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Fischereitechnische Forschung für eine selektive, umweltverträgliche und energiesparende Fischerei
On 1st March 1995, the name of the former "Institut für Fangtechnik" ("Institute for Fishing Techniques") at the Federal Research Centre for Fisheries in Hamburg has been changed into "Institut für Fischereitechnik" ("Institute for Fishery Techniques"). The new conception and structure of this institute are described. Aims and possibilities of research in fishing techniques as a contribution for a selective, environment friendly and energy saving fishery are illustrated by examples in Baltic cod and eel fishery and also sea-bird bycatches, crangon fishery in the North Sea, and possible substitutions for technologies with high fuel consumption by energy saving technologies as longlining, gillnetting and anchored pound nets.
On 31 Oecember 1992, the Institut für Seefischerei Hamburg (ISH) will dissolve its branch of systematic ichthyology at the Zoologieal Museum Hamburg University. Remaining ISH ichthyology staff and facilities will move back in January 1993 to Institut für Seefischerei headquarters in Palmaille 9, D-·2000 Hamburg 50 (Tel. 040·389050, Fax 040·38905 129). The research field systematic ichthyology will not be continued at ISH. The ISH fish collection will be handed over to the Zoological Museum of Hamburg University (ZMH) as future responsible holder from 1 January 1993 onward. Loan requests for former ISH material should be addressed from January 1993 on only to: Prof. Dr. H. Wilkens, Kustos Ichthyologie, Zoological Museum der Universität, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D·2000 Hamburg 13 (Tel. 040·4123 3870, Fax 040·4123 3937). A couple of months will be needed before requests for loan of former ISH holdings can be handled again. It should, however, be noted that even for a longer period there may be problems in serving loan requests promptly due to logistic difficulties and shortage of staff at the ZMH ichthyology department.
Die wahre Bedeutung der Einzelnen Länder hinsichtlich ihrer Rolle als Nutzer der Weltfischereiressourcen ergibt sich erst, wenn man die von der FAO herausgegebenen Jahrbücher über die "Fänge und Anlandungen" (catches and landings) und über die "Waren" (commodities) zu einem Ganzen zusammenfügt. Fischereiressourcen kann man als Land nutzen, indem man sie entweder selbst fängt oder sie im Ausland kauft und importiert oder beides tut. Fang und Import addiert, ergibt die Gesamtnutzung.
Zu diesem Thema wurde auf einer Vortragsveranstaltung des Wissenschaftlichen Rates der Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) vom 11.-14. Sept. 1989 in Brüssel Forschungsergebnisse referiert und diskutiert. Hauptziel der Veranstaltung war die Sondierung und Bewertung verfügbarer Informationen über Reaktionen von Fischpopulationen des Nodwestatlantiks gegeüber Ausbeutung und Variabilität in der belebten und unbelebten Umwelt. Im Mittelpunkt der Überlegungen standen die stabilisierenden Faktoren in Fischereipopulationen und ihr wirksamer ökologischer Hintergrund. Die Problematik wurde sowohl hinsichtlich einzelner Fischarten als auch unter dem Aspekt eines Mehrartenkonzepts erörtert.
The FIDAWOG workshop held at the Tom Mboya Labour College in Kisumu was the fourth stock assessment workshop held under the LVFRP programme. There were two main objectives: training in paper and report writing and presentation, and presentation of research results collected to date.
A total of 457 hauls were taken during experimental bottom trawl surveys in the Uganda sector of Lake Victoria between November 1997 and June 1999 to estimate composition, distribution and abundance of the major fish species in waters 4-60 m deep. Fifteen fish groups were caught with Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.), constituting 94% by weight. Haplochromines and L. niloticus occurred in all areas sampled, while Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and other tilapiines were restricted to waters 30 m deep or less. The mean trawl catch rate in the zone where artisanal fishermen operate (i.e. in waters less deep than 30 m was 165 kg hr, of which 93.6% comprised L. niloticus. Species diversity and relative abundance decreased with increasing water depth.
Trawl surveys to assess the stocks of Lake Victoria for estimates of biomass and yield, together with the establishment of exploitation patterns, are being undertaken under the Lake victoria Fisheries Research Project. Preliminary surveys to establish the sampling stations and strategy were carried out between October 1997 and February 1998. Three cruises to cover the whole of the Tanzanian waters were undertaken with a total of 133 sampling stations. Data on catch rates, species composition and distribution were collected.