996 resultados para magnetic core losses
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility documents the generation of tectonically produced fabrics in sediments that macroscopically show no evidence of this disruption. The fabric observed in initial accretion is largely produced by overprinting of the original sedimentary susceptibility anisotropy by an E-W horizontal tectonic shortening and vertical extension. The response of the sediments to stress during initial accretion is variable, particularly near the sediment surface, and appears to reflect the inhomogeneous distribution of strain rate in the overthrust sequence. The susceptibility anisotropy of sediments possessing scaly fabric is consistent with the strong orientation of Phyllosilicates seen in thin section, producing a Kmin normal to the scalyness. The slope sediments deposited on the accreted sequence are also affected by tectonic shortening. The accreted sequences at Sites 673 and 674 show a complex history of fabric modification, with previous tectonic fabrics overprinted by later fabric modifications, pointing to continued tectonic shortening during the accretion process. The form of the susceptibility anisotropy axes at Sites 673 and 674 is consistent with NESW shortening, probably reflected in the NW-SE surface expression of the out-of-sequence thrusts. The susceptibility anisotropy appears to document a downhole change in the trend of shortening from E to W at the surface to more NESW at depth, probably as a result of the obliquely trending basement ridge, the Tiburon Rise.
We present a suite of new high-resolution records (0-135 ka) representing pulses of aeolian, fluvial, and biogenic sedimentation along the Senegalese continental margin. A multiproxy approach based on rock magnetic, element, and color data was applied on three cores enclosing the present-day northern limit of the ITCZ. A strong episodic aeolian contribution driven by stronger winds and dry conditions and characterized by high hematite and goethite input was revealed north of 13°N. These millennial-scale dust fluxes are synchronous with North Atlantic Heinrich stadials. Fluvial clay input driven by the West African monsoon predominates at 12°N and varies at Dansgaard-Oeschger time scales while marine productivity is strongly enhanced during the African humid periods and marine isotope stage 5. From latitudinal signal variations, we deduce that the last glacial ITCZ summer position was located between core positions at 12°26' and 13°40'N. Furthermore, this work also shows that submillennial periods of aridity over northwest Africa occurred more frequently and farther south than previously thought.
Magnetic properties of late Quaternary sediments on the SW Iberian Margin are dominated by bacterial magnetite, observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), with contributions from detrital titanomagnetite and hematite. Reactive hematite from eolian dust, together with low organic matter concentrations and the lack of sulfate reduction, lead to dissimilatory iron reduction and availability of Fe(II) for abundant magnetotactic bacteria. Magnetite grain-size proxies (kARM/k and ARM/IRM) and S-ratios (sensitive to hematite) vary on stadial/interstadial timescales, contain orbital power, and mimic planktic d18O. The detrital/biogenic magnetite ratio and hematite concentration are greater during stadials and glacial isotopic stages, reflecting increased detrital (magnetite) input during times of lowered sea level, coinciding with atmospheric conditions favoring hematitic dust supply. Magnetic susceptibility, on the other hand, has a very different response being sensitive to coarse detrital multidomain (MD) magnetite associated with ice-rafted debris (IRD). High susceptibility and/or magnetic grain size coarsening, mark Heinrich stadials (HS), particularly HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5, HS6 and HS7, as well as older Heinrich-like detrital layers, indicating the sensitivity of this region to fluctuations in the position of the polar front. Relative paleointensity (RPI) records have well-constrained age models based on planktic d18O correlation to ice-core chronologies, however, they differ from reference records (e.g. PISO) particularly in the vicinity of glacial maxima, mainly due to inefficient normalization of RPI records in intervals of enhanced detrital/eolian hematite input.
The effects of glaciation on sediment drifts is recognised from marked sedimentary facies variation in deep sea cores taken from the continental rise of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin. Nineteen sediment cores were visually described, logged for magnetic susceptibility, and X-radiographed. About 1000 analyses were performed for grain size, clay minerals and biostratigraphy (foraminifera, nannofossils and diatoms). Four sediment types associated with distinct sedimentary processes are recognised based on textural/compositional analysis. (1) Hemipelagic mud forms the bulk of the interglacial sediment, and accumulated from the pelagic settling of bioclasts and ice-rafted/windtransported detritus. (2) Terrigenous mud forms the bulk of the glacial sediment, and accumulated from a combination of sedimentary processes including turbidity currents, turbid plumes, and bottom current reworking of nepheloid layers. (3) Silty deposits occurring as laminated layers and lenses, represent the lateral spillout of lowdensity turbidity currents. (4) Lastly, glacial/interglacial gravelly mud layers derive from settling of ice-rafted detritus. Five depositional settings are interpreted within sediment Drift 7, each characterised by the dominance/interaction of one or several depositional processes. The repetitive succession of typical sedimentary facies is inferred to reflect a sequence of four climatic stages (glaciation, glacial, deglaciation, and interglacial), each one characterised by a distinctive clay mineral assemblage and bioclastic content. Variations in clay mineral assemblage within interglacial stage 5 (core SED-06) suggest minor colder climatic fluctuations, possibly correlatable with substages 5a to 5e.
The Zambezi deep-sea fan, the largest of its kind along the east African continental margin, is poorly studied to date, despite its potential to record marine and terrestrial climate signals in the southwest Indian Ocean. Therefore, gravity core GeoB 9309-1, retrieved from 1219 m water depth, was investigated for various geophysical (magnetic susceptibility, porosity, colour reflectance) and geochemical (pore water and sediment geochemistry, Fe and P speciation) properties. Onboard and onshore data documented a sulphate/methane transition (SMT) zone at ~ 450-530 cm sediment depth, where the simultaneous consumption of pore water sulphate and methane liberates hydrogen sulphide and bi-carbonate into the pore space. This leads to characteristic changes in the sediment and pore water chemistry, as the reduction of primary Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, the precipitation of Fe sulphides, and the mobilization of Fe (oxyhydr)oxide-bound P. These chemical processes also lead to a marked decrease in magnetic susceptibility. Below the SMT, we find a reduction of porosity, possibly due to pore space cementation by authigenic minerals. Formation of the observed geochemical, magnetic and mineralogical patterns requires a fixation of the SMT at this distinct sediment depth for a considerable time-which we calculated to be ~ 10 000 years assuming steady-state conditions-following a period of rapid upward migration towards this interval. We postulate that the worldwide sea-level rise at the last glacial/interglacial transition (~ 10 000 years B.P.) most probably caused the fixation of the SMT at its present position, through drastically reduced sediment delivery to the deep-sea fan. In addition, we report an internal redistribution of P occurring around the SMT, closely linked to the (de)coupling of sedimentary Fe and P, and leaving a characteristic pattern in the solid P record. By phosphate re-adsorption onto Fe (oxyhydr)oxides above, and formation of authigenic P minerals (e.g. vivianite) below the SMT, deep-sea fan deposits may potentially act as long-term sinks for P.
With various low-temperature experiments performed on magnetic mineral extracts of marine sedimentary deposits from the Argentine continental slope near the Rio de la Plata estuary, a so far unreported style of partial magnetic self-reversal has been detected. In these sediments the sulphate-methane transition (SMT) zone is situated at depths between 4 and 8 m, where reductive diagenesis severely alters the magnetic mineral assemblage. Throughout the sediment column magnetite and ilmenite are present together with titanomagnetite and titanohematite of varying compositions. In the SMT zone (titano-)magnetite only occurs as inclusions in a siliceous matrix and as intergrowths with lamellar ilmenite and titanium-rich titanohematite, originating from high temperature deuteric oxidation within the volcanic host rocks. These abundant structures were visualized by scanning electron microscopy and analysed by energy dispersive spectroscopy. Warming of field-cooled and zero-field-cooled low-temperature saturation remanence displays magnetic phase transitions of titanium-rich titanohematite below 50 K and the Verwey transition of magnetite. A prominent irreversible decline characterizes zero-field cooling of room temperature saturation remanence. It typically sets out at ~210 K and is most clearly developed in the lower part of the SMT zone, where low-temperature hysteresis measurements identified ~210 K as the blocking temperature range of a titanohematite phase with a Curie temperature of around 240 K. The mechanism responsible for the marked loss of remanence is, therefore, sought in partial magnetic self-reversal by magnetostatic interaction of (titano-)magnetite and titanohematite. When titanohematite becomes ferrimagnetic upon cooling, its spontaneous magnetic moments order antiparallel to the (titano-)magnetite remanence causing an drastic initial decrease of global magnetization. The loss of remanence during subsequent further cooling appears to result from two combined effects (1) magnetic interaction between the two phases by which the (titano-)magnetite domain structure is substantially modified and (2) low-temperature demagnetization of (titano-)magnetite due to decreasing magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The depletion of titanomagnetite and superior preservation of titanohematite is characteristic for strongly reducing sedimentary environments. Typical residuals of magnetic mineral assemblages derived from basaltic volcanics will be intergrowths of titanohematite lamellae with titanomagnetite relics. Low-temperature remanence cycling is, therefore, proposed as a diagnostic method to magnetically characterize such alteration (palaeo-)environments.
A core of foraminiferal-coccolithic oozes filling a valley of the transform fault located at 29°40'S on the South Atlantic Ridge contains layers composed of angular fragments of igneous and metamorphic rocks. They include many serpentinites deriving from serpentinized ultrabasic rocks, probably exposed on the lower section of the southern slope of the fault valley. A mineral and chemical description of these serpentinites is given.
Ice-rich permafrost landscapes are sensitive to climate and environmental change due to the melt-out of ground ice during thermokarst development. Thermokarst processes in the northern Yukon Territory are currently not well-documented. Lake sediments from Herschel Island (69°36'N; 139°04'W) in the western Canadian Arctic provide a record of thermokarst lake development since the early Holocene. A 727 cm long lake sediment core was analyzed for radiographic images, magnetic susceptibility, granulometry, and biogeochemical parameters (organic carbon, nitrogen, and stable carbon isotopes). Based on eight calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates, the sediment record covers the last ~ 11,500 years and was divided into four lithostratigraphic units (A to D) reflecting different thermokarst stages. Thermokarst initiation at the study area began ~ 11.5 cal ka BP. From ~ 11.5 to 10.0 cal ka BP, lake sediments of unit A started to accumulate in an initial lake basin created by melt-out of massive ground ice and thaw subsidence. Between 10.0 and 7.0 cal ka BP (unit B) the lake basin expanded in size and depth, attributed to talik formation during the Holocene thermal maximum. Higher-than-modern summer air temperatures led to increased lake productivity and widespread terrain disturbances in the lake's catchment. Thermokarst lake development between 7.0 and 1.8 cal ka BP (unit C) was characterized by a dynamic equilibrium, where lake basin and talik steadily expanded into ambient ice-rich terrain through shoreline erosion. Once lakes become deeper than the maximum winter lake ice thickness, thermokarst lake sediments show a great preservation potential. However, site-specific geomorphic factors such as episodic bank-shore erosion or sudden drainage through thermo-erosional valleys or coastal erosion breaching lake basins can disrupt continuous deposition. A hiatus in the record from 1.8 to 0.9 cal ka BP in Lake Herschel likely resulted from lake drainage or allochthonous slumping due to collapsing shore lines before continuous sedimentation of unit D recommenced during the last 900 years.
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1308 (central North Atlantic) records paleomagnetic directional and relative paleointensity (RPI) variations for the last 1.5 Myr, in 110 m of the sediment sequence at a mean sedimentation rate of 7.3 cm/kyr. A detailed benthic oxygen isotope record was combined with RPI to produce an integrated, high-resolution magneto-isotopic stratigraphy for Site U1308. Apart from the well-known polarity reversals in this interval, the Punaruu excursion is recorded at 1092 ka and the Cobb Mountain Subchron in the 1182-1208 ka interval. The paleointensity proxies are determined as slopes of NRM versus ARM and NRM versus ARMAQ (ARM acquisition) with linear correlation coefficients to monitor the quality of the linear fit. The RPI record for Site U1308 is compared with the three other paleointensity records (one from the Western Equatorial Pacific and two from the North Atlantic) that cover the same time interval and have accompanying oxygen isotope records. The Match protocol of Lisiecki and Lisiecki (2002) is used to optimize the correlation of paleointensity records. Beginning with the original (published) age models for each record, the Match routine is used to optimize the RPI correlations to Site U1308, with checks to ensure compatibility with oxygen isotope records. Squared wavelet coherence (WTC) indicates significant improvement in RPI (and oxygen isotope) correlations after matching each RPI record to Site U1308, particularly for periods > 10 kyr. The level of coherence for the Atlantic RPI records and the lower resolution Pacific record implies synchronous global variability (at scales > 10 kyr) that can be attributed to the axial dipole geomagnetic field.