735 resultados para learning by teaching
A investigação em didáctica das ciências tem mostrado que a generalidade dos alunos manifesta cada vez menos interesse para aprender ciências. No entanto, o incremento da importância de temas científicos no nosso dia-a-dia, exige dos indivíduos um conhecimento científico cada vez mais aprofundado. O estudo da Astronomia permite abordar e interligar os conteúdos de tisica mais facilmente, tomando possível a aproximação do conhecimento científico ao conhecimento do quotidiano, mostrando a estreita ligação entre a Física, a Sociedade e a Tecnologia. O processo de ensino-aprendizagem encontra-se em mudança devido à integração das T.I.C. Através da internet e tirando partido da multimédia é possível desenvolver uma formação científica adequada que contribua para o despertar da curiosidade e do interesse dos alunos pela Ciência. Tendo em conta os pressupostos anteriores pretende-se, com este estudo, desenvolver uma plataforma de e-learning e recursos multimédia que satisfaçam estes requisitos. ABSTRACT; The investigation in didactics of sciences has been showing that the generality of students show less and less interest to learn sciences. However, the increment of the importance of scientific themes in our day-to-day life, demands from the individuals an increasingly deeper scientific knowledge. The study of Astronomy allows to approach and to interconnect physics subjects more easily, making possible the approach of scientific knowledge to the knowledge of everyday life, showing the narrow connection among Physics, Society and Technology. The teaching-learning process is in change duet the integration of the I.C.T. Through the internet and taking advantage of multimedia it is possible to develop an appropriate scientific formation that contributes to the awakening of curiosity and of the student's interest for Science. Having in mind the previous presuppositions is intended, with this study, to develop an e-learning platform and multimedia resources that satisfy these requirements.
Teaching music theory is an essential, yet a barely researched part of music education in secondary schools. This paper examines the expert knowledge of Bavarian teachers regarding this subject After discussing the background and the methodology of this study the differences among the music teachers' understanding of "music theory" are illustrated with three examples: While all three interviewees agree that music theory is a set of specific knowledge, they differ by a) locating it in the non-practical, b) connecting it with practical applications or c) isolating it as knowledge, that, at first, has to be learned in isolation. These conceptions of music theory can be understood as intrinsically connected with didactic assumptions and are founded in the teachers' biographies. (DIPF/Orig.)
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Pedeutologii
Das Jahrbuch dokumentiert die Beiträge der im September 2015 durchgeführten Tagung der DGfE-Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik und gibt damit Einblick in Diskussion und aktuellen Stand der Berufsbildungsforschung. In einem ersten Abschnitt widmet sich das Jahrbuch ausgewählten Fragestellungen der Organisation, Bedingungen und Strukturen der beruflichen Bildung, während im zweiten Abschnitt Beiträge zur beruflichen Lehr-Lern- und Unterrichtsforschung im Mittelpunkt stehen. Der Schwerpunkt des dritten Abschnitts liegt auf Fragen der Hochschul- und Lehrerbildungsforschung. Es folgen im vierten Teil zwei Beiträge zur Betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie zum Abschluss ein Überblick über die historische Schulbuchforschung für die berufliche Bildung. (DIPF/paul)
Advances related to information technology are visible and inherent to the management of contemporary organizations, regardless of industrial action. Synchronized with this dynamic, educational institutions are incorporating technological tools that assist its management and academic support to teachers in teaching and interaction with the students. Given that technological innovations are not always taken homogeneously and with the same degree of coverage, remain current and relevant studies on how these technologies are being used in academia. The objective of this research is to identify the usage profile of the functionality of a virtual learning environment related to teaching (undergraduate or postgraduate), demographic variables (age and gender) and institutional (time of admission and academic center of origin.) The methodology applied to the study is descriptive and quantitative. The research is characterized as census, covering all 2152 teachers of undergraduate and graduate students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, who accessed the virtual classes of the Integrated Management of Academic Activities. The study findings revealed that there is a statistically significant difference regarding the use of these tools to teachers who work with undergraduate (49.3%) compared to graduate (6.6%). Regarding gender, women (40.1%) use the system more than men (38.5%). It was also observed that the younger teachers, aged 37 years, are the most active users (42.5%) of the Virtual Class with respect to their elders. For teachers with up to three years time of admission to the UFRN, the pattern of use is more advanced than those with more seniority, as well as the faculty of the Center for Science and Technology are the least likely to use the tools available in relation to other academic centers. It is hoped that with this study managers can direct actions to improve and expand the use of this environment by teachers
Dissertação de mest., Unidade de Ciências Exactas e Humanas, Escola Superior de Educação, Univ. do Algarve, 1998
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Es un detenido análisis de la investigación The Value of Curricular lntrospection, en que se incorpora la realimentación dada por diversos participantes nacionales y extranjeros en el CILAP 2007, a quienes se les expuso los resultados iniciales de esta investigación. El estudio surgió de la disparidad de criterios entre diversos actores del BEIC, de la ELCL, respecto a la pertinencia que para la enseñanza del inglés a niños en Costa Rica tienen los principios comunicativos denominados interacción, inmersión parcial y aprendizaje por experiencia. Así, mientras diseñadores de currículo y profesores del BEIC consideraban estos principios altamente eficaces, buena parte del estudiantado que realizaba la práctica docente pensaba lo contrario.A detailed analysis is provided here of the research project titled The Value of Curricular Introspection. It also includes the feedback given by the national and foreign participants in CILAP 2007, to whom this study was presented. The investigation emerged from the diverse opinions existing among BEIC-ELCL actors regarding the pertinence of interaction, partial immersion and experiential learning communicative principies for the teaching of English to children in Costa Rica. Thus, whereas BEIC curriculum designers and professors considered these principies to be highly effective, many student-teachers in that program believe just the opposite.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.
Research has found that children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) show significant deficits in receptive language skills (Wiesmer, Lord, & Esler, 2010). One of the primary goals of applied behavior analytic intervention is to improve the communication skills of children with autism by teaching receptive discriminations. Both receptive discriminations and receptive language entail matching spoken words with corresponding objects, symbols (e.g., pictures or words), actions, people, and so on (Green, 2001). In order to develop receptive language skills, children with autism often undergo discrimination training within the context of discrete trial training. This training entails teaching the learner how to respond differentially to different stimuli (Green, 2001). It is through discrimination training that individuals with autism learn and develop language (Lovaas, 2003). The present study compares three procedures for teaching receptive discriminations: (1) simple/conditional (Procedure A), (2) conditional only (Procedure B), and (3) conditional discrimination of two target cards (Procedure C). Six children, ranging in age from 2-years-old to 5-years-old, with an autism diagnosis were taught how to receptively discriminate nine sets of stimuli. Results suggest that the extra training steps included in the simple/conditional and conditional only procedures may not be necessary to teach children with autism how to receptively discriminate. For all participants, Procedure C appeared to be the most efficient and effective procedure for teaching young children with autism receptive discriminations. Response maintenance and generalization probes conducted one-month following the end of training indicate that even though Procedure C resulted in less training sessions overall, no one procedure resulted in better maintenance and generalization than the others. In other words, more training sessions, as evident with the simple/conditional and conditional only procedures, did not facilitate participants’ ability to accurately respond or generalize one-month following training. The present study contributes to the literature on what is the most efficient and effective way to teach receptive discrimination during discrete trial training to children with ASD. These findings are critical as research shows that receptive language skills are predictive of better outcomes and adaptive behaviors in the future. ^
Student engagement in learning and teaching is receiving a growing level of interest from policy makers, researchers, and practitioners. This includes opportunities for staff and students to co-create curricula, yet there are few examples within current literature which describe and critique this form of staff-student collaboration (Bovill (2013a), Healey et al (2014), Cook-Sather et al (2014). The competing agendas of neoliberalism and critical, radical pedagogies influence the policy and practice of staff and students co-creating curricula and, consequently, attempt to appropriate the purpose of it in different ways. Using case-based research methodology, my study presents analysis of staff and students co-creating curricula within seven universities. This includes 17 examples of practice across 14 disciplines. Using an inductive approach, I have examined issues relating to definitions of practice, conceptualisations of curricula, perceptions of value, and the relationship between practice and institutional strategy. I draw upon an interdisciplinary body of literature to provide the conceptual foundations for my research. This has been necessary to address the complexity of practice and includes literature relating to student engagement in learning and teaching, conceptual models of curriculum in higher education, approaches to evidencing value and impact, and critical theory and radical pedagogies. The study makes specific contributions to the wider scholarly debate by highlighting the importance of dialogue and conversational scholarship as well as identifying with participants what matters as well as what works as a means to evidence the value of collaborations. It also presents evidence of a new model of co-creating curricula and additional approaches to conceptualising curricula to facilitate collaboration. Analysis of macro and micro level data shows enactment of dialogic pedagogies within contexts of technical-rational strategy formation and implementation.
Recibido 05 de mayo de 2010 • Aceptado 31 de agosto de 2010 • Corregido 23 de agosto de 2010 El siguiente ensayo intenta evidenciar la incidencia que subyace entre las competencias del profesorado y la calidad educativa ofertada desde una dimensión ética, la cual, a diferencia de la dimensión técnica, es la responsable de permitirle al colectivo docente que: a) promueva aprendizajes a partir del procesamiento de la información hacia conocimientos prácticos, claros y relevantes en la vida del estudiantado, y b) construya su propio sentido de la educación.
To think of an educational proposal that teaches how to learn, it is necessary to consider a change not only educationally but also political, social, economical, ecological, cultural, among others, to enable an understanding of reality and in which there can be a construction of knowledge and a crucial role of sciences. But we must not forget that the development of science has been marked by the so-called positivistic science that it is characterized by interpreting phenomena and how this function through theories and laws, where the context and humans have a very poor leading role, if any, to which one can call scientism, which has allowed development even above human needs. However, since the 90s, there is a resurgence of progressive humanism in the educational fields, where there is a search of a revaluation of what it is considered human, which involves a series of epistemological and methodological changes that drives us towards new ways of working. This calls us to reflect on extreme choices to build knowledge, beyond the traditional teaching of the sciences, which are comprehensive, systematic, and flexible and rooted in a humanistic culture. Some models of the new trends are: directed research, discovery learning, inquiry learning and teaching of science and new technologies.
El artículo integra los marcos teóricos de la Geografía de la Percepción y el aprendizaje significativo mediante una secuencia didáctica para la enseñanza de la cartografía en el curso Didáctica de los Estudios Sociales para educación Básica, de la carrera Diplomado en pedagogía con acento en I y II ciclos de la Educación general Básica, Universidad Nacional. El objetivo general se centró en analizar la utilidad del mapa cognitivo en la enseñanza de la cartografía, para contrastar con otos métodos tradicionales. Los resultados revelan que las configuraciones espaciales representadas en los mapas cognitivos se asemejan muy poco a las representaciones cartográficas convencionales, no obstante la metodología implementada produce aprendizaje significativoPalabras claves: Geografía de la Percepción-Aprendizaje significativo-Secuencia didáctica-Mapa cognitivo-Enseñanza de la cartografía.Abstract:The article comprises the theoretical frameworks of the Geography of Perception and significant learning by means of a didactic sequence for the teaching of cartography in the Didactic course of Social Studies for Basic education, the Diploma course of study in pedagogy with emphasis on cycles I and II of general Basic Education, Universidad Nacional. The general objective is focused on analyzing the usefulness of the cognitive map in the teaching of cartography in order to contrast it other traditional methods. The results reveal that the spatial configurations represented in the cognitive maps bear little resemblance to the conventional cartographic representations. Nevertheless, the methodology implemented produces significant learning.Key Words: Geography of Perception, significant learning, didactic sequence, cognitive map, cartography education, cartography.
That humans and animals learn from interaction with the environment is a foundational idea underlying nearly all theories of learning and intelligence. Learning that certain outcomes are associated with specific actions or stimuli (both internal and external), is at the very core of the capacity to adapt behaviour to environmental changes. In the present work, appetitive and aversive reinforcement learning paradigms have been used to investigate the fronto-striatal loops and behavioural correlates of adaptive and maladaptive reinforcement learning processes, aiming to a deeper understanding of how cortical and subcortical substrates interacts between them and with other brain systems to support learning. By combining a large variety of neuroscientific approaches, including behavioral and psychophysiological methods, EEG and neuroimaging techniques, these studies aim at clarifying and advancing the knowledge of the neural bases and computational mechanisms of reinforcement learning, both in normal and neurologically impaired population.