996 resultados para funzione caratteristica teorema inversione Lévy


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Quelles représentations de la schizophrénie les psychiatres vont-ils construire à travers l'étude des écrits asilaires des patients et des scientifiques dans la première moitié du XXème siècle? Le psychiatre helvétique Hans Steck (1891-1980), qui a travaillé à l'Asile psychiatrique de Cery de 1920 à 1960 et qui s'est fait connaître du public grâce à l'oeuvre d'Aloïse Corbaz, reconnue comme auteure d'art brut par Jean Dubuffet en 1945, constitue le fil rouge de la thèse. Dans le contexte des mouvements tels que Γ "art psychopathologique" et Γ "art brut", Steck étudie les théories de "la mentalité primitive et les peintures magiques des schizophrènes". En 1927, il se tourne vers les théories évolutionnistes de la régression et les premières études de Lévy-Bruhl pour avancer l'idée qu'il existe un "parallélisme schizo-primitif'. Puis il développe des explications de la pensée délirante, à partir des théories exposées lors du Premier Congrès International de Psychiatrie en 1950. Enfin, adoptant la perspective phénoménologique, il explique que "la fonction de l'art et la fonction du délire visent à reconstituer un monde viable pour le malade". En ce sens, l'expression artistique, bien que n'entrant pas dans le champ de la psychothérapie, fournit des indicateurs de l'état psychique du malade en même temps qu'elle contribue à son bien-être. Sont abordés les problèmes concernant la reconnaissance de Γ "auteur" interné, dont les oeuvres appartiennent soit aux archives médicales, soit au musée. La pérennité des critères qui définissent les oeuvres d'"art psychopathologique" ou d'"art brut" est également mise en question. Enfin, le rôle essentiel de l'écriture à l'hôpital, tant pour les patients que pour les soignants, fait l'objet de nombreux développements. - What representations of schizophrenia have psychiatrists been constructing when studying writings by patients and scientists in mental asylums in the first half of the 20th century? The Swiss psychiatrist Hans Steck (1891-1980) is the protagonist of this dissertation. From 1920 to 1960, he has been working at the "Asile psychiatrique de Cery" near Lausanne. Steck is known thanks to the paintings of Aloïse Corbaz, an artist recognized by Jean Dubuffet as belonging to the "art brut" movement in 1945. In the context of movements like "art psychopathologique" and "art brut," Steck studies theories of "primitive character and magic paintings of schizophrenics." In 1927, Steck engages with theories of regression and Lévy-Bruhl's early studies in order to push the idea of a "parallelism schizo-primitif." On the occasion of the First International Congress of psychiatry held in Paris in 1950, Steck develops explanations for the "pensée délirante." Finally, turning to a phenomenological point of view, he explains, "the function of art and the function of the delusion help the patient to reconstruct a viable environment for the sick person." In this way, artistic expression is not thought of as a psychotherapeutical means, but provides insight into the state of mind of a mentally sick person at the same time as contributing to his well-being. The dissertation discusses whether the "author's" work belongs in medical archives or museums. The continuity of "psychopathological art" and "art brut" criteria will be discussed. Finally, the essential role that writing played in the hospital for the patients as well as for the medical staff is presented.


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L'étude du mouvement des organismes est essentiel pour la compréhension du fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Dans le cas des écosystèmes marins exploités, cela amène à s'intéresser aux stratégies spatiales des pêcheurs. L'une des approches les plus utilisées pour la modélisation du mouvement des prédateurs supé- rieurs est la marche aléatoire de Lévy. Une marche aléatoire est un modèle mathématique composé par des déplacements aléatoires. Dans le cas de Lévy, les longueurs des déplacements suivent une loi stable de Lévy. Dans ce cas également, les longueurs, lorsqu'elles tendent vers l'in ni (in praxy lorsqu'elles sont grandes, grandes par rapport à la médiane ou au troisième quartile par exemple), suivent une loi puissance caractéristique du type de marche aléatoire de Lévy (Cauchy, Brownien ou strictement Lévy). Dans la pratique, outre que cette propriété est utilisée de façon réciproque sans fondement théorique, les queues de distribution, notion par ailleurs imprécise, sont modélisée par des lois puissances sans que soient discutées la sensibilité des résultats à la dé nition de la queue de distribution, et la pertinence des tests d'ajustement et des critères de choix de modèle. Dans ce travail portant sur les déplacements observés de trois bateaux de pêche à l'anchois du Pérou, plusieurs modèles de queues de distribution (log-normal, exponentiel, exponentiel tronqué, puissance et puissance tronqué) ont été comparés ainsi que deux dé nitions possible de queues de distribution (de la médiane à l'in ni ou du troisième quartile à l'in ni). Au plan des critères et tests statistiques utilisés, les lois tronquées (exponentielle et puissance) sont apparues les meilleures. Elles intègrent en outre le fait que, dans la pratique, les bateaux ne dépassent pas une certaine limite de longueur de déplacement. Le choix de modèle est apparu sensible au choix du début de la queue de distribution : pour un même bateau, le choix d'un modèle tronqué ou l'autre dépend de l'intervalle des valeurs de la variable sur lequel le modèle est ajusté. Pour nir, nous discutons les implications en écologie des résultats de ce travail.


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La prima parte della ricerca è un approfondito studio dell'endecasillabo della Gerusalemme Liberata: in particolar modo, analizzo con un metodo statistico-quantitativo morfologia prosodica e tipologie del verso epico tassiano e distribuzione dei diversi tipi ritmici all'interno dell'ottava, tenendo naturalmente conto della necessaria connessione tra fisionomia ritmico-prosodica del verso e le strutture retoriche e sintattiche. Tale analisi, condotta con una prospettiva comparativa nei confronti di altre opere tassiane (Rinaldo, Conquistata) e della precedente tradizione in ottave, porta a riscontrare delle linee evolutive coerenti nella direzione di un progressivo innalzamento verso il modello lirico petrarchesco e dellacasiano e di un complessivo 'aggravamento' delle strutture stilistiche. I risultati permettono di mettere in discussione la vulgata critica che considererebbe monotono l'endecasillabo della Liberata: questo è negato, oltre che dall'evidenza delle statistiche, dal piano melodico e intonativo del verso, dato che diversi fattori stilistici interagenti (inarcature; struttura prevalentemente paratattica; dispositio molto mossa; moltiplicazione delle pause interne al verso) contribuiscono a minare la stabilità intonativa dell'endecasillabo, nella direzione del contrappunto tra movimento della frase e cadenze del verso. Analogamente, lo studio della fisionomia dell'ottava (seconda parte della ricerca) mostra da un lato il mantenimento di un modello di stanza 'pari', sostanzialmente affine al modello ariostesco, dall'altro una disposizione dei materiali verbali tesa a sommuovere internamente l'incedere per distici. Questo è legato alla strategia narrativa, di disposizione delle sequenze diegetiche: si possono infatti notare sovente aggregazioni di distici la cui continuità logico-argomentativa travalica la misura dell'ottava, rinnovando il rapporto dinamico e contrappuntistico tra forme metriche e fluire della narrazione. Ciò ha una funzione solidale proprio con lo sviluppo narrativo, dato che diversi espedienti stilistici paiono concorrere alla realizzazione di quella varietà nell'unità aristotelicamente centrale nell'elaborazione teorica tardocinquecentesca e tassiana in particolare. Nella terza parte del lavoro, infine, provo ad allontanare la lente dalla microscopia metrica e cerco di porre in relazione i dati metrico-stilistici con quelli sintattico-retorici già studiati dalla critica, provando a verificare nella concreta prassi poetica la teoria della commistione degli stili, così come viene progressivamente definendosi nella ricca produzione teorica del Tasso: centrale è la questione del dosaggio di artifici simmetrici, tipici del genere lirico, e asimmetrici, caratteristici dello stile grave, dosaggio coerente che si rivela in grado di illuminare da una prospettiva appunto stilistica le oscillazioni e le screziature del più grande poema tardorinascimentale.


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There is considerable interest in the development of vaccination strategies that would elicit strong tumor-specific CTL responses in cancer patients. One strategy consists of using recombinant viruses encoding amino acid sequences corresponding to natural CTL-defined peptide from tumor Ags as immunogens. However, studies with synthetic tumor antigenic peptides have demonstrated that introduction of single amino acid substitutions may dramatically increase their immunogenicity. In this study we have used a well-defined human melanoma tumor Ag system to test the possibility of translating the immunological potency of synthetic tumor antigenic peptide analogues into recombinant vaccinia viruses carrying constructs with the appropriate nucleotide substitutions. Our results indicate that the use of a mutated minigene construct directing the expression of a modified melanoma tumor Ag leads to improved Ag recognition and, more importantly, to enhanced immunogenicity. Thus, recombinant vaccinia viruses containing mutated minigene sequences may lead to new strategies for the induction of strong tumor-specific CTL responses in cancer patients.


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Natural killer (NK) cells show enhanced functional competence when they express inhibitory receptors specific for inherited major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules. Current models imply that NK cell education requires an interaction of inhibitory receptors with MHC-I expressed on other cells. However, the inhibitory Ly49A receptor can also bind MHC-I ligand on the NK cell itself (in cis). Here we describe a Ly49A variant, which can engage MHC-I expressed on other cells but not in cis. Even though this variant inhibited NK cell effector function, it failed to educate NK cells. The association with MHC-I in cis sequestered wild-type Ly49A, and this was found to relieve NK cells from a suppressive effect of unengaged Ly49A. These data explain how inhibitory MHC-I receptors can facilitate NK cell activation. They dissociate classical inhibitory from educating functions of Ly49A and suggest that cis interaction of Ly49A is necessary for NK cell education.


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The proteasome produces MHC class I-restricted antigenic peptides carrying N-terminal extensions, which are trimmed by other peptidases in the cytosol or within the endoplasmic reticulum. In this study, we show that the N-terminal editing of an antigenic peptide with a predicted low TAP affinity can occur in the cytosol. Using proteomics, we identified two cytosolic peptidases, tripeptidyl peptidase II and puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase, that trimmed the N-terminal extensions of the precursors produced by the proteasome, and led to a transient enrichment of the final antigenic peptide. These peptidases acted either sequentially or redundantly, depending on the extension remaining at the N terminus of the peptides released from the proteasome. Inhibition of these peptidases abolished the CTL-mediated recognition of Ag-expressing cells. Although we observed some proteolytic activity in fractions enriched in endoplasmic reticulum, it could not compensate for the loss of tripeptidyl peptidase II/puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase activities.


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Pd1-xInx thin films (0.4 < x < 0.56) were prepared by radio frequency sputtering from a multi-zone target. The properties of these Hume-Rothery alloys were studied by X-ray diffractometry, electron probe microanalysis and scanning tunneling microscopy. The diffraction spectra were analyzed to obtain the intensity ratio of the (100) superlattice line to the (200) normal line, together with the variations of the lattice constant. The results ape explained quantitatively by a model based on point defects, i.e. Pd vacancies in In-rich films and Pd antisite atoms in Pd-rich films. In-rich films grow preferentially in the [100] direction while Pd-rich films grow preferentially in the [110] direction. The grains in indium-rich sputtered films appear to be enclosed in an atomically thick, indium-rich layer. The role of texture and the influence of point defects on electrical resistivity is also reported. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Limited.


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Collection : Bibliothèque contemporaine


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Collection : Collection Michel-Lévy