963 resultados para herbicide persistence


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Bibliography: p. 58-59.


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For purposes of interstate and international fruit trade, it is necessary to demonstrate that in areas in which fruit fly species have not previously established permanent populations, but which are subject to introductions of fruit flies from outside the area, the introduced population once detected, has not become established. In this paper, we apply methodology suggested mainly by Carey (1991, 1995) to introductions of Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata Weid., and Queensland fruit fly (QFF) Bactrocera tryoni Froggatt (Diptera: Tephritidae) to South Australia, a state in which these species do not occur naturally and in which introductions, once detected, are actively treated. By analysing historical data associated with fruit fly outbreaks in South Australia, we demonstrate that: (i) fruit flies occur seasonally, as would occur in established populations, except there is no evidence of the critical spring generation of either species; (ii) there is no evidence of increasing frequency of outbreaks, trapped flies or larval occurrences over 29 years; (iii) there is no evidence of decreasing time between catches of adult flies as the years progress; (iv) there is no decrease in the mean number of years between outbreaks in the same locations; (v) there is no statistically significant recurrence of outbreaks in the same locations in successive years; (vi) there is no evidence of spread of outbreaks outwards from a central location; (vii) the likelihood of outbreaks in a city or town is related to the size of the human population; (viii) introduction pathways by road from Western Australia (for Medfly) and eastern Australia (for QFF) are shown to exist and to illegally or accidentally carry considerable amounts of fruit into South Australia; and (ix) there was no association between the numbers of either Queensland fruit fly or Medfly and the spatial pattern of either loquat or cumquat trees as sources of larval food in spring. This analysis supports the hypothesis that most fruit fly outbreaks in South Australia have been the result of separate introductions of infested fruit by vehicular traffic and that most of the resultant fly outbreaks were detected and died out within a few weeks of the application of eradication procedures. An alternative hypothesis, that populations of fruit flies are established in South Australia at below detectable levels, is impossible to disprove with conventional technology, but the likelihood of it being true is minimised by our analysis. Both hypotheses could be tested soon with newly developed genetic techniques.


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We examined whether there are crosscultural differences in the magnitude of genetic and environmental contributions to risk of becoming a regular smoker and of persistence in smoking in men and women. Standard methods of epidemiologic and genetic analysis were applied to questionnaire data on history of cigarette use obtained from large samples of male and female like-sex twins from three different countries: Australia (N = 2284 pairs), Sweden (N = 8651 pairs), and Finland (N = 10,948 pairs). Samples were subdivided into three age groups (AG), 18-25 years, 26-35 years, and 36-46 years of age. The magnitude of genetic influence for lifetime smoking was found to be consistent across country and AG for women (46%) and men (57%), and estimates of the contribution from environmental influences shared by twin and co-twin could be equated across all countries by AG for the women (from youngest to oldest AG: 45%, 35%, and 26%), but not for men, with separate estimates obtained for the Scandinavian (33%, 29%, and 19%) and the Australian men (26%, 9%, and 11 %). There was no evidence for an important role for shared environmental influences on persistent smoking, and the genetic contribution was found to be consistent in magnitude in men and women, and the same across country and AG (52%). There are strong genetic influences on smoking behavior, and that risk of becoming a smoker (but not persistence in smoking) may be modified by experiences shared by twins that differ by AG and, at least for men, cultural background.


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Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS; EC catalyses the formation of 2-acetolactate and 2-aceto-2-hydroxybutyrate as the first step in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine. The enzyme is inhibited by a wide range of substituted sulfonylureas and imidazolinones and many of these compounds are used as commercial herbicides. Here, the crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the catalytic subunit of Arabidopsis thaliana AHAS in complex with the sulfonylurea herbicide chlorimuron ethyl are reported. This is the first report of the structure of any plant protein in complex with a commercial herbicide. Crystals diffract to 3.0 Angstrom resolution, have unit-cell parameters a = b = 179.92, c = 185.82 Angstrom and belong to space group P6(4)22. Preliminary analysis indicates that there is one monomer in the asymmetric unit and that these are arranged as pairs of dimers in the crystal. The dimers form a very open hexagonal lattice, with a high solvent content of 81%.


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We provide a general framework for estimating persistence in populations which may be affected by catastrophic events, and which are either unbounded or have very large ceilings. We model the population using a birth-death process modified to allow for downward jumps of arbitrary size. For such processes, it is typically necessary to truncate the process in order to make the evaluation of expected extinction times (and higher-order moments) computationally feasible. Hence, we give particular attention to the selection of a cut-off point at which to truncate the process, and we present a simple method for obtaining quantitative indicators of the suitability of a chosen cut-off. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effects of the herbicide diuron on the early life history stages of broadcast spawning and brooding corals were examined in laboratory experiments. Fertilisation of Acropora millepora and Montipora aequituberculata oocytes were not inhibited at diuron concentrations of up to 1000 mu gl(-1). Metamorphosis of symbiont-free A. millepora larvae was only significantly inhibited at 300 mu gl(-1) diuron. Pocillopora damicornis larvae, which contain symbiotic dinoflagellates, were able to undergo metamorphosis after 24h exposure to diuron at 1000 mu gl(-1). Two-week old P. damicornis recruits on the other hand were as susceptible to diuron as adult colonies, with expulsion of symbiotic dinoflagellates (bleaching) evident at 10 mu gl(-1) diuron after 96 h exposure. Reversible metamorphosis was observed at high diuron concentrations, with fully bleached polyps escaping from their skeletons. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques demonstrated a reduction in photosynthetic efficiency (Delta F/F'(m)) in illuminated P. dami- cornis recruits after a 2h exposure to 1 mu gl(-1) diuron. The dark-adapted quantum yields (F-v/F-m also declined, indicating chronic photoinhibition and damage to photosystem H. Crown Copyright (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Emergence and persistence characteristics of Phalaris paradoxa seeds in no- and minimum-till situations and at different burial depths were studied in a sub-tropical environment. Three experiments were carried out using naturally shed seeds. In the first experiment, seedlings emerged from May through to September each year, although the majority of seedlings emerged in July. In the second experiment with greater seed density, cultivation in March of each year stimulated seedling emergence, altered the periodicity of emergence and accelerated the decline of seeds in the seedbank compared with plots that received no cultivation. The majority of seedlings in the cultivated plots emerged in May whereas the majority of seedlings in the undisturbed plots emerged in July. Emergence accounted for only 4-19% of the seedbank in both experiments over 2 years. Seed persistence was short in both field experiments, with less than 1% remaining 2 years after seed shed. In the third experiment, burial depth and soil disturbance significantly influenced seedling emergence and persistence of seed. Seedlings emerged most from seed mixed in the top 10 cm when subjected to annual soil disturbance, and from seed buried at 2.5 and 5.0 cm depths in undisturbed soil. Emergence was least from seed on the soil surface, and buried at 10 and 15 cm depths in undisturbed soil. Seeds persisted longest when shed onto the soil surface and persisted least when the soil was tilled. These results suggest that strategic cultivation may be a useful management tool, as it will alter the periodicity of emergence allowing use of more effective control options and will deplete the soil seedbank more rapidly.


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Low concentrations of herbicides (up to 70 ng 1(-1)), chiefly diuron (up to 50 ng 1 (-1)) were detected in surface waters associated with inter-tidal seagrass meadows of Zostera muelleri in Hervey Bay, south-cast Queensland, Australia. Diuron and atrazine (up to 1. 1 ng g(-1) dry weight of sediment) were detected in the sediments of these seagrass meadows. Concentration of the herbicides diuron, simazine and atrazine increased in surface waters associated with seagrass meadows during moderate river flow events indicating herbicides were washed from the catchment to the marine environment. Maximum herbicide concentration (sum of eight herbicides) in the Mary River during a moderate river flow event was 4260 ng 1(-1). No photosynthetic stress was detected in seagrass in this study during low river flow. However, with moderate river flow events, nearshore seagrasses are at risk of being exposed to concentrations of herbicides that are known to inhibit photosynthesis. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although the aim of conservation planning is the persistence of biodiversity, current methods trade-off ecological realism at a species level in favour of including multiple species and landscape features. For conservation planning to be relevant, the impact of landscape configuration on population processes and the viability of species needs to be considered. We present a novel method for selecting reserve systems that maximize persistence across multiple species, subject to a conservation budget. We use a spatially explicit metapopulation model to estimate extinction risk, a function of the ecology of the species and the amount, quality and configuration of habitat. We compare our new method with more traditional, area-based reserve selection methods, using a ten-species case study, and find that the expected loss of species is reduced 20-fold. Unlike previous methods, we avoid designating arbitrary weightings between reserve size and configuration; rather, our method is based on population processes and is grounded in ecological theory.


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The sulfonylureas and imidazolinones are potent commercial herbicide families. They are among the most popular choices for farmers worldwide, because they are nontoxic to animals and highly selective. These herbicides inhibit branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis in plants by targeting acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS, EC This report describes the 3D structure of Arabidopsis thaliana AHAS in complex with five sulfonylureas (to 2.5 angstrom resolution) and with the imidazolinone, imazaquin (IQ; 2.8 angstrom). Neither class of molecule has a structure that mimics the substrates for the enzyme, but both inhibit by blocking a channel through which access to the active site is gained. The sulfonylureas approach within 5 angstrom of the catalytic center, which is the C2 atom of the cofactor thiamin diphosphate, whereas IQ is at least 7 angstrom from this atom. Ten of the amino acid residues that bind the sulfonylureas also bind IQ. Six additional residues interact only with the sulfonylureas, whereas there are two residues that bind IQ but not the sulfonylureas. Thus, the two classes of inhibitor occupy partially overlapping sites but adopt different modes of binding. The increasing emergence of resistant weeds due to the appearance of mutations that interfere with the inhibition of AHAS is now a worldwide problem. The structures described here provide a rational molecular basis for understanding these mutations, thus allowing more sophisticated AHAS inhibitors to be developed. There is no previously described structure for any plant protein in complex with a commercial herbicide.


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The recent mass mortality of Caribbean reef corals dramatically altered reef community structure and begs the question of the past stability and persistence of coral assemblages before human disturbance began. We report within habitat stability in coral community composition in the Pleistocene fossil record of Barbados for at least 95 000 years despite marked variability in global sea level and climate. Results were consistent for surveys of both common and rare taxa. Comparison of Pleistocene and modern community structure shows that Recent human impacts have changed coral community structure in ways not observed in the preceding 220 000 years.


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Objective - To evaluate the association between maintaining joint hospital and maternity pens;and persistence of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella enterica serovar Newport on 2 dairy farms. Design - Observational study. Sample Population - Feces and environmental samples from 2 dairy herds. Procedure - Herds were monitored for fecal shedding of S enterica Newport after outbreaks of clinical disease. Fecal and environmental samples were collected approximately monthly from pens housing sick cows and calving cows and from pens containing lactating cows. Cattle shedding the organism were tested serially on subsequent visits to determine carrier status. One farm was resampled after initiation of interventional procedures, including separation of hospital and maternity pens. Isolates were characterized via serotyping, determination of antimicrobial resistance phenotype, detection of the CMY-2 gene, and DNA fingerprinting. Results - The prevalence (32.4% and 33.3% on farms A and B, respectively) of isolating Salmonella from samples from joint hospital-maternity pens was significantly higher than the prevalence in samples from pens housing preparturient cows (0.8%, both farms) and postparturient cows on Farm B (8.8%). Multi-drug-resistant Salmonella Newport was isolated in high numbers from bedding material, feed refusals, lagoon slurry, and milk filters. One cow excreted the organism for 190 days. Interventional procedures yielded significant reductions in the prevalences of isolating the organism from fecal and environmental samples. Most isolates were of the C2 serogroup and were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Management practices may be effective at reducing the persistence of MDR Salmonella spp in dairy herds, thus mitigating animal and public health risk.


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Classical metapopulation theory assumes a static landscape. However, empirical evidence indicates many metapopulations are driven by habitat succession and disturbance. We develop a stochastic metapopulation model, incorporating habitat disturbance and recovery, coupled with patch colonization and extinction, to investigate the effect of habitat dynamics on persistence. We discover that habitat dynamics play a fundamental role in metapopulation dynamics. The mean number of suitable habitat patches is not adequate for characterizing the dynamics of the metapopulation. For a fixed mean number of suitable patches, we discover that the details of how disturbance affects patches and how patches recover influences metapopulation dynamics in a fundamental way. Moreover, metapopulation persistence is dependent not only oil the average lifetime of a patch, but also on the variance in patch lifetime and the synchrony in patch dynamics that results from disturbance. Finally, there is an interaction between the habitat and metapopulation dynamics, for instance declining metapopulations react differently to habitat dynamics than expanding metapopulations. We close, emphasizing the importance of using performance measures appropriate to stochastic systems when evaluating their behavior, such as the probability distribution of the state of the. metapopulation, conditional on it being extant (i.e., the quasistationary distribution).


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Pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) naturally infected with West Nile virus were monitored from 1999 to 2005 to determine virus-specific antibody seroconversion, prevalence, and persistence. Antibodies persisted for up to 36 months, as detected by epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent and hemagglutination inhibition assays. Exposure to cocirculating St. Louis encephalitis virus was evaluated by Western blotting and immunofluorescence assays.


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Pesticides and herbicides including organochlorine compounds have had extensive current and past application by Queensland's intensive coastal agriculture industry as web as for a wide range of domestic, public health and agricultural purposes in urban areas, The persistent nature of these types of compounds together with possible continued illegal use of banned organochlorine compounds raises the potential for continued long-term chronic exposure to plants and animals of the Great Barrier Reef. Sediment and seagrass samples were collected from 16 intertidal and 25 subtidal sampling sites between Torres Strait and Townsville, near Mackay and Gladstone, and in Hervey and Moreton Bays in 1997 and 1998 and analysed for pesticide and herbicide residues. Low levels of atrazine (0.1-0.3 mug kg(-1)), diuron (0.2-10.1 mug kg(-1)), lindane (0.08-0.19 mug kg(-1)), dieldrin (0.05-0.37 mug kg(-1)), DDT (0.05-0.26 mug kg(-1)), and DDE (0.05-0.26 mug kg(-1)) were detected in sediments and/or seagrasses. Contaminants were mainly detected in samples collected along the high rainfall, tropical coast between Townsville and Port Douglas and in Moreton Bay. Of the contaminants detected, the herbicide diuron is of most concern as the concentrations detected have some potential to impact local seagrass communities, (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.