859 resultados para graphical attractiveness


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An economic air pollution control model, which determines the least cost of reaching various air quality levels, is formulated. The model takes the form of a general, nonlinear, mathematical programming problem. Primary contaminant emission levels are the independent variables. The objective function is the cost of attaining various emission levels and is to be minimized subject to constraints that given air quality levels be attained.

The model is applied to a simplified statement of the photochemical smog problem in Los Angeles County in 1975 with emissions specified by a two-dimensional vector, total reactive hydrocarbon, (RHC), and nitrogen oxide, (NOx), emissions. Air quality, also two-dimensional, is measured by the expected number of days per year that nitrogen dioxide, (NO2), and mid-day ozone, (O3), exceed standards in Central Los Angeles.

The minimum cost of reaching various emission levels is found by a linear programming model. The base or "uncontrolled" emission levels are those that will exist in 1975 with the present new car control program and with the degree of stationary source control existing in 1971. Controls, basically "add-on devices", are considered here for used cars, aircraft, and existing stationary sources. It is found that with these added controls, Los Angeles County emission levels [(1300 tons/day RHC, 1000 tons /day NOx) in 1969] and [(670 tons/day RHC, 790 tons/day NOx) at the base 1975 level], can be reduced to 260 tons/day RHC (minimum RHC program) and 460 tons/day NOx (minimum NOx program).

"Phenomenological" or statistical air quality models provide the relationship between air quality and emissions. These models estimate the relationship by using atmospheric monitoring data taken at one (yearly) emission level and by using certain simple physical assumptions, (e. g., that emissions are reduced proportionately at all points in space and time). For NO2, (concentrations assumed proportional to NOx emissions), it is found that standard violations in Central Los Angeles, (55 in 1969), can be reduced to 25, 5, and 0 days per year by controlling emissions to 800, 550, and 300 tons /day, respectively. A probabilistic model reveals that RHC control is much more effective than NOx control in reducing Central Los Angeles ozone. The 150 days per year ozone violations in 1969 can be reduced to 75, 30, 10, and 0 days per year by abating RHC emissions to 700, 450, 300, and 150 tons/day, respectively, (at the 1969 NOx emission level).

The control cost-emission level and air quality-emission level relationships are combined in a graphical solution of the complete model to find the cost of various air quality levels. Best possible air quality levels with the controls considered here are 8 O3 and 10 NO2 violations per year (minimum ozone program) or 25 O3 and 3 NO2 violations per year (minimum NO2 program) with an annualized cost of $230,000,000 (above the estimated $150,000,000 per year for the new car control program for Los Angeles County motor vehicles in 1975).


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This article is an attempt to devise a method of using certain species of Corixidae as a basis for the assessment of general water quality in lakes. An empirical graphical representation of the distribution of populations or communities of Corixidae in relation to conductivity, based mainly on English and Welsh lakes, is used as a predictive monitoring model to establish the "expected" normal community at a given conductivity, representing the total ionic concentration of the water body. A test sample from another lake of known conductivity is then compared with "expected" community. The "goodness of fit" is examined visually or by calculation of indices of similarity based on the relative proportions of the constituent species of each community. A computer programme has been devised for this purpose.


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[EU]Proiektu honetan bihotz-biriketako berpizte masajearen bular-sakadek elektrokardiograman eta bular-inpedantziaren seinaleetan eragindako interferentziaren azterketa egiten da. Helburu nagusia bi interferentzia hauen arteko erlazioa aztertzea da, horretarako tresna garatuz. Erlazio hau definitzeak interferentziaren eragina txikitzeko modua aurkitzen lagunduko luke, eta honek berpizteko aukerak handituko lituzke. Proiektua gauzatzeko ospitalez kanpoko geldialdien erregistro multzo batetik abiatuta datu-base propioa garatu da ezarritako irizpide batzuk jarraituz. Datu-base berri hau 37 pazienteren 237 mozketak osatzen dute, 10 segundotako luzera minimoarekin non pazienteek asistolia bitarteko kanpoko bular masajea jasotzen duten. Bestalde, interferentzia ezaugarritzeko interfaze grafiko bat garatu da, elektrokardiograma eta bular-inpedantziaren seinaleak denboran eta maiztasunean erakutsi eta hauen parametro esanguratsuak automatikoki zein eskuz ateratzeko aukera ematen duena. Parametroak seinaleen sakada bakoitzeko maximo eta minimoak, beraien kokapenak eta oinarrizko maiztasuna, bere harmonikoak eta hauen anplitudeak dira. Tresna hau erabiliz aipatutako datu-baseko episodioen prozesaketa egin da. Bukatzeko, lortutako emaitzak tratatzeko bigarren interfaze grafiko bat garatu da, non emaitzen banaketa estatistikoa eta hauen arteko erlazio lineala aztertzen diren. Proiektuaren ekarpen nagusia, beraz, bihotz-biriketako berpizte masajeak eragindako interferentzia aztertzeko tresna ahaltsuaren garapena da, jatorri desberdineko bestelako berpizte episodioak aztertzeko ere balio duena.


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Um Atlas Digital é um atlas que foi concebido através de técnicas computacionais e que, consequentemente, pode ser acessado através de um computador. Estruturado em um ambiente gráfico, além dos mapas, pode-se contar também com textos, fotografias, dados estatísticos, gráficos e tabelas. Por estar em meio digital existe a possibilidade de utilização de uma expressiva gama de temas, formatos e escalas. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se um protótipo de Atlas Digital como uma colaboração ao Sistema de Informação Municipal SIM, para o município de São João de Meriti, RJ. O referido SIM, que tem como meta os serviços municipais, visa atender ao próprio município, ao cidadão e a outros interessados na cidade, sendo as suas informações fundamentais para a melhoria da gestão das prefeituras. A pesquisa foi direcionada para o tema da habitabilidade, que consiste num conjunto de condições voltadas para a construção de habitat saudável, abrangendo temas físicos, psicológicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais. Dentro do tema habitabilidade, foram trabalhados os subtemas relativos a infraestrutura de abastecimento de água, esgoto, coleta de lixo, saúde e educação, esses subtemas foram confrontados entre si para uma comparação entre os bairros do município. O SIM e a habitabilidade são contemplados no plano diretor da cidade e representa uma grande parte da sustentação teórica da dissertação. A modelagem e implementação do protótipo do Atlas Digital foram feitas com auxílio de softwares gratuitos, sendo possível acessar mapas temáticos e outras informações sobre São João de Meriti


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The microscopic properties of a two-dimensional model dense fluid of Lennard-Jones disks have been studied using the so-called "molecular dynamics" method. Analyses of the computer-generated simulation data in terms of "conventional" thermodynamic and distribution functions verify the physical validity of the model and the simulation technique.

The radial distribution functions g(r) computed from the simulation data exhibit several subsidiary features rather similar to those appearing in some of the g(r) functions obtained by X-ray and thermal neutron diffraction measurements on real simple liquids. In the case of the model fluid, these "anomalous" features are thought to reflect the existence of two or more alternative configurations for local ordering.

Graphical display techniques have been used extensively to provide some intuitive insight into the various microscopic phenomena occurring in the model. For example, "snapshots" of the instantaneous system configurations for different times show that the "excess" area allotted to the fluid is collected into relatively large, irregular, and surprisingly persistent "holes". Plots of the particle trajectories over intervals of 2.0 to 6.0 x 10-12 sec indicate that the mechanism for diffusion in the dense model fluid is "cooperative" in nature, and that extensive diffusive migration is generally restricted to groups of particles in the vicinity of a hole.

A quantitative analysis of diffusion in the model fluid shows that the cooperative mechanism is not inconsistent with the statistical predictions of existing theories of singlet, or self-diffusion in liquids. The relative diffusion of proximate particles is, however, found to be retarded by short-range dynamic correlations associated with the cooperative mechanism--a result of some importance from the standpoint of bimolecular reaction kinetics in solution.

A new, semi-empirical treatment for relative diffusion in liquids is developed, and is shown to reproduce the relative diffusion phenomena observed in the model fluid quite accurately. When incorporated into the standard Smoluchowski theory of diffusion-controlled reaction kinetics, the more exact treatment of relative diffusion is found to lower the predicted rate of reaction appreciably.

Finally, an entirely new approach to an understanding of the liquid state is suggested. Our experience in dealing with the simulation data--and especially, graphical displays of the simulation data--has led us to conclude that many of the more frustrating scientific problems involving the liquid state would be simplified considerably, were it possible to describe the microscopic structures characteristic of liquids in a concise and precise manner. To this end, we propose that the development of a formal language of partially-ordered structures be investigated.


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A possibilidade de utilização de várias matérias graxas na produção do biodiesel nacional é um fator diferencial em relação aos outros países e requer um conhecimento mais profundo das particularidades do biodiesel obtido a partir de matérias-primas tão distintas. Neste contexto, se insere a presente pesquisa, em que se buscou estabelecer correlações entre algumas propriedades do biodiesel e a fonte oleaginosa que lhe deu origem. O biodiesel foi obtido a partir da reação de transesterificação etílica de dez diferentes matérias-primas graxas (óleos refinados de soja, arroz, canola, girassol, milho, oliva, cyclus (mistura contendo óleos de canola, milho e girassol); óleos brutos de mamona e murumuru, além de resíduo de fritura), utilizando etanolato de potássio como agente catalítico, em um reator com sistema de refluxo a 70C durante uma hora. Após purificação, foram determinadas algumas propriedades do biodiesel (massa específica, viscosidade, índice de acidez e índice de iodo) e da matéria-prima (massa específica, viscosidade, índice de acidez, índice de iodo e composição) que lhe deu origem. Os resultados obtidos nas caracterizações geraram gráficos de correlações entre os diversos parâmetros e os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo método de correlações canônicas. Para todas as amostras de biodiesel, os valores obtidos nas caracterizações foram compatíveis com as especificações estabelecidas pela ANP para o produto, com exceção do biodiesel de murumuru (índice de acidez elevado e viscosidade baixa) e do biodiesel de mamona (viscosidade e massa específica elevadas). Os dados estatísticos demonstram altas correlações entre o biodiesel (massa específica (87,4%), viscosidade (98,5%) e índice de acidez (82,8%)) e as matérias-primas (massa específica (92,1%) e viscosidade (99,3%)). Além disso, existe uma grande correlação entre o índice de iodo (84,5%) do biodiesel e o índice de iodo (77,2%) e a massa molar dos ésteres na faixa de C16-C18 (MMTG) presentes na matéria-prima (89,1%). Estes resultados estatísticos ratificam as observações analíticas


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This work deals with two related areas: processing of visual information in the central nervous system, and the application of computer systems to research in neurophysiology.

Certain classes of interneurons in the brain and optic lobes of the blowfly Calliphora phaenicia were previously shown to be sensitive to the direction of motion of visual stimuli. These units were identified by visual field, preferred direction of motion, and anatomical location from which recorded. The present work is addressed to the questions: (1) is there interaction between pairs of these units, and (2) if such relationships can be found, what is their nature. To answer these questions, it is essential to record from two or more units simultaneously, and to use more than a single recording electrode if recording points are to be chosen independently. Accordingly, such techniques were developed and are described.

One must also have practical, convenient means for analyzing the large volumes of data so obtained. It is shown that use of an appropriately designed computer system is a profitable approach to this problem. Both hardware and software requirements for a suitable system are discussed and an approach to computer-aided data analysis developed. A description is given of members of a collection of application programs developed for analysis of neuro-physiological data and operated in the environment of and with support from an appropriate computer system. In particular, techniques developed for classification of multiple units recorded on the same electrode are illustrated as are methods for convenient graphical manipulation of data via a computer-driven display.

By means of multiple electrode techniques and the computer-aided data acquisition and analysis system, the path followed by one of the motion detection units was traced from open optic lobe through the brain and into the opposite lobe. It is further shown that this unit and its mirror image in the opposite lobe have a mutually inhibitory relationship. This relationship is investigated. The existence of interaction between other pairs of units is also shown. For pairs of units responding to motion in the same direction, the relationship is of an excitatory nature; for those responding to motion in opposed directions, it is inhibitory.

Experience gained from use of the computer system is discussed and a critical review of the current system is given. The most useful features of the system were found to be the fast response, the ability to go from one analysis technique to another rapidly and conveniently, and the interactive nature of the display system. The shortcomings of the system were problems in real-time use and the programming barrier—the fact that building new analysis techniques requires a high degree of programming knowledge and skill. It is concluded that computer system of the kind discussed will play an increasingly important role in studies of the central nervous system.


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Part I

The latent heat of vaporization of n-decane is measured calorimetrically at temperatures between 160° and 340°F. The internal energy change upon vaporization, and the specific volume of the vapor at its dew point are calculated from these data and are included in this work. The measurements are in excellent agreement with available data at 77° and also at 345°F, and are presented in graphical and tabular form.

Part II

Simultaneous material and energy transport from a one-inch adiabatic porous cylinder is studied as a function of free stream Reynolds Number and turbulence level. Experimental data is presented for Reynolds Numbers between 1600 and 15,000 based on the cylinder diameter, and for apparent turbulence levels between 1.3 and 25.0 per cent. n-heptane and n-octane are the evaporating fluids used in this investigation.

Gross Sherwood Numbers are calculated from the data and are in substantial agreement with existing correlations of the results of other workers. The Sherwood Numbers, characterizing mass transfer rates, increase approximately as the 0.55 power of the Reynolds Number. At a free stream Reynolds Number of 3700 the Sherwood Number showed a 40% increase as the apparent turbulence level of the free stream was raised from 1.3 to 25 per cent.

Within the uncertainties involved in the diffusion coefficients used for n-heptane and n-octane, the Sherwood Numbers are comparable for both materials. A dimensionless Frössling Number is computed which characterizes either heat or mass transfer rates for cylinders on a comparable basis. The calculated Frössling Numbers based on mass transfer measurements are in substantial agreement with Frössling Numbers calculated from the data of other workers in heat transfer.


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[ES]El uso de maquinaria en la industria es algo muy habitual en la actualidad. Dicha maquinaria necesita una serie de mecanismos para realizar una acción deseada, y en función de esa acción, se hará uso de un mecanismo u otro. Este informe representa el estudio y análisis cinemático que se ha llevado a cabo para la posterior clasificación de mecanismos planos que tengan un grado de libertad con aplicación industrial. Para todo ello se ha partido de un previo conocimiento de la materia que se ha ido complementando con diferentes fuentes de información especializadas. La clasificación de los mecanismos que se va a realizar en este trabajo no es más que una de las muchas posibilidades que hay a la hora de clasificarlos ya que se han hecho bastantes intentos para realizar clasificaciones de mecanismos, pero dada la complejidad de la tarea no se ha llegado a una clasificación general unificada. La línea de trabajo que se presenta aquí consiste en el análisis cinemático de diferentes mecanismos para la posterior creación de un prototipo de uno de ellos. La estructura de los contenidos que se desarrollan a continuación es la siguiente: En primer lugar se ha realizado una búsqueda de mecanismos que cumplan la condición de ser mecanismos planos que tengan un grado de libertad y que tengan utilidad demostrada. En segundo lugar se han recopilado los resultados cinemáticos del mecanismo, construcciones gráficas de los elementos que lo componen y se añadirán animaciones de cada mecanismo, haciendo después una valoración en función de los resultados obtenidos de los mismos. En tercer lugar se han clasificado en diferentes grupos dependiendo de su función o aplicación. En cuarto lugar, se ha realizado un prototipo de uno de los mecanismos para comprobar su funcionamiento.


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Experimental measurements of rate of energy loss were made for protons of energy .5 to 1.6 MeV channeling through 1 μm thick silicon targets along the <110>, <111>, and <211> axial directions, and the {100}, {110}, {111}, and {211} planar directions. A .05% resolution automatically controlled magnetic spectrometer was used. The data are presented graphically along with an extensive summary of data in the literature. The data taken cover a wider range of channels than has previously been examined, and are in agreement with the data of F. Eisen, et al., Radd. Eff. 13, 93 (1972).

The theory in the literature for channeling energy loss due to interaction with local electrons, core electrons, and distant valence electrons of the crystal atoms is summarized. Straggling is analyzed, and a computer program which calculates energy loss and straggling using this theory and the Moliere approximation to the Thomas Fermi potential, VTF, and the detailed silicon crystal structure is described. Values for the local electron density Zloc in each of the channels listed above are extracted from the data by graphical matching of the experimental and computer results.

Zeroth and second order contributions to Zloc as a function of distance from the center of the channel were computed from ∇2VTF = 4πρ for various channels in silicon. For data taken in this work and data of F. Eisen, et al., Rad. Eff. 13, 93 (1972), the calculated zeroth order contribution to Zloc lies between the experimentally extracted Zloc values obtained by using the peak and the leading edge of the transmission spectra, suggesting that the observed straggling is due both to statistical fluctuations and to path variation.


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Nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido o sistema SAQUA (Sistema para Análise da Qualidade das Águas Fluviais), que permite o acompanhamento dos dados de séries históricas de parâmetros físico-químicos para análise da qualidade de águas fluviais. A alimentação do sistema SAQUA se dá a partir do arquivo tipo texto gerado no Hidroweb, sistema de banco de dados hidrológicos da ANA (Agência Nacional de Águas), disponibilizado na internet. O SAQUA constitui uma interface que permite a análise espaço-temporal de parâmetros de qualidade da água específicos definidos pelo usuário. A interface foi construída utilizando o servidor de mapas Mapserver, as linguagens HTML e PHP, além de consultas SQL e o uso do servidor Web Apache. A utilização de uma linguagem dinâmica como o PHP permitiu usar recursos internos do Mapserver por meio de funções que interagem de forma mais flexível com códigos presentes e futuros, além de interagir com o código HTML. O Sistema apresenta como resultado a representação gráfica da série histórica por parâmetro e, em mapa, a localização das estações em análise também definidas pelo usuário, geralmente associadas a uma determinada região hidrográfica. Tanto na representação gráfica da série temporal quanto em mapa, são destacados a partir de código de cores a estação de monitoramento e a observação em que os limites estabelecidos na resolução CONAMA 357/05 não foi atendido. A classe de uso da resolução CONAMA que será usada na análise também pode ser definida pelo usuário. Como caso de estudo e demonstração das funções do SAQUA foi escolhida a bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraíba do Sul, localizada na região hidrográfica Atlântico Sudeste do Brasil. A aplicação do sistema demonstrou ótimos resultados e o potencial da ferramenta computacional como apoio ao planejamento e à gestão dos recursos hídricos. Ressalta-se ainda, que todo o sistema foi desenvolvido a partir de softwares disponibilizados segundo a licença GPL de software livre, ou seja, sem custo na aquisição de licenças, demonstrando o potencial da aplicação destas ferramentas no campo dos recursos hídricos.


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The evoked response, a signal present in the electro-encephalogram when specific sense modalities are stimulated with brief sensory inputs, has not yet revealed as much about brain function as it apparently promised when first recorded in the late 1940's. One of the problems has been to record the responses at a large number of points on the surface of the head; thus in order to achieve greater spatial resolution than previously attained, a 50-channel recording system was designed to monitor experiments with human visually evoked responses.

Conventional voltage versus time plots of the responses were found inadequate as a means of making qualitative studies of such a large data space. This problem was solved by creating a graphical display of the responses in the form of equipotential maps of the activity at successive instants during the complete response. In order to ascertain the necessary complexity of any models of the responses, factor analytic procedures were used to show that models characterized by only five or six independent parameters could adequately represent the variability in all recording channels.

One type of equivalent source for the responses which meets these specifications is the electrostatic dipole. Two different dipole models were studied: the dipole in a homogeneous sphere and the dipole in a sphere comprised of two spherical shells (of different conductivities) concentric with and enclosing a homogeneous sphere of a third conductivity. These models were used to determine nonlinear least squares fits of dipole parameters to a given potential distribution on the surface of a spherical approximation to the head. Numerous tests of the procedures were conducted with problems having known solutions. After these theoretical studies demonstrated the applicability of the technique, the models were used to determine inverse solutions for the evoked response potentials at various times throughout the responses. It was found that reliable estimates of the location and strength of cortical activity were obtained, and that the two models differed only slightly in their inverse solutions. These techniques enabled information flow in the brain, as indicated by locations and strengths of active sites, to be followed throughout the evoked response.


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An experimental investigation of the optical properties of β–gallium oxide has been carried out, covering the wavelength range 220-2500 nm.

The refractive index and birefringence have been determined to about ± 1% accuracy over the range 270-2500 nm, by the use of a technique based on the occurrence of fringes in the transmission of a thin sample due to multiple internal reflections in the sample (ie., the "channelled spectrum" of the sample.)

The optical absorption coefficient has been determined over the range 220 - 300 nm, which range spans the fundamental absorption edge of β – Ga2O3. Two techniques were used in the absorption coefficient determination: measurement of transmission of a thin sample, and measurement of photocurrent from a Schottky barrier formed on the surface of a sample. Absorption coefficient was measured over a range from 10 to greater than 105, to an accuracy of better than ± 20%. The absorption edge was found to be strongly polarization-dependent.

Detailed analyses are presented of all three experimental techniques used. Experimentally determined values of the optical constants are presented in graphical form.


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Restrições de espaço e altura são frequentemente impostas às edificações residenciais, comerciais, industriais, depósitos e galpões com um ou diversos pavimentos em função de aspectos de regulamentos regionais, técnicos, econômicos ou ainda de natureza estética. A fim de proporcionar a passagem de tubulações e dutos de grande diâmetro sob vigas de aço, grandes alturas são normalmente requeridas, demandando por vezes, magnitudes de altura inviáveis entre pavimentos de edificações. Diversas soluções estruturais podem ser utilizadas para equacionar tais obstáculos, onde dentre outras, pode-se citar as vigas com inércia variável, stub-girders, treliças mistas, vigas misuladas e vigas com uma ou múltiplas aberturas na alma com geometrias variadas. No que tange às vigas casteladas, solução estrutural pautada neste estudo, a estabilidade é sempre um motivo de preocupação tipicamente durante a construção quando os contraventamentos laterais ainda não estão instalados. De qualquer forma, o comprimento destravado em geral alcançado pelos vãos destas vigas, são longos o suficiente para que a instabilidade ocorra. Todavia, o acréscimo substancial da resistência à flexão de tais membros devido ao aumento da altura oriundo de seu processo fabril em relação ao perfil matriz, aliada a economia de material e utilidade fim de serviço, garante a atratividade no aproveitamento destas, para grandes vãos junto aos projetistas. Não obstante, este aumento proporcional no comprimento dos vãos faz com que a instabilidade lateral ganhe importância especial. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um modelo numérico que permita a realização de uma avaliação paramétrica a partir da calibração do modelo com resultados experimentais, efetuar a análise do comportamento de vigas casteladas e verificar seus mecanismos de falha, considerando comportamento elasto-plástico, além das não-linearidades geométricas. Também é objetivo deste trabalho, avaliar, quantificar e determinar a influência das diferenças geométricas características das vigas casteladas em relação às vigas maciças com as mesmas dimensões, analisando e descrevendo o comportamento estrutural destas vigas de aço para diversos comprimentos de vãos. A metodologia empregada para tal estudo baseou-se em uma análise paramétrica com o auxílio do método numérico dos elementos finitos.


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Datuen analisi kuantitatiboa egin behar duen edonork, gaur egun, aukera zabala du. Programa ugari daude, komertzialak zein doakoak, edozein analisi mota, sinpleena zein konplexuena, egiteko. Programa komertzialen artean, SPSS, SAS, STATISTICA, Systat, Stata edo GenStat aipa daitezke. Programa horiek merkatu osoaz jabetu dira, eta Europako eta Amerikako unibertsitateetan analisi-tresna moduan erabiltzen dira. Programa horiek joan dira, lehenengo bertsioetatik gaurkoetaraino, interfaze grafikoak hobetuz (GUI Graphical User Interfaces) eta analisi-eredu gero eta konplexuagoak erantsiz. Leihoen kudeaketan oinarrituriko testuinguru-menuen eta goitik beherako menuen garapenari esker, programak erabilerrazagoak dira, eta analisi zein eredu formal konplexuenekin lan egiteko aukera izan du erabiltzaileen komunitateak.