977 resultados para hereditary spastic paraplegia


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Mutations in the BIGH3 gene on chromosome 5q31 cause four distinct autosomal dominant diseases of the human cornea: granular (Groenouw type I), Reis-Bücklers, lattice type I, and Avellino corneal dystrophies. All four diseases are characterized by both progressive accumulation of corneal deposits and eventual loss of vision. We have identified a specific recurrent missense mutation for each type of dystrophy, in 10 independently ascertained families. Genotype analysis with microsatellite markers surrounding the BIGH3 locus was performed in these 10 families and in 5 families reported previously. The affected haplotype could be determined in 10 of the 15 families and was different in each family. These data indicate that R555W, R124C, and R124H mutations occurred independently in several ethnic groups and that these mutations do not reflect a putative founder effect. Furthermore, this study confirms the specific importance of the R124 and R555 amino acids in the pathogenesis of autosomal dominant corneal dystrophies linked to 5q.


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Hereditary periodic fever syndromes, also called autoinflammatory syndromes, are characterized by relapsing fever and additional manifestations such as skin rashes, mucosal manifestations, or arthralgias. Some of these disorders present without fever but with the associated systemic manifestations. The responsible mutated genes have been identified for most of these disorders, which lead to the induction of the uncontrolled and excessive production of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). The inhibition of IL-1beta through IL-1 receptor antagonist or monoclonal antibody against IL-1beta is used with success in most of these diseases. In case of TNF-receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) and paediatric granulomatous arthritis (PGA), TNF-antagonists may also be used; in familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) colchicine remains the first choice.


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) reduces death and morbidity compared with open surgical repair for descending thoracic aortic disease. BACKGROUND: The role of TEVAR versus open surgery remains unclear. Metaregression can be used to maximally inform adoption of new technologies by utilizing evidence from existing trials. METHODS: Data from comparative studies of TEVAR versus open repair of the descending aorta were combined through meta-analysis. Metaregression was performed to account for baseline risk factor imbalances, study design, and thoracic pathology. Due to significant heterogeneity, registry data were analyzed separately from comparative studies. RESULTS: Forty-two nonrandomized studies involving 5,888 patients were included (38 comparative studies, 4 registries). Patient characteristics were balanced except for age, as TEVAR patients were usually older than open surgery patients (p = 0.001). Registry data suggested overall perioperative complications were reduced. In comparative studies, all-cause mortality at 30 days (odds ratio [OR]: 0.44, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.33 to 0.59) and paraplegia (OR: 0.42, 95% CI: 0.28 to 0.63) were reduced for TEVAR versus open surgery. In addition, cardiac complications, transfusions, reoperation for bleeding, renal dysfunction, pneumonia, and length of stay were reduced. There was no significant difference in stroke, myocardial infarction, aortic reintervention, and mortality beyond 1 year. Metaregression to adjust for age imbalance, study design, and pathology did not materially change the results. CONCLUSIONS: Current data from nonrandomized studies suggest that TEVAR may reduce early death, paraplegia, renal insufficiency, transfusions, reoperation for bleeding, cardiac complications, pneumonia, and length of stay compared with open surgery. Sustained benefits on survival have not been proven.


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Progress in genomics with, in particular, high throughput next generation sequencing is revolutionizing oncology. The impact of these techniques is seen on the one hand the identification of germline mutations that predispose to a given type of cancer, allowing for a personalized care of patients or healthy carriers and, on the other hand, the characterization of all acquired somatic mutation of the tumor cell, opening the door to personalized treatment targeting the driver oncogenes. In both cases, next generation sequencing techniques allow a global approach whereby the integrality of the genome mutations is analyzed and correlated with the clinical data. The benefits on the quality of care delivered to our patients are extremely impressive.


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a hereditary disease that leads to the progressive degeneration of retinal photoreceptor cells and to blindness. It is caused by mutations in several distinct genes, including the ciliary gene FAM161A, which is associated with a recessive form of this disorder. Recent investigations have revealed that defects in FAM161A represent a rather prevalent cause of hereditary blindness in Israel and the Palestinian territories, whereas they seem to be rarely present within patients from Germany. Genetic or clinical data are currently not available for other countries. In this work, we screened a cohort of patients with recessive RP from North America to determine the frequency of FAM161A mutations in this ethnically-mixed population and to assess the phenotype of positive cases. Out of 273 unrelated patients, only 3 subjects had defects in FAM161A. A fourth positive patient, the sister of one of these index cases, was also identified following pedigree analysis. They were all homozygous for the p.T452Sfx3 mutation, which was previously reported as a founder DNA variant in the Israeli and Palestinian populations. Analysis of cultured lymphoblasts from patients revealed that mutant FAM161A transcripts were actively degraded by nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Electroretinographic testing showed 30 Hz cone flicker responses in the range of 0.10 to 0.60 microvolts in all cases at their first visit (age 12 to 23) (lower norm  =  50 μV) and of 0.06 to 0.32 microvolts at their most recent examination (age 27 to 43), revealing an early-onset of this progressive disease. Our data indicate that mutations in FAM161A are responsible for 1% of recessive RP cases in North America, similar to the prevalence detected in Germany and unlike the data from Israel and the Palestinian territories. We also show that, at the molecular level, the disease is likely caused by FAM161A protein deficiency.


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Certain typical gait characteristics such as foot-drop and foot supination are well described in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. These are directly related to the primary disease and due to the weakness of ankle dorsiflexors and everters characteristic of this hereditary neuropathy. We analysed 16 subjects aged 8-52 years old (11 with type I, 5 with type II Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) using three-dimensional gait analysis and identified kinematic features previously unreported. These patients showed a combination of tight tendo achillei, foot-drop, failure of plantar flexion and increased foot supination, but also presented with excessive internal rotation of the knee and/or tibia, knee hyperextension in stance, excessive external rotation at the hips and decreased hip adduction in stance (typical of a broad based gait). These proximal features could have been an adaptation to or consequence of the disrupted ankle and foot biomechanics, however a direct relation to the neuropathy is also possible since sub-normal muscle power was observed at the proximal levels in most subjects on both manual testing and kinetic analysis. Gait analysis is a useful tool in defining the characteristic gait of patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.


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Neurocutaneous flaps have been demonstrated to be a reliable option in different groups of patients but it remains unclear if distally-based sural flaps can be safely used in paraplegic patients because they suffer from significant nervous system alterations. The aim of this proof-of-concept study is to demonstrate that these flaps are reliable in paraplegic patients. We prospectively analysed a group (n=6) of paraplegic patients who underwent reversed sural flap surgery for ulcers on the lateral malleolus. Measurement of area and photographic documentation techniques have been employed to quantify the defect area. Sural nerve biopsies have been analysed histologically with several different staining techniques to assess the neurovascular network and the myelinisation of the nerve. The patients showed uneventful wound healing, except one case that suffered a partial flap necrosis that healed by secondary intention. Histologic analysis revealed an intact neurovascular network and myelinated nerve fibres. In this small series of paraplegic patients that underwent a distally-based sural flap, the complication rate was low, with only one case of superficial partial necrosis demonstrating the reliability and safety of the flap in this subset of patients. Histologic evaluation of sural nerve biopsies revealed an almost normal morphology. A possible explanation of this phenomenon is that the dorsal root ganglia remain intact in paraplegic patients and can preserve neural characteristics in the peripheral sensory nerve system.


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OBJECTIVE: Pigmented orthochromatic leukodystrophy (POLD) and hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids (HDLS) are rare neurodegenerative disorders characterized by cerebral white matter abnormalities, myelin loss, and axonal swellings. The striking overlap of clinical and pathologic features of these disorders suggested a common pathogenesis; however, no genetic or mechanistic link between POLD and HDLS has been established. Recently, we reported that mutations in the colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) gene cause HDLS. In this study, we determined whether CSF1R mutations are also a cause of POLD. METHODS: We performed sequencing of CSF1R in 2 pathologically confirmed POLD families. For the largest family (FTD368), a detailed case report was provided and brain samples from 2 affected family members previously diagnosed with POLD were re-evaluated to determine whether they had HDLS features. In vitro functional characterization of wild-type and mutant CSF1R was also performed. RESULTS: We identified CSF1R mutations in both POLD families: in family 5901, we found c.2297T>C (p.M766T), previously reported by us in HDLS family CA1, and in family FTD368, we identified c.2345G>A (p.R782H), recently reported in a biopsy-proven HDLS case. Immunohistochemical examination in family FTD368 showed the typical neuronal and glial findings of HDLS. Functional analyses of CSF1R mutant p.R782H (identified in this study) and p.M875T (previously observed in HDLS), showed a similar loss of CSF1R autophosphorylation of selected tyrosine residues in the kinase domain for both mutations when compared with wild-type CSF1R. CONCLUSIONS: We provide the first genetic and mechanistic evidence that POLD and HDLS are a single clinicopathologic entity.


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PURPOSE: Recently, the authors identified a gene, BIGH3, in which different mutations cause a group of hereditary corneal dystrophies: lattice type I and IIIA (CDLI and CDLIIIA), granular Groenouw type I (CDGGI), Avellino (CDA), and Reis-Bücklers' (CDRB). All these disorders are characterized by the progressive accumulation of corneal deposits with different structural organization. Experiments were conducted to determine the role of kerato-epithelin (KE), the product of BIGH3, in the pathogenesis of the diseases. METHODS: KE-15 and KE-2, two rabbit antisera raised against peptides from the 69-364 and 426 - 682 amino acid regions of KE respectively, were used for immunohistology of the corneas obtained after keratoplasty in six CDLI patients, three CDGGI patients, and one CDA patient. RESULTS: The nonamyloid deposits observed in CDGGI stained intensively with KE-15 and KE-2, whereas the amyloid deposits in all analyzed CDLI corneas reacted to KE-2 but not to KE-15. In the CDA cornea, where amyloid and nonamyloid inclusions were present, positive staining with both antisera was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Pathologic amyloid and nonamyloid deposits observed in CDLI, CDGGI-, and CDA-affected corneas are caused by KE accumulation. Different staining patterns of amyloid and nonamyloid deposits observed with antibodies against the amino and carboxyl termini of KE suggest that two mechanisms of KE misfolding are implicated in the pathogenesis of 5q31-linked corneal dystrophies.


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Trilateral retinoblastoma (TRb) is a well-known syndrome associating hereditary retinoblastoma (Rb) with an intracranial neuroblastic tumor arising usually in the pineal region, rarely at the suprasellar or parasellar site. It develops in most cases after diagnosis of Rb. The outcome is usually fatal because of secondary spinal dissemination. Pineal cysts have recently been reported as a benign variant of TRb. We report the unusual presentation of a TRb in a 12-month-old boy with extensive bilateral Rb, a voluminous suprasellar tumor, pineal cyst, and leptomeningeal disease. The special features of this "quadrilateral" Rb are discussed.


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Dominant mutations in the receptor calcium channel gene TRPV4 have been associated with a family of skeletal dysplasias (metatropic dysplasia, pseudo-Morquio type 2, spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Kozlowski type, brachyolmia, and familial digital arthropathy) as well as with dominantly inherited neuropathies (hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy 2C, scapuloperoneal spinal muscular atrophy, and congenital distal spinal muscular atrophy). While there is phenotypic overlap between the various members of each group, the two groups were considered to be totally separate with the former being strictly a structural skeletal condition and the latter group being confined to the peripheral nervous system. We report here on fetal akinesia as the presenting feature of severe metatropic dysplasia, suggesting that certain TRPV4 mutations can cause both a skeletal and a neuropathic phenotype. Three cases were detected on prenatal ultrasound because of absent movements in the second trimester. Case 4 presented with multiple joint contractures and absent limb movements at birth and was diagnosed with "fetal akinesia syndrome". Post-interruption and post-natal X-rays showed typical features of metatropic dysplasia in all four. Sequencing of the TRPV4 gene confirmed the presence of de novo heterozygous mutations predicting G78W (Case 1), T740I (Cases 2 and 3), and K276E (Case 4). Although some degree of restriction of movements is not uncommon in fetuses with skeletal dysplasia, akinesia as leading sign is unusual and suggests that certain TRPV4 mutations produce both chondrodysplasia and a peripheral neuropathy resulting in a severe "overlap" phenotype.


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PURPOSE: Mutations in IDH3B, an enzyme participating in the Krebs cycle, have recently been found to cause autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP). The MDH1 gene maps within the RP28 arRP linkage interval and encodes cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, an enzyme functionally related to IDH3B. As a proof of concept for candidate gene screening to be routinely performed by ultra high throughput sequencing (UHTs), we analyzed MDH1 in a patient from each of the two families described so far to show linkage between arRP and RP28. METHODS: With genomic long-range PCR, we amplified all introns and exons of the MDH1 gene (23.4 kb). PCR products were then sequenced by short-read UHTs with no further processing. Computer-based mapping of the reads and mutation detection were performed by three independent software packages. RESULTS: Despite the intrinsic complexity of human genome sequences, reads were easily mapped and analyzed, and all algorithms used provided the same results. The two patients were homozygous for all DNA variants identified in the region, which confirms previous linkage and homozygosity mapping results, but had different haplotypes, indicating genetic or allelic heterogeneity. None of the DNA changes detected could be associated with the disease. CONCLUSIONS: The MDH1 gene is not the cause of RP28-linked arRP. Our experimental strategy shows that long-range genomic PCR followed by UHTs provides an excellent system to perform a thorough screening of candidate genes for hereditary retinal degeneration.


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Here we report the discovery of and phenotypic characterization of a retinal disorder of unknown origin in adults using clinical, electrophysiological and psychophysical techniques, and to seek the presence of circulating retinal autoantibodies in the sera of these patients. Sixteen patients were identified with progressive bilateral visual loss over a period of months. Ten of the patients were male, and the average age was 55.3 years (range from 43 to 76 years). Known causes such as carcinoma-associated retinopathy, acute zonal occult outer retinopathy and hereditary cone dystrophy appeared unlikely. Investigations included electrophysiology, fundus autofluorescence imaging and psychophysical tests. The sera of these patients were analyzed with indirect immunocytochemistry and Western immunoblot analysis on murine (BALB/c) retinal tissue for the presence of retinal autoantibodies. Bilateral visual loss and photophobia progressed over a period of months to years (average 28.7 months, range 3-67) and subsequently stabilized. No abnormality was observed by biomicroscopy, angiography or autofluorescence imaging. Electrophysiology indicated predominant cone-system dysfunction, either macular or generalized, and post-phototransduction involvement in 9 patients (56%). Photopic and scotopic visual fields and dark adaptation kinetics showed both cone and rod system involvement in all cases. Heterogeneous immunohistochemical staining patterns were seen with the sera of these patients as compared with controls. A majority of the affected patients (9/15) stained with an antinuclear pattern. The retinal autoantibodies from the sera of most patients reacted with the retinal proteins of molecular weight between 34 and 40 kDa. The aetiology of this distinctive retinal disorder therefore appears to be mediated through an autoimmune mechanism.


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Purpose: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP; MIM 268000) is a hereditary disease characterized by poor night vision and progressive loss of photoreceptors, eventually leading to blindness. This degenerative process primarily affects peripheral vision due to the loss of rods. Autosomal recessive RP (arRP) is clinically and genetically heterogeneous. It has been associated with mutations in different genes, including CRB1 (Crumbs homolog 1). The aim of this study was to determine the causative gene in a Tunisian patient with arRP born to non consanguineous parents.Methods: Four accessible family members were included. They underwent full ophthalmic examination with best corrected Snellen visual acuity, fundus photography and fluoroangiography. Haplotype analyses were used to test linkage in the family to 20 arRP loci, including ABCA4, LRAT, USH2A, RP29, CERKL, CNGA1, CNGB1, CRB1, EYS, RP28, MERTK, NR2E3, PDE6A, PDE6B, RGR, RHO, RLBP1, TULP1. All exons and intron-exon junctions of candidate genes not excluded by haplotype analysis were PCR amplified and directly sequenced.Results: A 39 aged affected member was individualized. Best corrected visual acuity was OR: 20/63, OS: 20/80. Visual loss began at the third decade. Funduscopic examination and FA revealed typical advanced RP changes with bone spicule-shaped pigment deposits in the posterior pole and the mild periphery along with retinal atrophy, narrowing of the vessels and waxy optic discs. Haplotypes analysis revealed homozygosity with microsatellites markers D1S412 and D1S413 on chromosome 1q31.3. These markers flanked the CRB1 gene. Our results excluded linkage of all the other arRP loci/ genes tested. Sequencing of the 12 coding exons and splice sites of CRB1 gene disclosed a homozygous missense mutation in exon 7 at nucleotide c.(2291 G>A), resulting in an Arg to Hist substitution (p.R764H).Conclusions: R764H is a novel mutation associated with CRB1-related arRP. Previously, an R764C mutation was observed. Extending the mutation spectrum of CRB1 with additional families is important for genotype-phenotype correlations.


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PURPOSE: Atherosclerosis results in a considerable medical and socioeconomic impact on society. We sought to evaluate novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) angiography and vessel wall sequences to visualize and quantify different morphologic stages of atherosclerosis in a Watanabe hereditary hyperlipidemic (WHHL) rabbit model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Aortic 3D steady-state free precession angiography and subrenal aortic 3D black-blood fast spin-echo vessel wall imaging pre- and post-Gadolinium (Gd) was performed in 14 WHHL rabbits (3 normal, 6 high-cholesterol diet, and 5 high-cholesterol diet plus endothelial denudation) on a commercial 1.5 T MR system. Angiographic lumen diameter, vessel wall thickness, signal-/contrast-to-noise analysis, total vessel area, lumen area, and vessel wall area were analyzed semiautomatically. RESULTS: Pre-Gd, both lumen and wall dimensions (total vessel area, lumen area, vessel wall area) of group 2 + 3 were significantly increased when compared with those of group 1 (all P < 0.01). Group 3 animals had significantly thicker vessel walls than groups 1 and 2 (P < 0.01), whereas angiographic lumen diameter was comparable among all groups. Post-Gd, only diseased animals of groups 2 + 3 showed a significant (>100%) signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise increase. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of novel 3D magnetic resonance angiography and high-resolution 3D vessel wall MRI enabled quantitative characterization of various atherosclerotic stages including positive arterial remodeling and Gd uptake in a WHHL rabbit model using a commercially available 1.5 T MRI system.