941 resultados para fixed point method


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54H25, 47H10.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 58C06, 47H10, 34A60.


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In this study it is shown that the nontrivial hyperbolic fixed point of a nonlinear dynamical system, which is formulated by means of the adaptive expectations, corresponds to the unstable equilibrium of Harrod. We prove that this nonlinear dynamical (in the sense of Harrod) model is structurally stable under suitable economic conditions. In the case of structural stability, small changes of the functions (C1-perturbations of the vector field) describing the expected and the true time variation of the capital coefficients do not influence the qualitative properties of the endogenous variables, that is, although the trajectories may slightly change, their structure is the same as that of the unperturbed one, and therefore these models are suitable for long-time predictions. In this situation the critique of Lucas or Engel is not valid. There is no topological conjugacy between the perturbed and unperturbed models; the change of the growth rate between two levels may require different times for the perturbed and unperturbed models.


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A tanulmányban a szerző a fixpont-iteráció témájával foglalkozik egy elméleti modellben, a biztosítók szolvenciatőkéjének számolásával kapcsolatban. A téma aktualitását a biztosítók tőkemegfelelésével összefüggő Szolvencia II. európai uniós irányelv előreláthatólag közeljövőben várható bevezetése mutatja. Az eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy az elméleti modellben a biztosítók szolvenciához kapcsolódó tőkeszükséglete matematikai értelemben vett fixpontként is értelmezhető. Bár a gyakorlati tőkeszükséglet-számítások a tanulmányban bemutatottnál jóval összetettebbek, az elméleti eredmények a szolvenciatőke-modellezés érdekes összefüggéseire világítanak rá. _____ In this study fixed point iteration is analyzed in a theoretical model similar to the practical modelling of solvency capital in insurance companies. Actuality of this subject is shown by the approaching practical implementation of the Solvency II directive in the European Union. The results show that in the theoretical model, solvency capital of insurance companies can be interpreted as a fixed point in a mathematical sense. Although practical solvency capital calculations are more complex than those in the study, theoretical results highlight interesting features of solvency capital modelling.


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A dolgozatban a döntéselméletben fontos szerepet játszó páros összehasonlítás mátrix prioritásvektorának meghatározására új megközelítést alkalmazunk. Az A páros összehasonlítás mátrix és a prioritásvektor által definiált B konzisztens mátrix közötti eltérést a Kullback-Leibler relatív entrópia-függvény segítségével mérjük. Ezen eltérés minimalizálása teljesen kitöltött mátrix esetében konvex programozási feladathoz vezet, nem teljesen kitöltött mátrix esetében pedig egy fixpont problémához. Az eltérésfüggvényt minimalizáló prioritásvektor egyben azzal a tulajdonsággal is rendelkezik, hogy az A mátrix elemeinek összege és a B mátrix elemeinek összege közötti különbség éppen az eltérésfüggvény minimumának az n-szerese, ahol n a feladat mérete. Így az eltérésfüggvény minimumának értéke két szempontból is lehet alkalmas az A mátrix inkonzisztenciájának a mérésére. _____ In this paper we apply a new approach for determining a priority vector for the pairwise comparison matrix which plays an important role in Decision Theory. The divergence between the pairwise comparison matrix A and the consistent matrix B defined by the priority vector is measured with the help of the Kullback-Leibler relative entropy function. The minimization of this divergence leads to a convex program in case of a complete matrix, leads to a fixed-point problem in case of an incomplete matrix. The priority vector minimizing the divergence also has the property that the difference of the sums of elements of the matrix A and the matrix B is n times the minimum of the divergence function where n is the dimension of the problem. Thus we developed two reasons for considering the value of the minimum of the divergence as a measure of inconsistency of the matrix A.


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Experimental and theoretical studies regarding noise processes in various kinds of AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with a quantum well are reported. The measurement processes, involving a Fast Fourier Transform and analog wave analyzer in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 MHz, a computerized data storage and processing system, and cryostat in the temperature range from 78 K to 300 K are described in detail. The current noise spectra are obtained with the “three-point method”, using a Quan-Tech and avalanche noise source for calibration. ^ The properties of both GaAs and AlGaAs materials and field effect transistors, based on the two-dimensional electron gas in the interface quantum well, are discussed. Extensive measurements are performed in three types of heterostructures, viz., Hall structures with a large spacer layer, modulation-doped non-gated FETs, and more standard gated FETs; all structures are grown by MBE techniques. ^ The Hall structures show Lorentzian generation-recombination noise spectra with near temperature independent relaxation times. This noise is attributed to g-r processes in the 2D electron gas. For the TEGFET structures, we observe several Lorentzian g-r noise components which have strongly temperature dependent relaxation times. This noise is attributed to trapping processes in the doped AlGaAs layer. The trap level energies are determined from an Arrhenius plot of log (τT2) versus 1/T as well as from the plateau values. The theory to interpret these measurements and to extract the defect level data is reviewed and further developed. Good agreement with the data is found for all reported devices. ^


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We consider the suppression of spatiotemporal chaos in the complex GinzburgLandau equation by a combined global and local time-delay feedback. Feedback terms are implemented as a control scheme, i.e., they are proportional to the difference between the time-delayed state of the system and its current state. We perform a linear stability analysis of uniform oscillations with respect to space-dependent perturbations and compare with numerical simulations. Similarly, for the fixed-point solution that corresponds to amplitude death in the spatially extended system, a linear stability analysis with respect to space-dependent perturbations is performed and complemented by numerical simulations. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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My dissertation has three chapters which develop and apply microeconometric tech- niques to empirically relevant problems. All the chapters examines the robustness issues (e.g., measurement error and model misspecification) in the econometric anal- ysis. The first chapter studies the identifying power of an instrumental variable in the nonparametric heterogeneous treatment effect framework when a binary treat- ment variable is mismeasured and endogenous. I characterize the sharp identified set for the local average treatment effect under the following two assumptions: (1) the exclusion restriction of an instrument and (2) deterministic monotonicity of the true treatment variable in the instrument. The identification strategy allows for general measurement error. Notably, (i) the measurement error is nonclassical, (ii) it can be endogenous, and (iii) no assumptions are imposed on the marginal distribution of the measurement error, so that I do not need to assume the accuracy of the measure- ment. Based on the partial identification result, I provide a consistent confidence interval for the local average treatment effect with uniformly valid size control. I also show that the identification strategy can incorporate repeated measurements to narrow the identified set, even if the repeated measurements themselves are endoge- nous. Using the the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972, I demonstrate that my new methodology can produce nontrivial bounds for the return to college attendance when attendance is mismeasured and endogenous.

The second chapter, which is a part of a coauthored project with Federico Bugni, considers the problem of inference in dynamic discrete choice problems when the structural model is locally misspecified. We consider two popular classes of estimators for dynamic discrete choice models: K-step maximum likelihood estimators (K-ML) and K-step minimum distance estimators (K-MD), where K denotes the number of policy iterations employed in the estimation problem. These estimator classes include popular estimators such as Rust (1987)’s nested fixed point estimator, Hotz and Miller (1993)’s conditional choice probability estimator, Aguirregabiria and Mira (2002)’s nested algorithm estimator, and Pesendorfer and Schmidt-Dengler (2008)’s least squares estimator. We derive and compare the asymptotic distributions of K- ML and K-MD estimators when the model is arbitrarily locally misspecified and we obtain three main results. In the absence of misspecification, Aguirregabiria and Mira (2002) show that all K-ML estimators are asymptotically equivalent regardless of the choice of K. Our first result shows that this finding extends to a locally misspecified model, regardless of the degree of local misspecification. As a second result, we show that an analogous result holds for all K-MD estimators, i.e., all K- MD estimator are asymptotically equivalent regardless of the choice of K. Our third and final result is to compare K-MD and K-ML estimators in terms of asymptotic mean squared error. Under local misspecification, the optimally weighted K-MD estimator depends on the unknown asymptotic bias and is no longer feasible. In turn, feasible K-MD estimators could have an asymptotic mean squared error that is higher or lower than that of the K-ML estimators. To demonstrate the relevance of our asymptotic analysis, we illustrate our findings using in a simulation exercise based on a misspecified version of Rust (1987) bus engine problem.

The last chapter investigates the causal effect of the Omnibus Budget Reconcil- iation Act of 1993, which caused the biggest change to the EITC in its history, on unemployment and labor force participation among single mothers. Unemployment and labor force participation are difficult to define for a few reasons, for example, be- cause of marginally attached workers. Instead of searching for the unique definition for each of these two concepts, this chapter bounds unemployment and labor force participation by observable variables and, as a result, considers various competing definitions of these two concepts simultaneously. This bounding strategy leads to partial identification of the treatment effect. The inference results depend on the construction of the bounds, but they imply positive effect on labor force participa- tion and negligible effect on unemployment. The results imply that the difference- in-difference result based on the BLS definition of unemployment can be misleading

due to misclassification of unemployment.


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In this thesis, novel analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog generalized time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators are designed, analysed, evaluated and implemented that are suitable for high performance data conversion for a broad-spectrum of applications. These generalized time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators can perform noise-shaping for any centre frequency from DC to Nyquist. The proposed topologies are well-suited for Butterworth, Chebyshev, inverse-Chebyshev and elliptical filters, where designers have the flexibility of specifying the centre frequency, bandwidth as well as the passband and stopband attenuation parameters. The application of the time-interleaving approach, in combination with these bandpass loop-filters, not only overcomes the limitations that are associated with conventional and mid-band resonator-based bandpass sigma-delta modulators, but also offers an elegant means to increase the conversion bandwidth, thereby relaxing the need to use faster or higher-order sigma-delta modulators. A step-by-step design technique has been developed for the design of time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators. Using this technique, an assortment of lower- and higher-order single- and multi-path generalized A/D variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators were designed, evaluated and compared in terms of their signal-to-noise ratios, hardware complexity, stability, tonality and sensitivity for ideal and non-ideal topologies. Extensive behavioural-level simulations verified that one of the proposed topologies not only used fewer coefficients but also exhibited greater robustness to non-idealties. Furthermore, second-, fourth- and sixth-order single- and multi-path digital variable bandpass digital sigma-delta modulators are designed using this technique. The mathematical modelling and evaluation of tones caused by the finite wordlengths of these digital multi-path sigmadelta modulators, when excited by sinusoidal input signals, are also derived from first principles and verified using simulation and experimental results. The fourth-order digital variable-band sigma-delta modulator topologies are implemented in VHDL and synthesized on Xilinx® SpartanTM-3 Development Kit using fixed-point arithmetic. Circuit outputs were taken via RS232 connection provided on the FPGA board and evaluated using MATLAB routines developed by the author. These routines included the decimation process as well. The experiments undertaken by the author further validated the design methodology presented in the work. In addition, a novel tunable and reconfigurable second-order variable bandpass sigma-delta modulator has been designed and evaluated at the behavioural-level. This topology offers a flexible set of choices for designers and can operate either in single- or dual-mode enabling multi-band implementations on a single digital variable bandpass sigma-delta modulator. This work is also supported by a novel user-friendly design and evaluation tool that has been developed in MATLAB/Simulink that can speed-up the design, evaluation and comparison of analog and digital single-stage and time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators. This tool enables the user to specify the conversion type, topology, loop-filter type, path number and oversampling ratio.


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In this paper, we consider the secure beamforming design for an underlay cognitive radio multiple-input singleoutput broadcast channel in the presence of multiple passive eavesdroppers. Our goal is to design a jamming noise (JN) transmit strategy to maximize the secrecy rate of the secondary system. By utilizing the zero-forcing method to eliminate the interference caused by JN to the secondary user, we study the joint optimization of the information and JN beamforming for secrecy rate maximization of the secondary system while satisfying all the interference power constraints at the primary users, as well as the per-antenna power constraint at the secondary transmitter. For an optimal beamforming design, the original problem is a nonconvex program, which can be reformulated as a convex program by applying the rank relaxation method. To this end, we prove that the rank relaxation is tight and propose a barrier interior-point method to solve the resulting saddle point problem based on a duality result. To find the global optimal solution, we transform the considered problem into an unconstrained optimization problem. We then employ Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method to solve the resulting unconstrained problem which helps reduce the complexity significantly, compared to conventional methods. Simulation results show the fast convergence of the proposed algorithm and substantial performance improvements over existing approaches.


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An optimal day-ahead scheduling method (ODSM) for the integrated urban energy system (IUES) is introduced, which considers the reconfigurable capability of an electric distribution network. The hourly topology of a distribution network, a natural gas network, the energy centers including the combined heat and power (CHP) units, different energy conversion devices and demand responsive loads (DRLs), are optimized to minimize the day-ahead operation cost of the IUES. The hourly reconfigurable capability of the electric distribution network utilizing remotely controlled switches (RCSs) is explored and discussed. The operational constraints from the unbalanced three-phase electric distribution network, the natural gas network, and the energy centers are considered. The interactions between the electric distribution network and the natural gas network take place through conversion of energy among different energy vectors in the energy centers. An energy conversion analysis model for the energy center was developed based on the energy hub model. A hybrid optimization method based on genetic algorithm (GA) and a nonlinear interior point method (IPM) is utilized to solve the ODSM model. Numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed ODSM is able to provide the IUES with an effective and economical day-ahead scheduling scheme and reduce the operational cost of the IUES.


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We consider a linear precoder design for an underlay cognitive radio multiple-input multiple-output broadcast channel, where the secondary system consisting of a secondary base-station (BS) and a group of secondary users (SUs) is allowed to share the same spectrum with the primary system. All the transceivers are equipped with multiple antennas, each of which has its own maximum power constraint. Assuming zero-forcing method to eliminate the multiuser interference, we study the sum rate maximization problem for the secondary system subject to both per-antenna power constraints at the secondary BS and the interference power constraints at the primary users. The problem of interest differs from the ones studied previously that often assumed a sum power constraint and/or single antenna employed at either both the primary and secondary receivers or the primary receivers. To develop an efficient numerical algorithm, we first invoke the rank relaxation method to transform the considered problem into a convex-concave problem based on a downlink-uplink result. We then propose a barrier interior-point method to solve the resulting saddle point problem. In particular, in each iteration of the proposed method we find the Newton step by solving a system of discrete-time Sylvester equations, which help reduce the complexity significantly, compared to the conventional method. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate fast convergence and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 


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[EN]The Mediterranean dietary pattern, through a healthy profile of fat intake, low proportion of carbohydrate, low glycemic index, high content of dietary fiber, antioxidant compounds, and anti-inflammatory effects, reduces the risk of certain pathologies, such as cancer or Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). Nutritional adequacy is the comparison between the nutrient requirement and the intake of a certain individual or population. In population groups, the prevalence of nutrient inadequacy can be assessed by the probability approach or using the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) cut-point method


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The quotient of a finite-dimensional Euclidean space by a finite linear group inherits different structures from the initial space, e.g. a topology, a metric and a piecewise linear structure. The question when such a quotient is a manifold leads to the study of finite groups generated by reflections and rotations, i.e. by orthogonal transformations whose fixed point subspace has codimension one or two. We classify such groups and thereby complete earlier results by M. A. Mikhaîlova from the 70s and 80s. Moreover, we show that a finite group is generated by reflections and) rotations if and only if the corresponding quotient is a Lipschitz-, or equivalently, a piecewise linear manifold (with boundary). For the proof of this statement we show in addition that each piecewise linear manifold of dimension up to four on which a finite group acts by piecewise linear homeomorphisms admits a compatible smooth structure with respect to which the group acts smoothly. This solves a challenge by Thurston and confirms a conjecture by Kwasik and Lee. In the topological category a counterexample to the above mentioned characterization is given by the binary icosahedral group. We show that this is the only counterexample up to products. In particular, we answer the question by Davis of when the underlying space of an orbifold is a topological manifold. As a corollary of our results we generalize a fixed point theorem by Steinberg on unitary reflection groups to finite groups generated by reflections and rotations. As an application thereof we answer a question by Petrunin on quotients of spheres.


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This thesis deals with tensor completion for the solution of multidimensional inverse problems. We study the problem of reconstructing an approximately low rank tensor from a small number of noisy linear measurements. New recovery guarantees, numerical algorithms, non-uniform sampling strategies, and parameter selection algorithms are developed. We derive a fixed point continuation algorithm for tensor completion and prove its convergence. A restricted isometry property (RIP) based tensor recovery guarantee is proved. Probabilistic recovery guarantees are obtained for sub-Gaussian measurement operators and for measurements obtained by non-uniform sampling from a Parseval tight frame. We show how tensor completion can be used to solve multidimensional inverse problems arising in NMR relaxometry. Algorithms are developed for regularization parameter selection, including accelerated k-fold cross-validation and generalized cross-validation. These methods are validated on experimental and simulated data. We also derive condition number estimates for nonnegative least squares problems. Tensor recovery promises to significantly accelerate N-dimensional NMR relaxometry and related experiments, enabling previously impractical experiments. Our methods could also be applied to other inverse problems arising in machine learning, image processing, signal processing, computer vision, and other fields.