e monumentos arquitetônicos, recriando uma nova imagem da cidade. Em diversas literaturas a respeito dos programas de revitalização em áreas centrais, é apontado com freqüência - como resultado desses processos - o surgimento do fenômeno de gentrificação, que implica numa substituição dos antigos moradores dessas áreas por outros com maior poder aquisitivo. Essa dinâmica de produção de um espaço revitalizado é geralmente amparada por flexibilizações de Leis e Instrumentos Urbanísticos, bem como financiamentos de agências multilaterais que fixam parâmetros e exigências para liberação dos recursos
A corrida de aproximação para o chute no futsal é de extrema importância para o desempenho, pois um mau início do movimento poderá acarretar em grandes dificuldades para o resultado final do chute. Além disso, a posição do pé de suporte em relação à bola determina a direção do chute e, conseqüentemente, o desempenho dos atletas. Há evidências que a corrida de aproximação pode aumentar sensivelmente a velocidade da bola. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e comparar os parâmetros espaços-temporais da corrida de aproximação e os aspectos de desempenho (precisão e velocidade da bola) durante o chute com o dorso do pé realizado com a bola em posição estacionária e com a bola em deslocamento no futsal. Participaram deste estudo cinco jogadores destros e cinco jogadores sinistros de futsal. Os participantes realizaram cinco chutes com a bola parada e cinco chutes com a bola em deslocamento. Os chutes foram realizados após um sinal sonoro e a dez metros do gol (tiro livre). Nos chutes com a bola parada, esta foi posicionada sobre o tiro livre. Nos chutes com a bola em deslocamento foi utilizada uma rampa para padronizar a velocidade e direção de chegada da bola para os chutes. A coleta dos dados foi realizada em uma quadra oficial de futsal e os chutes foram filmados por seis câmeras digitais. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: velocidade da corrida de aproximação, distância do pé de suporte para a bola, ângulo de aproximação para a bola, distância do participante para realizar o chute, velocidade da bola, comprimento e largura de cada passo durante a corrida de aproximação, número de passos e precisão no chute. As variáveis dependentes foram avaliadas através da análise da variância (ANOVA) com medidas repetidas, tendo fator para tipo de chute. O nível de significância foi mantido em p< 0,05. A análise estatística revelou diferenças... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
In wood processing industries, which use electrical equipment in the production process, in most cases these are badly scaled or operate under inadequate conditions, resulting directly in industrial energy efficiency, which proves important because besides having technological innovation, also with practices and policies, aims to decrease power consumption. So in a wiring project should take into account the variables that influence energy efficiency. Thus this work has been reviewed and subsequently calculated some of these variables, such as active power, power factor and demand for the entire industry (global) and also for specific equipment, the chipper. The network analysis was performed in a wood processing industry in the city of Taquarivaí - SP, and evaluated these variables with a network analyzer and also by analysis on energy bills, which were found in both analysis levels below those found in literature. These factors are due to poor design, improper use, storage of equipment or even by characteristic of the production process, ie, the equipment running on empty because of the volatility of production
Uremic syndrome, arising from kidney malfunction, consists of a set of systemic changes caused by the accumulation of toxic substances to the body. Since, with the advance of medicine, the animals lived more reaching advanced age and entering thus on track of senility, chronic renal disease, became a common complaint in the routine of the ambulatory. This high rate of morbidity generates an increased need for clarification of pathophysiology involved in this disease. The components of the uremic syndrome include water and sodium imbalance, anemia, intolerance to carbohydrate, neurological disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, osteoarthritis, immunological incompetence and metabolic acidosis. The clinical manifestations occur in isolation or in combination. In most cases canines patients are subject to an assessment when the kidney disease has evolved to the final stage with uremic syndrome and installed already, under these conditions, the prognosis is reserved
One problem that has been happening frequently in port terminals is the poor planning of the loading and unloading of containers. The reason of this problem is the lack of an efficient method that provides the best means of these operations. The main goal of this work is, to implement a method that provides the best ways to perform the loading and unloading of containers, at each port and thus bring a great saving for these terminals, since the number of moves is directly proportional to cost. To carry out this program was used the idea that the containers are placed in vertical stacks, where the access can be done only by the top of the stack, so the ship was treated as an matrix and to fill it, two rules were created for loading and two for unloading. To obtain the best sequence of rules was used Beam Search method, which is an enumeration type implicit method that analyzes only the best solution of the tree generated. Thus, the program developed in the Java language, provides the best way to perform the loading and unloading ports and the way as the ship leaves each port using a graphical interface
Researches show high rates of school failure on the part of students who are unable to learn, referring to them as the idea of an incapable individual and intended not to achieve the goals proposed during the school year. Among the most varied problems posed by teachers and that are instilled in students in order to justify the poor performance of the same, we find Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Faced with this problem the objective was to investigate teachers‟ conception of the second year of primary education on ADHD, knowing well the mechanisms of identification, confirmation and referral of these cases, as well as the appropriate treatment and teaching practices suggested. To achieve the proposed objective a literature search was performed supplemented by an empirical study in which we used two instruments to collect data: interviews and observation. The study included empirical two teachers from a state school and two teachers from a private school, all of a midsize city in São Paulo. The interviews showed that teachers of second grade of elementary school consider ADHD a neurological problem in order to be addressed, however, chose not to speak about the treatment carried out by drugs. The observations revealed that the discourse of these teachers are away from their practices, it is worth noting that the differences in these two situations studied - state and private network - are so disparate and interfere in this important teaching practice
Nowadays environmental pollution can be identified as a major problem in developed and developing countries. This is the result of several factors, such as inappropriate use of natural resources, inficiente legislation and not ecological awareness. Moreover, many other procedures as incorrect use of chemicals still contributed to the worsening of the problem. In this work, we develop a working with the environmental ideals, aiming to contribute to the decomposition of organic material through decomposition of rhodamine in TiO2 thin films on a silicon substrate. The degradation performance was monitored with the aid of techniques such as atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, field emission gun scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform spectroscopy, thermal and photocatalytic analyses
The pre-slaughter moment begins with the animal´s loading on the farm and ends up in its drain. It is a period in which the animal is under physical stress caused by hunger, thirst, fatigue, injuries, and extremes of temperature and psychological stress, due to restraint, handling, innovation and fear. Stress and inappropriate handling bring bad consequences for the final product´s quality, requiring better handling conditions, facilities and equipment. Examples of consequences of mishandling: meat with abnormal color, DFD meat (dark, firm and dry), reduced product´s shelf life, bruises and broken bones in carcasses. The operators should be trained and oriented on the basic principles of biology, behavior and management of cattle. At every step of the pre-slaughter moment, the animals should be handled calmly and quietly to avoid excitement and stress. Operators should avoid shouting, whistling or any noise since cattle have very sensitive ears and can become stressed. If the animals refuse to move, the cause of the problem should be determined
Localizada no centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Bauru é considerada uma cidade de médio porte. Possui aproximadamente 360 mil habitantes (estimativa da população em 2009, segundo o IBGE), e com isso, apresenta diversos problemas relacionados à mobilidade urbana e ao planejamento urbano, tais como: trânsito intenso em determinadas vias, calçadas em mau estado de conservação, falta de incentivo aos meios de transporte mais sustentáveis – modos não motorizados (a pé e bicicletas) e transportes coletivos. Este Trabalho Final de Graduação propõe a requalificação urbana em uma das principais avenidas que da cidade de Bauru, a Nações Unidas. Este projeto tem maior destaque nos usuário de transportes não motorizados, incentivando assim, a maior utilização desses modos no cotidiano dos cidadãos
As estruturas da derme como os folículos pilosos e os ductos das glândulas sudoríparas e de óleo, proporcionam uma via de passagem por onde os micro-organismos atingem os tecidos mais profundos da pele. A transpiração fornece umidade e alguns nutrientes para o crescimento microbiano (TORTORA, 2012). Dentre os vários gêneros de bactérias que constituem a microbiota residente das axilas, encontram-se o Staphylococcus e o Micrococcus, responsáveis pelo odor do ácido isovalérico, o odor caracterísitico das axilas. Estão presentes também bactérias do gênero Corynebacterium, responsáveis pelo odor axilar pungente dos esteróides androgênicos (JACKMAN & NOBLE, 1983). O método mais eficaz de inibir a produção de exoenzimas bacterianas responsáveis pelo mau odor axiliar são as composições desodorantes. O método consiste em produzir um veículo cosmético (emulsão, suspensão em gás, composição hidroalcoólica, entre outros) e adicionar um ativo desodorante dissolvido ou em suspensão, que tem como propriedade a inibição da produção das exoenzimas bacterianas que levam à produção dos cheiros desagradáveis. (EIGEN & FROEBE, 1997). Neste trabalho testamos a suscetibilidade de três espécies de bactérias semelhantes às que compõem a microbiota permanente das axilas (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 e Corynebacterium xerosis ATCC 373), frente a três formulações cosméticas hidroalcoólicas de desodorantes em spray contendo ativos desodorantes. Utilizamos também a linhagem Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, pois esta enterobactéria pode estar presente nas axilas principalmente pelo contato destas com as mãos (BORICK & SARRA, 1960). A metodologia utilizada para os testes foi baseada na norma M7-A7 (CLSI, 2006), que trata dos testes de sensibilidade a agentes antimicrobianos por diluição para bactérias de crescimento aeróbico. A fórmula desodorante que teve melhor desempenho sobre...