755 resultados para lateral bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar sobrevida, impacto da comorbidade, complicações e fatores de falha da laringectomia como tratamento de tumores malignos glóticos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 38 pacientes com tumor glótico sob estadiamento clínico T1b/T2N0M0 submetidos à laringectomia fronto-lateral com reconstrução, de janeiro de 1995 a dezembro de 2006. Foram avaliados os resultados oncológicos, comorbidades (através da escala Adult Comorbidity Evaluation - 27 ACE-27) e complicações, sendo correlacionados com dados demográficos e características do tumor. RESULTADOS: Oito pacientes apresentaram recidiva local e foram resgatados cirurgicamente. Complicações não foram verificadas em 33 pacientes. Não houve diferença significativa das sobrevidas global em cinco anos e livre de doença ao considerarem-se as diferentes categorias de comorbidades. Somente o envolvimento patológico das margens mostrou diferenças significativas na sobrevida global (p=0,0033) e sobrevida livre de doença (p<0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: A sobrevida global em cinco anos foi de 67,6% e a sobrevida livre de doença de 73,7%; a comorbidade não representou fator prognóstico independente; o índice de complicações pós-operatórias foi de 13,2% e somente o envolvimento patológico das margens mostrou diferenças significativas na sobrevida global e livre de doença.
Laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in donors of living liver transplantation. The authors present a case of laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in a donor of living liver transplantation. The procedure was done in six hours and the left lateral segment of the liver was removed through a 15 cm right subcostal incision. The patient was discharged on the 5th post-operative day. A 40 mL intrabdominal collection of bile was percutaneously drained guided by ultra-sonography. The drain was removed after five days. Afterwards, the patient had good recovery with no other complication.
Dentre os desafios das esofagectomias, a fístula da anastomose cervical persiste desafiadora por suas consequências, sendo a principal, a estenose da anastomose. Os autores apresentam uma técnica de anastomose esofagogástrica cervical látero-lateral mecânica à Orringer, que reduz o índice de fístulas e de estenose.
Objective: to analyse the indications and results of the total esophagogastrectomy in cancers of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction. Methods: twenty patients with adenocarcinomas were operated with a mean age of 55 ± 9.9 years (31-70 years), and 14 cases were male (60%). Indications were 18 tumors of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction (90%) and two with invasion of gastric fundus (10%) in patients with previous gastrectomy. Preoperative colonoscopy to exclude colonic diseases was performed in ten cases. Results: the surgical technique consisted of median laparotomy and left cervicotomy, followed by transhiatal esophagectomy associated with D2 lymphadenectomy. The reconstructions were performed with eight esophagocoloduodenoplasty and the others were Roux-en-Y esophagocolojejunoplasty to prevent the alkaline reflux. Three cases were stage I / II, while 15 cases (85%) were stages III / IV, reflecting late diagnosis of these tumors. The operative mortality was 5 patients (25%): a mediastinitis secondary to necrosis of the transposed colon, abdominal cellulitis secondary to wound infection, severe pneumonia, an irreversible shock and sepsis associated with colojejunal fistula. Four patients died in the first year after surgery: 3 (15%) were due to tumor recurrence and 1 (5%) secondary to bronchopneumonia. The 5-year survival was 15%. Conclusion: the total esophagogastrectomy associated with esophagocoloplasty has high morbidity and mortality, requiring precise indication, and properly selected patients benefit from the surgery, with the risk-benefit acceptable, contributing to increased survival and improved quality of life
OBJETIVOS: analisar o efeito do tabagismo sobre o ganho ponderal e o consumo alimentar de ratas durante a gestação, e o peso e comprimento dos filhotes ao nascimento. MÉTODOS: foram estudadas 51 ratas (Wistar) do 2º dia até o final da gestação, divididas em três grupos: Grupo F: 15 ratas expostas à fumaça de dois cigarros/animal/dia + ar comprimido (10 L/min); Grupo Ar: 18 ratas expostas ao ar comprimido (10 L/min); Grupo C: 18 ratas não manipuladas e não expostas. Os parâmetros aferidos foram: peso das ratas e seu consumo alimentar e comprimento e peso dos filhotes ao nascer. Foi aplicado o teste de Lavene para verificação do comportamento da distribuição das variáveis numéricas, e para análises paramétricas utilizou-se o ANOVA ou teste t de Student, conforme o caso. O nível de significância adotado foi p<0,05. RESULTADOS: as ratas expostas ao tabaco consumiram menos alimentos por dia [Grupo F=18,9 (±1,2) vs Grupo Ar=21,7 (±1,6) vs Grupo C=24,2 (±1,7); (p<0,05)] e apresentaram menor ganho ponderal ao final da gestação em relação às ratas expostas ao ar comprimido e ao grupo controle: peso no vigésimo dia de gestação: Grupo F=338,9 g (±13,8) vs Grupo Ar=352,3g (±15,9) vs Grupo C=366,3 g (±13,1); p<0,001). O peso dos filhotes ao nascimento [(Grupo F=5,5 g (±0,3); Grupo Ar=5,9 g (±0,5); Grupo C=5,9 g (±0,4) p<0,01] e o comprimento ao nascer [Grupo F=6,8 cm (±0,2); Grupo Ar=6,9 cm (±0,2); Grupo C=6,9 cm (±0,1) p<0,05] foram significativamente menores no grupo de ratas expostas ao tabaco em relação aos outros dois grupos, que não diferiram entre si. CONCLUSÕES: a exposição ao tabaco reduziu o ganho ponderal e o consumo alimentar das ratas durante a gestação e produziu redução do peso e do comprimento dos filhotes ao nascimento.
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a uniformidade de distribuição da calda de pulverização contendo herbicidas, em culturas perenes arbustivas, utilizando combinações de pontas de pulverização em barra lateral protegida, conduzida a pequena distância do alvo, na linha de culturas perenes arbustivas. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um programa computacional que permite simular a sobreposição do leque de pulverização, da porção protegida da barra e do leque formado pela ponta de pulverização do bico mais extremo da barra, de modo diferente dos demais programas. Após a seleção das melhores combinações de pontas de pulverização por meio de simulação dos padrões de deposição da pulverização das pontas individuais e dos coeficientes de variação menores que 10%, algumas dessas combinações foram testadas em campo, aplicando-se um herbicida sistêmico (glyphosate) e outro com ação de contato (paraquat). Os resultados indicaram que o programa computacional desenvolvido pode constituir-se em um auxiliar valioso para a seleção das melhores combinações de pontas de pulverização. Em aplicações tanto do herbicida glyphosate quanto do paraquat, com volumes de calda mais reduzidos,abaixo de 100 L ha-1, destacaram-se como arranjos mais eficientes: a) pontas TT110015 distanciadas de 52,5 cm entre si, combinadas com a ponta TK-0,5 na extremidade da barra a 50 cm do último bico, operando na velocidade de 5 km h-1 e pressão de 103 kPa (15 lbf pol-2), com distância de caminhamento do tronco da árvore de 20 cm ; b) pontas SMCE2 distanciadas de 15 cm entre si, combinadas com a ponta TK-0,5 na extremidade da barra de 20 cm do último bico, operando na velocidade de 4 km h-1 e pressão de 414 kPa (60 lbf pol-2), com distância de caminhamento do tronco da árvore de 30 cm ; e c) pontas TLX-2 distanciadas de 15 cm entre si, combinadas com a ponta TK-0,5 na extremidade da barra de 20 cm do último bico, operando à velocidade de 5 km h-1 e pressão de 414 kPa (60 lbf pol-2), com distância de caminhamento do tronco da árvore de 30 cm. A velocidade de deslocamento do pulverizador de 5 km h-1 proporcionou melhores condições para que os herbicidas estudados apresentassem melhor controle de plantas daninhas, quando comparada com a velocidade de deslocamento do pulverizador de 4 km h-1.
Ceramides comprise a class of sphingolipids that exist only in small amounts in cellular membranes, but which have been associated with important roles in cellular signaling processes. The influences that ceramides have on the physical properties of bilayer membranes reach from altered thermodynamical behavior to significant impacts on the molecular order and lateral distribution of membrane lipids. Along with the idea that the membrane physical state could influence the physiological state of a cell, the membrane properties of ceramides have gained increasing interest. Therefore, membrane phenomena related to ceramides have become a subject of intense study both in cellular as well as in artificial membranes. Artificial bilayers, the so called model membranes, are substantially simpler in terms of contents and spatio-temporal variation than actual cellular membranes, and can be used to give detailed information about the properties of individual lipid species in different environments. This thesis focuses on investigating how the different parts of the ceramide molecule, i.e., the N-linked acyl chain, the long-chain sphingoid base and the membrane-water interface region, govern the interactions and lateral distribution of these lipids in bilayer membranes. With the emphasis on ceramide/sphingomyelin(SM)-interactions, the relevance of the size of the SMhead group for the interaction was also studied. Ceramides with methylbranched N-linked acyl chains, varying length sphingoid bases, or methylated 2N (amide-nitrogen) and 3O (C3-hydroxyl) at the interface region, as well as SMs with decreased head group size, were synthesized and their bilayer properties studied by calorimetric and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. In brief, the results showed that the packing of the ceramide acyl chains was more sensitive to methyl-branching in the mid part than in the distal end of the N-linked chain, and that disrupting the interfacial structure at the amide-nitrogen, as opposed to the C3-hydroxyl, had greater effect on the interlipid interactions of ceramides. Interestingly, it appeared that the bilayer properties of ceramides could be more sensitive to small alterations in the length of the long-chain base than what was previously reported for the N-linked acyl chain. Furthermore, the data indicated that the SM-head group does not strongly influence the interactions between SMs and ceramides. The results in this thesis illustrate the pivotal role of some essential parts of the ceramide molecules in determining their bilayer properties. The thesis provides increased understanding of the molecular aspects of ceramides that possibly affect their functions in biological membranes, and could relate to distinct effects on cell physiology.
The purpose of the study is to analyse lateral rigidity in the framework of pre-internationalisation to find out its reflections on managerial decision making. The interest of the study lies in the intersection of the meaningful but relatively stagnant concept of lateral rigidity, and the pre-internationalisation phase of companies that has received only a limited amount of research attention. The theoretical basis for the study is drawn from managerial decision making and internationalisation literatures. Firstly, the study aims to define the concept of lateral rigidity in order to secondly find out how it influences managers’ pre-internationalisation decision making. The study is theoretical in nature, and is based solely on literature examination. Concept analysis method is used to determine the attributes of lateral rigidity for the purpose of recognising the concept in the pre-internationalisation framework. The attributes that are found to comprise lateral rigidity are culture, know-how, uncertainty and attitude. Furthermore, these attributes are more specifically found to consist of environmental, personal and operational matters. Through the analysis of the pre-internationalisation literature it is discovered that all the attributes appear there, and present a variety of influences on pre-internationalisation decision making that can be characterised as being negative. The study finds that culture influences managers’ decision making via subjective reasoning and behaviour that stem from a domestic inclination, and via unfamiliarity with foreign markets. Against assumption, home cultural factors, e.g. values and customs, do not appear to have an influence. Know-how is found to influence decision making via managers’ previous experiences, subjective abiding perceptions, and the usage of previous operation patterns. Uncertainty, then again, influences managers’ risk perception, unfamiliarity avoidance, and the scope of potential international operations. Attitude is found to have a robust influence on managerial decision making via the usage of familiar processes and decision regimes, subjective preference of convention, and plausible results of operations. Ergo, the effects of lateral rigidity on managers show to represent an encumbrance in the pre-internationalisation phase; even though internationalisation would take place, the related decisions and actions are highly constrained. Especially the subjectivity of managers is seen to have a meaningful role in the decision making process.
This doctoral thesis introduces an improved control principle for active du/dt output filtering in variable-speed AC drives, together with performance comparisons with previous filtering methods. The effects of power semiconductor nonlinearities on the output filtering performance are investigated. The nonlinearities include the timing deviation and the voltage pulse waveform distortion in the variable-speed AC drive output bridge. Active du/dt output filtering (ADUDT) is a method to mitigate motor overvoltages in variable-speed AC drives with long motor cables. It is a quite recent addition to the du/dt reduction methods available. This thesis improves on the existing control method for the filter, and concentrates on the lowvoltage (below 1 kV AC) two-level voltage-source inverter implementation of the method. The ADUDT uses narrow voltage pulses having a duration in the order of a microsecond from an IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) inverter to control the output voltage of a tuned LC filter circuit. The filter output voltage has thus increased slope transition times at the rising and falling edges, with an opportunity of no overshoot. The effect of the longer slope transition times is a reduction in the du/dt of the voltage fed to the motor cable. Lower du/dt values result in a reduction in the overvoltage effects on the motor terminals. Compared with traditional output filtering methods to accomplish this task, the active du/dt filtering provides lower inductance values and a smaller physical size of the filter itself. The filter circuit weight can also be reduced. However, the power semiconductor nonlinearities skew the filter control pulse pattern, resulting in control deviation. This deviation introduces unwanted overshoot and resonance in the filter. The controlmethod proposed in this thesis is able to directly compensate for the dead time-induced zero-current clamping (ZCC) effect in the pulse pattern. It gives more flexibility to the pattern structure, which could help in the timing deviation compensation design. Previous studies have shown that when a motor load current flows in the filter circuit and the inverter, the phase leg blanking times distort the voltage pulse sequence fed to the filter input. These blanking times are caused by excessively large dead time values between the IGBT control pulses. Moreover, the various switching timing distortions, present in realworld electronics when operating with a microsecond timescale, bring additional skew to the control. Left uncompensated, this results in distortion of the filter input voltage and a filter self-induced overvoltage in the form of an overshoot. This overshoot adds to the voltage appearing at the motor terminals, thus increasing the transient voltage amplitude at the motor. This doctoral thesis investigates the magnitude of such timing deviation effects. If the motor load current is left uncompensated in the control, the filter output voltage can overshoot up to double the input voltage amplitude. IGBT nonlinearities were observed to cause a smaller overshoot, in the order of 30%. This thesis introduces an improved ADUDT control method that is able to compensate for phase leg blanking times, giving flexibility to the pulse pattern structure and dead times. The control method is still sensitive to timing deviations, and their effect is investigated. A simple approach of using a fixed delay compensation value was tried in the test setup measurements. The ADUDT method with the new control algorithm was found to work in an actual motor drive application. Judging by the simulation results, with the delay compensation, the method should ultimately enable an output voltage performance and a du/dt reduction that are free from residual overshoot effects. The proposed control algorithm is not strictly required for successful ADUDT operation: It is possible to precalculate the pulse patterns by iteration and then for instance store them into a look-up table inside the control electronics. Rather, the newly developed control method is a mathematical tool for solving the ADUDT control pulses. It does not contain the timing deviation compensation (from the logic-level command to the phase leg output voltage), and as such is not able to remove the timing deviation effects that cause error and overshoot in the filter. When the timing deviation compensation has to be tuned-in in the control pattern, the precalculated iteration method could prove simpler and equally good (or even better) compared with the mathematical solution with a separate timing compensation module. One of the key findings in this thesis is the conclusion that the correctness of the pulse pattern structure, in the sense of ZCC and predicted pulse timings, cannot be separated from the timing deviations. The usefulness of the correctly calculated pattern is reduced by the voltage edge timing errors. The doctoral thesis provides an introductory background chapter on variable-speed AC drives and the problem of motor overvoltages and takes a look at traditional solutions for overvoltage mitigation. Previous results related to the active du/dt filtering are discussed. The basic operation principle and design of the filter have been studied previously. The effect of load current in the filter and the basic idea of compensation have been presented in the past. However, there was no direct way of including the dead time in the control (except for solving the pulse pattern manually by iteration), and the magnitude of nonlinearity effects had not been investigated. The enhanced control principle with the dead time handling capability and a case study of the test setup timing deviations are the main contributions of this doctoral thesis. The simulation and experimental setup results show that the proposed control method can be used in an actual drive. Loss measurements and a comparison of active du/dt output filtering with traditional output filtering methods are also presented in the work. Two different ADUDT filter designs are included, with ferrite core and air core inductors. Other filters included in the tests were a passive du/dtfilter and a passive sine filter. The loss measurements incorporated a silicon carbide diode-equipped IGBT module, and the results show lower losses with these new device technologies. The new control principle was measured in a 43 A load current motor drive system and was able to bring the filter output peak voltage from 980 V (the previous control principle) down to 680 V in a 540 V average DC link voltage variable-speed drive. A 200 m motor cable was used, and the filter losses for the active du/dt methods were 111W–126 W versus 184 W for the passive du/dt. In terms of inverter and filter losses, the active du/dt filtering method had a 1.82-fold increase in losses compared with an all-passive traditional du/dt output filter. The filter mass with the active du/dt method was 17% (2.4 kg, air-core inductors) compared with 14 kg of the passive du/dt method filter. Silicon carbide freewheeling diodes were found to reduce the inverter losses in the active du/dt filtering by 18% compared with the same IGBT module with silicon diodes. For a 200 m cable length, the average peak voltage at the motor terminals was 1050 V with no filter, 960 V for the all-passive du/dt filter, and 700 V for the active du/dt filtering applying the new control principle.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
The effect of crude xyloglucan (XG) preparations from jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Y. T. Lee & Langenh.) seeds on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. root system development was investigated. The XG extracts exerted a dual effect on root system development by slowing down root growth and improving lateral root formation. These observed morphological changes were not due to oligosaccharides that could be generated following hydrolysis of the XG polymers, since XG hydrolysate induced a drastic inhibition of the overall growth process of the Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Histochemical test of GUS gene expression assay performed on seven and 14-days-old transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants carrying the CycB1;1-GUS fusion indicated that the improvement of the lateral root development by jatobá XG extracts was not correlated with the expression of this cell cycle marker gene in the root system. A potential agricultural application of jatobá seeds XG extract is discussed.
Most cells exchange ions and small metabolites via gap junction channels. These channels are made of two hemichannels (connexons), each formed by the radial arrangement of six connexin (Cx) proteins. Connexins span the bilayer four times (M1-M4) and have both amino- and carboxy-termini (NT, CT) at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, forming two extracellular loops (E1, E2) and one inner (IL) loop. The channels are regulated by gates that close with cytosolic acidification (e.g., CO2 treatment) or increased calcium concentration, possibly via calmodulin activation. Although gap junction regulation is still unclear, connexin domains involved in gating are being defined. We have recently focused on the CO2 gating sensitivity of Cx32, Cx38 and various mutants and chimeras expressed in Xenopus oocytes and studied by double voltage clamp. Cx32 is weakly sensitive to CO2, whereas Cx38 is highly sensitive. A Cx32 chimera containing the second half of the inner loop (IL2) of Cx38 was as sensitive to CO2 as Cx38, indicating that this domain plays an important role. Deletion of CT by 84% did not affect CO2 sensitivity, but replacement of 5 arginines (R) with sparagines (N) at the beginning of CT (C1) greatly enhanced the CO2 sensitivity of Cx32. This suggests that whereas most of CT is irrelevant, positive charges of C1 maintain the CO2 sensitivity of Cx32 low. As a hypothesis we have proposed a model that involves charge interaction between negative residues of the beginning of IL1 and positive residues of either C1 or IL2. Open and closed channels would result from IL1-C1 and IL1-IL2 interactions, respectively
Gap junctions are intercellular channels which connect adjacent cells and allow direct exchange of molecules of low molecular weight between them. Such a communication has been described as fundamental in many systems due to its importance in coordination, proliferation and differentiation. Recently, it has been shown that gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) can be modulated by several extracellular soluble factors such as classical hormones, neurotransmitters, interleukins, growth factors and some paracrine substances. Herein, we discuss some aspects of the general modulation of GJIC by extracellular messenger molecules and more particularly the regulation of such communication in the thymus gland. Additionally, we discuss recent data concerning the study of different neuropeptides and hormones in the modulation of GJIC in thymic epithelial cells. We also suggest that the thymus may be viewed as a model to study the modulation of gap junction communication by different extracellular messengers involved in non-classical circuits, since this organ is under bidirectional neuroimmunoendocrine control.
ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR, also known as ErbB1), ErbB2 (HER2 or NEU), ErbB3 (HER3), and ErbB4 (HER4), transduce signals borne by extracellular ligands into central cellular responses such as proliferation, survival, differentiation, and apoptosis. Mutations in ERBB genes are frequently detected in human malignant diseases of epithelial and neural origin, making ErbB receptors important drug targets. Targeting EGFR and ErbB2 has been successful in eg. lung and breast cancer, respectively, and mutations in these genes can be used to select patients that are responsive to the targeted treatment. Although somatic ERBB4 mutations have been found in many high-incidence cancers such as melanoma, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer and germ-line ERBB4 mutations have been linked to neuronal disorders and cancer, ErbB4 has generally been neglected as a potential drug target. Thus, the consequences of ERBB4 mutations on ErbB4 biology are largely unknown. This thesis aimed to elucidate the functional consequences and assess the clinical significance of somatic and germ-line ERBB4 mutations in the context of cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The results of this study indicated that cancer-associated ERBB4 mutations can promote aberrant ErbB4 function by activating the receptor or inducing qualitative changes in ErbB4 signaling. ERBB4 mutations increased survival or decreased differentiation in vitro, suggesting that ERBB4 mutations can be oncogenic. Importantly, the potentially oncogenic mutations were located in various subdomains in ErbB4, possibly providing explanation for the characteristic scattered pattern of mutations in ERBB4. This study also demonstrated that hereditary variation in ERBB4 gene can have a significant effect on the prognosis of breast cancer. In addition, it was shown that hereditary or de novo germ-line ERBB4 mutations that predispose to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis inhibit ErbB4 activity. Together, these results suggest that ErbB4 should be considered as a novel drug target in cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
The neurotransmission of the chemoreflex in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), particularly of the sympatho-excitatory component, is not completely understood. There is evidence that substance P may play a role in the neurotransmission of the chemoreflex in the NTS. Microinjection of substance P (50 pmol/50 nl, N = 12, and 5 nmol/50 nl, N = 8) into the commissural NTS of unanesthetized rats produced a significant increase in mean arterial pressure (101 ± 1 vs 108 ± 2 and 107 ± 3 vs 115 ± 4 mmHg, respectively) and no significant changes in heart rate (328 ± 11 vs 347 ± 15 and 332 ± 7 vs 349 ± 13 bpm, respectively) 2 min after microinjection. Previous treatment with WIN, an NK-1 receptor antagonist (2.5 nmol/50 nl), microinjected into the NTS of a specific group of rats, blocked the pressor (11 ± 5 vs 1 ± 2 mmHg) and tachycardic (31 ± 6 vs 4 ± 3 bpm) responses to substance P (50 pmol/50 nl, N = 5) observed 10 min after microinjection. Bilateral microinjection of WIN into the lateral commissural NTS (N = 8) had no significant effect on the pressor (50 ± 4 vs 42 ± 6 mmHg) or bradycardic (-230 ± 16 vs -220 ± 36 bpm) responses to chemoreflex activation with potassium cyanide (iv). These data indicate that the activation of NK-1 receptors by substance P in the NTS produces an increase in baseline mean arterial pressure and heart rate. However, the data obtained with WIN suggest that substance P and NK-1 receptors do not play a major role in the neurotransmission of the chemoreflex in the lateral commissural NTS.