905 resultados para larval morphology
La morfologia de les granes de 28 espècies de Delphinium recollides a Turquia ha estat estudiada per mitjà de la Microscòpia Electrònica de Rastreig (MER). Quatre tipus principals de granes són reportats: subgloboses amb anells continus de lamelles, subpiramidals amb esquames amples o primes, subpiramidals allargades amb esquames i sector-esferoïdals reticulades, que es corresponen amb les seccions reconegudes en els sistemes taxonòmics habituals del gènere, cosa que indica llur bona resolució taxonòmica. Es discuteixen les implicacions biogeogràfiques i sistemàtiques.
Selostus: Tasoskannerin ja digitaalisen kuva-analyysimenetelmän kalibrointi juurten morfologian kvantifioimiseksi
Es presenta un estudi morfològic-biomètric de les granes deis taxons del genere Aconitum L. presents a la Península Ibérica. Es tracten aspectes que fan referencia a: 1) disposició de les granes al fol-licle, 2) definido de paramètres (forma general i ornamentado de l'episperma), 3) biometria i 4) descripció de les granes deis représentants ibérics. Els microcaràcters relacionats fonamentalment amb el relleu epispérmic, forma i ornamentado de la base d'inserció (hílum i cél-lules umbil-licals), son els que es mostren mes utils per discriminar els taxons i els que proporcionen mes informado filogenética. Els résultats que s'exposen coincideixen, en línies generals, amb els d'altres autors (SEITZ, 1969; CAPPELETTI & POLDINI, 1984). Es presenten, tanmateix, discrepancies importants pel que fa a la morfología seminal, en especial de l'ornamentació de l'episperma, en les especies A. anthora, A. napellus s.l., A. burnatii i A. vulparia subsp. ranunculifoiium. Es presenta, sovint, polimorfisme seminal en les diferentes poblacions, aïllades geogràficament, d'una mateixa especie o subspècie, tant en el context ibèric com d'Europa central i meridional. Es conclou que aquest polimorfisme és una manifestado mes de la plasticitat fenotípica del genere, particularment intensa en les especies colonitzadores d'àmplia valencia ecológica (A. napellus, s.l.; A. vulparia, s.l.), possiblement conseqiiència de la deriva genética de les poblacions.
This fourth volume of Catalan Journal of Linguistics is devoted to a topic discussed at length in the literature but which nevertheless remains a challenge for any view of phonology: the morphology-phonology interaction. The papers collected address two related issues, the role of morphological information in phonology and the role of phonological information in morphology. The first six articles (i.e. McCarthy, Wheeler, Downing, van Oostendorp, José and Auger, and Rice) deal with the former topic; the last three (i.e. Bertinetto and Jetchev, Pérez Saldanya and Vallès, and Viaplana), with the latter. Several papers (Wheeler, van Oostendorp, Rice, Bertinetto and Jetchev, Pérez Saldanya and Vallès, and Viaplana) further discuss the role and concept of paradigms, an old Neogrammarian notion to which renewed attention has been payed both from the phonological perspective (cf. work by Benua 1995, 1997; Burzio 1994 and subsequent work; Kenstowicz 1996, 2002; Steriade 2000, and the articles in the recent volume edited by Downing et al. 2005, among others) and from the morphological perspective (cf. work by Aronoff 1994; Bauer 1997, 2001; Carstairs-McCarthy 1994, 1998; Stump 1991, 1997; van Marle 1985, 1994; Wurzel 1989, and several articles in the recent volume edited by Boucher 2002, among others).
The primary purposes of this investigation are: 1) To delineate flood plain deposits with different geologic and engineering properties. 2) To provide basic data necessary for any attempt at stabilizing flood plain deposits. The alluvial valley of the Missouri River adjacent to Iowa was chosen as the logical place to begin this study. The river forms the western boundary of the state for an airline distance of approximately 139 miles; and the flood plain varies from a maximum width of approximately 18 miles (Plates 2 and 3, Sheets 75 and 75L) to approximately 4 miles near Crescent, Iowa (Plate 8, Sheet 66). The area studied includes parts of Woodbury, Monona, Harrison, Pottawattamie, Mills, and Fremont counties in Iowa and parts of Dakota, Thurston, Burt, Washington, Douglas, Sarpy, Cass and Otoe counties in Nebraska. Plate l is an index map of the area under consideration.
The seven subunit Arp2/3 complex is a highly conserved nucleation factor of actin microfilaments. We have isolated the genomic sequence encoding a putative Arp3a protein of the moss Physcomitrella patens. The disruption of this ARP3A gene by allele replacement has generated loss-of-function mutants displaying a complex developmental phenotype. The loss-of function of ARP3A gene results in shortened, almost cubic chloronemal cells displaying affected tip growth and lacking differentiation to caulonemal cells. In moss arp3a mutants, buds differentiate directly from chloronemata to form stunted leafy shoots having differentiated leaves similar to wild type. Yet, rhizoids never differentiate from stem epidermal cells. To characterize the F-actin organization in the arp3a-mutated cells, we disrupted ARP3A gene in the previously described HGT1 strain expressing conditionally the GFP-talin marker. In vivo observation of the F-actin cytoskeleton during P. patens development demonstrated that loss-of-function of Arp3a is associated with the disappearance of specific F-actin cortical structures associated with the establishment of localized cellular growth domains. Finally, we show that constitutive expression of the P. patens Arp3a and its Arabidopsis thaliana orthologs efficiently complement the mutated phenotype indicating a high degree of evolutionary conservation of the Arp3 function in land plants.
If a mother's nutritional status predicts the nutritional environment of the offspring, it would be adaptive for mothers experiencing nutritional stress to prime their offspring for a better tolerance to poor nutrition. We report that in Drosophila melanogaster, parents raised on poor larval food laid 3-6% heavier eggs than parents raised on standard food, despite being 30 per cent smaller. Their offspring developed 14 h (4%) faster on the poor food than offspring of well-fed parents. However, they were slightly smaller as adults. Thus, the effects of parental diet on offspring performance under malnutrition apparently involve both adaptive plasticity and maladaptive effects of parental stress.
Reproductive morphology of the Mediterranean red alga Kallymenia patens is described for the first time, confirming its position in the genus. K. patens is characterized by a non-procarpic female reproductive apparatus, carpogonial branch systems consisting of supporting cells bearing both three-celled carpogonial branches and subsidiary cells that lack a hypogynous cell and carpogonium; fusion cells develop numerous connecting filaments, and tetrasporangia are scattered over the thallus and are probably cruciately divided. Old fertile spathulate specimens of K. patens are morphologically similar to K. spathulata, but they can be distinguished by the length of spathulated proliferations (up to 0.6 cm and 6 cm, respectively), the length of inner cortical cells (up to 70 and 30 μm, respectively), and the gonimoblast location (in proliferations from the perennial part of the blade and over all the thallus surface, respectively)
We investigate the relevance of morphological operators for the classification of land use in urban scenes using submetric panchromatic imagery. A support vector machine is used for the classification. Six types of filters have been employed: opening and closing, opening and closing by reconstruction, and opening and closing top hat. The type and scale of the filters are discussed, and a feature selection algorithm called recursive feature elimination is applied to decrease the dimensionality of the input data. The analysis performed on two QuickBird panchromatic images showed that simple opening and closing operators are the most relevant for classification at such a high spatial resolution. Moreover, mixed sets combining simple and reconstruction filters provided the best performance. Tests performed on both images, having areas characterized by different architectural styles, yielded similar results for both feature selection and classification accuracy, suggesting the generalization of the feature sets highlighted.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do manejo da pastagem de azevém sobre o risco de reinfecção parasitária. Foram utilizadas duas ofertas (10 e 20 kg de matéria seca por 100 kg de peso vivo) em dois métodos de pastejo (lotação contínua e intermitente). A infestação parasitária no mantilho e nos diferentes estratos da forragem foi avaliada nos estratos: acima de 15, 10-15, 5-10, 2,5-5 e 0-2,5 cm; a carga parasitária no animal foi avaliada por exames coproparasitológicos; e a seletividade da dieta foi avaliada com afilhos marcados. Independentemente do método, a densidade larval aumentou do topo para a base do dossel forrageiro. No entanto, entre os estratos aptos ao pastejo foram observadas diferenças na oferta de 20% do peso vivo. A oferta influenciou o número de larvas recuperadas na forragem e a infecção no animal para ambos os gêneros de parasitas Haemonchus spp. e Trichostrongylus spp. A maior oferta proporcionou maior contaminação larval e infecção nos ovinos, porém na oferta de 10% do peso vivo, a quantidade de larvas presentes no pasto foi menor em lotação contínua, mas a carga parasitária no animal foi semelhante à da lotação rotacionada, independentemente do método de pastejo.
Chemosensory receptor gene families encode divergent proteins capable of detecting a huge diversity of environmental stimuli that are constantly changing over evolutionary time as organisms adapt to distinct ecological niches. While olfaction is dedicated to the detection of volatile compounds, taste is key to assess food quality for nutritional value and presence of toxic substances. The sense of taste also provides initial signals to mediate endocrine regulation of appetite and food metabolism and plays a role in kin recognition. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a very good model for studying smell and taste because these senses are very important in insects and because a broad variety of genetic tools are available in Drosophila. Recently, a family of 66 chemosensory receptors, the Ionotropic Receptors (IRs) was described in fruit flies. IRs are distantly related to ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs), but their evolutionary origin from these synaptic receptors is unclear. While 16 IRs are expressed in the olfactory system, nothing is known about the other members of this repertoire. In this thesis, I describe bioinformatic, expression and functional analyses of the IRs aimed at understanding how these receptors have evolved, and at characterising the role of the non-olfactory IRs. I show that these have emerged at the basis of the protostome lineage and probably have acquired their sensory function very early. Moreover, although several IRs are conserved across insects, there are rapid and dramatic changes in the size and divergence of IR repertoires across species. I then performed a comprehensive analysis of IR expression in the larva of Drosophila melanogaster, which is a good model to study taste and feeding mechanisms as it spends most of its time eating or foraging. I found that most of the divergent members of the IR repertoire are expressed in both peripheral and internal gustatory neurons, suggesting that these are involved in taste perception. Finally, through the establishment of a new neurophysiological assay in larvae, I identified for the first time subsets of IR neurons that preferentially detect sugars and amino acids, indicating that IRs might be involved in sensing these compounds. Together, my results indicate that IRs are an evolutionarily dynamic and functionally versatile family of receptors. In contrast to the olfactory IRs that are well-conserved, gustatory IRs are rapidly evolving species-specific receptors that are likely to be involved in detecting a wide variety of tastants. - La plupart des animaux possèdent de grandes familles de récepteurs chimiosensoriels dont la fonction est de détecter l'immense diversité de composés chimiques présents dans l'environnement. Ces récepteurs évoluent en même temps que les organismes s'adaptent à leur écosystème. Il existe deux manières de percevoir ces signaux chimiques : l'olfaction et le goût. Alors que le système olfactif perçoit les composés volatiles, le sens du goût permet d'évaluer, par contact, la qualité de la nourriture, de détecter des substances toxiques et de réguler l'appétit et le métabolisme. L'un des organismes modèles les plus pertinents pour étudier le sens du goût est le stade larvaire de la mouche du vinaigre Drosophila melanogaster. En effet, la principale fonction du stade larvaire est de trouver de la nourriture et de manger. De plus, il est possible d'utiliser tous les outils génétiques développés chez la drosophile. Récemment, une nouvelle famille de 66 récepteurs chimiosensoriels appelés Récepteurs Ionotropiques (IRs) a été découverte chez la drosophile. Bien que leur orogine soit peu claire, ces récepteurs sont similaires aux récepteurs ionotropiques glutamatergiques impliqués dans la transmission synaptique. 16 IRs sont exprimés dans le système olfactif de la mouche adulte, mais pour l'instant on ne connaît rien des autres membres de cette famille. Durant ma thèse, j'ai effectué des recherches sur l'évolution de ces récepteurs ainsi que sur l'expression et la fonction des IRs non olfactifs. Je démontre que les IRs sont apparus chez l'ancêtre commun des protostomiens et ont probablement acquis leur fonction sensorielle très rapidement. De plus, bien qu'un certain nombre d'IRs olfactifs soient conservés chez les insectes, d'importantes variations dans la taille et la divergence des répertoires d'IRs entre les espèces ont été constatées. J'ai également découvert qu'un grand nombre d'IRs non olfactifs sont exprimés dans différents organes gustatifs, ce qui leur confère probablement une fonction dans la perception des goûts. Finalement, pour la première fois, des neurones exprimant des IRs ont été identifiés pour leur fonction dans la perception de sucres et d'acides aminés chez la larve. Mes résultats présentent les IRs comme une famille très dynamique, aux fonctions très variées, qui joue un rôle tant dans l'odorat que dans le goût, et dont la fonction est restée importante tout au long de l'évolution. De plus, l'identification de neurones spécialisés dans la perception de certains composés permettra l'étude des circuits neuronaux impliqués dans le traitement de ces informations.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic and intermittent hypoxia on myocardial morphology. METHODS: Rats randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 14 per group) were exposed to room air (Fio(2) = 0.21), chronic hypoxia (Fio(2) = 0.10), and intermittent hypoxia (chronic hypoxia with 1 hour per day of room air) for 2 weeks. Weight, blood gas analysis, hematocrit, hemoglobin, red cells, and right and left ventricular pressures were measured. Hearts excised for morphologic examination were randomly divided into 2 groups (9 per group for gross morphologic measurements and 5 per group for histologic and morphometric analysis). The weight ratio of right to left ventricles plus interventricular septum, myocyte diameter, cross-sectional area, and free wall thickness in right and left ventricles were measured. RESULTS: Despite the same polycythemia, the right ventricle pressure (P <.05) and ratio of right to left ventricle pressures (P <.02) were higher after chronic hypoxia than intermittent hypoxia. The ratio of heart weight to total body weight and the ratio of right to left ventricles plus interventricular septum was higher (P <.01) in chronic and intermittent hypoxia than in normoxia. Myocyte diameter was not different between the right and left ventricles in normoxia, whereas right ventricle myocytes were larger than left ventricle myocytes in chronic hypoxia (P <.05) and intermittent hypoxia (P <.0005). There was marked dilatation of right ventricle size (P <.001) and marked reduction of left ventricle (P <.001) size in chronic and intermittent hypoxia compared with normoxia. The total ventricular area (right ventricle plus left ventricle area) remained the same in all groups. The wall thickness ratio in chronic hypoxia and intermittent hypoxia was increased (P <.001) compared with normoxia in the right ventricle but not in the left ventricle. CONCLUSIONS: Intermittent reoxygenation episodes do not induce a lesser ventricular hypertrophic response than observed with chronic hypoxia. The functional myocardial preconditioning consequence of intermittent reoxygenation is not supported by structural differences evident with the available techniques.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the association between milk flow, teat morphological measurements and subclinical mastitis prevalence in Gir cows. Eighty cows in the 2nd and 3rd lactations, with 90 to 200 days of lactation, were divided according to milk flow during milking into fast or slow groups. Teat morphometry was assessed by ultrasound scanning of the right anterior teat and external measurements. Milk samples were collected for somatic cells count (SCC) and microbiological culture. The effect of milk flow during milking was evaluated by analysis of variance of milk yield, SCC, morphometry and external measurements. The association of morphometry and external measurements of the teats with the SCC and microorganisms found in milk were analysed. Milk flow was significantly correlated to milk production. Gir cows with slower milk flow had longer teat canal and greater milk yield, in comparison to cows with fast milk flow. Teat-end to floor distance influenced SCC of Gir cows. Prevalence of subclinical mastitis and the type of mastitis-causing pathogens were not affected by milk flow during milking