999 resultados para método de contribuição de grupos
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a influência da religião na dinâmica da personalidade de adolescentes universitários da grande São Paulo. A amostra do estudo foi realizada com 60 universitários de escolas do ensino privado com idades entre 18 e 23 anos, igualmente divididos entre os sexos. Os universitários foram alocados em dois grupos, 30 adolescentes que, notadamente, possuíam vínculos com alguma religião e outros 30 totalmente desvinculados de qualquer orientação religiosa. Na pesquisa, foram levantados os dados sócio-demográficos que fazem parte do Questionário de Constatação Qualitativa, que foi aplicado com o objetivo de verificar, qual a possível influência sofrida pelo adolescente religioso ao longo de sua vida, se mais da família, da sociedade ou da religião. Por fim, os adolescentes religiosos e menos religiosos foram submetidos ao Método de Rorschach, instrumento psicológico para a investigação da estrutura de personalidade dos indivíduos. A análise baseou-se na comparação das variáveis categóricas entre os grupos, utilizando-se tratamentos estatísticos compatíveis com os dados. As conclusões a que se chegou foram: a religião influencia significativamente o comportamento dos adolescentes universitários, implicando uma conduta de vida mais adequada e controlada. Os jovens religiosos demonstraram uma forma de agir diferente dos jovens não religiosos, portanto, a interação do adolescente com o ambiente religioso provoca alterações no comportamento do indivíduo ou na dinâmica de sua personalidade; dependendo das relações do adolescente com o ambiente religioso durante seu desenvolvimento, sua personalidade poderá ser mais sensível às religiões e ensinamentos. Os adolescentes religiosos possuem posições morais mais rígidas, acentuado temor a Deus, submissão ao pai, obediência às figuras de autoridade e família mais rigorosa no tocante à educação. Estas características demonstram funcionar, como mecanismos de controle do indivíduo, oriundos de influência religiosa, não se mostrando danosas à organização e integração da personalidade em si e desta com o ambiente, pelo contrário, esses mecanismos tornam, a pessoa mais prudente e equilibrada no cotidiano. Não existem diferenças significativas em relação à flexibilidade dos jovens universitários, bem como não há diferenças significativas na organização estrutural da personalidade quando se comparam adolescentes universitários religiosos e não religiosos. Em síntese, às vezes a religião é um evento social com inegável capacidade de controle que pode ou não ser excessivo às vezes, contudo mostra-se construtiva e organizadora, portanto, positiva para o adolescente.(AU)
A pesquisa a seguir tem o poder como objeto de estudos, especificamente na forma de relações de poder em conselhos diretores (pastoral e administrativo) de igrejas menonitas em Curitiba. A forma presumida de governo dessas igrejas é historicamente congregacional, isto é, as assembléias das respectivas igrejas são supremas e últimas nas deliberações. A metodologia de pesquisa é sociológica, indutiva, funcionalista, com tendências fenomenológicas, tendo como perspectiva principal a teoria sistêmica e seus recursos de pesquisa. A teoria geral dos sistemas orienta os fundamentos da pesquisa, a teoria dos sistemas sociais é o arcabouço da pesquisa. O método de pesquisa é a observação-participante com registros em vídeo e áudio, transcrição, análise e elaboração de conclusões. A técnica de pesquisa citada demonstrou-se eficaz e útil para o levantamento de dados em pesquisas de campo que tratam de grupos e suas funções diferenciadas em agremiações eclesiásticas. Os objetivos buscam identificar a dinâmica sistêmica nas reuniões dos conselhos observados, bem como identificar o processo das relações de poder nos mesmos. As hipóteses lançadas como ponto de partida afirmam que a teoria sistêmica em qualquer perspectiva é observável, bem como os elementos (conselheiros) das relações de poder se demonstram inconscientes de seus atos de poder. As hipóteses principais e secundárias foram confirmadas pela observação-participante, a saber: a pesquisa verifica a hipótese geral de que mesmo igrejas e seus sistemas sociais evidenciam princípios sistêmicos segundo a teoria geral dos sistemas e a teoria dos sistemas sociais de Niklas Luhmann. As hipóteses específicas verificam se os conselheiros dos grupos de liderança evidenciam consciência do poder exercido e do poder implícito em suas funções e papéis; se os grupos formais, eleitos pela assembléia exercem poder de fato ou se existe influência do poder informal; se existe uma correlação, entre o poder formal e as fronteiras rígidas , o poder informal e a fronteira difusa ; se é possível trabalhar preventivamente e interventivamente através do conceito de relações de poder e os princípios sociais sistêmicos. As igrejas menonitas de Curitiba de maneira geral preservam traços de governo congregacional, mas, a transição para estilos de governo pastorcêntricos e autocráticos a partir dos conselhos observados é um fato e parece irreversível. Aparentemente a causalidade desse movimento surge no contexto social metropolitano e suas implicações, mais do que numa mudança estrategicamente planejada pelas lideranças. Portanto, a transição parece ser cultural. Aliás, as transformações sociais das tradições menonitas são diretamente proporcionais à sua inclusão e inculturação no contexto social em que se situam, confirmando assim os princípios sistêmicos da sociedade em geral.(AU)
This study aimed mainly to evaluate the influence of xanthan gum (XG) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in the filtration process of water-based drilling fluids, considering the conformational changes suffered by the polyelectrolyte with the addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) in different concentrations (0.17, 0.34 and 0.51 mol.L-1). It was also evaluated the behavior of the fluid by the addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in pure water and in brine. Seeking a better understanding of the interaction between the polymers used and CaCO3, polymer adsorption analyzes were performed using a depletion method, which yielded a higher percentage of adsorption of Xanthan Gum in this material (29%), which can justify the formation of a thin and waterproof filter cake for drilling fluids containing this polymer. However, the best values of apparent viscosity (20 and 24 mPa.s) and volume of filtrate (8.0 and 8.1 mL) were obtained for the systems consisting of xanthan gum, CMC and CaCO3, in NaCl aqueous solutions concentrations of 0.34 and 0.51 mol.L-1, respectively. The values can be related to the presence of CMC that increases the apparent viscosity and reduces the volume of filtrate. In addition, the CaCO3 added acts as a bridging agent, promoting the formation of a less permeable filter cake
Inúmeras estruturas de concreto no Brasil e no mundo estão atingindo o limite de sua vida útil projetada, completando um ciclo de cinco ou mais décadas de uso e operação. Além das estruturas mais antigas, existem ainda estruturas com reduzido tempo de serviço, e qualidade discutível, que já apresentam patologias em estado tão avançado que chegam a comprometer o seu desempenho. Vindo ao encontro dessas necessidades e no sentido de contribuir para o avanço científico e tecnológico do setor, este trabalho apresenta um método para dosagem, preparo e aplicação de argamassas de alto desempenho para recuperação de estruturas deterioradas, além de sugerir procedimentos para a realização desses reparos, fomentando a cultura das manutenções preventivas e desmistificando a complexidade atribuída a tais operações. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios mecânicos, microestruturais e relacionados à durabilidade em corpos-de-prova moldados com sílica ativa e látex de estireno-butadieno. Os resultados indicaram que a adoção desses ingredientes, na composição da argamassa de reparo, provocou uma redução significativa da permeabilidade total e descontinuidade de poros, assim como promoveu uma melhor integridade dos constituintes da argamassa, traduzindo-se em uma ampliação, expressiva, das suas capacidades mecânicas. Quando comparada aos produtos industrializados da construção civil, com padrões similares, proporcionou uma economia da ordem de 85%, que permitiria recuperar, com os mesmos custos, quase cinco vezes mais estruturas comprometidas. Este estudo, de viés altamente tecnológico, vem oferecer à construção civil uma argamassa polimérica de alto desempenho, com função reparadora e custo mais acessível, que pode ser adotada em canteiros de obras, implementando ações de natureza sustentável e ainda atendendo às atuais exigências elencadas pela literatura, relacionadas à desempenho, vida útil e durabilidade das estruturas reparadas.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
The accompaniment of growth and development is the central thrust of child care in primary health care in order to contribute to the reduction of infant morbidity and mortality and promote healthy development. Despite its importance, the family health unit located in rural Parazinhocounty experiences the problem of frequent absences of children to follow-up consultations. Thus, this study aims to analyze the participation of mothers in the accompaniment of growth and development of children in the Family Health Strategy. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach with the method action research, developed with mothers who are part of the monitoring of the growth and development of children in the rural area of the municipality of Parazinho/RN from May to October 2014. Data collection was performed using the focus group techniques, participant observation and individual interviews. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis of categorization. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, under the opinion embodied 617,559 and CAAE 28598014.7.0000.5537. In step situation analysis, were conducted two focus groups, attended by a total of 14 mothers of different rural locations. From the speeches, one realizes that they have a satisfactory understanding of the monitoring of the growth and development of the childwas a learning moment. The nurse was mentioned as key professional that actionof accompaniment. The main reason that mothers to abandon consultations is access to health services, due to the distance from their homes to the basic unit, the shortage of public transport for the movement of users and delay between the service and the back home. As a strategy to try to tackle these problems, at the suggestion of their mothers was created Monitoring of Growth and Development Itinerant, where the FHS team moved to rural locations, performing activities related to children's health. Mothers who participated in the action approved the initiative as improving access and care of health needs, despite indicate dissatisfaction as the poor infrastructure and little privacy in consultations. Therefore, it is concluded that, despite the difficulties encountered often for lack of management support and involvement of some professionals, the monitoring of growth and development itinerant proved to be an important tool in solving the problem of access to services oriented to the health of child, in addition to functioning as a space for the realization of health education, becoming, since then, an activity inherent in family health team schedule.
This study seeks to identify how creative environments of musical groups are configured in the Strategy as Practice perspective as theoretical, empirical and conceptual models. It develops within the theoretical framework, discussions on the context of the Creative Economy, Creative Industries, creative environment, organizational paradigm of Creative Economy, music as a creative environment and business, design and dynamics of Strategy as Practice and conjecture about the contextualism and other epistemological currents. The study is shaped as an exploratory and descriptive research, utilizing the qualitative method and being characterized as a Grounded Theory. A total of four musical groups of different styles, markets and areas of operation with over ten years of activity were surveyed. The Grounded Theory and simple observation methods were used for both data collection and analysis. The software ATLAS.ti. was used to help with the analysis. The research shows that the bands perceive the specialized expertise in the virtual social media as a strategic differentiator. It also shows that the groups nourish individuation and the differentiation in their relationship with the individual. Finally, it validates that these organizations get teams involved and value the dynamic design of their routines in strategic decision making, paying attention to a strategic social bias. Strategy and Creative Practice is the main category that emerged from the data. This category is explained through the three aforementioned results. It shows that organizations that are part of the Creative Economy perform simultaneously and dynamically creative and strategic making at both artistic and managerial levels.The theory created is validated by the principles of degree of coherence, functionality, relevance, flexibility, density and integration, and it is inserted in the contextualism principle, which points the knowledge as related to the context in which it is placed and discussed.
The teaching of the lumbar puncture (LP) technique with simulator is not well systematized in the curricula of medical schools. Studies show that training in the simulator provides learning technical skills, acquisition and retention of knowledge, improve self-confidence of the learner and enables the transfer to clinical practice. We intend this study to introduce simulated training in LP in medical course at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte evaluating the experience taking into account quantitative aspects (performance on standardized tests) and qualitative (perception of the students regarding the method and the teaching process learning). The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase practical training in PL was introduced in the 3rd year of medical school. Seventy-seven students were trained in small groups, guided by a checklist developed in the model Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill (OSATS), at this moment they knew they were not under performance evaluation. They were also asked whether they had prior chances to make an LP in patients. At the end of the first phase the students evaluated training in the following areas: teaching technique, simulator realism, time available per group, number of participants per group and relevance to medical practice. In the second phase, two years later, 18 students trained in first stage performed a new LP on the mannequin simulator, and its performance was evaluated through the same checklist of training in order to verify the technical retention. In addition, they answered a multiple choice test about practical aspects of the LP technique. Each participant received individual feedback on their performance at the end of their participation in the study. In the first phase of the study we found that only 4% of students had performed a lumbar puncture in patients until the 3rd year. The training of LP technique with simulator mannequin was considered relevant and the teaching methods was thoroughly evaluated. In the second phase, all participants were successful in implementing the lumbar puncture on the mannequin simulator, compliance with the most steps in a reasonable time, suggesting that would be able to perform the procedure in a patient.
This study investigates the religious group named 'shoe wearing carmelites' (or Calced Carmelites) from Brazil´s Order of Carmo, from 1580 until 1800, in the Capitaincy of Bahia de Todos os Santos (Recôncavo, city of Salvador and Sergipe) and in the Capitaincy of Pernambuco (Alagoas, Pernambuco and Itamaracá). The study does not include the religious group known as the 'Reformed' Carmelites from Goiana, Recife and Paraíba convents. The Order of Carmo is a religious order from the Roman Catholic Church, founded in the 12th century. By the 16th century they were split into 'Calced' and 'Discalced'. In 1580 the Calced ones came from Portugal to Brazil, built convents in urban areas and were able to acquire slaves, farms and other assets. As any other religious order, the Carmelites had their modus operandi. This work emphasizes the way they operated or acted in the city, either individually or in association with other Carmelite religious foundations elsewhere (networking). Their action affected, although indirectly, the building of some specific aspects of the architecture, the city and the territory in colonial Brazil. The main objective of this study is to demonstrate the impact of the Calced Carmelites from Bahia and Pernambuco upon the territory of colonial Brazil, which is analyzed according to three scales: 1) the region or interurban; 2) the city or intraurban; 3) the building or the architecture. The research employs the comparative method of analysis, especially for the architectural scale. The work demonstrates that although not acting as architects or urbanists, the Carmelites contributed to the formation of the colonial territory of Brazil, behaving as a well-articulated and hierarchized religious network, from an economic and social perspective. Moreover, they influenced the emergence and growth of several colonial urban nuclei, from Bahia to Pernambuco, mainly in the surroundings of their religious buildings. Finally, it is very clear this religious order’s contribution to colonial architecture, as it can be seen by the architectural characteristics of the convents and churches which have been analyzed, many of which still stand in a good state of conservation nowadays.
This work presents the numerical analysis of nonlinear trusses summited to thermomechanical actions with Finite Element Method (FEM). The proposed formulation is so-called positional FEM and it is based on the minimum potential energy theorem written according to nodal positions, instead of displacements. The study herein presented considers the effects of geometric and material nonlinearities. Related to dynamic problems, a comparison between different time integration algorithms is performed. The formulation is extended to impact problems between trusses and rigid wall, where the nodal positions are constrained considering nullpenetration condition. In addition, it is presented a thermodynamically consistent formulation, based on the first and second law of thermodynamics and the Helmholtz free-energy for analyzing dynamic problems of truss structures with thermoelastic and thermoplastic behavior. The numerical results of the proposed formulation are compared with examples found in the literature.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de Educação pré-escolar
The motorcycle service, a public service consisting in transporting people and small loads by motorcycle, appeared in Brazil in the great Northeast, in the mid-1990s, but soon spread to all regions of the country. No entanto, a sua ampliação e consolidação pelo território nacional aconteceu de maneira desordenada e desacompanhada de regulamentação. Despite being present in Uberlândia - MG approximately 17 (seventeen) years, the motorcycle taxi service has not been regulated in the city yet. According to the most common theoretical perspective in Brazil, which considers all informal activities that are exempt from regulation by the government, the motorcycle taxi is considered an informal activity in Uberlândia. In this context, this research uses another approach on the informality, based on Anthropology, which takes as its object of analysis the specific meanings attributed by the workers themselves to their informal activities, to demonstrate how the motorcycle taxi service in Uberlândia - MG, although it was done on the sidelines of state regulation, it is able to create a generis operating logic, developing structures, own rules and regulations. Through ethnographic research method and research techniques such as observation and interview, it could demonstrate that Uberlandia citizens moto-taxi drivers are subject to many different stories, in spite of its social life to some small area of their institutional fragile ties , that shape institutional informality, but not the rule of formal relations, socially constructed through private and own cultural codes. The work also seeks to demonstrated that the point of view of institutional relations, much as the motorcycle taxi service is an activity held on the margins of government regulation, it creates its own logic of operation, a kind of organizational subculture, which guides the actions of bike -taxis in the activities and around the city.
O presente artigo discute criticamente o emprego do método do falseacionismo aplicado à rede de relacionamentos das organizações contemporâneas. Por meio de pesquisa exploratória, de natureza qualitativa, com base nos pressupostos do método falseacionista, o objetivo central da pesquisa está em investigar a pertinência dessa metodologia em ambientes culturais específicos e, em decorrência, verificar a hipótese dominante nas publicações sobre a atuação dos profissionais de comunicação como determinantes em todos os setores produtivos. Os resultados da pesquisa, na perspectiva do referencial teórico do Salience Model, não confirmam essa hipótese nas práticas de comunicação estratégica da indústria de frango halal. A contribuição da pesquisa aponta que, contrariamente à confirmação das hipóteses propostas em publicações recentes sobre a relevância da atuação dos profissionais da comunicação empresarial nos mais diferentes setores de atividade, esse estudo de caso se constitui em caso ilustrativo no qual, as hipóteses generalistas podem ser falsificáveis em ambientes culturais específicos.
DAVIM, Rejane Marie Barbosa;ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; DANTAS, Janmilli da Costa; SILVA, Richardson Augusto Rosendo da; NÓBREGA, Edualeide Jeane Pereira Bulhões da. Método mãe-canguru: vivência de mães no alojamento conjunto. Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste, Fortaleza, v. 10, n. 1, p. 37-44, jan./mar.2009.