976 resultados para final degree project
Este documento presenta las mejoras y las extensiones introducidas en la herramienta de visualización del modelo predictivo del comportamiento del estudiante o Student Behavior Predictor Viewer (SBPV), implementada en un trabajo anterior. El modelo predictivo del comportamiento del estudiante es parte de un sistema inteligente de tutoría, y se construye a partir de los registros de actividad de los estudiantes en un laboratorio virtual 3D, como el Laboratorio Virtual de Biotecnología Agroforestal, implementado en un trabajo anterior, y cuyos registros de actividad de los estudiantes se han utilizado para validar este trabajo fin de grado. El SBPV es una herramienta para visualizar una representación gráfica 2D del grafo extendido asociado con cualquiera de los clusters del modelo predictivo del estudiante. Además de la visualización del grafo extendido, el SBPV controla la navegación a través del grafo por medio del navegador web. Más concretamente, el SBPV permite al usuario moverse a través del grafo, ampliar o reducir el zoom del gráfico o buscar un determinado estado. Además, el SBPV también permite al usuario modificar el diseño predeterminado del grafo en la pantalla al cambiar la posición de los estados con el ratón. Como parte de este trabajo fin de grado, se han corregido errores existentes en la versión anterior y se han introducido una serie de mejoras en el rendimiento y la usabilidad. En este sentido, se han implementado nuevas funcionalidades, tales como la visualización del modelo de comportamiento de cada estudiante individualmente o la posibilidad de elegir el método de clustering para crear el modelo predictivo del estudiante; así como ha sido necesario rediseñar la interfaz de usuario cambiando el tipo de estructuras gráficas con que se muestran los elementos del modelo y mejorando la visualización del grafo al interaccionar el usuario con él. Todas estas mejoras se explican detenidamente en el presente documento.---ABSTRACT---This document presents the improvements and extensions made to the visualization tool Student Behavior Predictor Viewer (SBPV), implemented in a previous job. The student behavior predictive model is part of an intelligent tutoring system, and is built from the records of students activity in a 3D virtual laboratory, like the “Virtual Laboratory of Agroforestry Biotechnology” implemented in a previous work, and whose records of students activity have been used to validate this final degree work. The SBPV is a tool for visualizing a 2D graphical representation of the extended graph associated with any of the clusters of the student predictive model. Apart from visualizing the extended graph, the SBPV supports the navigation across the graph by means of desktop devices. More precisely, the SBPV allows user to move through the graph, to zoom in/out the graphic or to locate a given state. In addition, the SBPV also allows user to modify the default layout of the graph on the screen by changing the position of the states by means of the mouse. As part of this work, some bugs of the previous version have been fixed and some enhancements have been implemented to improve the performance and the usability. In this sense, we have implemented new features, such as the display of the model behavior of only one student or the possibility of selecting the clustering method to create the student predictive model; as well as it was necessary to redesign the user interface changing the type of graphic structures that show model elements and improving the rendering of the graph when the user interacts with it. All these improvements are explained in detail in the next sections.
Dada la amplia información que rodea el dominio de programas de estudios superiores, específicamente los estudios de grado, este trabajo fin de grado propone la construcción de un modelo para representar dicha información mediante la construcción de una red de ontologías, proporcionando una definición común de conceptos importantes, y que posteriormente puede ser reutilizada para la construcción de aplicaciones que ayuden a las partes interesadas, como, estudiantes, personal académico y administrativo, a la búsqueda y acceso de información oportuna. Para la construcción de esta red de ontologías, se siguen las recomendaciones y pautas propuestas por la metodología NeOn [1a] [1b], que sigue un paradigma basado en la reutilización de recursos de conocimiento. Por otra parte, se realiza una populación de dicha red de ontologías mediante datos específicos del grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. La construcción de una red de ontologías siguiendo las directrices de la metodología NeOn requiere la realización de distintas actividades y tareas, como el estudio del dominio, estudio de la viabilidad, especificación de requisitos, conceptualización, formalización, implementación y mantenimiento. Se realizan también muchas otras actividades y tareas dependiendo del contexto en el que se construye la ontología. En este proyecto se hace un especial énfasis en las actividades de especificación de requisitos, conceptualización e implementación, además de la actividad de búsqueda de recursos ontológicos para su posterior reutilización. Se ha construido una red de ontologías llamada: European Bachelor Degree Ontology (EBDO) que incluye términos y conceptos importantes que se han detectado en la etapa de especificación de requisitos y que las ontologías a reutilizar no contemplan. Las decisiones de diseño para la construcción de esta nueva red de ontologías y su alineamiento con las ontologías a reutilizar se han basado en la especificación de requisitos ontológicos. Una vez definidos los conceptos relevantes de la red de ontologías, se ha implementado la red de ontologías en un lenguaje computable. Una vez que la red de ontologías se ha implementado se han realizado tareas de evaluación para corregir posible errores. Finalmente, cuando se ha obtenido una versión estable de la ontología, se ha realizado la instanciación de individuos del plan de estudios del grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.---ABSTRACT---Given the extensive information surrounding the domain of higher education programs, specifically bachelor degree studies, this bachelor degree project proposes the construction of a model to represent this information by building an ontology network, providing a common definition of important concepts. This network can be reused to build semantic applications that help stakeholders, such as, students, academic and organisational staff, to search and access to timely information. For the construction of this network of ontologies, guidelines and recommendations proposed by the NeOn Methodology [1a] [1b] have been followed. This methodology follows a paradigm based on the reuse of knowledge resources. Moreover, a population of this ontology network is performed with specific data of the Computer Science Degree from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Building a network of ontologies following the guidelines of the NeOn Methodology requires the completion of various activities and tasks such as, the study of the domain, study of the feasibility, requirements specification, conceptualization, formalization, implementation and maintenance. Many other activities and tasks are also performed depending on the context in which the ontology is built. In this project a special emphasis is made on the activities of requirements specification, conceptualization and search of ontological resources for reuse and implementation. A new network of ontologies, named European Bachelor Degree Ontology (EBDO), has been built. This network includes terms and concepts that have been detected at the stage of requirements specification and that the reused ontologies have not contemplated. Design principles for the construction of this new network of ontologies and for the reused ontologies alignment have been based on the ontological specification requirements. Once the relevant concepts of the ontology network are defined, the network has been implemented in a computable ontology language. Once the network ontology is implemented, the evaluation activity has been conducted to correct the errors that the network presented. Finally, when a stable version of the ontology has been obtained, the instantiation of individuals of the study program of the Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has been performed.
El litoral ha constituido a lo largo de la historia una importante fuente de recursos económicos además de un punto estratégico para la defensa del territorio. El comercio, la pesca o la industria de la sal han propiciado la formación de poblaciones y ciudades al borde del mar. La costa funcionó como un ámbito defensivo, peligroso e insalubre durante siglos donde el mar modulaba el frente costero sin grandes interacciones con un entorno prácticamente deshabitado. A mediados del siglo XIX, las innovaciones técnicas y la pacificación definitiva del Mediterráneo permiten poner en valor sus características naturales y de oportunidad. Sin perder del todo su valor defensivo, el litoral resurge como recurso productivo y como lugar de ocio y disfrute de la población. El valor estratégico de la costa quedará también reflejado en el marco normativo. El derecho civil moderno recuperará el concepto de Dominio público Marítimo Terrestre a través de la Ley de Aguas de 1866 que regulará también los usos y las limitaciones en la propiedad privada litoral. Desde ese momento, las transformaciones económicas, sociales, jurídicas y ambientales van a provocar un cambio significativo en la relación entre la sociedad y la costa que dará paso a la construcción del espacio litoral que hemos heredado. Desde la triple perspectiva del litoral como sistema físico ambiental, sistema económico, productivo y cultural, y sistema administrativo y legal, el principal objetivo de la tesis será reconstruir el proceso de transformación del litoral consecuencia de la evolución en la forma de producción del espacio, de área defensiva a recurso productivo, y desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta principios del siglo XXI. Sin embargo, la construcción del litoral no ha sido homogénea ni constante a lo largo del tiempo. Ha estado sujeta a los distintos vaivenes económicos y sociales pero también a los cambios en el modelo territorial definido por el marco legal vigente, así como a los reajustes del propio sistema físico. Como instrumento sociopolítico, el marco legal regula las presiones del sistema económico sobre el medio, apostando por una visión frente a otra, y posibilitando el grado de transformación final. Así, el conocimiento sobre el territorio en el que se interviene y la definición del modelo de litoral por parte de los poderes públicos irán configurando el espacio físico, económico y social desarrollado en la costa. Para la reconstrucción del proceso de construcción del litoral, la tesis define cuatro fases diferentes y aplica las hipótesis y la metodología a la costa de Cartagena. Se presenta gráficamente la evolución en los tres sistemas en cada una de las fases, y se recompone el relato histórico a través de los hitos más relevantes para el proceso. En cada una de las fases, el nuevo modelo intentará dar respuesta a todo aquello que no funcionó o se quedó a medias en el periodo anterior. Las crisis económicas provocan la ralentización de la actividad productiva y, consecuentemente, de las transformaciones en el territorio. Servirán para establecer, en principio, un cambio de paradigma en la lectura y gestión del litoral que acabará traduciéndose en un nuevo texto legislativo en materia de costas (1969, 1988 y 2013). La reforma de la normativa responde a una nueva forma de entender, ordenar, gestionar e intervenir en el territorio, donde se modulan las pautas pero también la intensidad en la intervención. Pero nace condicionada por el litoral heredado: los derechos generados durante la vigencia del marco legal anterior; el modelo económico y sus presiones y expectativas sobre el litoral; y el medio físico en el que se acumulan los procesos de degradación no resueltos y los nuevos riesgos. Así, las conclusiones de la tesis ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de una visión compleja e integral sobre el litoral, en la que el urbanismo y la ordenación del territorio serán fundamentales para afrontar los nuevos retos en su construcción a futuro. ABSTRACT The littoral has been throughout history an important source of economic resources and a strategic point for the defense of territory. Trade, fishing or salt industry have led to the formation of towns and cities on the edge of the sea. The coast served as a defensive, dangerous and unhealthy place where the sea modulated for centuries the waterfront without major interactions with a virtually uninhabited environment. In the mid-nineteenth century, technical innovations and the final pacification of the Mediterranean allowed to value its natural features and opportunities. Without entirely losing its defensive value, the coast emerges as a productive resource and as a place of leisure and enjoyment of people. The strategic value of the coast will also be reflected in the legal framework. The concept of maritime-terrestrial public domain will be recovered by the modern civil law and the law of waters of 1866 governs the uses and limitations of private ownership of the coast. Since then, the economic, social, legal and environmental changes will to cause a significant change in the relationship between society and the coast that will give way to the construction of littoral space inherited. From the triple perspective of the littoral as a physical environmental system, an economic, productive and cultural system, and an administrative and legal system, the main objective of the thesis is to rebuild its process of transformation, as a result of the evolution in the way that space is produced, from defensive zone to productive resource, and from the middle of the nineteenth century until the beginning of the twenty-first century. However, the construction of the coast has not been uniform nor constant over time. It has been subject to different economic and social fluctuations and also to changes in the territorial model defined by the legal framework in force, as well as to readjustments of the physical system itself. As socio-political instrument, the legal framework regulates the pressure of the economic system on the environment, it bets on a vision over another and facilitates the final degree of transformation. Thus, the knowledge on the territory that is being intervened and the definition of the model of shoreline by public authorities will configure the physical, economic and social space developed on the coast. For the reconstruction of the littoral building process, the thesis defines four different phases and applies the hypothesis and methodology to the coast of Cartagena. It introduces graphically the evolution of the three systems in each of the phases and it recomposes the historical account through of the most important milestones for the process. In each phase, the new model will attempt to answer everything that did not work or was half in the previous period. Economic crises cause a slowdown in productive activity and, consequently, in the changes of territory. They serve to establish, in principle, a paradigm shift for reading and managing the littoral, eventually resulting in new legal texts on coasts matter (1969, 1988 and 2013). The reform of legislation responds to a new way for understanding, arranging, managing and intervening on the territory, where the guidelines and also the intervention intensity are modulated. But it is born conditioned by the inherited coast: the rights generated under previous legal framework; the economic model and its pressures and expectations on the littoral; and the physical environment which accumulates degradation processes unresolved and new risks. Thus, the thesis conclusions highlight the need for a complex and comprehensive view on the littoral, where urban planning and land-use planning will be key to meet the future challenges in its construction.
Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) induces ventral mesoderm but represses dorsal mesoderm formation in Xenopus embryos. We show that BMP-4 inhibits two signaling pathways regulating dorsal mesoderm formation, the induction of dorsal mesoderm (Spemann organizer) and the dorsalization of ventral mesoderm. Ectopic expression of BMP-4 RNA reduces goosecoid and forkhead-1 transcription in whole embryos and in activin-treated animal cap explants. Embryos and animal caps overexpressing BMP-4 transcribe high levels of genes expressed in ventral mesoderm (Xbra, Xwnt-8, Xpo, Mix.1, XMyoD). The Spemann organizer is ventralized in these embryos; abnormally high levels of Xwnt-8 mRNA and low levels of goosecoid mRNA are detected in the organizer. In addition, the organizer loses the ability to dorsalize neighboring ventral marginal zone to muscle. Overexpression of BMP-4 in ventral mesoderm inhibits its response to dorsalization signals. Ventral marginal zone explants ectopically expressing BMP-4 form less muscle when treated with soluble noggin protein or when juxtaposed to a normal Spemann organizer in comparison to control explants. Endogenous BMP-4 transcripts are downregulated in ventral marginal zone explants dorsalized by noggin, in contrast to untreated explants. Thus, while BMP-4 inhibits noggin protein activity, noggin downregulates BMP-4 expression by dorsalizing ventral marginal zone to muscle. Noggin and BMP-4 activities may control the lateral extent of dorsalization within the marginal zone. Competition between these two molecules may determine the final degree of muscle formation in the marginal zone, thus defining the border between dorsolateral and ventral mesoderm.
"Issued: July 31, 1963"--Cover ; "January 1963"--Title page.
"Issued: May 15, 1963"--Cover ; "December 1962"--Title page.
"Prepared for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission."
Final report Project W-22-R, Job IV-A.
At head of title: Final report, Project TUN.
"Final report: project E-3."
The purpose behind this case study is to share with a wider audience of placement officers, tutors and those who are involved in the management of placement students or employment of graduates, the approach taken to encourage reflective learning in undergraduate placement students at Aston Business School. Reflective learning forms an important foundation of the placement year at Aston Business School, where a professional placement is a mandatory element of the four year degree, for all Home/EU students (optional for International students) who are taking a Single Honours degree (i.e. a fully business programme). The placement year is not compulsory for those students taking a Combined Honours degree (i.e. a degree where two unrelated subjects are studied), although approximately 50% of those students taking an Aston Business School subject opt to take a placement year. Students spend their year out undertaking a ‘proper’ job within a company or public sector organisation. They are normally paid a reasonable salary for their work (in 2004/5 the average advertised salary was £13,700 per annum). The placement year is assessed, carrying credits which amount to a contribution of 10% towards the students’ final degree. The assessment methods used require the students to submit an academic essay relating theory to practice, a factual report about the company which can be of use to future students, and a log book, the latter being the reflective piece of work. Encouragement to reflect on the placement year has always been an important feature of Aston Business School’s approach to learning. More recently, however, feedback from employers indicated that, although our students have excellent employability skills, “they do not think about them” (Aston Business School Advisory Panel, 2001). We, therefore, began some activities which would encourage students to go beyond the mere acquisition of skills and knowledge. This work became the basis of a programme of introductions to reflective learning, mentoring and awareness of different learning styles written up in Higson and Jones (2002). The idea was to get students used to the idea of reflection on their experiences well before they entered the placement year.
Aim To undertake a national study of teaching, learning and assessment in UK schools of pharmacy. Design Triangulation of course documentation, 24 semi-structured interviews undertaken with 29 representatives from the schools and a survey of all final year students (n=1,847) in the 15 schools within the UK during 2003–04. Subjects and setting All established UK pharmacy schools and final year MPharm students. Outcome measures Data were combined and analysed under the topics of curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, multi-professional teaching and learning, placement education and research projects. Results Professional accreditation was the main driver for curriculum design but links to preregistration training were poor. Curricula were consistent but offered little student choice. On average half the curriculum was science-based. Staff supported the science content but students less so. Courses were didactic but schools were experimenting with new methods of learning. Examinations were the principal form of assessment but the contribution of practice to the final degree ranged considerably (21–63%). Most students considered the assessment load to be about right but with too much emphasis upon knowledge. Assessment of professional competence was focused upon dispensing and pharmacy law. All schools undertook placement teaching in hospitals but there was little in community/primary care. There was little inter-professional education. Resources and logistics were the major limiters. Conclusions There is a need for an integrated review of the accreditation process for the MPharm and preregistration training and redefinition of professional competence at an undergraduate level.
We report a theoretical study and simulations of a novel fiber-spin tailoring technique to suppress the polarization impairments, namely polarization mode dispersion and polarization dependent gain (PDG), in fiber Raman amplifiers. Whereas use of depolarizer or multiplexing pump laser diodes with a final degree of pump polarization of 1% for periodically spun fiber results in PDG of about 0.3 dB, we demonstrate that application of just a two-section fiber (where the first part is short and has no spin, and the second one is periodically spun) can reduce the PDG to as low as below 0.1 dB.
I am afraid that I need to challenge the assertion made by Rachel Airley in her letter (PJ, 10 March 2012, p308) that “there is no clear cut evidence that UCAS points obtained at school have any bearing on final degree performance”. Research from the Higher Education Funding Council for England — the body responsible for the distribution of funding to universities in England — shows that educational attainment before entry to higher education (ie, A-level grades) is the most important factor in determining academic success on undergraduate degree programmes.1,2 Indeed, research I have recently conducted on a cohort of MPharm students at Aston University (which will hopefully be published in a peer-reviewed academic journal shortly) demonstrates a strong positive correlation between UCAS Tariff points per A-level and final degree classification. As Dr Airley highlights in her letter, competition for places on MPharm programmes remains fierce and, in response to high levels of demand, her own institution has increased its standard entry offer. If UCAS Tariff points have little predictive ability of performance on the MPharm programme then, aside from minimising the administrative burden that the admissions process places on an institution, what is the logic behind increasing standard entry offers?