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A avaliacão do projecto do recursos hidricos do Tarrafal (Cabo Verde ) tem por base dois objectivos: 1) Cumprir as obrigag8es do contrato, o qual roquor uwa avaliação.o final, a 2) Sujeitar-se aon requisitos da CID pars a avaliação final. Desta formal a extenslo deta avaliaqlo 6 male quo ura simples rovialo, reopondendo a obrigaqos do contracto. Esta avaliagKot tern por fim estimar a forma coo o projecto atinglu ou doixou do atingir os objectivos propostos. An recomendaga4s quo safram desta avalia qio dovem sorvir para melhorar os projectos om andamento quo integram no sistema da CID. Ambos o fundos da CID o do contracto foram utilizados nesta avaliaqlo Os pontos apresentados nests documento slo da equipe do avaliaqlo o n~o representan necessariamente 0s da Administraqlo o/ou do Executivo da CID. B. A.VLICrUi)Z DA Ai1ALIAj!O Todo o projecto do Recurnos Hfdricos do Tarrafal eat inserido dontro do pris1m desta avalia.lo. Zbora outrou relatdrios tenham servido do fontes do infor=qlo, a proeantj oxamina o projecto dead. o porfodo da preparaqEo at o trmino C. EQU!!' DE AYALIACKO A equioe roi Joloeada polo Dean ( tipo do reitor do faculdads )# Director da Cemara don Adminintradoras da CID Dr. drnont Briskoyp o polo Director do Executivo, Dr. John L. Fiecher. A avaliaqgo foi orientada pole repartiglo do Executivo da CID. 0 Dr. Barry Re. Baintonp agents director do projectop coordenou o processo do avaliaqEo. 0 Dr. Gerald 3stlockq director do programus Internacionais do agricultura na Universidade do Arizonap foi selocionado coo lider da equips . 0 Dr. Howard Peterson, professor do agriculture • ongenharia do irrgaqIo da Universidade do Utah, foi selecionado coma segundo mumbro da equips. 0 Dr. Peterson ji tinha cumprido dues misses no projecto em Cabo Verde. 0 Dr. Jean Ruley Kearns, conselheiro director da CID no poriodo do 1982-83p fot selecionado comc sondo o tarceiro membro da equipe. D. ATODO DE AVALIAQXO Os pianos proliminares para conduzir a avaliaqo foram feitos numa rounibo inicial em Tucson ( Arizona ) a 5 do novembro do 1982. Nessa rounilo foi deci dido quo o Dr. Matlock visitaria o projecto durante o afs do novembro do 1982. A visita fot planojada do forma a coincidir com a presenga do Kern Stutlor, director coordenador do projectop quo devoria astar am Cabo lirde nessa data co.mpletando os trabalho a preparando o relat6rio final. Uma c6pia do Procasio do Avaliaglo pola AID assim como cdpias do relatdrios anteriores a outros docunontos rolevantea foram diatribufdos aos membros da equips duranto a reunigo inicial. Oa docu ientos examinados polos membros da equip. encontram-se listados na secção /III, Referiencias
I discuss the identifiability of a structural New Keynesian Phillips curve when it is embedded in a small scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. Identification problems emerge because not all the structural parameters are recoverable from the semi-structural ones and because the objective functions I consider are poorly behaved. The solution and the moment mappings are responsible for the problems.
On April 27, 2007, Iowa Governor Chet Culver signed Senate File 485, a bill related to greenhouse gas emissions. Part of this bill created the Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council (ICCAC), which consists of 23 governor-appointed members from various stakeholder groups, and 4 nonvoting, ex officio members from the General Assembly. ICCAC’s immediate responsibilities included submitting a proposal to the Governor and General Assembly that addresses policies, cost-effective strategies, and multiple scenarios designed to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions. Further, a preliminary report was submitted in January 2008, with a final proposal submitted in December 2008. In the Final Report, the Council presents two scenarios designed to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and 90% from a 2005 baseline by the year 2050. For the 50% reduction by 2050, the Council recommends approximately a 1% reduction by 2012 and an 11% reduction by 2020. For the 90% reduction scenario, the Council recommends a 3% reduction by 2012 and a 22% reduction 2020. These interim targets were based on a simple extrapolation assuming a linear rate of reduction between now and 2050. In providing these scenarios for your consideration, ICCAC approved 56 policy options from a large number of possibilities. There are more than enough options to reach the interim and final emission targets in both the 50% and 90% reduction scenarios. Direct costs and cost savings of these policy options were also evaluated with the help of The Center for Climate Strategies, who facilitated the process and provided technical assistance throughout the entire process, and who developed the Iowa Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Forecast in close consultation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and many Council and Sub-Committee members. About half of the policy options presented in this report will not only reduce GHG emissions but are highly cost-effective and will save Iowans money. Still other options may require significant investment but will create jobs, stimulate energy independence, and advance future regional or federal GHG programs.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Department of Transportation, goals and mission.
Miguel, Satyanath, and Sergenti (2004) argue that lowerrainfall levels and negative rainfall shocks increase conflictrisk in Sub-Saharan Africa. This conclusion rests on theirfinding of a negative correlation between conflict in t andrainfall growth between t-1 and t-2. I argue that this findingis driven by a positive correlation between conflict in t andrainfall levels in t-2. If lower rainfall levels or negativerainfall shocks increased conflict, one might have expectedMSS s finding to reflect a negative correlation betweenconflict in t and rainfall levels in t-1. In the latest data,conflict is unrelated to rainfall.
Recent years have seen a surge in mathematical modeling of the various aspects of neuron-astrocyte interactions, and the field of brain energy metabolism is no exception in that regard. Despite the advent of biophysical models in the field, the long-lasting debate on the role of lactate in brain energy metabolism is still unresolved. Quite the contrary, it has been ported to the world of differential equations. Here, we summarize the present state of this discussion from the modeler's point of view and bring some crucial points to the attention of the non-mathematically proficient reader.
Osteoporosis of elderly is a growing medical, economic and health-care problem. It is due to the increase of the life expectancy and the number of osteoporotic fractures. With the new Swiss-specific tool FRAX and the development of inpatients fracture trajectory, we can better identify patients with high risk of fracture. An appropriate treatment can be proposed more quickly. The follow-up of bone markers increases the treatment efficiency. With a better identification, treatment and follow-up of osteoporosis of elderly patients, we can ameliorate the patient's quality of life and decrease the number of osteoporotic fractures with a good cost-effectiveness ratio.
On February 17, 2009, Governor Culver signed Executive Order No. 11 to create a Task Force on Dependent Adults with Mental Retardation. The executive order charges the Task Force with the responsibility of recommending steps to strengthen and improve state laws and regulations on the care and treatment of dependent adults with mental retardation. The Final Report includes recommendations that establish or improve systems of coordination between government entities. The report includes a series of proposals from the Department of Human Services (DHS) that redesign the adult abuse assessment process that are necessary for long-term reform. Included in them is a proposal to enhance a community’s capacity to provide a safety net of services, as well as formal and informal supports for vulnerable adults through partnerships among multiple local stakeholders.